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Jan 26, 2012 5:11 PM

Aug 2009
OOOOOK I think this show has finally breached the limits of how much WTF I can handle.

-The motto for the Anti-Bodies/GHQ is officially "for the evulz". There's a line between eugenics and building an Advancing Wall of Doom into your country's infrastructure.
-Genomic ranking system? I'm starting to think that it's an established rule to screw with Yahiro's character on a regular basis.
-Inori straight-up murders three students? I won't say they didn't have SOME level of retribution coming to them but murder seems a little... yeah. Bitch is cray-cray.

I am now watching solely for the hope of seeing Daryl x Tsugumi work out somehow.
Jan 26, 2012 5:27 PM

Nov 2011
glad I stuck with this anime about time shu manned up but inori wth is wrong with you!

We're all Wednesday arent we?
Jan 26, 2012 5:39 PM

Feb 2011
So...... those kids with an F ranking are pretty much getting a free ticket out of there huh? LOL, I wonder what rank that guy with the fridge void is. Anyways, there were a ton of hints at being a king, sounds like Shu is going to rock that Guilty Crown next episode.

Incapacitating potential rapists is one thing but I think Inori went a LITTLE too far there.

Kind of expected Shu to become the SCP, too bad Kuhouin didn't get the chance to redeem herself.

What is Haruka doinggggggggggggggg?

I'm also not going to ship Daryl X Tsugumi until the jerk completely 180's his attitude about killing needlessly and switches sides or something. I mean really? Back in the first episode he was probably vaccinated and he shot that mother?
AirToteJan 26, 2012 5:45 PM
Jan 26, 2012 5:41 PM
Jul 2010
Sukau said:
All I'm going to say is it might satisfy the Shu haters.

Haha true, assuming any of them are still here after ep 13.

Definitely the best ep of this series so far. Glad to see that the writers decided to let Shu man up even more instead of reverting him back to his whiney self.
Jan 26, 2012 5:48 PM
Dec 2011
AirTote said:
So...... those kids with an F ranking are pretty much getting a free ticket out of there huh? LOL, I wonder what rank that guy with the fridge void is.

HOLY CRAP. i forgot about that guy. i wonder what that says about his personality...
ya never know it might turn out to be something extremely useful....
Jan 26, 2012 6:12 PM

Jul 2009
Sorry, I can't see Shu as anything but an annoying character. Call me a troll, but ask yourself, who's really the troll?
Jan 26, 2012 6:14 PM

Apr 2011
This was probably the second best episode for me, right behind the first episode.

About time we see Shu becoming the leader and King!
Used to be TheSethAffect
Jan 26, 2012 7:02 PM

Sep 2011
two things:

First: Inori dealing with the harassers was ok, but not telling Shu... implies something 'bad' will be releaved.

Second: Did Shu forget the rules of eye contact before extracting the projectile void?
あなたが...それでも何も変化に耐え...しかし... ...場合に前方にも一歩を踏み出すなら...私は感じの何かが変更されるている、と...何か良い処理が 行われます!
Jan 26, 2012 7:05 PM

Jan 2011
Somewhat understandable regarding the level of response Inori gave to the guys in the stairwell. Remember she definitely did not have a normal upbringing or origin. I also don't think she consciously lied to Shu about the incident, I think her definition of who is classified as people is a little off. What Shu has to watch is his tendency to think of her as normal and anticipate appropriate reactions from her.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jan 26, 2012 7:07 PM
Dec 2010
I don't think i can say anything that hasn't been said already.
this ep is probably the first GC ep that had me on the edge of my seat. Thoroughly enjoyed it and i hope it continues this way.
Jan 26, 2012 7:18 PM

Dec 2011
Shu is one of hell of a speaker. Can't wait for the next ep.
Jan 26, 2012 7:21 PM

Dec 2011
Finally this is going somewhere good.

Jan 26, 2012 7:21 PM

Apr 2009
Yes, Shu, yes!
I love this new change in him and I cant wait to see more.

I'm a little nervous about the Ranking System... I don't think that will end well.

