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Feb 26, 2012 8:42 AM

Aug 2008
Oh. Just when I'm thinking where that commander has gone.

As expected, it's MIX in Andy's way.
Hmm. I feel like I've learned something from donuts.
And Mikono's element seems to have something with donuts

OMG. Andy and MIX are perfect matched to each other.
MIX is still bitching though, even when it's battle time. Andy has proven to be cooler.

But oh well, that ends well. Mikono's element can connect people in a ring of donuts. At least Andy gets to feel it.
And isn't MIX's element too convenient?

And JIN is alive and kicking.

  • There will be a new student.
  • My guess is that it will be JIN.
  • There is another blank in the ED and I'll bet on JIN to fill it.
KaitoDashFeb 26, 2012 10:30 AM
Feb 26, 2012 9:00 AM

Nov 2007
The enemy? putting eyes on green hair girl and the main girl? Mykage guy controlled some people.

Girls talk and class rep. girl is mad.

Talk between the main girl's brother and piano guy, who is interested in the main girl.

Keeps digging the hole for girls' dorm, again, and got caught by the class rep. girl, who tries to undo the holes. She doesn't like digging the holes. The guy got involved somehow.

lol @ "Ana yori dango".

The head up going to mix the main girl and those two "hole incident" people for next ep. lol @ two of them don't want to get united and the main girl trying to calm them during the training.

She doesn't like both hole and men because of the meeting of her parents.

Hole digging guy trying to persuade her by trying to unite, then she finally accepts. The enemy not letting them so he protected her for uniting. Changing with the main guy to unite with the class rep. girl being the main one.

So the main girl's power is to be connected? And the hole digging guy also sensing. They won.

In the end, they became the relation of arguing even if he was asked to dig a whole for throwing trash.

Some accident and moment between the main guy and main girl.

New guy?
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 26, 2012 9:02 AM

Mar 2010
Gattai blocked... I feel horrible for Andy since he didn't actually get to gattai. His spirit being there isn't enough!
GastafFeb 26, 2012 9:09 AM

Feb 26, 2012 9:22 AM
Jan 2012
mikono's element is rather lame compared to silvia. while i don't know celiane's power but it probably was not what mikono had.
however silvia did by the end of the first series did connect the angel, human and half-angels to work together. it maybe she is silvia but somehow something about her is rather dull.

on the other hand zessica being jealous will lead to more of the she will join the dark side speculations even though we have spoilers saying mikono is the "bad woman"

poor andy and mix. but i am sure if they did gattai their universe wouldn't last much.
Feb 26, 2012 10:42 AM

Jan 2012
Andy got Gattai-blocked again? And this time, he got blocked from MIX? This running gag is not funny anymore, it's just getting cruel. :( Well, atleast thanks to Mikono's element power he's there... Sort of. :/ And Andy and MIX are perfect for each other. Andy uses his element to dig holes while MIX uses hers to fill them. D'aww.. :D

Wow, I didn't think Mikono's element would be revealed so soon, but apparently it's to connect others? I like it. :) It fits her pretty well. Since it's not as "flashy" as Zessica's hand blast or as obvious as Amata's flight. Although I feel that'll it'll be pretty important later on.

lol Jin. I knew you were alive. And I also think that Jin will be the new student.

And after watching the raws I can say, finally! There's some AmataXMikono development! :D I love how Amata is rooting and encouraging her all throughout the episode. :) And Shu-Shu is such a moment killer. >.>

queenSwildFeb 26, 2012 12:07 PM
Feb 26, 2012 2:54 PM

Feb 2012
Hope subs come out soon! xD
Feb 26, 2012 5:23 PM

Oct 2010
rofl... BIG BANG Union
Poor andy... he got so close. So Mikono is like a catalyst to improve the union?
Funny ep... just wondering, they haven't said which is Zessica power yet right?
choyosFeb 26, 2012 5:27 PM
Feb 26, 2012 5:30 PM
Jan 2012
they really need to do a zessica episode alread. she is the third main character. yet we know nothing about her back ground or what clearly her power really is. every episode it feels she fought she has a different kind of power. also her heart is closed a lot more than mix. mix is actually supposed to be a middle character between mikono and zessica, so zessica will have a lot harder time to actually open up to anyone.
Feb 26, 2012 5:46 PM

Jan 2012
choyos said:
rofl... BIG BANG Union
Poor andy... he got so close. So Mikono is like a catalyst to improve the union?
Funny ep... just wondering, they haven't said which is Zessica power yet right?

