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May 26, 2012 11:28 AM
Sep 2011
This week we got treated to a highly suspenseful race. If this isn't bodacious I really don't know what is.
May 26, 2012 12:06 PM

Jul 2010
As if in answer to the critics who complain that the show doesn't have enough action, everyone is too nice, and the pirates never do anything like real pirating, Bodacious Space Pirates comes through with this episode and, from the looks of it, the final arc! (Though it looks more like they will be pirate hunting as opposed to pirating, but that is great!)

Marika and Ai-chan were the true stars of this ep, with some awesome piloting action and bravery from both of them!

I loved the final race outcome! But I feel for Ai-chan. I hope she got a special commendation from the race organizers for her part in saving the race. If not, she should get one from their school. (And I think she probably has a job waiting for her anywhere she wants it, with the possible exception of Kane's job, when she graduates in three years... The girl's got serious skillz!)
May 26, 2012 12:28 PM
Oct 2010
this was was fkn awesome. loved it
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

May 26, 2012 12:32 PM

Jan 2012
The race was really fun and enjoyable. To bad Ai-chan didn't win.

May 26, 2012 12:55 PM

Oct 2011
ok next episode looks serious
and I hope explosive

but this one, oh this series never fails me
some good action, great pacing - I liked the "battle" in dingies (or however it's called) bit of old fighters climate here

and of course Ai, last episode shown her as awesome character and this gave even more of her awesomeness
she has skills and passion - I like that :) she could be quite good pirate also
yup, one of my favorite characters here

PS. Did Grunhilde came second :D so she has some skills, or was able to pull thing she did last episode ;)
PS2. A bit weird configuration of that plane - to put guns only on top and bottom, while leaving nothing on sides
May 26, 2012 12:57 PM

Aug 2010
Great episode. Enough action to keep even the haters satisfied, and Marika rocks, as does Ai-chan. Seriously, I love her to pieces.
I also think she should get a speclial commendation, but even if not: She did enter the tournament to fly, not to win. That would be just icing on the cake. She has the true heart of a sailor, and I salute her for it.

Also, I think she is the only choice to replace Kane in the future.
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
May 26, 2012 1:28 PM

May 2012
Ai-chan really is amazing ~

LOL at chiaki winning xD

We ALL know Ai-chan would have won if she didn't go to help Marika out.

And yeah, next episode seems like the final stretch. Where someone is trying to do away with piracy completely.
May 26, 2012 1:40 PM

Nov 2008
Ai needs to join the Bentanmaru end of story. Her actions and advice saved the day.

Chiaki won and Grunhilde got 2nd

May 26, 2012 1:48 PM

Apr 2010

Sandaime is really keeping those stuffed animals and such, nice. Up there with Kane who are great characters in the Bentenmaru.

On the plot That was so odd that everyone was blaming the current Hakuoh academy for the transgressions of the past. Pretty rude. However it set up a hilarious plot thread with the head of security. Bisque was interesting with all the gunfire and action, and made it pretty intense. That was what I signed up for in this anime.

Next episode will be great I bet.
<img src="" />
May 26, 2012 2:58 PM

Jul 2011
That was epic! I was excited for pretty much the entire episode. :D

go Ai-chan!
May 26, 2012 7:56 PM

Nov 2007
Oh shoot, this episode was EPIC.

THIS is what the ending of an arc should look like.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
May 26, 2012 8:04 PM

Jul 2009
Dalek-baka said:
PS. Did Grunhilde came second :D so she has some skills, or was able to pull thing she did last episode ;)

She did pull the same thing actually. xD

Anyway, an adrenaline-packed episode, awesome. Ai-chan is cute as ever.
But man, now I feel like watching Redline again...
May 26, 2012 8:42 PM

Dec 2011
That was some great flying Marika did in that dinghy. I really like that song that was before the ED.
May 26, 2012 10:37 PM

Apr 2011
Great episode. Ai and Marika where both cool.

Marika can sure fly a dinghy. She could win the Nebula cup if she wants to.
May 26, 2012 10:52 PM
Jan 2011
Whoa, now Marika is mad.
May 27, 2012 12:08 AM
Jul 2009
Magito said:
Marika can sure fly a dinghy. She could win the Nebula cup if she wants to.

Actually not. She herself said it was taking her quite an effort to keep up with the others, and we saw she was feeling uncomfortable with the dinghy's controls since the beginning of the race.

Ai on the other hand, kept her cool since the beginning, and controlled her dinghy naturally and effortlessly.

It's pretty obvious that while Marika is an awesome pilot, Ai is even better. It just too bad she didn't have the opportunity to prove it by winning the race.
May 27, 2012 12:52 AM

Oct 2011
1idd0kun said:
Magito said:
Marika can sure fly a dinghy. She could win the Nebula cup if she wants to.