I love the OP. It shows how Shu is going to become even more badass!
Jan 26, 2012 7:45 PM

Apr 2009
Just a bunch of progress.... Hope this helps Shu become a stronger person on the inside!
Jan 26, 2012 8:45 PM

Jan 2008
Breaker5 said:
Lol don't mess with Inori.:P The Void measurer seems pretty awesome and Tsugumi's void is cool and interesting. Good episode overall.

Edit: Now that some of you guys mention it yeah where are the teachers lol?

Teachers are probably either outside the wall, dead from being shot near the giant wall, hidden from fear of being killed, or thinking with the notion "every man for himself" and are scrambling around to stay alive.

As for Inori killing those guys....they had it coming. Makes me feel good inside to see jerks like that get what they deserve.

Tsugumi's void and the ending illustration, makes me think there's a lot of potential for Rule 34...hmmmmm...
Jan 26, 2012 9:29 PM

Jul 2011
with gai dead, shu can finally become a leader!!
woohoo, great ep...that fake dying scene was hilarious, nice void there!
~waiting eagerly for more of Shu's journey into becoming a true man~
Jan 26, 2012 9:32 PM
Nov 2011
Wow doll making hand scanner lol pretty cool stuff.
Shu's finally a leader woot~! although this ep lacked action but we can see that the story is going somewhere.
Jan 26, 2012 9:44 PM

Nov 2011
I have to agree with the: "Where the Hell are the Teachers?" senitment. When the Virus was first transmimted, episode 10, it was during school hours. The School was a gathering/assembly point during the crisis, episode 11, meaning that the teachers and other Adults were there. Yet, in episodes 13 & 14, all we see are students, no adults any where. Doesn't make sense, another stupid plot twist.

I liked how Ayase grabbed Tsugumi's arm, then Hare gabbed her other arm and then Kanon held her head. It was all in a playful tone, which says something about how much the Film Club and Ayase and Tsugumi have come to accept each other in these few short weeks they've been together.

Inori, again she changes. Episode 3, she's ready to kill a helpless Yahiro. Episode 6, she tells the guards/soldiers to stay back because she doesn't want to kill them. Again, in episode 8, she goes out of her way to avoid killing a guard/soldier. Now, in espisode 14, it looks like she beat those guys to death. She may have beaten them severly, not fatally, but it still looks really bad. In episode 6, we glimpsed that connection that she and Mana shared. Now that Mana is gone.... Can Inori be changing, becoming the new Queen?

What happened in Episode 12, what Kiedou was attempting, may have changed her. After all, Inori was meant to become the vessal for Mana, for the Queen. While the ceremony was stopped and Mana destroyed, it doesn't mean that Inori was saved. Inori's connection to the sleeping Mana, may have been an anchor for her Humanity, if not the source of her humanity. Gai also filled this role, giving her a name and a purpose. With Gai and Mana dead, Inori may becoming, changing into what Chief Kiedou intended her to be, created her to be. Maybe... Maybe not.

Tsugumi's Void is cool, but it also came across as an ass-pull, in how it was just what they needed to expose GHQ's intent and dispelling the Rumors that Segai had started.

What do you think?
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?"

Watcman: "One who fears the dark."

"And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction.

"Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be."

Jan 26, 2012 9:52 PM

Jul 2011
Articman said:

Tsugumi's Void is cool, but it also came across as an ass-pull, in how it was just what they needed to expose GHQ's intent and dispelling the Rumors that Segai had started.

What do you think?

Not really. It was shown the loneliness she has felt all her life and we've seen her skills with tech and robotics. So being able to create "others" to be around and have them robotic fits very well since the Voids are part of a person's character.
Jan 26, 2012 9:57 PM

Sep 2011
Wow! This is our reward! we have stuck to this series for a while now and this episode was GOOOD!!!

First of all, we can see siginificant progress in Shu's character, he's pretty damn cool here, and a great speaker that united the people to keep Ayase and Tsugumi from getting stripped. He stopped the mob and had a plan with Tsugumi's void. LOL at her transformation sequence, what does she think she is? A robot cat from the future?(haha)

Basically Segai is being the sick bastard he is, and setting the internet off and spreading rumors via a social chatroom.

