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5 Centimeters per Second
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Oct 2, 2008 8:44 PM

Jul 2008
i loved the artwork, the environments were simply stunning :p
nuff said, i cried in the end >.>
Oct 4, 2008 7:39 PM

May 2007
Omg... the ending was so sad! x__x'
Animation was outstanding and extraordinary AND AWESOME!!! ^___^
10/10 :D YES.

Oct 8, 2008 5:26 PM

Aug 2008
Very good this movie!! A lastim the distance to finish with everything. But, I liked.
Oct 12, 2008 2:30 PM

Apr 2008
Finally watched this. dangg.. it was pretty crazy. but it did piss me off that the guy just wouldnt move on.. pretty depressing those last 2 episodes :/ .. but yeah, i think that the girl w/ the glasses is some other girl (not kanae) that started going out with him.. and they just broke up. i didnt cry.. i only cry when its something deeply sad and unexpected, but here.. the mood created was just wayyy too depressing, feel-bad-for depressing.. and the pace was a little too slow for me.. i liked the beginning of the first episode, it really grabbed my attention head on. you had to have a lot of patience during the part where his trains kept getting delayed.. i felt like shooting myself every time they had to show that. every other aspect was great though.. i watched this on bluray version, the animation is awesome.. music? i only noticed the BGM in the beginning.
Oct 15, 2008 7:17 PM

Jun 2007
anime_fan_800 said:
what everyone has stated is quite true. I really enjoyed this film. I think it hits you on a level that has not been done before. I teared up at the end it was just such a good story, and this is coming from a guy. Very few animes have made me tear up like this.
the art work in this is just phenomenal. The shots just gazing off into the distance has a somewhat Hayao Miyazaki feel to it. It just feels so real and just pulls you into the scene.

The music just melds so well with this. Its not way over the top or falling short. It hits that middle ground that just flows with the story. The closing song "One more time, one more chance" is just perfect. Every time i listen to it; it makes me tear up a little it is just so beautiful.

They are just so well done. you become attached to them. And you feel for them.

It may start out like every other anime but it goes off into a different direction so to say. Every one doesn't die in the end, but the main characters don't get together and live happily ever after either. It shows how often distance relationships don't last. It seemed as if when they were young the world brought them together to fall in love and then did everything in its power to keep them apart until they became adults. Takaki kept loving her as much as he did when he was younger but couldn't move on. He was dating a girl for 3 years but was still stuck in the past. But by the end you see he finally decides to move on and be happy. Akari managed to move on with time and was getting married.

At first i thought they would be together by the end of the film but they didn't at the end and that was OK. It shows that real life is not perfect and that their is hardly ever any happily ever afters in this world. That's what i loved about this film it was more real life, and not the same old fairy tale story.

In the end this film is a perfect 10 for me. Every aspect of it was perfect; story, music, etc. In the end this film is one every anime fan needs to see and experience for themselves.

!agrees with everything
the art, is there a need to say anything about it? <3
the music, oh yes, it fit perfectly. it was very well done with the flashbacks and I loved it that they used when he entered the convenient store.
as for characters, for me it goes:
tono > kanae > akari
I think there should have been more of akari's point of view. all I got is: when she is on the train and thinks about the dream that she had along with tono & in the pictures at the end, it shows that she was crying when writting the letter. and now she is suddenly engaged at the end! D: seriously needed an akari's viewpoint

I think the saddest thing is that, not only that they didnt get together at the end, but that tono<3 did not moved on until the very last second of the movie ;.;
so we got to see him sad/melancholy/depressed/etc for almost the whole entire time </3

this movie also gets a 10/10 from me, the only problem is that it didnt move me as much as I thought it would... I only tear a little when kanae realized that she couldnt give him what he wanted and she would still be in love with him. I dont know if its me, or if the movie needed to be a little but more emotional/deep...

anyway, isnt kanae's dog adorable or what? *o*
Oct 20, 2008 9:57 PM

Dec 2007
heart fulfilling ! best anime ive ever seen!