Actually not. She herself said it was taking her quite an effort to keep up with the others, and we saw she was feeling uncomfortable with the dinghy's controls since the beginning of the race.

Ai on the other hand, kept her cool since the beginning, and controlled her dinghy naturally and effortlessly.

It's pretty obvious that while Marika is an awesome pilot, Ai is even better. It just too bad she didn't have the opportunity to prove it by winning the race.

About the last part - she did prove it.
For one by predicting how the winds will go - this saved the day and takes some skill. Ok Marika never needed to do it, as well as Bentenmaru crew (probably) - as they deal with some space winds of death, but not those "natural".
Also flying with disabled electronics is quite awesome and involves a lot of skill.
So winning the race is not so important to show it... and with practice she will be unstoppable :)


Serenity Royal Family = Natural Born Cheaters (they proved it few times before but it seems to involve every aspect of life)
May 27, 2012 5:22 AM

Oct 2007
1idd0kun said:
Magito said:
Marika can sure fly a dinghy. She could win the Nebula cup if she wants to.

Actually not. She herself said it was taking her quite an effort to keep up with the others, and we saw she was feeling uncomfortable with the dinghy's controls since the beginning of the race.

Ai on the other hand, kept her cool since the beginning, and controlled her dinghy naturally and effortlessly.

It's pretty obvious that while Marika is an awesome pilot, Ai is even better. It just too bad she didn't have the opportunity to prove it by winning the race.
I kinda disagree with this.

She did state that it took all of her efforts and skills to keep up with others but that doesn't mean you she won't earn herself a CUP if she were to put all of her effort together.

Ai is not just good but she also born with talent and it is hard to win against such a person.

Also, I loled so hard at this "We're not flying... We're falling with style!"

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
May 27, 2012 6:45 AM
Jul 2009
Siva said:
I kinda disagree with this.

I was merely saying that if Marika and Ai compete (both doing their best) I think Ai would win. That's my take based on what I saw in episode 20 and 21.

Putting Ai aside, I suppose Marika does have a good chance of winning a cup. I mean, if Chiaki won, then Marika could do it too.

1idd0kunMay 27, 2012 7:38 AM
May 27, 2012 6:48 AM

Apr 2010
Great episode loved how the chairwoman was mistaken and went after Marika like that only to discover that she wasn't the one that was dangerous to her tournament.
Those Dingy are pretty interesting basically the space variant of a sailing boat and very romantic in a way especially the way they left the space station.

Seems Marika has to be more cautious of her surroundings with enemy's around that would shoot her down without worrying about those around her.
And judging from the preview next week should be more interesting.
May 27, 2012 7:16 AM
Oct 2007
Hakuoh is quite a school. Two moon princeses, a pirate captain, a former student who is one of the fastest gorwing shipping companies in the galaxy. Awesome that someone brought in a ringer for this race, AKA Chiaki. Ai-chan is so moe, I died.
May 27, 2012 10:47 AM

May 2011
Electromaster said:
Dalek-baka said:
PS. Did Grunhilde came second :D so she has some skills, or was able to pull thing she did last episode ;)

She did pull the same thing actually. xD

Anyway, an adrenaline-packed episode, awesome. Ai-chan is cute as ever.
But man, now I feel like watching Redline again...

I seriously don't know how Grunhilde got to keep that second place. I rewatched the episode and verified that the Hakuoh girls flew dinghies with the light blue color scheme, while Chiaki-chan flew a dinghy with the black color scheme, so it is entirely plausible that the two ships in the picture are Grunhilde's and Chiaki-chan's dinghy. Well, I guess people will sometimes overlook a few minor transgressions when your a princess...
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to give out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.
May 27, 2012 12:27 PM

Nov 2007
zeroryoko1974 said:
Hakuoh is quite a school. Two moon princeses, a pirate captain, a former student who is one of the fastest gorwing shipping companies in the galaxy. Awesome that someone brought in a ringer for this race, AKA Chiaki. Ai-chan is so moe, I died.

Well it's the common Academy of Adventure trope.

Other than that don't forget they have a pro-hacker too.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
May 27, 2012 1:19 PM

May 2010
Awesome Episode, Hope this get a second season
May 27, 2012 5:39 PM

Mar 2009
Very good episode.
May 28, 2012 7:17 AM

Aug 2010
I'm glad Marika kept her pirate hat on when she was in the dingy.
May 28, 2012 8:34 AM

Jan 2011
Great episode, that was an awesome tournament.
Now the next episode (arc?) looks amazing, all that weaponry will boom and it'll make for some kick-ass moments. Now that is something I'm looking forward to.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
May 28, 2012 12:41 PM

Sep 2011
Awesome. Just...awesome.

