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Mar 9, 2012 7:43 AM

Oct 2010
Another good episode. This one quite differentiated itself from the other ones once again. It featured what was never done before in a most amazing cooperation of Hibiki/Chris/Tsubasa. Chris was not only MOE in this episode with Genjurou giving her another nice hug but she got another nice move in the following,

MEGA DETH QUARTET so I read it as in the spoiler
whom was itself a good depiction before she unleashes her load. The fight itself was kick ass. I mean we have mega B2 like Noise bombers letting out Noise bombs. I mean how inventive can you get? That is really wild imagination. I never though they would make bombers like that from Noise but it can be clear that Noise seems to adapt into objects of the earth such as grapes as an example. That kind of leaves loads of possible things for Noise to take shape.

OMG what a twist in the following,

Looks like Ryoko got betrayed with apparently the same guys that killed off the Minister. USA conspiracy smells high in that one.

About the fan service, for now I will say that it just keeps impressing me of how poses can be quite ecchi and awkward in fights yet somewhat not bothering. Such as Tsubasa in the spoiler
now just little more and I swear it could be visible. I will leave it at that for now.

Conclusion, well the triple fight was certainly paramount and intense I find. The singing intermingling was not bad and gave a total variation not seen in this series yet. Symphogear once again propelled itself further in new elements coming out. Moreover it gave out a new sense in cooperation during a fight with 3 Symphogears. To that effect I think the end of Vol 5 Bds may prove most interesting provided some things are improved like those pesky frames that suck. May edit later.

BTW Image Stitches done in the club:
Nice ones of Hibiki and Chris.

GIFs done in the club:
Nice firing and blasting with those missiles of Chris.
Yumekichi11Mar 10, 2012 2:30 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 9, 2012 9:58 AM

Nov 2008
Ryoko might die soon but not after killing the soldiers that were sent to kill her, I knew she was up to no good when I seen the blood stained suitcase containing the program for the sword and how she recovered it, not to mention the Symophogear power she used to shield Hibiki from Chris when she first fought Hibiki, there would have been no way she have got that alive without working with the US. Double agent much.

Noise carriers, what a dilemma they are quite the shapeshifters, good thing Chris destroyed most of them and all of the aerial units with Megadeth Quartet, look at those missiles. Hibiki destroyed the first carrier after transforming midair. The cooperation was spectacular and all are friends well somewhat, Chris is still being her kuudere self.

oh shit Miku's in trouble, hopefully the story won't go the opposite way and kill Miku off instead of Hibiki.

Mar 9, 2012 12:09 PM

May 2011
Hoppy said:
Ryoko might die soon but not after killing the soldiers that were sent to kill her, I knew she was up to no good when I seen the blood stained suitcase containing the program for the sword and how she recovered it, not to mention the Symophogear power she used to shield Hibiki from Chris when she first fought Hibiki, there would have been no way she have got that alive without working with the US. Double agent much.

Noise carriers, what a dilemma they are quite the shapeshifters, good thing Chris destroyed most of them and all of the aerial units with Megadeth Quartet, look at those missiles. Hibiki destroyed the first carrier after transforming midair. The cooperation was spectacular and all are friends well somewhat, Chris is still being her kuudere self.

oh shit Miku's in trouble, hopefully the story won't go the opposite way and kill Miku off instead of Hibiki.

Ryoko being the double agent was about the worst kept secret ever. Yet, it still was somehow hilariously kept for 5 episodes.

Miku being inevitably targeted was another one of those "of course" cliched moments.

Still all in all it was a great episode. I love the fact this episode was all about molesting Chris with hugs and fondling to get her out of her bitchy loner mood.
Mar 9, 2012 12:47 PM

Jul 2010
Well this episode confirms that Ryoko was the one communicating with the American guy (BTW, dat English again).

Nice to see Chris cooperating with Hibiki and Tsubasa, though still feeling reluctant afterwards. Also seeing Chris blushing is quite cute.