Oct 22, 2008 7:17 PM

Sep 2007
Faust721 said:
Now that the raw is out, i would like to give my thoughts on this as more and more people watch it (I watched it at AX earlier this month)

Waaah, it made Yoshiko-chan so mad...

It was short, but every episode came with a deep meaning.

Nov 11, 2008 8:43 AM

Nov 2007
wow, this animation is so perfect that all the details damage my eyes...

Anyway, beatiful story, really wierd characters in a way.. Must review this movie in distant future to understand some things better :P
Nov 26, 2008 1:29 PM

Apr 2008
Amazing. Beautiful. Like many people have said, this really protrays teenage romance well. Which is a pity.

But, DAMN, saddest ending ever.

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Nov 30, 2008 8:30 AM

Jan 2008
And there was I hopelesely looking for a sad anime (as lastly I didn't watch any of the kind) and now when I watched it I crave for a happy ending. Come on...

But, DAMN, saddest ending ever.


I loved and hated this. Sad endings that split lovers appart really make me feel down.



And yeah I MUST get my hands on Blue-Ray.
WerchielNov 30, 2008 8:52 AM
Dec 6, 2008 8:33 PM

Oct 2008
The movie was sweet at first but then turned sour as it went on... The message of the movie was very clear and deep and I loved this part about the movie, however I hated the ending. The song came on abruptly and I found myself thinking WTF just happened here.

The song was good though, but it was so unpredictable to come on at that point. I still enjoyed watching this movie but I still feel it could have been a lot better than it actually turned out to be. I wanted the cheesy ending lol, with them ending up together =P. I watched the blueray version. The animation and sounds were so dam good.

Final Rating 8/10.
Dec 6, 2008 9:25 PM

Jan 2008
You shouldnt downrate or hate a movie because it makes you sad or upset, maybe thats the intention of the movie, to elicit these feelings and make you question why you're feeling them in context of the genre and medium you're watching.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 11, 2008 6:57 AM

Jun 2008
What a sad movie :'(

It's one of the few movie that i truly enjoyed.
Dec 12, 2008 6:49 AM
Jul 2018
Dunno what to say, but I was honestly disappointed. I thought I'd cry and stuff but there wasnt enough drama with the last two chapters!!! I mean sure the ending was sad since they didnt get together but a lot of random stuff that aint needed were mixed in! ><

well practically everything i gotta say is said by this guy
Dec 13, 2008 9:30 PM

Nov 2008
I can't get over the fact that, when you look back on it, they never communicated after that meeting where they kissed. It's almost like they wanted to insulate that moment in their relationship.

So the ending in a way is fitting in that they were soul-mates entirely within a context that had, over the years, vanished. And they both knew it. Totally heartbreaking, especially when Touno-kun talks about what his heart had lost along the way.

Yeh, I cried. Shut up.

But honestly that ending "ballad" almost ruined it for me. Way too saccharine, even for this movie... I don't think it was a great call and lowered the score from a near perfect to more like 8/10 for me. Thankfully they ended it with the perfect scene.
FrohikeDec 13, 2008 9:34 PM
Dec 16, 2008 8:11 AM
Mar 2008
Man that made me want to throw up all over the place, the ending left me feeling like shit lol. The ending song ruined it as well. Would give it a 10 for sound and animation. After all that, they just move on and though the first parts felt long and really loved episode 1 and 2, but the ending just felt like a surprise gut punch.

All I can see is surfer chick lonely till the end not satisfied with any dude she comes across and drowning while surfing, Takaki dying of STDs or lung cancer in an elevator or convenience store, megane chick pregnant with Takaki's baby (text msg) leaving the kid with him and then letting douches take advantage of her all over the place, and Akari divorcing with an a-hole abusive husband being left to take care of future unsupporting kids and dying lonely of old age and thrown into a retirement home.