Damn, every time Marika banked or rolled I found myself leaning in my chair to compensate for the inertia. This episode caught me by surprise and my world narrowed down to just the video screen in front of me.
CratexMay 28, 2012 12:49 PM
May 29, 2012 8:11 AM

Aug 2008
Aren't the enemies cosplaying Lupin III? XD
Jun 1, 2012 7:58 AM

Aug 2010
Poor Ai-chan, I feel so sorry for her...hopefully she will win next time.

A really good episode and it looks like the final arc might actually deliver some actually dangerous fights. 4/5.
Jun 2, 2012 11:54 AM

May 2011
Lol damn these people sure can keep a grudge. Especially that old lady who was just way too obsessive about it and was being annoying. -.- Good ep otherwise, and I just love Sandaime's overreactions.
Jun 3, 2012 6:33 AM

Aug 2011
Damn, most exciting episode so far! The race was awesome and suspenseful.
Jun 3, 2012 7:08 AM

Mar 2012
This is an amazing episode.. :D
Great suspense race..
Jun 6, 2012 5:27 PM

Nov 2007
AHH that was so amazing. I was expecting this episode to be boring because of the race, good thing they added the action. Marika is awesome as expected and of course, all props to Ai-chan for this wonderful episode.

We're lucky to have watched this anime at this point. Ep 22 looks promising.
Jun 12, 2012 10:33 AM

Jan 2011
Ai-chan is amazing... btw i dont think so many ships diving into the atmosphere at the same time is safe
Jun 21, 2012 2:45 AM

Dec 2008
A pretty good episode with all the action going down.

But forgive me for missing something but was there a reason why this Bisque company were hunting down Marika in the first place? I think one of the crew members told Marika something about Bisque being "Jealous" of her licence but I don't see how shooting her down was going to benefit them.

Can anyone explain?
Jun 21, 2012 2:53 AM
Mar 2011
autisticanime said:
A pretty good episode with all the action going down.

But forgive me for missing something but was there a reason why this Bisque company were hunting down Marika in the first place? I think one of the crew members told Marika something about Bisque being "Jealous" of her licence but I don't see how shooting her down was going to benefit them.

Can anyone explain?

They assumed she was participating and because her ship isn't good at atmsopheric flight they believed they had a chance at killing her thereby ending the Benten's licence as she's currently the only known inheritor of that deed.

Unfortunately they forgot that just because its not supposed to enter an atmosphere doesn't mean it can't and because Marika has a reputation as a good pilot it never occurred to them that she didn't qualify...

Then again the headmistress or security head wasn't aware Marika and the Benten liasion she wasn't paying attention to are one and the same and we saw how she reacted when she found that out didn't we!
Jun 21, 2012 3:38 AM

Dec 2008
darkwintre said:

They assumed she was participating and because her ship isn't good at atmsopheric flight they believed they had a chance at killing her thereby ending the Benten's licence as she's currently the only known inheritor of that deed.

But why? What does the Bentenmaru's licence have to do with the Bisque company? What was it preventing them from doing?
Jun 21, 2012 4:08 AM

Oct 2011
autisticanime said:
darkwintre said:

They assumed she was participating and because her ship isn't good at atmsopheric flight they believed they had a chance at killing her thereby ending the Benten's licence as she's currently the only known inheritor of that deed.

But why? What does the Bentenmaru's licence have to do with the Bisque company? What was it preventing them from doing?

I would say that they wanted to get rid of her because she could interfere in some of their operations (like she did with few corporations and governments before).
Plus there are other people who are interested in Marika's safety... so fight of fractions is also possible.
Jun 21, 2012 1:32 PM
Mar 2011
autisticanime said:
darkwintre said:

They assumed she was participating and because her ship isn't good at atmsopheric flight they believed they had a chance at killing her thereby ending the Benten's licence as she's currently the only known inheritor of that deed.

But why? What does the Bentenmaru's licence have to do with the Bisque company? What was it preventing them from doing?

Without early warning they could have killed her and let it look like it was the result of Halou Academy hijinx.

Her privateer license is restricted to being only usable by a descendant of the captain, there is no indications whether Marika has any other family or siblings who could assume her role and the license in the event of her death thereby the Benten couldn't continue as a pirate ship.

There have been hints her family has quite the reputation which the last episode may have confirmed her father might not be as deceased as formerly thought...
Jun 29, 2012 11:29 PM

Nov 2011
Loved this episode, aerial race and banshee-like vehicle fighting in mid-air. Love it.
Jul 1, 2012 12:16 AM

Oct 2010
Continuing from last episode. This episode certainly concludes the Nebula Cup racing arc and develops further Ai with a nice BGM song near thee end of the episode as the Bisque bad guys get captured. My thoughts are as follow.

