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Dec 12, 2012 4:24 PM
Sep 2011
KoiShoudou said:
I really can't see why some people hated this episode. What's to hate? In fact I think it is one of the best episodes by far. The voice acting was quite something and I even became teary. It was so heart breaking to see Rikka let it all go and become a normal girl even though she didn't want to. I think Yuuta was being too much of a 'helping the situation realistically' guy instead of actually comforting the one he loves by giving her an explanation and understanding. Dekomori made my heart melt, the poor girl. Also, I'm hoping what she said to Yuuta at the train station hit him hard, pretty much saying that Rikka had felt let down. I love this show. So sad it's coming to an end. Kyoto animation always makes it double amazing because of their smooth and beautiful animation, like Hyouka. Can't wait for their new series in January!

Lots of people don't like it when anime depresses them it seems, I don't see why but apparantly being emotional is a bad thing in anime now.
I actually don't know how people didn't see this coming, I saw the show for what it was going to become ages ago, the moral of the show is basically: Reality sucks, but we just have to accept it and move on with our lives.
Dec 12, 2012 4:28 PM

Jul 2012
Did not expect so much drama from this show, so good. I don't really understand why people didn't like it, maybe because of how much of a drastic change it was from comedy to drama? I like though, the whole theme of growing up and accepting the past.

Anyone else feel like Dekomori has a reason behind having chuunibyou herself, such as Rikka losing her father? It seemed like she does to me, with how big of an emotional reaction she had at the end there, thought I could be wrong.
QuiGonJonDec 12, 2012 4:37 PM

If you really want to fit in, just put Legend of the Galactic Heroes in your top 5 and have it be the only 10-rated anime in your list.
Dec 12, 2012 4:34 PM
Jul 2012
Rydako said:
My god. That drama. Wow. But seriously, relate this episode to the real world, Yuuta is struggling between decisions, what makes Rikka temporary happy and what is best for her. Really, her Chuunibyou needs to be fixed and she needs to come to terms with reality. She needs to accept her fathers death and rebuild her relationship with her mother, this obviously is causing a lot of pain, for Rikka, Yuuta and even Dekomori. It wont be easy but is the best and most sensible path and needs to be accomplished before it's too late.. If her Chuunibyou carries on much longer, more pain will be had.

On the otherhand he could pretend to not realize this and tell her that having Chuunibyou is okay, she doesn't need to accept her fathers death and her mother and sister are evil. This is a temporary fix, but will make Rikka happy for the present time. Would keeping her happy for a short amount of time by telling her it is alright to put off accepting reality, really be the best option? This option could cause a lot more pain down the track. Ask yourself, if you were in his shoes, which path would be best? It's a very hard and important decision, don't make light of it.

finally someone on here gets that besides me...was a bit surprised about that, although like someone else said before, her goin to the grave is a good thing, but he should of told her to go there for herself, not for her mom. felt bad for dekomori at the end when he took everything out on her basically tho lol
Dec 12, 2012 4:34 PM
Oct 2010
omg yuuta total dick. dekomori ;_______; all my want was to hug her
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Dec 12, 2012 4:34 PM
Sep 2011
KoiShoudou said:
I really can't see why some people hated this episode. What's to hate? In fact I think it is one of the best episodes by far. The voice acting was quite something and I even became teary. It was so heart breaking to see Rikka let it all go and become a normal girl even though she didn't want to. I think Yuuta was being too much of a 'helping the situation realistically' guy instead of actually comforting the one he loves by giving her an explanation and understanding. Dekomori made my heart melt, the poor girl. Also, I'm hoping what she said to Yuuta at the train station hit him hard, pretty much saying that Rikka had felt let down. I love this show. So sad it's coming to an end. Kyoto animation always makes it double amazing because of their smooth and beautiful animation, like Hyouka. Can't wait for their new series in January!

I haven't really enjoyed this show to begin with, but it started to get good around episode 7. Then this episode comes in and just suffocates me with wallbangage. I actually had to stop and make sure I was watching the right episode, because it started out so baffling. Rikka's sister showing her human side all of a sudden? Rikka and her sister on seemingly good terms? So it just happened off-screen?