In the end, Shu after 12 episodes of pussydom finally takes the crown and makes his kingdom!

Can't wait for the next episode
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Jan 26, 2012 10:12 PM

Aug 2011
A vote of no-confidence for a fucking school president? What the fuck is that??

The internet's back locally but you're cut off from the outside? LOL.

Convenient "genomic resonance gauge" found near the random humvee? LOL. IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!

The way Tsugumi screamed when they went to pull out her void would make anyone who heard it think she was being raped.

Haruka's back on the job after betraying the government. Makes sense.

Oh dear. Inori made a mess. Probably with her magical hax0rz that still haven't been explained.

One second, Shu's a depressed, no-confidence pussy. The next, he's saying shit like "Don't make me angry." LOL.

Continuing to prove that a void magically appears to fulfill any job required by the situation. DEUS EX MACHINA TO THE RESCUE!!!!~~~~

Void rank = worth of the person? What are you, Hitler?

Ridiculous Tsugumi loli fanservice for you pedophiles out there.


Well, if you sum up everything above, the choice is clear. 5/5! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I dunno man, but I sure am high!

Articman said:
I have to agree with the: "Where the Hell are the Teachers?" senitment. When the Virus was first transmimted, episode 10, it was during school hours. The School was a gathering/assembly point during the crisis, episode 11, meaning that the teachers and other Adults were there. Yet, in episodes 13 & 14, all we see are students, no adults any where. Doesn't make sense, another stupid plot twist.

I liked how Ayase grabbed Tsugumi's arm, then Hare gabbed her other arm and then Kanon held her head. It was all in a playful tone, which says something about how much the Film Club and Ayase and Tsugumi have come to accept each other in these few short weeks they've been together.

Inori, again she changes. Episode 3, she's ready to kill a helpless Yahiro. Episode 6, she tells the guards/soldiers to stay back because she doesn't want to kill them. Again, in episode 8, she goes out of her way to avoid killing a guard/soldier. Now, in espisode 14, it looks like she beat those guys to death. She may have beaten them severly, not fatally, but it still looks really bad. In episode 6, we glimpsed that connection that she and Mana shared. Now that Mana is gone.... Can Inori be changing, becoming the new Queen?

What happened in Episode 12, what Kiedou was attempting, may have changed her. After all, Inori was meant to become the vessal for Mana, for the Queen. While the ceremony was stopped and Mana destroyed, it doesn't mean that Inori was saved. Inori's connection to the sleeping Mana, may have been an anchor for her Humanity, if not the source of her humanity. Gai also filled this role, giving her a name and a purpose. With Gai and Mana dead, Inori may becoming, changing into what Chief Kiedou intended her to be, created her to be. Maybe... Maybe not.

Tsugumi's Void is cool, but it also came across as an ass-pull, in how it was just what they needed to expose GHQ's intent and dispelling the Rumors that Segai had started.

What do you think?
I think...

You're giving them wayyyyyyyyy too much credit.

AND, I think you're confusing complete character inconsistency with character development. Like... big time confusion.

Zergneedsfood said:
shadelol said:
two things:

First: Inori dealing with the harassers was ok, but not telling Shu... implies something 'bad' will be releaved.

Second: Did Shu forget the rules of eye contact before extracting the projectile void?
Oh....he did didn't he? o_O Nice catch.

Edit, though in retrospect, do you have to maintain eye contact the entire time? Because iirc, you only have to open it with eye contact.
DraconisMarchJan 26, 2012 10:24 PM
Jan 26, 2012 10:20 PM

Aug 2011
I hope Shu has the confidence to take on the role Gai once had. That Void meter really bothers me and makes me wonder why it hasn't shown any signs of Shu having his own void, perhaps because he's the one who has control of others' Void. Ms. president was also happy that Shu became the new president so we don't have to look out for her rage for being taken over by Shu. Im still concern about Inori's actions so i rewatched ep 14 to see some other signs why she was acting so cold after the incident on the staircase. She can be demonic at times... so those jerks better not mess with her.


