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Feb 2, 2012 12:47 PM

Aug 2011
No, why Hare?
She was the only reasonable character in this show!
And what about that badass Shu? It's so ironic, Hare appreciated nothing more than Shu's kindness, and after her death, he turns into the complete opposite.
Please Shu, don't stay like that.
Feb 2, 2012 12:47 PM

Aug 2008

The preview for ep16 looks like things won't get any better for the school. Those faggot ass bitches that tried to stir shit are back at it again. Plus, Shoe finally dons a longcoat.
Feb 2, 2012 12:47 PM

Dec 2010
oo this is what i've been waited for 4 months.
“My antics are works of art.” ~ Hermann Fegelein
Feb 2, 2012 12:47 PM
Jan 2011
bakuramariks said:

So the new definition for rape is pulling a sword out of a moaning girl to beat some robos?
I want to rape someone >:D
Feb 2, 2012 12:50 PM

Feb 2008
That's mean how important Hare was to him, it's probably would be Shu x Hare if she still was alive but now it's going only be Shu x Inori.

Paul said:
Yahirio's brother dies. Shu doesn't change.
Gai dies. Shu doesn't change.
Hare dies. Shu rages and void rapes Inori.

Anyways, I am enjoying this.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Feb 2, 2012 12:54 PM

Dec 2010
And he's broke. Completely broke. Despair and moral event horizon packaged all in one.

Paul said:
Yahirio's brother dies. Shu doesn't change.
Gai dies. Shu doesn't change.
Hare dies. Shu rages and void rapes Inori.

It was a long and streneous line of death for him. That he caused, that he felt personally responsible for. Hare being the most significant death to him because if he wasn't so flexible that wouldn't have happened. It was pretty heartwrenching to watch.

I found Shu pretty decent honestly, but... well, I'll have to watch how things turn out. This isn't going to end well I know that.

Though I can see them milking the void rape drama, lmao.
Feb 2, 2012 1:02 PM

Jul 2010
Paul said:
T_A_I_K_O said:
What a badass episode!!!!
I'm wondering how shu's going to treat his comrades now.^^

Everyone's his b***h now.

Can't wait to see it.^^
Feb 2, 2012 1:02 PM

Dec 2011

This reminded me of Mana. I really don't hope that the same will happen to him.
Feb 2, 2012 1:03 PM

Jul 2011
The only person that truly believed in Shu died... that was so sad.
Hare, you were such a nice girl.

EdenBagginsFeb 4, 2012 5:29 AM
Feb 2, 2012 1:03 PM

Jan 2008
Lauriet said:
And he's broke. Completely broke. Despair and moral event horizon packaged all in one.

Paul said:
Yahirio's brother dies. Shu doesn't change.
Gai dies. Shu doesn't change.
Hare dies. Shu rages and void rapes Inori.

It was a long and streneous line of death for him. That he caused, that he felt personally responsible for. Hare being the most significant death to him because if he wasn't so flexible that wouldn't have happened. It was pretty heartwrenching to watch.

I found Shu pretty decent honestly, but... well, I'll have to watch how things turn out. This isn't going to end well I know that.

Though I can see them milking the void rape drama, lmao.

I will agree that she was indeed the most important person to Shu out of the three, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't blame himself for her death. Especially with all the "punching Souta in the face and telling him he's why Hare died".

Anyways, anyone else wondering where those other students went off too? Died probably?
Feb 2, 2012 1:06 PM
Feb 2012
Just joined, first post here lol.
About this episode, this is where i see it becoming predictable, he goes into his confused state, he's all sadistic and feeling bad, he puts ranking system in action, next episode or 2 he goes beating the sh!t out of everyone, then something's gonna go bad and stuff happens, then suddenly he gets bitch slapped by Inori and reverts to kind Shu, also because he then remembers about what Hare told him and then what was happening bad turns back normal.
Either that or its stilll an unpredictable show :D
Feb 2, 2012 1:17 PM

Feb 2008
First of all he going to treated them badly, they all going to hate Shu but dunno if director want him to recovery in one episode but I really doubt so.

T_A_I_K_O said:
What a badass episode!!!!
I'm wondering how shu's going to treat his comrades now.^^

I was a bit sad of Hare dead but have to agreed it was the best dead scenes, you know what I mean.
I think Inori got scared of Shu becuase he wasn't he usually self.
He forcely pull of out the void.

I do really want to know what happend on the next episode.