Burst comments, same deal. One paragraph = to one part of the episode. Just that it’s random.

The planet Calmwind in the spoiler
was done magnificently in colors rather nicely. I like the shades of color.

Obviously the lady who registers in the spoiler
got a face that has rather seen people that killed in front of her and gotten away with it.

I kind of ROFL at Lynn in the spoiler
from how she sighted it.

I was really glad to see Chiaki in the spoiler
for coming along with the team and giving them support. However Lynn sure had that blush here that totally betrays the fact her hacking made all this mess in the first place.

I can obviously see as much as Kane does that the guy in the spoiler
must be one of the Bisque guys.

The course planning display in the spoiler
was nice but I did wonder how can they make it on all the fuel they have left until I should have known using the wing principle comes in.

Lovely takeoff in the spoiler
the lights of all were very charming and nice.

The President of DRL in the spoiler
looked really hysterical and way too hasty. At least her breasts were big but certainly not her looks to go with them.

Those Bisque were so ENRAGING in the spoiler
how dare they do this to the race.
Let alone kill innocent girls to get to one person. Those 2 turrets with double machine guns certainly were a bad nightmare to behold.

The saving grace! I was very happy when the Bentenmaru appears in the spoiler
for I was WTF for the moment of grace here. Luckily it got a nice shot in the following,

And certainly the spoiler
shows it nicely with the Bisque craft missing a wing. Now 2 things regard me to this part.

A)Ai in the spoiler
obviously due to her super amazing knowledge of the wind and the fact that she is the one who gave the edge to the ship in positioning itself in the firing range.

B)The nasty EM attack in the spoiler
certainly was surprising to see done. Looks like a “If you kill me then I blow up on you!” thing. Except that it’s more a counter to escape. What is certainly surprising of this is what it leads to.

About Ai, she starts up nicely with a nice face here. Loved seeing Ai’s faces in the spoiler
they are so nice however I never though she would open the cockpit of her craft here. Mainly due to all being down with EM attack. It further showed a bright light on Ai of fame itself. Indeed the following,

Along with her other faces in the spoiler
melded with the fact she blows out Kane by impressing him of her navigational powers with the stars hence I myself being surprised of her constellation quick memorization. Ai also had a nice shot of her craft exiting and The Bentenmaru going out into space.

About the fan service, one of the things I liked of this episode was mainly Marika in her suit in the spoiler
it never fails in showing out the shape of her breasts. Truly as with other girls this is the effective way of making things sexier in certain parts of girls.

About thee end of the episode, so the list says of the last elements I liked.
  • The President in the spoiler
    was so hilarious with her face in recognizing that Marika did a great effort in preserving the race.

  • Lovely light displaying the spoiler
    since it showed many got safely back into the race but also that it was a nice sight to see.

  • So happy for the spoiler
    club got redeemed and got 2nd place thanks to Grunhilde there. Chiaki got first but the comment was MOE so it all came out nice.
So it was a nice episode full of Ai development and she certainly had the guts to do much in this episode.

That being said Ai should be hired to work as a pirate! I am sure she could be of a great help to Marika.

BTW Image Stitches in the BLOG:
One of Serenity firing the gun.

GIFs in the club:
Some fooling around with a Marika part.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 5, 2013 1:16 PM

Oct 2011
Loved this episode! Ai-chan was amazing, yet again. I'm sad she didn't get to win the race. Hopefully the Bentenmaru will make her part of the crew!
Nov 20, 2013 12:15 AM

Jul 2008
Okay now that was more like it. some good action this time around. I'm impressed that Ai was able to pilot without her electronics, pretty awesome of her. Also the president hacking the last cup, oh boy she has no shame.
Jan 3, 2014 1:29 PM

May 2012
Great episode the race sure was something! Really loved the action in this one!
Jun 5, 2014 6:21 PM

Feb 2008
I love that their response to incident was to adopt that course permanently. Winning it now has to be worth a hell of a lot more than winning it before ;)
Jun 14, 2014 9:37 PM

Aug 2013
Ai-chan = the next Bentenmaru helmsman.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Aug 29, 2020 6:15 PM

Jul 2009
Having an all out girls competition :O

Having a race like that coming from space down the earth.

Looks so much fun!!!

Ai-chan's beanie! T_T

Seeing Marika on a body flight suit (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Shame Ai didn't win, but maybe in the next tournament!!
Sep 4, 2021 11:14 PM

Feb 2014
That was a fun episode! I really liked the race and the dogfight! The chairwoman was funny too hahaha
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Oct 16, 2022 9:37 PM
Jan 2017
So... Why didn't they cancel the race when the students were getting shot at?

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