I find Tsugumi the most adorable amongst them especially those neko ears <3
Jan 26, 2012 10:38 PM

Jan 2010
Maybe it's not displaying his Void properly because it's too powerful?
Jan 26, 2012 11:00 PM

Aug 2011

that was... alright.
Jan 26, 2012 11:03 PM

Nov 2011
Maelstrom610 said:
Articman said:

Tsugumi's Void is cool, but it also came across as an ass-pull, in how it was just what they needed to expose GHQ's intent and dispelling the Rumors that Segai had started.

What do you think?

Not really. It was shown the loneliness she has felt all her life and we've seen her skills with tech and robotics. So being able to create "others" to be around and have them robotic fits very well since the Voids are part of a person's character.

I never said that it didn't fit her personality, it does. I said it was cool. It also came across as an Ass-Pull because it was exactly what they needed resolve the issue of GHQ's intentions and Dispelling the Rumors. Ass-Pulls are a very common occurance in this Anime. In fact, most of the Episodes have been resovled by use of Ass-Pull. Or Dues Ex Machina.
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?"

Watcman: "One who fears the dark."

"And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction.

"Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be."

Jan 26, 2012 11:27 PM

Sep 2007
I am amused at this episode. Shu finally got his act together and is on the road to being the next leader. But then there are just so many random things that are just seemingly pulled out of the ass one after another. How convenient that they picked up a Void rating device that was randomly lying around. I'm just going to assume Segai was the one that planted it with those thugs from the last episode. Then there's the great wall of doom. It rose out of the ground oh so conveniently around Tokyo and now it oh so conveniently gained the ability to move. Lol? Lol at Ayase throwing people around in a wheelchair too. Don't even get me started on Tsugumi's oh so conveniently revealed void. Lulz at all the Tsugumi fanservice throughout the whole episode.

Despite all the terrible ass pulls, it's still mildly entertaining.
WasabiJan 26, 2012 11:30 PM
Jan 26, 2012 11:30 PM

Nov 2011
I really hope Shu doesn't lose sight of his morals and start using people as just tools to get by. I don't think he will because at the end he seemed kinda disgusted by the new ranking system but I could be wrong. Although I do enjoy shu "manning up" It doesn't really fit his character.

Also that part with Inori scared the shit out of me. I didn't think she was the kind of person to go that far. I mean a simple ass whooping would of done the job but blood shed? count me out. Her not telling Shu was also a bit weird. I wonder if she has some sort of dark side in her.

Never the less interesting episode and can't wait for the next one.
Jan 27, 2012 12:02 AM

Jan 2012
The next episode is called "Confession: Sacrifice".. I hope it doesn't imply that someone dies.
Especially when i see Shu and Hare...
I hope its not something like Shu dies.. Hare sacrifice herself to save him and confess her love to him.
Then Dark Shu awakens...
-cross fingers-
I hope i am wrong! I hope i am wrong! Please I hope i am wrong x_x
Jan 27, 2012 12:12 AM
Jul 2009
Guilty Crown 14

