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Dec 8, 2011 6:52 AM

Nov 2007
The only problem with this series is that people have to actually make an effort to dig deeper into the story. This is not usually how a piece of entertainment works.

It's very unconventional as many could argue that this series have failed completely at the exposition stage, which is partially true.

However, the series is oozing with lore. You just have to really work hard to look into it. Or go read the novels.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 8, 2011 1:13 PM

Dec 2007
wakka9ca said:
The only problem with this series is that people have to actually make an effort to dig deeper into the story. This is not usually how a piece of entertainment works.

It's very unconventional as many could argue that this series have failed completely at the exposition stage, which is partially true.

However, the series is oozing with lore. You just have to really work hard to look into it. Or go read the novels.

that happens on the entire Internet...

anyways I don't think it is a 6, sometimes i feel people who know how to rate anime, rate the ones without the rest of the community, then there are animes in which everyone rates and is just ridiculous on how inaccurate the score is.

ie kujibiki unbalanced is rated higher than this anime.... I mean the fight scenes on this anime alone should raise the score higher than the truly piece of crap mentioned above
Dec 8, 2011 4:03 PM

Nov 2007
AnimeKami said:
wakka9ca said:
The only problem with this series is that people have to actually make an effort to dig deeper into the story. This is not usually how a piece of entertainment works.

It's very unconventional as many could argue that this series have failed completely at the exposition stage, which is partially true.

However, the series is oozing with lore. You just have to really work hard to look into it. Or go read the novels.

that happens on the entire Internet...

anyways I don't think it is a 6, sometimes i feel people who know how to rate anime, rate the ones without the rest of the community, then there are animes in which everyone rates and is just ridiculous on how inaccurate the score is.

ie kujibiki unbalanced is rated higher than this anime.... I mean the fight scenes on this anime alone should raise the score higher than the truly piece of crap mentioned above

Actually, Kujibiki Unbalance is purposely made so cliche it's good. Truly piece of crap would be Musashi Gundou or Mars of Destruction.

However, for both, it's actually so bad it's potentially good (in the lol-worthy way)
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 8, 2011 4:15 PM
Jan 2010
wakka9ca said:
The only problem with this series is that people have to actually make an effort to dig deeper into the story. This is not usually how a piece of entertainment works.

What, everything has to be spoonfed to the viewers now?
God, what has the world come to?
Dec 8, 2011 4:42 PM
Mar 2011
this has got all the things for it to be the the new eva
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Dec 9, 2011 4:30 PM

May 2011
One of the top three if not the best anime of a great season imo.
Dec 12, 2011 7:38 AM
Nov 2011
I'm reserving judgment at this point. It's got a lot of eye candy and reminds me of a cast of video game characters.

I can tell you it didn't start off well. I usually am forgiving of the first episode of an anime not being the total hook, and will wait till episode 4 before really drawing judgment on a series as a hall, but I've got a feelling I may drop it due to its complexity

I've only seen the 1st Episode though. But with so many watching possibilities these days, if it doesn't get my attention in the next couple of episodes, then IMO it's a failure even if the rest of the series turns out awesome. That's my opinion of course. But the first rule of writing, and communication is that you have to grab the Audiences attention. Ask most of us who were confused in the first scene what their initial thoughts, impressions memories were? Boobs (why do I care?), Big Hair (what is this the 80s?), Magic, Sword Fighting, Demons, Technological wonders like Airships, Angels, a Character who is clearly a perv, and not shy about it either, and a Teacher character that clearly seems more interesting then nearly the entire class, in the end I don't know what the point of the initial episode was except what the MC says in the last few frames.

The problem with such a large cast involved at the same time in the same locale is that it's like one eye candy to another, and another, and makes it hard to focus on the action of the plot. (assuming there is one).

I'm reserving judgment for now, but I didn't like the first episode at all. There have been a few shows that got me after the first episode, but it doesn't set a good start for them IMO. We'll see.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Dec 12, 2011 8:01 AM

Mar 2011
One thing I must say I keep seeing the same things "again and again."
1st of all I'm not saying this is the best anime

But I actually remember anime like steins;gate and madoka receive the same treatment on the 1st episode (not just 1st episode):/

But here we are the two of them got movie now(and a candidate as one of the epic anime this year) :/

If the viewer will rate an anime at least finish the anime 1st :/
save your opinion later..just bec. you didn't like it at first your gonna say it's a garbage already? seriously?
It's unfair to the whole anime if your gonna rate it after watching 1-3 episode :/
at least watch half of it..but still unfair... that's the reason why anime haz at least 11 episode(for thing called "development") ....well if your watching a movie then it's fine :/

I rarely drop anime now...what I'm doing is putting it on hold then waiting for it to be finish or I'll watch it if I have time :/

That's why I hate rating system...well I dun look on the ratings and review..but some people "might" be influenced by that rating or review
ricardo241Dec 12, 2011 8:06 AM

Dec 12, 2011 6:45 PM

Jul 2009
Problem I see those days with slow burner series is that people who dropped it early may not know why the series is great, and proceed to leave a bad mark in the "review" rating.

examples like Shiki last year, Steins Gate early this year as well. Both took a while to hit their strides, yet both are awesome series with nice build ups. Now I am not say that the adaptation can't be done better, because the performance in ep9~10 shows that the scripwriter did not do a perfect job in the earlier episodes.