Now to see what kind of trouble Miku has gotten into...
Mar 10, 2012 4:38 AM

Oct 2011
Dat Engrish - but it's kind of tradition here :D

and after explosion no panic... just some motivational talk while rest of agents probably started to cry, quit jobs and going to fulfill their dreams of becoming shepperds of clowns

Mothra is also there... ok this time Noises were quite good I must say
and they are all friends now awwwww <3

but it was a nice episode still there is not so much time to tell what are Noises (or was it?) and what is that conspiracy, except being evil and using unique version of English
Mar 10, 2012 6:47 AM

Apr 2010
Chris for best Symphogear confirmed and her main song is my favorite. I loved the action scene even with the friendship bonding moments breaking up the action, quite touching.

But with Ryoko Sakurai essentially the antagonist, I wonder if she has been summoning the noise? Is she also a Symphogear, the scene when she healed herself like it was fused to her like the parts are fused to Hibiki?
<img src="" />
Mar 10, 2012 7:24 AM

Jul 2011
That English... XD
Mar 10, 2012 7:46 AM

Dec 2011
I loved Chris's song at the end. Bye Ryoko, nice knowing ya!
Mar 10, 2012 8:49 AM

Aug 2011
Nice Engrish to start off and I really liked Chris in this episode.Ryoko was always someone i always had doubts about...but i wonder wats gonna happen to her now
Mar 10, 2012 10:37 AM

Apr 2011
Love Chris's song. She totally rocks!
Mar 10, 2012 3:11 PM

Jun 2008
MM-Rosiie said:
That English... XD

That was English?
Mar 10, 2012 3:33 PM

Oct 2010
Redfoxoffire said:
MM-Rosiie said:
That English... XD

That was English?
No it's refered to Engrish due to it being terrible. I could not understand 50% of it.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 10, 2012 3:45 PM

May 2011
Well, I suppose it was nice episode...
I have the feeling the next episode had some interest plot.
Mar 10, 2012 4:19 PM

Sep 2011
Redfoxoffire said:
MM-Rosiie said:
That English... XD

That was English?

Nope, it was Engrish.
Mar 10, 2012 4:24 PM

Sep 2011
Good episode,engrish???

The start made me lol with that engrish at least now is sure that Ryoko its the antagonist if any one had a doubt yet.

Chris joins the team that made me happy her song is awesome and finally let the hate that she had for her parents go....dont cry CHRIS!!!

The battle as always was good and liked how they work together.

Next episode its seems the school is being attack....plot moves!!
Mar 10, 2012 5:01 PM

Jul 2009
Oh my fucking god...
Those first 10min with that horrendous, incoherent excuse of "English" combined with the sudden, uncalled pathetic /cry moment from Chris was enough to leave anyone with the feeling of blowing their brains out -.-'

And if that 'heihachi' dudes brutish, heroic strength is only explained by "martial arts" I'm going to be seriously annoyed^^

Make Hibiki spend the night with Miku then give her Duranda and let her lose on an uncontrolled noise killing spree to make this show a bit more entertaining.... losing hope here.

Also for all gun/Chris lovers here, ranged combat are for weak cowards, real honourable warriors fight face to face in melee.
EternalDreamerMar 10, 2012 6:18 PM
Mar 10, 2012 6:02 PM

Aug 2010
The ending fight was cool but the English part was kind of meh.
Mar 10, 2012 6:16 PM
Jun 2008
ok then looking so far yea indeed slowly soon yea indeed cat out of the bag by next eps?

ryoko in fine's mansion got attack by engrish speaker commandos (we're they taking english speaking from Fran Drescher?) & ryoko sorta heal self & bye-bye commandos.
hibiki & miku all relax wonder to do while chris arrive mansion see all commandos got "whacked".
here genjuro then "i love you sayonara" bomb but defeat genjuro's kung fu also calm relax hug chris to trust genjuro.
emergency meeting everyone on call gvie ryoko is on "speakers" (due to shot blast) during which to figure here come air noise attack.
hibiki & tsubasa gett out number til chris arrive soem quick argue & hibiki calm them.
here come v3 chris missile attack & all safe
til bad news call from miku that school is on attack.

yea next eps indeed cat out of the bag.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Mar 10, 2012 9:12 PM

Jun 2008
Yumekichi11 said:
Redfoxoffire said:
MM-Rosiie said:
That English... XD

That was English?
No it's refered to Engrish due to it being terrible. I could not understand 50% of it.

Digglett said:
Redfoxoffire said:
MM-Rosiie said:
That English... XD

That was English?

Nope, it was Engrish.