1. No adults present at ALL anywhere even though the school is being used as a shelter.
2. Random nerd who definitely wouldn't get beat up: "Per Article 32, Section 3 of the student council charter" LOL
3. Ayase's arms strong enough to throw a tall young adult through the air while she's sitting down
4. 5 young adults can BARELY capture an asian girl in a wheelchair and a loli schoolgirl
5. Showing your back is apparently some TERRIBLE thing in this anime. How dare they have rational reasons and seek to identify terrorists by a very reasonable method. How dare them.
6. Tsugumi's void being perfectly convenient and suited for the current situation just like every void Shu has drawn. If Tsugami's void was anything else they likely wouldn't have convinced the crowd and the story would've ended there. Consequently the main unique thing about this show is entirely useless as it has been turned into a convenient tool to cover for bad writing and continuity errors in the plot. Oh and don't even get me started on people staying conscious sometimes when a void is out.
7. Shoe reaching into a random guy's chest, pulling out a weird boomerang thing with no explanation, and throwing it across an entire stage before a guy holding a gun ALREADY out has a chance to shoot or react at all. Additionally Shu's aim is perfect with this random object, and this object is also thrown exactly hard enough to knock the gun out of his grip all without Shoe knowing what he's throwing. I'm pretty sure even Michael Jordan would have trouble doing that yet alone a small asian boy.
8. "What?! Shu is the new leader?! I never expected this! I am genuinely surprised!" It totally wasn't obvious since the moment Gai died. It totally wasn't completely obvious the episode was going to end this way from the first minute; I did not expect this and I thank this show for being so great... right. The fact that they try to pass this as a huge pivotal moment with special music is insulting to the viewer's intelligence, and only leaves a lackluster "Oh. That's it? I already knew that was going to happen" feeling as opposed to the "NO WAY! AWESOME!!! SUUUUGOII I AM SO EMOTIONAL RIGHT NOW!!!" that they tried for; another word for this phenomenon is called "being forced to digest fresh shit from a dead cow's bleeding anus".

Edit: Deleted and re-posted after another evaluation.
HauntholicSep 14, 2013 9:24 PM
Jan 27, 2012 12:25 AM

Dec 2007
yourelagginme said:
Guilty Crown 14

1. No adults present at ALL anywhere even though the school is being used as a shelter.
2. Ayase's arms strong enough to throw a tall young adult through the air while she's sitting down
3. 5 young adults can BARELY capture an asian girl in a wheelchair and a loli schoolgirl
4. Showing your back is apparently some TERRIBLE thing in this anime. How dare they have rational reasons and seek to identify terrorists by a very reasonable method. How dare them.
5. Tsugumi's void being perfectly convenient and suited for the current situation just like every void Shu has drawn. If Tsugami's void was anything else they likely wouldn't have convinced the crowd and the story would've ended there. Consequently the main unique thing about this show is entirely useless as it has been turned into a convenient tool to cover for bad writing and continuity errors in the plot. Oh and don't even get me started on people staying conscious sometimes when a void is out.
6. Shoe reaching into a random guy's chest, pulling out a weird boomerang thing with no explanation, and throwing it across an entire stage before a guy holding a gun ALREADY out has a chance to shoot or react at all. Additionally Shu's aim is perfect with this random object, and this object is also thrown exactly hard enough to knock the gun out of his grip all without Shoe knowing what he's throwing. I'm pretty sure even Michael Jordan would have trouble doing that yet alone a small asian boy.
7. "What?! Shu is the new leader?! I never expected this! I am genuinely surprised!" It totally wasn't obvious since the moment Gai died. It totally wasn't completely obvious the episode was going to end this way from the first minute; I did not expect this and I thank this show for being so great... right. The fact that they try to pass this as a huge pivotal moment with special music is insulting to the viewer's intelligence, and only leaves a lackluster "Oh. That's it? I already knew that was going to happen" feeling as opposed to the "NO WAY! AWESOME!!! SUUUUGOII I AM SO EMOTIONAL RIGHT NOW!!!" that they tried for; another word for this phenomenon is called "being forced to digest fresh shit from a dead cow's bleeding anus".

Edit: Deleted and re-posted after another evaluation.

1.This is an anime...

/ argument

I honestly have this strange feeling that shu will one episode pull out his own void. in some scene in which he is alone and does so.

I am hoping for him to pull out a crown and just wear it like a bwoss
Jan 27, 2012 12:27 AM
Jul 2009
AnimeKami said:
1.This is an anime...

/ argument

Fallacy. Anime =! "shit writing".
Jan 27, 2012 12:30 AM

Dec 2007
yourelagginme said:
AnimeKami said:
1.This is an anime...

/ argument

Fallacy. Anime =! "shit writing".

I think I can safely say writings are fallacies at least most of them. It is just a convenience that is granted to the writer.

I think that there will be a time lapse(jump x yr/month ahead) in this story in which you'll see a society emerge with the void ranking system.
Jan 27, 2012 12:33 AM
Jul 2009
AnimeKami said:
I think I can safely say writings are fallacies at least most of them. It is just a convenience that is granted to the writer.