And as you mentioned, Yuuta trying to force Rikka to change without an ounce of consideration toward her happiness. It's like dragging an agoraphobic into a crowded mall and telling them they can't come home until they get over it.

Yuuta had done such a good job slowly working Rikka out of it, making her happy, the two became a couple and then all of a sudden he just decides to rip the eyepatch off of her and force her to change. And why? So a woman who abandoned her family and didn't tell Rikka about her father's condition won't worry. It would have made more sense for Rikka to stay at Yuuta's place most of the time, and continue gradually opening her out of her shell.
Dec 12, 2012 4:39 PM
Jul 2012
I think people are too quick to say that this episode was "overly dramatic." The music and tone of the episode help set that, but the one thing that made the episode close to dramatic was dekomori's voice actress (kudos to her VA for pulling out the episode with so much emotion).

It can go two ways from here. Either they resolve this and give a happy/heartwarming ending or just make it even more depressing. Directing wise, they have the perfect setup. A good amount of the people who've watched this episode still loved it and can't wait while a decent chunk are disappointed at the melodrama detour. Also, I hesitate to even label it as drama since it's just reality laid out to those not used to dealing with it. If they can execute the last episode in the correct manner, both those who still love it and those who didn't like this episode would probably love the final episode. (although i'm in no position to assume the opinions of many)

Personally, thought this episode was excellent. Not as good as eps 10 or 9, but I have faith that they'll find a way to get the most out of the series.
Dec 12, 2012 4:41 PM

Nov 2009
Good job there, Kyo Ani, their reputation isn't for show, the word "moeblob" shouldn't even exist when mentioning about Kyo Ani. One of many strong points about Kyo Ani is that they are able to deliver the character's feelings to the audience, they make us feel like we're a part of it.

And, what can I say? Reality is harsh to accept, it happens to all of us. You got stressed over works, studies, relationships, sometimes you just want to get them out of your mind. I get Rikka, Dekomori feelings this episode. Only one last ep. Hope they won't make the bad end, where Rikka won't return.
Dec 12, 2012 4:44 PM

Oct 2010
I don't really understand the hate for Yuuta in this episode to be honest. Yes he was a bit blunt, but it's something both Rikka and Dekomori need to come to terms with. Their fantasy world isn't real, there's no getting around that. He did a lot to help out Touka and the situation with their mother, so I don't think it's fair for him to be labelled an asshole just because Rikka and Dekomori are struggling to come to terms with reality.
Dec 12, 2012 4:44 PM

Jan 2011
Well wow tone of this episode was quite different had a lot of unexpected moments mainly the hugging, and for once it kinda got to me mainly Dekomori crying was hard watching her try and fight

Still there's two very hard ways of helping Rikka personally i think facing reality is the better choice in the long run.
Dec 12, 2012 4:45 PM

Feb 2012
So much sadness on such a happy anime D: I especially felt bad for Dekomori because she was pretty much abandoned, to the point where Nibutani had to be the one to comfort her (even though i feel like they could be best friends) It is obvious that Rikka is forcing herself, so is Yuuta, but im so curious how this is going to conclude. With Rikka going to her fathers grave, im wondering how she is going to be able to take it. How everything will be solved or resolved. I love this anime to death, it has made me extremely happy to watch, and now the conclusion comes ;_;

Point is, im ready for whatever happens next episode and welcome it with open arms :3
Dec 12, 2012 4:48 PM

Dec 2012
A great episode indeed - quite possibly the best one of the whole anime.I was worried that KyoAni and the authors would hold back the drama and return the first episode's light and carefree mood. I'm glad I was wrong to concern about that.

I don't want the ending to be a bad or a sad one, but I also hope that Rikka & Dekomori will learn to face reality without losing completely their will to dream and fantasize.My "ideal" ending is one where Rikka accepts her father's death and overcomes the syndrome, but still keeps using her imagination at a lesser degree to face what life has in store for her.Will the writers grant my wish ?