I don't think that even counted as Engrish.
Mar 10, 2012 11:01 PM

Oct 2011
it was a decent episode ,all 3 worked together and we got to hear chris's lovely voice ^^
Mar 10, 2012 11:02 PM

May 2010
Cool episode!

Now tell me who searched up "Kadingir" after hearing Miku that she searched it on net & only found walkthroughs of games?
Mar 11, 2012 3:09 AM

Oct 2010
ahmed_great2005 said:
Now tell me who searched up "Kadingir" after hearing Miku that she searched it on net & only found walkthroughs of games?
I did to confirm somethings further.

I came up with:
KADINGIR= Gateway of the Gods
which really is a dictionary of the Sumerian language. Ryoko had to wrong. It's more of something being a means for a Gateway of the Gods. Essentially the following reference:
is what should have been inferred. The tower part might not be clear to some people. Now it should be more. Looks like the anime is taking loads of elements from Babylon and Sumerian myths.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 11, 2012 4:43 AM
Oct 2011
lol that engrish cracked me up XD
Mar 11, 2012 6:54 AM

Jul 2010
Oh god shit's hitting the fan but at least they got Chris on board now. Now on to the school. D:

Mar 11, 2012 10:05 AM

Jun 2009
It's funny how they only subtly hinted that Fine = Ryoko before, and now right off the bat we see Ryoko in Fine's "castle" doing bad guy job. Seriously.
It was great to see Chris' development, she's a good character, i can't not like her.
Shit got real at the end, looking forward to next fighto, possibly more Ryoko as Fine.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Mar 11, 2012 12:06 PM

Oct 2007
I hope they are NOT saving the plot for another season.
SivaMar 11, 2012 4:11 PM

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Mar 11, 2012 3:17 PM

Jan 2012
For one episode, Kanade did not appear at all...

Mar 11, 2012 8:52 PM

Aug 2011
So is Ryoko actually Fin? Because I dont think they have ever beem shown in the same time frame. Miku getting attacked was really predictable. Most likely Hibiki will die in the battle against Ryoko to protect Miku, whenever that is. I have a feeling Chris might sacrifice herself too, kind of like Kyoko in Madoka Magica.
Mar 13, 2012 1:55 PM
Feb 2012
Alright now I'm confused. Way back in episode 1, before dying Kanade said something like 'the suit ran out of energy' and her symphogear broke off her and everything. If the gears have a limited battery, why doesn't it concern anyone? Like Chris filling the sky with missiles, and launching 4 TBMs without breaking a sweat....
Guess I will never find out, but at least finally the boss' and Ryoko's superpowers were addressed.
Great ep btw. :P
Mar 13, 2012 7:44 PM

Sep 2007
This episode was just filled with the most corniest tropes ever.
Mar 13, 2012 9:38 PM
Aug 2011
Adair said:
So is Ryoko actually Fin? Because I dont think they have ever beem shown in the same time frame. Miku getting attacked was really predictable. Most likely Hibiki will die in the battle against Ryoko to protect Miku, whenever that is. I have a feeling Chris might sacrifice herself too, kind of like Kyoko in Madoka Magica.

that voice is the same... though..
Mar 14, 2012 11:07 PM

Feb 2011
Wasabi said:
This episode was just filled with the most corniest tropes ever.

You took the words right out of my mouth. It's a shame I'm dropping this with less than 3 episodes to go.

The dialogue was just terrible. The characters have done entire 180s.

I'm usually not so critical of anime and dialogue, but the mixture of seriousness and light hearted "we're all friends now" doesn't work at all for me.

The series: 5/10. The music and concept is great. Everything else, not so much.
Mar 15, 2012 9:09 AM

Jun 2008
Redfoxoffire said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Redfoxoffire said:
MM-Rosiie said:
That English... XD

That was English?
No it's refered to Engrish due to it being terrible. I could not understand 50% of it.

Digglett said:
Redfoxoffire said:
MM-Rosiie said:
That English... XD

That was English?

Nope, it was Engrish.

I don't think that even counted as Engrish.

I agree. Usually when they put English they are correct grammatically but the accent is so strange you don't get anything.
This was just a bundle of thrown English words that fail to even form a coherent sentence along with the terrible accent.