False. This has to be silliest thing I've ever read. You're projecting; stop watching bad shows.
Jan 27, 2012 12:33 AM

Jun 2011


Things I didn't like:
-What frkn highschool...has a student council charter?!? And some guy whos not in the council memorized it? O.o

'Per Article 32, Section 3 of the student council charter' LOL

-The general chatter of the students - really annoying. They're so stuck up, even though they're just sheep without individual thought. Farrout they piss me off.

e.g. 'What are you, a kid?' - to prez, even though he'd melt in an instant if he was in her position

-The red haired guy with a ponytail suggests to kill the prez. LOLWTFBBQ students aren't that evil! They're gonna kill her because she's unfit to lead?!??

'Whatever. Why don't we just kill her?'

-When Tsugumi pulls out her void. /cringe. Like all voids, hers is conveniently revealed when it would be most useful =_=

-Oh yeah, the student body actually dismissed Shoe's and Ayase's void as normal from last episode. I thought they would discuss it this ep (before Shoe actually lays it out flat before them), but noooo they just say:

'He's the one who beat an Endlave yesterday'

LOLWUT aren't you gonna question his powers?! Or is a giant sword that can cut cleanly through Endlaves, and flight-capable, nerve-controlled robotic boots the norm?!? If so, then WHY THE HECK is GHQ able to oppress them so easily?!? =__=

-The void rating device...geez...the writers sure know how to pull sh*t out at the most convenient of times...

All in all, some bad writing but definitely a step up from the previous eps :D. Character development is actually perceivable now for Shoe.

Revenant_Jan 27, 2012 12:47 AM
Jan 27, 2012 12:35 AM

Dec 2007
yourelagginme said:
AnimeKami said:
I think I can safely say writings are fallacies at least most of them. It is just a convenience that is granted to the writer.

False. This has to be silliest thing I've ever read. You're projecting; stop watching bad shows.

And thus I've proven my point.
Jan 27, 2012 12:38 AM
Jul 2009
AnimeKami said:
And thus I've proven my point.

The only point you've made is that you're ferociously trying to obfuscate reality. Asserting that "All anime has bad writing", a false statement, isn't a way to justify Guilty Crown. This is called denial.
Jan 27, 2012 12:41 AM

Jan 2011
Nocturcity said:
Finally this is going somewhere good.

LMAO, that picture is soooo true.

Anyhow, this episode actually delivered. Hot damn, Shu has now evolved from being an annoying ass pussy to King Leader. Tsugumi is so cute with that tsundere-like personality. Really enjoyed this episode and seems like things are finally gonna get better. Also, Inori killed/injured those guys? How the... Congratulations to all who kept watching and didn't drop GC, we got this lol. XD

LucarioDudeJan 27, 2012 12:48 AM
Jan 27, 2012 12:41 AM
Apr 2008
It took 10 shitty episodes (2-11) and 2 decent ones (12-13) for me to actually say that this was a "good" episode of GC.

+ Shu being a real leader, you know like 13 episodes later..
+ Tsugumi <3
+ Segai confirmed for best boss
+ Panic was done very well

-Dude with a gun + cohorts were lame
-Did Inori just kill those guys? I really don't get her..

Gotta go wash my mouth out with soap..

3/5 bumped overall score to a 6.
Jan 27, 2012 12:47 AM

Dec 2007
yourelagginme said:
AnimeKami said:
And thus I've proven my point.

The only point you've made is that you're ferociously trying to obfuscate reality. Asserting that "All anime has bad writing", a false statement, isn't a way to justify Guilty Crown. This is called denial.

Clearly writing something strangely absurd in my post, intending it to be so in which you identified as false is a fallacy by your standards.

I haven't bent reality in regards to what you stated, you're only projecting what I've said as such. I on the other hand made a simple comment which you deny as real.
AnimeKamiJan 27, 2012 12:50 AM
Jan 27, 2012 12:53 AM

Aug 2010
Inori is really a Killer Rabbit... better not get on her bad side. Makes her all more adorable though *pets bloody cheek*

Also, I'm very, very disappointed in you guys.