At any rate, just that very moment where Dekomori runs away crying "I KNOW!!" made this anime worth watching.Manly tears were almost shed.
Crawler3333Dec 12, 2012 4:53 PM
"War as a video game--what better way to raise the ultimate soldier?"
-Iroquois Pliskin, Metal Gear Solid 2:Sons of Liberty
Dec 12, 2012 4:49 PM

Dec 2011
man, this episode was just so damn depressing... :(

especially dekomori, her breakdown was just so damn sad to watch. she only wanted to bring back her "master", which also meant bringing back rikka to her REAL self
watching her crying and forced to admit that her fantasies werent "real" was just heartbreaking

i hate to say it, but yuuta was a horrible jackass this episode (although most of my hatred is still aimed at touka)
the way he forced "reality" on dekomori was just fucked up, and he even knew that

<img src="" />
Dec 12, 2012 4:52 PM

Jul 2012
Takana_no_Hana said:

Only one last ep. Hope they won't make the bad end, where Rikka won't return.

Oh God.
I can't even imagine this show ending like that.
Don't even joke about that kind of thing.
Now I'm scared ;_;

If you really want to fit in, just put Legend of the Galactic Heroes in your top 5 and have it be the only 10-rated anime in your list.
Dec 12, 2012 4:53 PM
Oct 2010
CapnDavid said:
Reality can hit anyone hard just like a brick.
And sometimes it hits like the pavement after a six stories fall XD

Some people can't get up again after that.

If you're going down to reality from a great heigh, it's better to take the stairs than to jump right off.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Dec 12, 2012 4:56 PM

Feb 2012
I think this is a better implementation of drama, less forced and goes with the flow of the story.

I shed tears and I'm not afraid to say it. Such a saddening turn of events but so real and close to home... ;_;
Dec 12, 2012 4:58 PM

Feb 2012
katsu044 said:
Still there's two very hard ways of helping Rikka personally i think facing reality is the better choice in the long run.

I think that changing more slowly would be better for her psychological wellness. It's still choosing the harsh reality option, but it gives her the time to reflect. I think that's the only problem, she was so rushed to changing.

They were trying a bit too hard, as Nibutani said.

wilcruz2 said:
i hate to say it, but yuuta was a horrible jackass this episode (although most of my hatred is still aimed at touka)
the way he forced "reality" on dekomori was just fucked up, and he even knew that

TehIshterDec 12, 2012 5:02 PM
Dec 12, 2012 5:07 PM

Jun 2009
I've said it in the past
I'll say it again...

I fucking love you.

The angles, the lighting, my god they're good at making a scene look sad.

(refering to Nibutani dragging Dekomori outside and console her) How much Dekomori struggles to get back to Rikka, and Nibutani pulling her back like a mean adult... That scene was legit as hell! KyoAni have never strike me as a lazy animation company, but in this series, they really outdid themselves.

The voice acting is really top notch, very good job by all 3 novice VA, Rikka(Uchida Maaya), Sanae(Sumire Uesaka) and Shinka(Akasaki Chinatsu). May their career get a sudden boost because of this work. Of course, the veteran Fukuyama Jun also did well.

EDIT: I wonder how this show will ends... 1 episode left.

EDIT: I got a feeling that Rikka is not coming back... And Yuuta will go all the way to her hometown to bring her back, in his Dark Flame Master Persona....
AirStylesDec 12, 2012 5:20 PM
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Dec 12, 2012 5:09 PM

Nov 2009
wilcruz2 said:
i hate to say it, but yuuta was a horrible jackass this episode (although most of my hatred is still aimed at touka)
the way he forced "reality" on dekomori was just fucked up, and he even knew that

People tend to say things they didn't mean on either impulse or at the spur of the moment... So I don't blame Yuuta at all, from my view it seems he's trying to be responsible but it backfired on him. Then dekomori plucked out Yuuta's faults in his way of doing things causing him to say things he didn't want to since he was still not completely sure as to what he is doing is right, yet he wants to think what he's doing is actually right
Dec 12, 2012 5:10 PM
Oct 2012
Crap. Reality does really suck.