That's a very good way to describe her element. I guess they were right about her element being a Aquarion power amplifier. :P

Hmm. I just assumed that her power was the hand blast from episode one since Aquarion hasn't done it since. :/ She's only piloted like what.. three times? So she hasn't really gotten the chance to show it...
Feb 26, 2012 6:25 PM

Apr 2011
Nice Andy and Mix moments. Poor Andy. Got replaced by Amata!

The episodes lacks of Zessica goodness.
Feb 26, 2012 6:58 PM
Jan 2012
well we got mikage talking about gardens and flowers. everyone so far has been admiring mikono but garden only blooms for zessica by OP :P
Feb 26, 2012 7:23 PM
Apr 2011
Feb 26, 2012 8:20 PM

Aug 2010
A lot of talk about holes in this episode lol
Feb 26, 2012 8:40 PM

Sep 2010
choyos said:
rofl... BIG BANG Union
Poor andy... he got so close. So Mikono is like a catalyst to improve the union?

Her power seems to be pretty much increase the shipping level for the union, but only if someone gets prior subtext. ;P
Feb 26, 2012 8:55 PM
Nov 2011
Oh man, throughout the whole episode everytime they said "ana" i thought ketsu no ana. This is what Gintama does to you.
Feb 26, 2012 9:14 PM
Apr 2011
hahaha "bros before holes" i lost it right there
Feb 26, 2012 10:20 PM

May 2011
Wait wait, you guys actually tolerate Mix? shes annoying as fuck! She takes out her anger on guys because her dad fell in love with a woman through a glory hole just makes her downright the stupidest person in the entire show. i cant even stand a sentence from her and this chapter pissed me off more than usual even though Andy is literally the only funny dude in the show.


This show has the Power Rangers theme to it.
Evil army that lives in another dimension and attacks only one city out of the millions in the entire world every episode. And they do lame character development with alot of unlikable characters until the final battle occurs where the hero discovers some cheesy resolve to defeat the final boss.
ExplicitzFeb 26, 2012 10:23 PM
Feb 26, 2012 10:22 PM

Feb 2012
Magito said:
Nice Andy and Mix moments. Poor Andy. Got replaced by Amata!

The episodes lacks of Zessica goodness.

If there's a little Zessica scene, I might be dissapointed eventhough there's Andy the most badass idiot ever made.

But can;t be helped, he and Amata shares the same unit, right? Vector Z CMIIW

Thess said:
Her power seems to be pretty much increase the shipping level for the union,

So Mikono is a shipper huh?

Explicitz said:

U know, uh, Clam. Uh... MIX's boobs :P
My 2 cents
Azure-kunFeb 26, 2012 10:27 PM
Feb 26, 2012 10:31 PM

Aug 2008
Explicitz said:
Wait wait, you guys actually tolerate Mix? shes annoying as fuck! She takes out her anger on guys because her dad fell in love with a woman through a glory hole just makes her downright the stupidest person in the entire show. i cant even stand a sentence from her and this chapter pissed me off more than usual even though Andy is literally the only funny dude in the show.

I hate MIX. That's why it kinda satisfied me seeing MIX gets pwned by Andy.
Feb 26, 2012 10:41 PM

May 2010
Hahaha I thought that idiot is gonna have a union but too bad it was interupted !!