The smiles at the end were fake! I say none of them tried hard enough lol. Overall glad I got over with it. I'll move on lol.
WTFwasThatDec 16, 2008 8:24 AM
Dec 20, 2008 10:47 AM
Dec 2008
First of all, i loved every moment of it. The best part of it for me was the way the three episodes all explored the theme of unrequited love in totally different ways. Only when the three views are put together can you see the relationship for what it truly is.

The 3rd episode just ties it all together beautifully to my mind. It brings the tragedy of the story into sharp focus without diminishing the beauty of such a pure love.

There's nothing there which i would change.
Dec 30, 2008 5:39 AM
Jun 2008
Ahhh! I wish it had a happy ending! T_T

Despite that everything was perfect for me. =)

In the future, I am sure I'm going to watch others Makoto's masterpieces.
Dec 31, 2008 8:04 AM

Mar 2008
Wow, that was a really sad movie, it almost made be cry xD the art was extremely impressive though ^_^ too bad there was no Happy Ending, it was just a reality ending >_<
Jan 5, 2009 9:59 AM

Jul 2007
My thoughts on this.

All the episodes were amazingly well done. The animation was ( i think ) the best iv ever seen until now.The music/sound effects were beautiful as well.Lets go the sotry part now.

Episode 1. It started nice and it ended nice. But i have to say that all the journey in the train was boring and i couldnt stand hearing "sorry for the inconvenience" 3 times per minute... It was nice though.

Episode 2. My favourite episode. It was really good and it was meaningful as well. Although i wanted Tono to love Kanae.

Episode3.Meaningless.I just fail to understand it. Ok lets assume that its possibly to love someone that you havent seen for 7 years. Aside from that he had a gf that obviously didnt liked at all, a job that he didnt liked at all and in the end a life that didnt liked at all. So all we got in the final ep was that Tono could not live without Akari.

Yeah but seriously dont we deserve to learn what happened to him? I mean everyone is satisfied with the ending of them stay for ever apart. Its fine for me as well. But He was the main Char in this movie. He was at all 3 eps. We know that Akari got married and lived a happy life. What about him? Did he married? did he suicided? Did he returned to Kanae? Did he got another job? Did he had children?

We got absolutely no information at all about the main Chars future and that left me empty really.

dunno what the rest feel about it :S
Jan 26, 2009 3:27 PM

Nov 2008
About the ending, I personally loved it...especially the part with the song "One More Time, One More Chance". It was so sad because Takaki could never forget Akari even after all those years...until the very end that is. When he thinks he sees Akari crossing the railroad...he's hoping to see her one more time, but when she's not there he finally realizes that he has to move on, and smiles...

The lyrics were perfect, and the song itself really brought out the story. If you didn't read the lyrics to the song, I suggest you do >.<

Jan 30, 2009 2:49 PM

Mar 2008
zanmato666 said:
and then how she broke it off with him with a message and no speech

The one who "broke it off" was the woman with the glasses, not Akari. He and Akari never met nor spoke again.

Shezanur said:
we didn't really understand but it seemed like the Takaki was now in a depressed state with not alot of good happening, an Akari was engaged. Correct me if i was wrong there.

Basically, Akari moved on with her life and Takaki didn't. But his smile at the end tells me he already "accepted" the fact that they won't see each other again.

Kayrhandros said:
The second chapter introduces a second girl (don't recall her name.. and that's kinda bad since I just finished the movie), which in my view was totally unnecessary, and she completely disappears in the last chapter. Why was there a chapter told by her I still don't understand. If I look at the chapter alone, it's great, but IMO it didn't belong in the movie.

I think it wasn't that misplaced. You probably think it was unnecessary because there was no chapter about Akari. It was possible to create a chapter similar to the second but focusing on Akari instead of Takaki, this time to show how she lived her life after they got separated but, since he's the main character (and not her), I think it was not necessary.

OmegaJudgement said:
The women in the office was Kanae who finally confessed her love for Takaki. He turned her down since he was still expecting to go with Akari little does he know Akari has gotten engaged and when they meet for the next time she is going to tell him that.