Where is that bucket of ice cream, I need to console myself after that episode.
Dec 12, 2012 5:15 PM

Apr 2011
The 3 weeks time skip isn't annoying me at all either there is no need to show us what yuuta said to rikka in the last episode after all, we all knew already. The drama scenes, soundtrack and voice acting in this episode turned Chuunibyou into one of my favourite anime of all time simply because it doesn't have any weak point untill now. There was no drastic personality change on any character, if you think that, then you were either taking chuunibyou too lightly or you dont know how to understand this anime plot, in that case you're not enjoying chuunibyou at all. I'm still hopping to see a kiss in the next episode but this is too depressing right now so I kinda doubt. Dekomori and nibutani role was great in this episode but the reason dekomori went chuunibyou remains a mystery. I dont know if the last episode can handle so many information, I hope I see an ending to chuuni before 21 this month if you know what I mean :-P but I guarantee goku is gonna save us.
Dec 12, 2012 5:20 PM

Feb 2008
Ok, I cried. I cried too much, yet I usually don't cry.

Damn, all those feels. Why do you do this to us, Kyoto Animation, whyyy ;_________;
Dec 12, 2012 5:23 PM
Oct 2012
tormented210 said:
but the reason dekomori went chuunibyou remains a mystery

I thought that pretty obvious. She is hyper, extremely intelligent and creative child. Doesn't have anyone her age that can be a true friend, so sought out other creative people older than her. First found Mori Summer online (and judging from the books in her house, she is actually very intelligent herself), lost her, than found Rikka. It doesn't take a genius to realize that believing in magic in this world is a hell of a lot better for a child than acknowledging this world for what it is. There is a reason Chuunibyou is called Chuunibyou. Dekomori is a natural chuunibyou. Rikka is the one who held on to it a tad longer than normal.
Dec 12, 2012 5:25 PM

Jun 2009
tormented210 said:
The 3 weeks time skip isn't annoying me at all either there is no need to show us what yuuta said to rikka in the last episode after all, we all knew already. The drama scenes, soundtrack and voice acting in this episode turned Chuunibyou into one of my favourite anime of all time simply because it doesn't have any weak point untill now. There was no drastic personality change on any character, if you think that, then you were either taking chuunibyou too lightly or you dont know how to understand this anime plot, in that case you're not enjoying chuunibyou at all. I'm still hopping to see a kiss in the next episode but this is too depressing right now so I kinda doubt. Dekomori and nibutani role was great in this episode but the reason dekomori went chuunibyou remains a mystery. I dont know if the last episode can handle so many information, I hope I see an ending to chuuni before 21 this month if you know what I mean :-P but I guarantee goku is gonna save us.


World won't end... I mean, Dungeon Striker is coming out in 2013... It can't end...

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Dec 12, 2012 5:26 PM

Jan 2011
TehIshter said:
katsu044 said:
Still there's two very hard ways of helping Rikka personally i think facing reality is the better choice in the long run.

I think that changing more slowly would be better for her psychological wellness. It's still choosing the harsh reality option, but it gives her the time to reflect. I think that's the only problem, she was so rushed to changing.

They were trying a bit too hard, as Nibutani said.

wilcruz2 said:
i hate to say it, but yuuta was a horrible jackass this episode (although most of my hatred is still aimed at touka)
the way he forced "reality" on dekomori was just fucked up, and he even knew that

yeah but i think some of the blame for it being rushed is the fact they had like 12 episodes to work with i do agree they were trying to change all to fast though

plus it was pretty harsh how he dumped all of that on little Dekomori can only think he was caught up in the moment
Dec 12, 2012 5:26 PM

Apr 2009
Hito420 said:

Her goin to the grave is a good thing, but he should of told her to go there for herself, not for her mom. felt bad for dekomori at the end when he took everything out on her basically tho lol

I feel the same way. The thing that is 'wrong' is that Yuuta is helping Rikka push off her responsibilities. Shes using 'mother wants me to do this' as a reason to push off the decisions onto someone else. On top of that, shes asking Yuuta for what she should do, seeking an answer different from what she came up with herself.
Dec 12, 2012 5:29 PM