Feb 26, 2012 11:03 PM

Apr 2009
Explicitz said:
This show has the Power Rangers theme to it.
Evil army that lives in another dimension and attacks only one city out of the millions in the entire world every episode. And they do lame character development with alot of unlikable characters until the final battle occurs where the hero discovers some cheesy resolve to defeat the final boss.
so were you actually bashing the show or have you realized only now what it's mostly about?

Explicitz said:
Wait wait, you guys actually tolerate Mix? shes annoying as fuck! She takes out her anger on guys because her dad fell in love with a woman through a glory hole just makes her downright the stupidest person in the entire show. i cant even stand a sentence from her and this chapter pissed me off more than usual even though Andy is literally the only funny dude in the show.
some people like their megane prefect characters to also be tsundere (it's also a character stereotype that you should be getting used to).. therefore, yay for MIX x Andy episode.. too bad they got gattai-blocked..

anyway, what i like about in this episode more are all those lines that involve "holes" scattered throughout the episode..
Feb 26, 2012 11:08 PM

Dec 2011
TsukiumiFanboy said:
hahaha "bros before holes" i lost it right there

IKR! It was amazing.
Feb 26, 2012 11:22 PM

Jan 2009
lol the sexual dialogues is really filling my brain and in other words im digging this anime
Feb 26, 2012 11:23 PM

Feb 2009
"Humans are born from holes, and to holes they return."
Freaking epic line there from Fudo.

And at least Andy's present in spirit. Right? Right?
Ah who am I kidding, the guy always get cockblocked. Poor guy.
Dem Mix cannons though.
Feb 27, 2012 12:18 AM

Feb 2012
"Humans are born from holes, and to holes they return."
True to the bone. This anime serves us a new sight into life. Lol. Fudo the Wise.

I've just watched it. And Andy looks silly flying-naked like that.
To tell the truth, my biggest reason waiting for this episode, besides to see Andy is to see how Zessica develop her feeling.
Man, is it only me tearing up seeing Zessica in minute 22:00 - 22:04 :'(

Is there any possibility she will switch side?

Next is Jin-sama. Lol, his hair is cool, looks a lot like Mello from DN. And that pic in gelbooru was know, there will be something between Yunoha and Jin. That might be a cute pairing also.

Nevertheless, I would like to see more Cayenne than that gay-ish conve. with Shrade. I want him has a woman too!
Feb 27, 2012 12:44 AM

Jan 2011
Azure-kun said:
"Humans are born from holes, and to holes they return."
True to the bone. This anime serves us a new sight into life. Lol. Fudo the Wise.

I've just watched it. And Andy looks silly flying-naked like that.
To tell the truth, my biggest reason waiting for this episode, besides to see Andy is to see how Zessica develop her feeling.
Man, is it only me tearing up seeing Zessica in minute 22:00 - 22:04 :'(

Is there any possibility she will switch side?

Next is Jin-sama. Lol, his hair is cool, looks a lot like Mello from DN. And that pic in gelbooru was know, there will be something between Yunoha and Jin. That might be a cute pairing also.

Nevertheless, I would like to see more Cayenne than that gay-ish conve. with Shrade. I want him has a woman too!

In the ED it shows a evil Zessica in the mirror.
Feb 27, 2012 12:48 AM

Feb 2010
KaitoDash said:
There is another blank in the ED and I'll bet on JIN to fill it.

I hope this too. But if he choose good side, Kagura will be only villain and i cant image tht. Maybe they should exchange him with Shrade, then finally he can do some Gattai without asking. If you know what i mean lol.


The inner sea of the planet. The platform of the watchtower. From the edge of paradise you shall hear my words.
Your story shall be full of blessings. ━Let only those without sin pass. "Garden of Avalon"!
Feb 27, 2012 1:00 AM

Sep 2010
Loved the episode. Very fun and silly.

Anyway, extra fun with cartomancy now that we know the cards = people according to Fudo.