What makes you think that was Kanae?
I think it is just some "random" woman. After all, after high school, he supposedly went to Tokyo for college and only knew that woman 3 years before present time (on present time he was already working so he met her in college, at the very least).
Jan 31, 2009 11:41 AM

Dec 2008
Oh no the video cranked up at 0:58 ; (

Ok here we go

The animation quality was absolutely awesome.
I've never seen such nice pictures in anime.

but I didn't like the story,there was nearly nothing in it.
It was not my taste
The interaction between the characters was also very loose in my opinion.

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Jan 31, 2009 1:46 PM

Apr 2008
Well... I just finished watching it. I'll admit it, I had a few tears drop at the very end. While watching the movie, I thought it was pretty normal; the plot, story except for the quality/music which was pretty good but the last 5 minutes, I must say, got extremely emotional for me. I was thinking about how he must have suffered all these years while not being able to obtain happiness and thinking about her all this time just for us to find out at the very end that he couldn't... but that she, on the contrary found happiness. Then the credits appeared at the end and with the music, I couldn't help but have some tears coming out. I think that in this movie, it is either you love the ending which makes you love the whole movie or find the ending ok, and find the movie normal. Loved it though !
Feb 15, 2009 10:36 AM
Dec 2008
The ending was a perfect embodiment of the theme of 5cm/sec, in that sense it was perfect.

Makoto Shinkai is a genius.
Feb 16, 2009 7:57 AM

Oct 2008
Excellent work!!. The ending was gorgeous; sad but very realistic and I prefer it before a "happy" one.

Feb 17, 2009 2:33 PM

Jul 2008
Wow, I just finished watching it and I'm speechless. I watched it in BluRay and the animation was simply one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I didn't think much of The Place Promised in Our Early Days or Voices of a Distant Star at all, but a tear escaped my eye at the end of 5 Centimeters per Second. I loved it. However, every time it's always the woman that goes and gets married without even telling the man, every time! It annoys me so much, but I love how Takaki just smiles and continues walking at the end. What a beautiful movie. Simply wonderful.
ToukaFeb 17, 2009 2:36 PM
I write about manga →
and movies →
Feb 19, 2009 9:44 PM

Dec 2008
Seriously. Beautiful, beautiful artwork and animation. Definitely the best I have seen so far.

The story itself was heartbreakingly beautiful. At the end I almost teared up.
....I feel like I should start talking to some of my childhood friends more often. ;__;

There is nothing in this world more ugly than imperfection
Mar 13, 2009 2:54 AM

Oct 2008
Voted for 5, absolutely..

Finished it days ago.. What a masterpiece, and 10 from me.. Beautiful artwork and animation..
I love the way it brilliantly presented, metaphorical and symbolism are just excellent in this anime..
Loved also all 3 episodes, yes I know people don't like the ending, me too.. I mean, with who they ended up, and all.. But, for me the best is 1st episode, in all the way Takaki's journey in the train.. Most people said it's boring, but for me it really depicted their distance so well, and I felt it in my heart..

I could be wrong, but is this the anime that won the award for the best animated film long ago? I thought it was..
Oh yes, just found it, it's actually "the Best Animated Feature Film" at the 2007 Asia Pacific Screen Awards..
AeriShaMar 13, 2009 2:59 AM
Mar 14, 2009 12:53 PM
May 2008
I finally got around to watching the movie and wished I had done it a lot sooner. It was really just an all around great movie with spectacular visuals and sound. BTW I for one am satisfied with the ending, because it did bring closure IMO without giving in to a sappy "happy" ending (or finally being together). 9/10
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Apr 9, 2009 12:27 AM

Feb 2008
I just love it.

Everything, from the sound, direction, animation, storyboard, and plot. It's just a masterpiece. I love it.

Apr 12, 2009 4:57 PM

Oct 2007
Best example of Masterpiece here. Very uniqe also. You must be unhuman to fell nothing about this movie.