Btw Hibiki please stop singing, my ears are bleeding. Let the other two girls to that.
Btw still a little too tsundere but she's probably the most sexy girl and now she's kind of sweet. Cool firepower also.
Mar 15, 2012 6:40 PM

Apr 2011
Does anyone have info on what name Chris' song is?
Mar 15, 2012 7:47 PM

May 2011
Why am I even still watching this? haha

That Engrish was beyond painful.
Mar 16, 2012 5:43 AM

Dec 2010
Dat Engrish... couldn't understand a thing...

Mar 16, 2012 7:32 AM

Mar 2012
Some things to acknowledge:

The engrish - OMG I love it so much.

Megadeth Quartet - *Dislike Button* It's certainly awesome to see her summon so much power at once but talk about a slap in the face to those of us who wanted to see a fight last more than 2 minutes. "We need to protect Chris while she charges!" "No, don't worry about it, she'll be done in like 10 seconds". That fight fell far below my expectations and I'm just realizing that more and more the more I think about it.

My guess for the next episode! - Earlier in the series Ryoko taught Hibiki why the base under Lydian was so safe. She explained how deep it went and briefly compared it to an inverted tower. Bingo! The Noise Bombers were a decoy positioned at a locale far away from Lydian giving her enough time to breach HQ and get things ready. But! Awaiting Ryoko's return is none other than Genjurou himself and now we get some real action as he holds her off long enough for our heroines to return and finish her off, leaving Ryoko's plans foiled, bringing this story to an end. However, leaving a truckload of our questions unanswered, the writers retain Tons of breathing room with which they begin work on the next season! I hope there's another season, I really am enjoying the show.
"So, I get that when someone from Japan speaks flawed English, it's Engrish, but what do you call it when someone from the US speaks flawed Japanese?" -TheConnerBoi.
Mar 22, 2012 1:13 PM

Aug 2007
More something of the thing of which we think it should be some kind of English language, woohoo! Even reading the Japanese subs underneath it should make more sense then that. Yay, Chris joined...
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Mar 31, 2012 4:09 PM

Nov 2011
Painful ending there and it's decided:

Chris is officially a tsundere now.
Apr 2, 2012 9:47 PM

Nov 2007
wut da fuq at that engrish?

oh god the main character girl is still so annoying.
Apr 9, 2012 6:12 AM
Nov 2011
I think the Noise Bombers looked more like the old fashioned flying/stratofortress style than B2s B2s are a flying wing after all.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Apr 15, 2012 12:15 PM

Jan 2011
I was waiting for something like this to happen, this episode really raised my hopes of the series since the last couple of episodes weren't very good imo.
It's been quite a while since I've been looking forward to more, but I need to wait for the subs first.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Apr 24, 2012 5:55 AM

May 2008
Well nothing much to say , just more noise i guess. Also the part with Ryouko. Everything else is pretty plain in the series , being repeated a few times.

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jul 15, 2013 7:38 PM

Jan 2013
Nice they might all become friends.
Good episode.
Aug 12, 2013 10:02 AM

Jan 2012
Hell yeah! You rock Chris!!! XD
And damn, the schools getting attacked :O
Oct 10, 2013 8:59 AM

May 2012
Woh these cliffhangers are so good! Really nice development and I was right about Fine being Ryoko Sakurai, pretty epic development I must say, and now that Chris also joined things will only get better and better, so lets see what's next!
Nov 28, 2013 5:51 PM

Feb 2013

That engrish at the beginning was so bad I couldn't help but laugh. Thankfully, I had subs for that.

Team symphogear finally has all 3 members. Love Chris and her big guns!
Aug 8, 2014 3:43 PM

Feb 2014
I have no idea how Ryoko survived multiple gunshots, but I'm glad she's not dead.

This episode was kind of confusing to follow imo. Also Chris really needs to chill out. She's way too stubborn!

Anyway, Hibiki's holding hands thing was really corny :p

I hope Miku and the other students are safe :(
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Oct 18, 2014 1:50 AM

Feb 2013
I knew Ryoko was no good. That hug that Genjuurou gave to Chris. Chris was being tsudere this episode, lol. Uh oh, what happened to Miku at the end? Good episode.
Feb 26, 2015 2:20 PM

Nov 2009
This show has come a long way since the first 3 episodes thats for sure, I think its ever since Hibiki became useful its made the show 10x better, plus Chris got introduced and she is the best character in this show, Period.
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