Do you think he will recovery in one episode?
I mean as a strong & kind person not the cruel one.

Come on if you were a student from the school in the anime and you threat every low ranked as trash.
What do you have done ?

A Ranking System is not really good, it should be something like working together.
It doesn't really fit well with Shu personality.

One problem with Shu that he can't decide for himself and keep agreed with everything.
If you don't want to do it just say it.
He need confident.

" Do you really think Hare want you to be like this? "
She does want him to become a king but not a cruel one, a kind one.

I guess he went all rages without even thinking.
I don't know how it is feel like having something important die in front at you, but I do want him to recovery as quick possible.
I know it's going to be difficult.

So how many episodes do you think it will take for him to recovery back to his normal and better self?

Maybe he will recovery back in the next episode in the end but I do doubt so probably 2 or 3 episodes.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Feb 2, 2012 1:18 PM

Aug 2009


I FEEL SO FUCKING SAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T________________T
Srsly... my heart feels shattered... T_________T

The only positive thing about this episode is that Daryl is soo caring for Tsugumi/runt. xP

Feb 2, 2012 1:19 PM

Jul 2011
dam i just watched it, epic episode definitely 5/5 for me but i go into more detail later on cuz im busy
Feb 2, 2012 1:20 PM

Jan 2008
Lulexiaa said:

To be honest, Daryl could probably replace Gai as a 'main character' on the Anime Detail/Character List page as he's much more important.
Feb 2, 2012 1:32 PM

Jan 2010
I loved this Episode ! Guilty crown never fails to amaze me ..but Hare died :'C Me is sad T.T

Now ...Dat Evil Shu ...This is goin to be interesting :D
Feb 2, 2012 1:44 PM

Jan 2009
Well tagline from the Japanese site

"The right to use my friends as a weapon, that is the sinful crown I shall adorn".

Pretty much sums up what Shu will do.

Just like Lelouch and his death scene phase Shu now becomes badass mofo? Apart from forcefully removing voices, he just used a shock wave to get rid of the enclaves when previously he actually ran up to them and slashed them.

Hare's death didn't surprise me too much for some reason. I think the scene was beautifully played out with that tender hug/confession moment and her belief in him but I oddly felt more emotional impact from Yurin scene in AGE even though I knew that was gonna happen.

Maybe its cos Shu has generally been like a emotional retard until like last 2 or so episodes.

I've also noticed this personality change for Daryl to someone we should have empathy for? I still remember his brutal shooting of civilians and he wanted to kill his dad so not sure what directors trying to portray.

I still think the animation and music is great but whatever messages its trying to portray are kinda messy at best.
Feb 2, 2012 1:44 PM

Feb 2008
OMG this episode was so EPIC I loved it. I'm so sad that Hare died fuck you Souta. Shu went next Level with Void. SO BADASS!!!!!!
Feb 2, 2012 1:47 PM

Jul 2009

Wow this was really dramatic. Hare was probably the only person who understand Shu's feelings the most and Shu knew that.

Getting better and better
5/5 definitely!

Feb 2, 2012 1:49 PM

Oct 2010
Lulexiaa said:


I FEEL SO FUCKING SAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T________________T
Srsly... my heart feels shattered... T_________T

The only positive thing about this episode is that Daryl is soo caring for Tsugumi/runt. xP

Finally someone that felt same way of Hare.

Of Shu and his empty look, I think we can safely assume Star Wars here. Shu going to the dark side due to Hare's death and destroys loads of shit of GHQ only to maybe have a asspull to make him in light of things.

Why do I have the impression Inori GOT RAPED not of how people think but because her reaction was that in direct connection with those students possibly dead and her not telling Shu of it.

IMO there is connection here between the 2. Who does anyone think.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 2, 2012 1:50 PM

Sep 2011
They killed Hare...THOSE BASTARDS!!!

Kinda Sad and mad that they kill Hare.....she was so kind and cute!!!
But plot wise may be a good move since Shu finally drop some balls and will begin to be a leader kindness as a leader is never good thing.....

Well lets see how they keep this up and how long badass Shu last!!!


raxius1230Feb 2, 2012 1:55 PM
Feb 2, 2012 2:09 PM

Jul 2008

good guy Shu -> scumbag Shu

Def loving this episode esp when Shu's eyes changed
been waitin for something like this to happen, hopefully this trauma would make the upcoming episodes better ^^

"The right to use my friend as a weapon: that is the sinful crown I shall adorn"
Feb 2, 2012 2:12 PM

May 2008
They killed Hare.......
Feb 2, 2012 2:15 PM

Sep 2007
I know sacrificing Hare was necessary to force Shu to change (because of course they're saving Inori until the end for who knows what) but still....

NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! HARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yeah seriously.....use her void to fix a car. THAT WAS THE DUMBEST IDEA EVER SOUTA!
I felt bad for him in the beginning but after this.


I can sorta see Shu turning into some sort of ass-kickin overlord but who's mentally withdrawn to everyone else now.....(Cuz I doubt he turn into another bad-ass Gai anytime soon).
Man he's sooooo broken now <_<;
Feb 2, 2012 2:31 PM

Mar 2010
Well, Shu could have beaten the crap out of Souta (and maybe also the others who went out on their own) for doing something stupid like that.
--> REMOVE Souta
--> Reanimate Hare
I will really miss her.
But now there is no more rival for Inori except Shu himself O_o
5 / 5
Feb 2, 2012 2:32 PM

Jul 2011
ok im back and like i said before EPIC episode 5/5

shu was very doubtful becoming the new leader and suddenly having all these people to take care of,

he was trying to be kind and help everyone but the shortage of vaccines he couldn't help everyone and was forced to become heartless with giving them out

but he couldn't do it with souta and the other f-class and he just didn't want to abandon his friends and become what people hate,

i love that scene with hare and shu, i sorta started to like hare as the series progressed, i found the scene with shu and her very touching, as she comforted him and sort of confessed to him, i think shu was starting to have romantic feelings for hare and cared for her deeply

when souta and the other low class rushed out and hare and shu got injured in that explosion,

and when hare was dying from her wound but chose to save shu first was extremely sad/depressing/heartbreaking i had a new found respect for hare for doing that and i didn't want her to die, but then midway while healing shu her void was shot and destroyed, shu was saved but she was doomed

she had that touching moment where she tells shu about the kind king and slowly gets crystallized ,

i dont know how exactly but i think when her void was destroyed she was going to die along with it as the void is a persons "heart" their very life, so when destroyed people are doomed to fade away with it

thats my theory anyway, it could be something else, like she wasn't vaccinated yet but ill believe in my theory for now

that moment when shu wakes up and finds hare turning into a crystal, and fading away in his arms made me wanna cry, it was soo sad T_T

and the part where shu goes beserk, and inori knowing something is wrong with shu tried to get away and shu forcefully taking her void and taking out those endlaves was epic

it surprised me when shu beat the crap out of souta and blamed him for hare's death but imo i think he knows its his own fault in a way for being indecisive in the beginning, i think he also sort of loved hare which is why he was so angry and sad

i thought he was gonna carry on crying and quit being a leader but then he stopped himself crying and then declares he will become a true king and stop caring

i loved that moment, shu has come pretty far since the first episode, i cant wait for the next

oh yea the haters will probably most likely disagree with me and will find some stupid reason to bash the show and will probably reply to this, saying im wrong, well tbh i dont care, i loved this ep and i wont even bother arguing with you about it because imo this is my favorite ep so far
Feb 2, 2012 2:32 PM

Apr 2011
Paul said:
Yahirio's brother dies. Shu doesn't change.
Gai dies. Shu doesn't change.
Hare dies. Shu rages and void rapes Inori.

Anyways, I am enjoying this.

Why they have to kill her??? her final moments were so heart breaking, T_T!!!
And after this Shu goes berserk...
Oh man I have a feeling that this is not going to end well, but finally we have Shu taking some action!!!
5/5 for me
P.S Hare R.I.P
Feb 2, 2012 2:38 PM

Oct 2011
Well, this had to be done. Now he's truly ready to be a badass thanks to the help of a stupid friend and the girl that loved him. But hey, it's not like you lost your blow-up-doll right?
Feb 2, 2012 2:39 PM

Aug 2009
-I knew it was coming, you knew it was coming, we all fucking knew it was coming. It's always the good girls in these series isn't it?
-Souta: I really can't be that mad at him. I know where he's coming from and in the fairest sense of things the Void Ranking system is really kinda terrible. Then again, the whole point of this episode was for Shu to throw kindness and fairness out the window.
-As if the pseudo-sexual nature of Voids wasn't clear enough, the "rape" scene encased it in carbonite.
-Daryl x Tsugumi still has hope! Wooooooo!

Hareeeeee!!! :'(
Feb 2, 2012 2:41 PM

Oct 2009
Why am I the only person that finds this unexpected?