Apr 14, 2009 5:59 PM

Dec 2008
Anihillus said:
Best example of Masterpiece here. Very uniqe also. You must be unhuman to fell nothing about this movie.

LOL Funny that, because I actually felt nothing from 5cm per Second.

Stunning animation and designs (best I've seen!), solid soundtrack and music (save for that odd song in the end)...but lacking in, well, something in the plot. I don't know, it just didn't do anything for me. I didn't really care for the characters much. Takaki actually frustrated me to no end. I mean, seriously, you're telling me he went that long without getting over Akari? Really? They were thirteen! How many people actually know for sure they want to spend their entire lives with someone at that age and actually have it work out? I could understand if they had known each other their whole lives and then realized their love for each other at a more mature age, but since they were thirteen, I wanted to smack Takaki at the end of the movie for still being so hung up over it. Kanae, as others have said, barely developed at all, but we only saw a short time frame about her so that's understandable. Akari was probably the best of the three - she, at least, moved on. So, as a result, I was more frustrated with Takaki than sad by the end of the movie, to be honest.

All right, well, there's my rant for now...I'll get off my soapbox now.
Apr 17, 2009 1:21 PM
Nov 2007
Epic anime. No need for others words...
Apr 18, 2009 7:15 AM

Jun 2008
huh??? i love the art and animation though.. but i feel sad they never got together... i feel sad for the guy tohno takaki... he never got over the girl...up until he was an adult.. although the girl we see at the end found another guy and was happy, i don't think takaki ever was... sad... although the art was beautiful..
Apr 24, 2009 1:58 AM

Sep 2008
So I watched this again, for like the 63rd time, and it still never gets old. Once Cosmonaut comes on, my heart is squeezed tightly by the unfortunate events. I feel so bad for Kanae... and basically everyone in the anime. Once again, I'll have to praise the Band Zoom! Entertainment dub; it just sounds so natural, I guess I just love this anime too much. <3
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Apr 24, 2009 4:49 AM

Aug 2007
The first story was good, but I think in general was so boriong, At final I didnt undersand anything.
Apr 24, 2009 7:08 AM

Oct 2008
beautiful movie :D I loved everything about it... the music was great =)

May 7, 2009 11:51 PM
Jun 2008
I agree i really loved this.

The scene with the trains is true though. When you're traveling to see someone you love and desperately want to see every second feels like forever and you get so worried and you just want so badly to reach them. It's cliche but its done so well. I get really sad at the end too.
May 13, 2009 3:31 PM

May 2009
My friend recommended me to watch 5 Centimeters per Second, so I decided to watch it last night. And I’m glad I did, everything about it is amazing, almost everything was perfect! - its surely a bittersweet story i would like to give it 11/10.

After watching it. The only thing that bothered me "A BIT" is the "third part" though. it started with a lot of things had progressed making you feel the story kinda bit jumped off to far. As a result it left me some questions.

1.) Who's' that "GIRL W/ SPECS"? Who is she trying to contact?
2.) Why is Takaki continuously Ignoring a call in his phone?
3.) Why is Akari wearing an ENGAGEMENT RING despite of what happened to her love for Takaki?

well there's a fourth question which really bothered me..

4.) What exactly happened for them to reach the such point where they would start going out with someone else? Weren't TAKAKI was going to Tokyo for college to be a little bit closer to AKARI?

Oh Well i can't answer that no matter hard I try and Its still bothering me up until now
5 cm is not really your just watch anime.. you have to pay attention to details and think.. But overall, I think this movie is a must-see for anyone who watches anime, especially those who love beautiful artwork in their anime. With its high-quality animation and unique life lesson. lol. :D
Mayhem08Jul 24, 2009 9:13 AM

May 18, 2009 9:08 PM
May 2009
5 Centimeters per second was absolutely beautiful and i rank it 10/10, 5/5 of all times. And i heard alot of people were unsatisfied with the ending amv, so i decided ot make a new one ^_^;; its my first amv ever made soo, i apologize if it sucks
May 21, 2009 1:16 AM

May 2009
I don't understand why most people find the ending disappointing. It's a great and fitting ending, something that's more likely in real life. it's much better this way. And the song at the end was truly amazing, not just as a song but also in the way it showed glimpses that filled out the missing bits of the story told so far.
Jun 2, 2009 6:54 PM
May 2009
Mayhem08, i believe that answer to 4) is that time erases feelings too and Akari for him is the lost first love that will be his precious yet painful memory forever. No longer a living person, they are now too far apart, not just physically.