Apr 2011
tormented210 said:
wilcruz2 said:
man, this episode was just so damn depressing... :(

especially dekomori, her breakdown was just so damn sad to watch. she only wanted to bring back her "master", which also meant bringing back rikka to her REAL self
watching her crying and forced to admit that her fantasies werent "real" was just heartbreaking

i hate to say it, but yuuta was a horrible jackass this episode (although most of my hatred is still aimed at touka)
the way he forced "reality" on dekomori was just fucked up, and he even knew that

Yuuta did great, he was not jackass what the hell? He was just pushing a little hard but a minor thing, he is doing his best to make rikka happy and he is still confused, how is him a jackass? And how can you hate touka? Give me your reasons.
Dec 12, 2012 5:32 PM

Jul 2011
Drama, Drama and more Drama ^^
And now we need wait next week until last episode with last moments.

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Dec 12, 2012 5:33 PM

Aug 2011
It was glorious watching Dekomori cry. I hate that damn annoying bitch.
Also, I hope they don't make it so Rikka lives happily every after being a chuuni in the last episode. It would obviously be bad for her to live her life like that and the sooner she gets over her phase, the better. But it sure is looking like she is going to go back to being a chuuni. We'll see.
Dec 12, 2012 5:36 PM

Jul 2012
Great episode. It was nice to see Rikka out of her chuunibyou phase for once but, it seems kind of sad to look at her. She is just basing her life on Yuuta's choices. It's like she has completely lost herself and is drawn into a daze. She's not exactly doing what she wants to do and it's getting kind of hard to watch her act like that. I do not think her chuunibyou is gone yet. She was drawn into the "Banishment, this world!" battle and the sorcerer's stones. I think she'll eventually get back into her chuunibyou in the final episode next week. Her chuunibyou is what makes the series great.
Dekomori trying to convince Rikka turning into the Wicked Eye again was hard to watch. It pains me to see how hard she is trying to get back her master. I was on the verge of tears just seeing her cry like that. I thought she was trying to do what was best for Rikka, by turning her back into what she wanted to be. The treatment at the end of the episode was really painful to watch.
Yuuta, in many people's opinions, would make him seem like a generic spineless coward of a main character and an asshole. However, I do not think what he did was wrong. Sure, he was a bit cruel in his way of expressing himself, but it was all for the best. I understood what he meant by his choice of not making Rikka "happy". If she stayed in her chuunibyou phase, she would have lost sight of reality. All Yuuta was doing was allow her to face reality. Living in a hopeful dream is nice. However, once they find out how cruel reality is, they'll break apart worse than the way Rikka is now. Yuuta is just trying to help them face reality so they could live and grow stronger. They're going to face reality someday. Might as well get it over with and get used to how cruel the world is. He was a bit cruel, but it was just for the best. However, I thought he should have let Rikka make her choices. He's not really doing what's best for her. If Rikka wants to keep up with her chuunibyou facade, she wants to live her life in the best way she can before she faces the cruel reality.
Dec 12, 2012 5:36 PM
Dec 2012
I really really love the all episode, not a single bad comment to say, I guess no one was expecting this kind of depressed episode, and that's the reason of so many anger from all of you. but u all have to understand, even if chunni is a comedy plot, some drama will give more story. BTW, tormented I totally agree with all u have said, can u please come to skype so we can discuss a little bit? good chuunibiyou day for all <3
Dec 12, 2012 5:44 PM
Dec 2012
I think in Yuuta's position (which is completely unenviable), he made the right decisions. He may have come off as a jerk but sometimes being a jerk is necessary to get rid of something like this. Yes, this is anime and it would be more enjoyable (not for me though) if Rikka stayed Chuuni. That being said, it can't go on forever. She has to grow up at some point. I suspect that's what this story is about.

Of course this is all setting up for either A) a sad ending where Yuuta and Rikka never see each other again or B) Rikka goes back to her Chuuni self. I would be disappointed with B though, since that would imply she continues to cope with something like the death of her father in a way that rejects reality. Not a good idea imo.