Anyhow, Shu's badass-ery is about to enter in.

Feb 2, 2012 2:47 PM
Mar 2011
So does anyone care to explain why Inori didn't want Shu to pull out her void all of a sudden? I mean, there's a bunch of fucking Endlaves riding around and blowing shit up and she just decides that she doesn't want Shu to use her Void?
Feb 2, 2012 2:49 PM

Nov 2009
AllTsunNoDere said:
So does anyone care to explain why Inori didn't want Shu to pull out her void all of a sudden? I mean, there's a bunch of fucking Endlaves riding around and blowing shit up and she just decides that she doesn't want Shu to use her Void?

Shu was not himself. God knows what he might have done instead of just pwning those Endlaves.
Feb 2, 2012 2:51 PM

Jul 2009
Zergneedsfood said:

Honestly eh... SIGH.
Shu is not bad ass, the only thing decent he did was punch his annoying 'friend' a couple of times.
At least the next few episodes is going to be fun, but following those episode where Shu tries to correct his ways, and blahblah, will land us back to square one and by then, I might grow a bald spot.
KurogashiFeb 2, 2012 2:56 PM
Feb 2, 2012 2:56 PM

Feb 2008
I think I'm the only one that I don't want him to be a cruel machine that only treated people like trash.

I begin to hate Shu even more now how he treated Inori like that, he went berseker and he is broken becuase of Hare dead, I can understand that.

I do still think that Ayase and the rest will stay together with him even thought he turn out to become some cruel ass that threats low ranking as thrash or it could be opposited.

Gai was strong & strict but he was also kind.

Shu is not going to become like Gai, he is going to be a person that's not really him.
He wil snap and everyone will be afraid of Shu.
He recovery back in the end of the next episode.

I don't know what directors are thinking but I do really hope something like that.

I have check everyone else posts but no one have naming the person that played Chess with Scarface.

Who do think he want to meet?

Is it Gai or is it Evil shu?

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Feb 2, 2012 2:57 PM

Oct 2011
IMO, best episode so far. Shu will probably snap again when he learns that Hare saved his life by sacrificing hers.
Feb 2, 2012 2:59 PM

Jun 2008
I want more of Daryl x Tsugumi ~~~

Omg, Shirley died! oh, sorry, i mean Hare!

wait...a love confession and then sudden death of the supporting goody girl that is in love with the main protagonist...where have i seen that before...

oh right, CODE GEASS.

Hare was the most decent chara after Gai. Congratulations to the director for killing the best characters on the show.

So, who dies next? =_=

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Feb 2, 2012 2:59 PM

Feb 2008
She was afraid of Shu, so yeah who knows she could get rape and Inori love Shu so she obviously can't killed Shu.
I told this many times before he wasn't himself.

Shu usually not force anything and always ask nicely.
That's the reason, do you really hanging on what is going on?

bakuramariks said:
AllTsunNoDere said:
So does anyone care to explain why Inori didn't want Shu to pull out her void all of a sudden? I mean, there's a bunch of fucking Endlaves riding around and blowing shit up and she just decides that she doesn't want Shu to use her Void?

Shu was not himself. God knows what he might have done instead of just pwning those Endlaves.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Feb 2, 2012 3:04 PM

May 2011

If I was shu, I would be like that too...sad sepisode but Shu looks so badass and I wonder what happens next..

Hare=Shirley from code geass

shame on you director of Guilty Crown...
Feb 2, 2012 3:05 PM

Jun 2009
- Obvious death was obvious
- Nice idea of having the people with "weakest" voids go out into open so that they can be easily spotted (rolls eyes)
- Now we're going to be subjected to a few episodes of Shu being this wannabe dark/brooding character until something happens that causes him to go back to how he was before. Oh well :P
Feb 2, 2012 3:25 PM

Oct 2011
Explanation of everything:

Most freakish moment in the episode:

Feb 2, 2012 3:25 PM

Jan 2011
what a Great episode I saw her death coming but it still hurt me inside because it was pretty sad Now shu has the eyes of a real killer and hes pretty much *F**k being kind being kind is pointless!* Shu let that rage & hatred full you come to the darkside~!.

though i haven't seen the preview i hope dark shu gets rid of trouble makers in His empire if i may call it that now lol.