2nd episode shows us that for Takaki Akari is no longer a girl he can reach : he cant send her sms, cant see her … why? Because she is a girl that was left in his past, and whose image is etched in his heart forever (the dreams he is seeing). Or, simply put,

In the third story, Takaki seen as a man whose childish dreams are being completely erased by everyday routine, and there’s nothing left in his life that makes his heart beat faster. Ho space shuttles flying into the sky, no beautiful scenery – all romantics have been erased from his world ( that’s why there’s so much of dark concrete-and-glass buildings shown).
Jun 2, 2009 7:24 PM

May 2009
Sapta said:
I don't understand why most people find the ending disappointing. It's a great and fitting ending, something that's more likely in real life. it's much better this way. And the song at the end was truly amazing, not just as a song but also in the way it showed glimpses that filled out the missing bits of the story told so far.

Couldn't agree more.
Jun 8, 2009 3:25 AM

Jul 2008
The more I think about how it ended the more I am saddened. I didn't get any of what I wanted in this final segment. I could have used at least a visual conformation between both people, but I can still appreciate how the main character knew that they could not be together. It kinda sucked to see the guy get eaten away at, he had a good thing going for him in the country, but I guess Tokyo was the spot that they would both go to, where they would both hope to meet up. So, how was this all caused though? They were both awaiting letters, both certain of the communication that was going to exist between them, and yet none of that happened. If he was able to give her that first letter than maybe I would be happy here in the end, that was one expensive coffee, or that kiss that they shared.

Hmm, I'm realizing that I'm liking this more as I'm writing all this. I'm not happy about what happened, I would've wanted to see a more cliche ending where the two hug and kiss and the camera angle fades into the sky. I'm kinda angry but I can appreciate the story.
Jun 21, 2009 10:24 PM

Mar 2009
ouch!!! the ending was really sad but beautiful...i was straing at the monitor fro quite some time after i saw the ending..i couldn't accept waht happened!!!

it was really a wonderful story...i was soooo affected of the huh?! what?! then...T_T

definitely a 10/10!!!...i recommended it to my younder brother, and after watchign, he was just so pissed off of the ending...ehehe
Jun 23, 2009 7:55 PM

Jan 2008
I feel really bad for Takaki but it was never said why Akari moved on.

Kanae I feel bad about if it was her at the end. Well The first 2 I give 8's this one I give a 7 but it was still good and now I have to go kick the shit out of one of my friends for telling me it was a really good anime when in a way it was but I asked if it turns out sad he said no it was great.
Jun 24, 2009 7:05 AM

May 2009
Valeria-chan said:
I feel really bad for Takaki but it was never said why Akari moved on.

Kanae I feel bad about if it was her at the end. Well The first 2 I give 8's this one I give a 7 but it was still good and now I have to go kick the shit out of one of my friends for telling me it was a really good anime when in a way it was but I asked if it turns out sad he said no it was great.

You should thank your friend for not spoiling it for you. And not everyone takes it as a sad ending. I take it as the natural ending, not sad at all. What's so strange about Akari moving on?
Jul 11, 2009 9:33 AM

Nov 2008
It sure was both sweet and beautiful (I just loved the art, especially bg), but as for me, it was a bit too sweet and simple, and so it became boring quite fast. >_>

Anyone's feeling the same?
Jul 11, 2009 2:33 PM

May 2009
That was amazing, It shows how life sucks. How people may never be able to meet each other again.
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