Because nobody mentioned the nice Tsugumi Fanservice in the end

Seriously, I'm drooling over here... yes, I'm a pedoperv... problems officer?
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Jan 27, 2012 1:03 AM
Jul 2009
AnimeKami said:
Clearly writing something strangely absurd in my post, intending it to be so in which you identified as false is a fallacy by your standards.

I haven't bent reality in regards to what you stated, you're only projecting what I've said as such. I on the other hand made a simple comment which you deny as real.

To everyone: the quoted text is what happens when someone tries to sound smart but fails horribly and ends up not making sense. Please don't do this — a baby dies every time this happens, so think of the babies. Anyways; backpedaling. You used "All anime has bad writing" as an excuse to justify Guilty Crown; this is undeniable. Accept your defeat for not thinking before you write.
Jan 27, 2012 1:09 AM

Mar 2008
yourelagginme said:
5. Showing your back is apparently some TERRIBLE thing in this anime. How dare they have rational reasons and seek to identify terrorists by a very reasonable method. How dare them.

Someone cannot into the hearts of pure maidens. And you could clearly tell they were going to strip away all their clothing (at least the top half). You could already see the entirety of Ayase's back (including her lovely bra strap) and they still kept trying to take the rest of her clothes off.

Jan 27, 2012 1:27 AM

Apr 2010
"Do you know what brought down Greece's ancient city-states? In a word."

"I'm afraid I majored in physics."
Hello! Did you know? Barnacles have the largest penis to body size ratio of the animal kingdom.
Jan 27, 2012 1:27 AM
Jul 2009
HomuraIsMyWaifu said:
Someone cannot into the hearts of pure maidens. And you could clearly tell they were going to strip away all their clothing (at least the top half). You could already see the entirety of Ayase's back (including her lovely bra strap) and they still kept trying to take the rest of her clothes off.

Someone "cannot into" basic grammar. Showing your back in a time of national crisis with an impending mass execution order issued silently is the last thing to be worried about especially when they have reasonable proof that she's a terrorist considering she isn't on the roster. Also there was no evidence of them going to continue to inappropriate things; they were simply trying to take the shirt off because she was struggling (it was only partially off by the time Shoe showed up when they stopped showing it; that is perfectly acceptable), and they were on stage in front of the entire student body so abuse wouldn't have happened. Furthermore a random girl in a terrorist organization isn't a "pure maiden" by any means, so you shouldn't inject your biased interpretations of things when clear facts have already been presented like the ones I've mentioned. Pure maidens don't kill people and have impure thoughts about anti-heroes like Gai.

HauntholicJan 27, 2012 1:35 AM
Jan 27, 2012 1:53 AM

Oct 2010
Wordsmith said:
Also, I'm very, very disappointed in you guys.


Because nobody mentioned the nice Tsugumi Fanservice in the end

Seriously, I'm drooling over here... yes, I'm a pedoperv... problems officer?

First of all Tsugumi does not fit as a loli she is over 12 years old. Second you should check the edit version I did of this art on the first page. It's quite amazing CS2 and its features.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 27, 2012 2:21 AM

Jun 2009
This is actually a great episode by Guilty Crown standards.

Shu is becoming really likeable now and for the second time, I'm actually anticipating what happens in the next episode.
Jan 27, 2012 2:38 AM

Jun 2010
shu starting as "the king"? well, at least he acted like a man this time.
Jan 27, 2012 3:16 AM

Feb 2008
At least for once Shu acted like a king. And Inori became even more of an enigma...
Jan 27, 2012 3:17 AM

Apr 2009
Great episode, I loved watching Shu put that kid in his place towards the end. I wonder what shu's mom is doing. Tsugumi's void is awesome. Daryl's reaction in those scenes were interesting too, a character change coming for him? Seems like the second half of this show is looking a lot better.

For preview of the next episode
Jan 27, 2012 3:22 AM

Jan 2012
Throw a VOiD like a boss.
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