I just can't see an ending where Yuuta and Rikka stay together, with Rikka remaining non Chuuni.
Dec 12, 2012 5:48 PM

Jun 2011
KoiShoudou said:
I really can't see why some people hated this episode. What's to hate? In fact I think it is one of the best episodes by far. The voice acting was quite something and I even became teary. It was so heart breaking to see Rikka let it all go and become a normal girl even though she didn't want to. I think Yuuta was being too much of a 'helping the situation realistically' guy instead of actually comforting the one he loves by giving her an explanation and understanding. Dekomori made my heart melt, the poor girl. Also, I'm hoping what she said to Yuuta at the train station hit him hard, pretty much saying that Rikka had felt let down. I love this show. So sad it's coming to an end. Kyoto animation always makes it double amazing because of their smooth and beautiful animation, like Hyouka. Can't wait for their new series in January!

I don't see why people hated it too I thought it was perfect o_o
Dec 12, 2012 5:56 PM

Dec 2012
Quick question guys. At the end when Rikka is on the train she says something but I'm terrible at reading lips anyone else catch it?
Anyhow this episode was full of emotion ;-; Such a sad scene.
Dec 12, 2012 5:56 PM

Feb 2012
katsu044 said:
yeah but i think some of the blame for it being rushed is the fact they had like 12 episodes to work with i do agree they were trying to change all to fast though

plus it was pretty harsh how he dumped all of that on little Dekomori can only think he was caught up in the moment

I was actually criticizing the characters themselves (specifically Yuuta), and not the production.

MagicFlier said:
wilcruz2 said:
i hate to say it, but yuuta was a horrible jackass this episode (although most of my hatred is still aimed at touka)
the way he forced "reality" on dekomori was just fucked up, and he even knew that

People tend to say things they didn't mean on either impulse or at the spur of the moment... So I don't blame Yuuta at all, from my view it seems he's trying to be responsible but it backfired on him. Then dekomori plucked out Yuuta's faults in his way of doing things causing him to say things he didn't want to since he was still not completely sure as to what he is doing is right, yet he wants to think what he's doing is actually right

Very good point, I'm ashamed I didn't think of his position before criticizing his actions.

suzuha said:
It was glorious watching Dekomori cry. I hate that damn annoying bitch.

A bit harsh, don't you think?
Dec 12, 2012 6:00 PM
Oct 2010
AL33T said:
Of course this is all setting up for either A) a sad ending where Yuuta and Rikka never see each other again or B) Rikka goes back to her Chuuni self. I would be disappointed with B though, since that would imply she continues to cope with something like the death of her father in a way that rejects reality. Not a good idea imo.
Although unlikely unless they give it an anime original ending, there could be a half point between delusion and reality... If you've seen Oreimo, Kuroneko is a good example of a "reality compliant" Chuuni. It's only a matter of talking with Rikka's mother so that she doesn't take it as a grudge against her.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Dec 12, 2012 6:05 PM

Feb 2012
I'm interested in how they'll tie up the story

here are my stray thoughts/opinions overall:
1) Rikka should definitely visit her father's grave. It's hard, and it seems like everyone is making it out to be a bad thing, but this is one of the "truth hurts" moments that you have to accept eventually.
2) Yuuta is not a bad person. He's trying his best, but he doesn't know what's right/what's wrong.
3) I think Nibutani has the best grasp of the situation. Rikka is being forced into something way too quick.
4) I'm hoping that Yuuta will visit the grave with Rikka together (I'm really hoping that they don't avoid it, otherwise it's sending a message I can't agree with: that you can just run away from your problems).
5) I'm pretty sure Rikka is still interested in all that fake magic stuff 'just because.' It's part of who she is. She'll grow out of it, but it's devastating to a kid when they can't move on on their own terms.
Dec 12, 2012 6:06 PM
Jul 2012
Ajunky said:
AL33T said:
Of course this is all setting up for either A) a sad ending where Yuuta and Rikka never see each other again or B) Rikka goes back to her Chuuni self. I would be disappointed with B though, since that would imply she continues to cope with something like the death of her father in a way that rejects reality. Not a good idea imo.
Although unlikely unless they give it an anime original ending, there could be a half point between delusion and reality... If you've seen Oreimo, Kuroneko is a good example of a "reality compliant" Chuuni. It's only a matter of talking with Rikka's mother so that she doesn't take it as a grudge against her.