+1 for Voidrape
-1 for killing such a understanding and nice girl

Feb 2, 2012 3:28 PM

Jan 2008
As someone who plays an MMORPG, I found myself screaming (in my head), "YOU LET THE HEALER DIE! WHY WOULD YOU LET THE HEALER DIE?!" That's just...that's just bad raiding skills.
Feb 2, 2012 3:32 PM

Aug 2010
Well, I guess we have a couple episodes of Shu being cutthroat as a leader.
Feb 2, 2012 3:34 PM

Oct 2011
Best episode so far. I wonder what all the people low-rating this anime would rate it now. This second half seems more promising at least.
Feb 2, 2012 3:39 PM
May 2011
uzee said:
Explanation of everything:

Most freakish moment in the episode:

Nice. I had completely forgotten about that quote, but now that you posted it, It does make her death more senseful. I'm still sad that she's gone. WTF does the Healer have to go!!??. Just like an MMORPG xD. We are freakin' screwed if the healer is dead.
Feb 2, 2012 3:41 PM

Jul 2010
Okay, so I'll probably get a lot of hate for saying this but Shu did NOT turn "badass". Gai was badass. Shu just turned into a crazy, broken jerk.

I'll also get a LOT of hate for saying this but I honestly didn't find Hare's death "shocking" or "sad" (In my opinion, Gai's was much more sad.). I saw that coming a mile away and honestly, I never really liked Hare anyway. *dodges gunshots* I'm sorry! I just never really cared for her type of character. Yes, she was nice and sweet but for some reason, characters like that tick me off because they feel one-dimentional and non-realistic. Granted this is a work of fiction but even so, characters like that are over-used...

I felt bad for Inori because of what Shu was doing to her. Yes, Shu. I know you've snapped and are in crazy-mode right now, but that's no reason to forcibly take out Inori's void and scare the heck out of her.

So basically, Shu's gonna be an ass for the next episode or two (maybe longer) but I'm glad it looks like he grew up a little and figured out being a wimp isn't going to help when you're the leader. Still, doesn't look like he's going to be Gai #2... (a badass leader who's still kind to his subordinates)

And that ended all my complaints. ^^; Now I hope there'll be a tragic Daryl x Tsugumi moment later for a good tear-jerker. But if that doesn't happen, I just hope there's at least some moments with them. :) Although I still don't forgive that asshole for what he did in episode 2, I like how Tsugumi handles him. She's probably one of my favorite characters in this anime next to Gai and Ayase.
Feb 2, 2012 3:45 PM
Oct 2009
I should be crying... but that feeling of hate, which is adressed to the story writers, just holding me back from it... Haru wasn't my favourite character, to be more accurate, i was ignoring her by most of the time, until now. I love her so much :(

Next, If Souta could had just a bit of honor, he were shouldn't to cover his face when he was gettnig what he deserved. It was exactly hif fault! It would not to happend, if he were not trying to proove something...
Feb 2, 2012 3:47 PM

Nov 2011
DAMN YOU TSUGUMI! WHY HAVE YOU GAVE HARE THE IDEA TO CONFESS? We all know that in cliche works to confess her love = die so the status quo can prevail... =/

But yeah, we all could see this coming from far away. I mean she was the a "left over" huh? No way she could be with Shu with the show OTP Inori x Shu and all that Shu's sister x Gai symbology in the OP and just the two together... And this show plays so safe on the cliches. Of course they'd kill her as a "develop Shu now he's almost a leader" resource. That was her whole point there I guess. Predictability 101.

Orulyon said:
I want more of Daryl x Tsugumi ~~~

Hare was the most decent chara after Gai. Congratulations to the director for killing the best characters on the show.

So, who dies next? =_=

Don't even say that! I want they all away from killing my fav char, Ayase. >_<

Not that I think she'll die. I can't see any cliché plot to kill her other than some "almost everyone dies" kind of ending... and I've read the show will have a second season so I think she'll at least be there. All chars who died so far where to give space to Shu develop. So man up you wuss, your wimp ways kills people!!!! XD

And wth, Daryl is really so into Tsugumi for no reason right? I can't see that as romance, they're totally planning to heel face turn him. XD Like he'll help them to escape this terrible situation of now? Oh my, I hope they'll change patterns a bit and won't be that predictable...

...All complains of predictability aside I'm actually enjoying the show... Now (yeah, just now). xD
Feb 2, 2012 3:47 PM

Oct 2011
Hare!T_T And oh man at Shu's expression at the end, he going to be really serious now.
Feb 2, 2012 3:51 PM

Aug 2009
Too bad the dead one wasn't Inori.
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