ThessFeb 27, 2012 1:04 AM
Feb 27, 2012 1:10 AM

Feb 2012
Thess said:
Ace of Diamonds (Zessica's card):
The Ace of Diamonds is traditionally a positive card. Specifically, it signifies a letter, a ring or paper money. The Ace of Diamonds represents news, a message, an invitation, or written communication. The surrounding cards will indicate if the news is good or bad. It also denotes new beginnings. It signifies making a fresh start, and beginning again from scratch. It can indicate the start of a new financial venture, or the beginning of a new phase in life. Furthermore, its original meaning of “a ring” simbolizing the Ace of Diamonds was about wedding engagement taking place.

Uh oh. New beginning, new/fresh start. Don't tell me..

Queen of Diamon also describes MIX well :D

Nice post mate.
Feb 27, 2012 1:12 AM

Sep 2010
Azure-kun said:
Uh oh. New beginning, new/fresh start. Don't tell me..

Queen of Diamon also describes MIX well :D

Nice post mate.

You're welcome. I was hunting down this since I love the cards.

All Aces (and the Joker) stand for "beginnings". The red aces (diamonds and heart) are usually positive ones. I'm having the vibe that Amata's not a reincarnation, rather he's a descendant... Unless he gets associated with the Ace of Clubs soon.
ThessFeb 27, 2012 1:18 AM
Feb 27, 2012 1:24 AM

Feb 2012
Thess said:

You're welcome. I was hunting down this since I love the cards.

All Aces (and the Joker) stand for "beginnings". The red aces (diamonds and heart) are usually positive ones. I'm having the vibe that Amata's not a reincarnation, rather he's a descendant... Unless he gets associated with the Ace of Clubs soon.

I can't stand seeing gloomy Zessica... :(
But if she's shown up in the next ep. and flirting with Amata the writer really messed it up. The plot made a great twist. I love the way this go.

Thanks for the enlightenment though. I'm also hope something good happen to Zessica :)
Wonder what kind of card Andy and Cayenne are?
Feb 27, 2012 2:38 AM

Jan 2011
Merue said:
KaitoDash said:
There is another blank in the ED and I'll bet on JIN to fill it.

I hope this too. But if he choose good side, Kagura will be only villain and i cant image tht. Maybe they should exchange him with Shrade, then finally he can do some Gattai without asking. If you know what i mean lol.

Feb 27, 2012 2:41 AM

Apr 2010
VioLink said:

In the ED it shows a evil Zessica in the mirror.

Feb 27, 2012 3:40 AM
Jan 2012
zessica also has flowers and life associated with her. i think that mirror reflection might show mikage kidnapping her against her will as well.
Feb 27, 2012 4:19 AM

Feb 2012
antonn said:
VioLink said:

In the ED it shows a evil Zessica in the mirror.

But she look sad as hell... I'm agree Mikage will play the strings.
Feb 27, 2012 6:32 AM

Jul 2010
Ana Yori Dango!!
Feb 27, 2012 6:47 AM

May 2011
argilium said:
Explicitz said:
This show has the Power Rangers theme to it.
Evil army that lives in another dimension and attacks only one city out of the millions in the entire world every episode. And they do lame character development with alot of unlikable characters until the final battle occurs where the hero discovers some cheesy resolve to defeat the final boss.
so were you actually bashing the show or have you realized only now what it's mostly about?

Explicitz said:
Wait wait, you guys actually tolerate Mix? shes annoying as fuck! She takes out her anger on guys because her dad fell in love with a woman through a glory hole just makes her downright the stupidest person in the entire show. i cant even stand a sentence from her and this chapter pissed me off more than usual even though Andy is literally the only funny dude in the show.
some people like their megane prefect characters to also be tsundere (it's also a character stereotype that you should be getting used to).. therefore, yay for MIX x Andy episode.. too bad they got gattai-blocked..

I wasnt bashing the show, and i pretty much got the gist of it at around episode 5.