I think if they do that though, the ending would feel incomplete and nothing would really feel resolved. The best choice for the ending is to provide closure, positive or not.
Dec 12, 2012 6:09 PM

Jul 2012
NOOOOOOOOOO... Awesome episode but sad to see how the innocence and the playfulness fades away :(
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Dec 12, 2012 6:14 PM

Sep 2011
Entravity said:
sad to see how the innocence and the playfulness fades away :(
Dec 12, 2012 6:16 PM

Nov 2010
Eos3 said:
Quick question guys. At the end when Rikka is on the train she says something but I'm terrible at reading lips anyone else catch it?
Anyhow this episode was full of emotion ;-; Such a sad scene.

From my understanding Rikka said "Yuuta"
Dec 12, 2012 6:17 PM

Feb 2012
Vortiene said:
i don't get why it has to be all or nothing for them, can't they make a LARPing club and not ACTUALLY PRETEND they are doing stupid things, while still having imagination and not being boring as hell?

That's what annoys me, you can pretend to have epic fights with a LARP club, and only be considered moderately weird, rather than pretending you are ACTUALLY a fictional character and be considered chuunibyou weird.

Anyways hopefully they work something out like that in the next episode because all they have to do is reason a bit instead of YOU CAN ONLY DO THESE TWO OPTIONS, NO COMPROMISES EVER

I believe that's where they'll go (otherwise the ending will kind of suck)
Dec 12, 2012 6:20 PM

Jan 2012
Watching Dekomori cry was heartbreaking and I didn't even like her before this.
This show took quite an unexpected turn of events. I wonder how everything will end, it'll probably will be a happy ending or at least a bittersweet ending. It would be depressing if it has a sad ending though.
Dec 12, 2012 6:21 PM

Oct 2012
Really sad episode. I actually cried for a minute >_> I pity Sanae she had tough time dealing with new Rikka. At the end of the episode did she really say goodbye or something?
Dec 12, 2012 6:25 PM
Oct 2010
Baconzombie said:
Ajunky said:
AL33T said:
Of course this is all setting up for either A) a sad ending where Yuuta and Rikka never see each other again or B) Rikka goes back to her Chuuni self. I would be disappointed with B though, since that would imply she continues to cope with something like the death of her father in a way that rejects reality. Not a good idea imo.
Although unlikely unless they give it an anime original ending, there could be a half point between delusion and reality... If you've seen Oreimo, Kuroneko is a good example of a "reality compliant" Chuuni. It's only a matter of talking with Rikka's mother so that she doesn't take it as a grudge against her.
I think if they do that though, the ending would feel incomplete and nothing would really feel resolved. The best choice for the ending is to provide closure, positive or not.
I think it could have a resolution that way if they handle it right.

For example, if Rikka accepts her father's death while still believing that he's watching over her (as opposed to a nihilistic view) she can move on without having to deal with existentialistic issues.

She can even keep thinking that the "ethereal horizon" exists, as long as she aknowledges it as a place from where you cannot return (she just has to be careful she doesn't involuntarily create a new religion XD)
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Dec 12, 2012 6:28 PM
Jul 2012
Ajunky said:
Baconzombie said:
Ajunky said:
AL33T said:
Of course this is all setting up for either A) a sad ending where Yuuta and Rikka never see each other again or B) Rikka goes back to her Chuuni self. I would be disappointed with B though, since that would imply she continues to cope with something like the death of her father in a way that rejects reality. Not a good idea imo.
Although unlikely unless they give it an anime original ending, there could be a half point between delusion and reality... If you've seen Oreimo, Kuroneko is a good example of a "reality compliant" Chuuni. It's only a matter of talking with Rikka's mother so that she doesn't take it as a grudge against her.
I think if they do that though, the ending would feel incomplete and nothing would really feel resolved. The best choice for the ending is to provide closure, positive or not.
I think it could have a resolution that way if they handle it right.