I heavily dislike tsundere characters (especially the Loli types). She hasnt even reached the tsundere stage yet imo, shes just a bitch.
Feb 27, 2012 6:48 AM

Apr 2009
KaitoDash said:
There is another blank in the ED and I'll bet on JIN to fill it.
blank spot in the ED? isn't that Sazanka's spot? she's the only allied character so far who frequents the OP but has nothing on the ED..
Feb 27, 2012 7:08 AM

Jun 2009
Mix was love this episode, and she even got her some heart holes filled by Andy, nice going there. Too bad they got gattai blocked at first, Andy's spirit in 2nd gattai works i guess.
I loved Andy x Mix development. <3

"Bros before holes"
"We're connected and my world is expanding"
"Humans are born from holes, and to holes they return"
How i love all those crazy lines this show has to offer.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Feb 27, 2012 7:38 AM

Feb 2012
Does no one care about Zessica's minor development in this ep?
Feb 27, 2012 8:57 AM
Jan 2009
Azure-kun said:
Does no one care about Zessica's minor development in this ep?

She's got balls

"If you don't want him, I'll take him."
Feb 27, 2012 9:16 AM
Jan 2012
Nyron said:
Azure-kun said:
Does no one care about Zessica's minor development in this ep?

She's got balls

"If you don't want him, I'll take him."

probably future indication when kagura takes mikono and mikono willingly agrees to that dark marriage with him.

zessica will then take amata :P
Feb 27, 2012 9:29 AM

Jan 2011
Nyron said:
Azure-kun said:
Does no one care about Zessica's minor development in this ep?

She's got balls

"If you don't want him, I'll take him."

I loved that part. She is so blunt and straight foward thats why I love her. I don't know wtf Amata is thinking.

Zessica > Mikono
Feb 27, 2012 9:41 AM

May 2011
VioLink said:
Nyron said:
Azure-kun said:
Does no one care about Zessica's minor development in this ep?

She's got balls

"If you don't want him, I'll take him."

I loved that part. She is so blunt and straight foward thats why I love her. I don't know wtf Amata is thinking.

Zessica > Mikono

he's thinking about those breasts and dat revealing clothing she wears.
Feb 27, 2012 9:57 AM

Aug 2008
Azure-kun said:
Does no one care about Zessica's minor development in this ep?

I don't really like gloomy Zessica. But if this will lead to Amata x Zessica, I'm fully on it.

argilium said:
KaitoDash said:
There is another blank in the ED and I'll bet on JIN to fill it.
blank spot in the ED? isn't that Sazanka's spot? she's the only allied character so far who frequents the OP but has nothing on the ED..
Sazanka? Possible, but I feel that she has the same significance as Malloy, so I'm unsure they will include her and not him.
Feb 27, 2012 10:47 AM
Sep 2011
This is some deep stuff Aquarion Evol got here, that's for sure, even if it's only on a literal level. And Mix continues to fill Andy's holes.
Feb 27, 2012 11:41 AM

Apr 2010
Lestrade said:
This is some deep stuff Aquarion Evol got here, that's for sure, even if it's only on a literal level. And Mix continues to fill Andy's holes.

Andy probably enjoys filling Mix's holes too.

I'd really enjoy some Amata x Zessica. If I had a choice between the indecisive mess Mikono and the straight forward Zessica its a no brainer which one makes more sense.

VandesdelcaFeb 27, 2012 11:45 AM
Feb 27, 2012 2:08 PM
Dec 2007
Very entertaining as usual.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Feb 27, 2012 4:32 PM

Nov 2007
Again, prepare for the shit to hit the fans in the series. It's too soon now but beware lol.

If this follows some of the same themes as the original, it will get really gloomy and heart-wrenching. It's even worse now that the characters are more developed and interesting than the original...
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Feb 27, 2012 6:37 PM

Sep 2007
Oh that silly prude, Mix. Andy will fill all her holes. And she'll like it. Every. Single. Time. Needs more Zessica.
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