For example, if Rikka accepts her father's death while still believing that he's watching over her (as opposed to a nihilistic view) she can move on without having to deal with existentialistic issues.

She can even keep thinking that the "ethereal horizon" exists, as long as she aknowledges it as a place from where you cannot return (she just has to be careful she doesn't involuntarily create a new religion XD)

ahhh i see. When i saw the kuroneko thing i got a bit hesitant, but when you explained it in that way, that is definitely a reasonable approach to things :D
Dec 12, 2012 6:31 PM
Jul 2018
Orsonius said:
Really hated this episode.
At not one point I felt anything but distest.

Rikka basically lost her entire personality and is now as interesting as every other normal 16 year old girl (so not interesting in the slightest), and Yuuta didn't do anything to comfort anyone. He basically didn't know what to do and just was powerless and unreliable.

It pains me to see how she forces herself to become a boring normal girl.
I'd rather want her as a chunni because at least she was somewhat interesting, though awkward, but now it's just an empty boring shell.

I really hope the last episode gives some positivity to this horrible drama.
This is not why I watched this show.

The drama is what will give the show purpose by the end of the last episode. CLEARLY the message of this show is not going to be "life sucks, imagination sucks, get over it."

Next episode they will find their even ground and it will be a happy ending. It's episodes like this that make a show like this far from standard fare.
Dec 12, 2012 6:32 PM

Mar 2011
AL33T said:
A) a sad ending where Yuuta and Rikka never see each other again

If that happens.
Dec 12, 2012 6:34 PM

Apr 2011
Tyrel said:
Orsonius said:
Really hated this episode.
At not one point I felt anything but distest.

Rikka basically lost her entire personality and is now as interesting as every other normal 16 year old girl (so not interesting in the slightest), and Yuuta didn't do anything to comfort anyone. He basically didn't know what to do and just was powerful and unreliable.

It pains me to see how she forces herself to become a boring normal girl.
I'd rather want her as a chunni because at least she was somewhat interesting, though awkward, but now it's just an empty boring shell.

I really hope the last episode gives some positivity to this horrible drama.
This is not why I watched this show.

This pretty much summed up all my thoughts. Worst episode by far for me in this series and that's saying a lot as I haven't disliked an episode until now.

Last episode going to be pretty standard ending with Rikka most likely going back to the way she used to be.

This is a build up episode lol. If you follow the story (you're obviously not with those kinds of POV) you'll understand the characters and their feelings towards change. And here we have a big change and realization. Besides, I am sure we haven't seen the last if this series.So we'll be able to see this new change in a good (perhaps hilarious) perspective.
"Ogon’ po gotovnosti!"
Dec 12, 2012 6:36 PM
Jun 2009
No repetition of the last scene of the last episode. I'm glad I decided to peek if there was something after the ending song.
Dec 12, 2012 6:37 PM
Oct 2012
Vortiene said:
i don't get why it has to be all or nothing for them, can't they make a LARPing club and not ACTUALLY PRETEND they are doing stupid things, while still having imagination and not being boring as hell?

That's what annoys me, you can pretend to have epic fights with a LARP club, and only be considered moderately weird, rather than pretending you are ACTUALLY a fictional character and be considered chuunibyou weird.

Anyways hopefully they work something out like that in the next episode because all they have to do is reason a bit instead of YOU CAN ONLY DO THESE TWO OPTIONS, NO COMPROMISES EVER

The problem is that they weren't pretending such things, they wanted such things to exist, to believe that the real world isn't all there is to it, that urban magic can exist (there is a whole genre of fantasy based on this). Didn't you try to cast spells as a teenager, to visit cemeteries at night hoping to find a ghost, to actually go out of your way to find something, anything metaphysical to existence?
That is what they are doing. Just pretending that they are having epic fights really seems pointless, that is what the SCA is for. If they wanted to pretend they might as well follow the Mori Summer route into drama.
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