Guess I'm one of those weird ones who firstly got drawn in by the smooth action sequence and colourful characters in ep1, and somehow able to spot the potential in ep2~3 unlike the majority of the anime watchers in the west, got hooked in by that great fight scene in ep4, and finally fully engaged with the series with that perfect execution in Ep5. I'm glad that the series fulfill the potential it has, and pity those that gave up before it gets good.

Edit: There are several things that the western audience often overlook. The most important one is that this series is just the beginning, covering the first book out of the possibly 5+ in the continuous story. As the result not all characters will receive their huge development within the time frame. This writer is not Narita, so the style will be different.
jerozDec 12, 2011 6:57 PM
Dec 12, 2011 8:56 PM

Dec 2008
jump to discussion, because looks like it's hot now..

jeroz said:
Problem I see those days with slow burner series is that people who dropped it early may not know why the series is great, and proceed to leave a bad mark in the "review" rating.

examples like Shiki last year, Steins Gate early this year as well. Both took a while to hit their strides, yet both are awesome series with nice build ups. Now I am not say that the adaptation can't be done better, because the performance in ep9~10 shows that the scripwriter did not do a perfect job in the earlier episodes.

Guess I'm one of those weird ones who firstly got drawn in by the smooth action sequence and colourful characters in ep1, and somehow able to spot the potential in ep2~3 unlike the majority of the anime watchers in the west, got hooked in by that great fight scene in ep4, and finally fully engaged with the series with that perfect execution in Ep5. I'm glad that the series fulfill the potential it has, and pity those that gave up before it gets good.

Edit: There are several things that the western audience often overlook. The most important one is that this series is just the beginning, covering the first book out of the possibly 5+ in the continuous story. As the result not all characters will receive their huge development within the time frame. This writer is not Narita, so the style will be different.

same with me..
when i first watching episode 1-2, i got reallyl confused,
then, i not dropped it, but pending it, because this season have many good show to watch.. (captivated by another anime with "amazing" start..)
i continue watch it and captivated by this anime when i continue watch it again when this anime got episode 5 (i watch episode 3,4,5 continuously).
then, i rewatch episode 1 and 2 again.. and, this time, it's really make sense...
with help from kyoukaisen blog and wiki.. i can understand its plot and most of its character.
and now, we got episode 9,10 and 11 that have amazing action...
many character have his/her abilities and back storyl uncovered.. like kimi, tomo, 2 magi gunner, neito, and many more.. i relieved that i didn't drop this anime when i got confused at first, and got captivated by other anime this season with "amazing" start...

and about low rating? i rarely rate it when its still not finished..
my policy is i must finish when i want to rate it..
because, sometimes, anime with bad start, can become amazing series later on....
yes, like jeroz example about shiki and steins;gate..
i nearly drop it.. because, at start it make me confused and little bored..
but, after my friend really recommended to watch it at least until episode 5-6, then i watch it again, and now i think, i will regret if i drop it. because those 2 are awesome!

if u have watched this anime until episode 5 and still not like it? or still confused because didn't want to look in other media like blog/wiki/forums..
yes.. this anime is not for you..

Dec 17, 2011 4:52 PM
Jan 2010

Japan is 50% confused and 50% laughing at MAL's low ratings on Horizon.
Dec 18, 2011 7:02 PM

Dec 2008
Orix said:

Japan is 50% confused and 50% laughing at MAL's low ratings on Horizon.

what do you mean?
sorry i cant read japanese.. ^^

Dec 18, 2011 10:13 PM

Mar 2011
hudang said:
Orix said:

Japan is 50% confused and 50% laughing at MAL's low ratings on Horizon.

what do you mean?
sorry i cant read japanese.. ^^

basically he's saying that Jap. people don't understand the low rating that people from MAL gave to kyoukai

Dec 18, 2011 11:50 PM

Dec 2008
then, me too ^^

Dec 19, 2011 12:31 AM
Apr 2010
Horizon is painfully underrated here. It's a shame that so many people lack attention spans.
Dec 19, 2011 8:26 AM

Feb 2008
Pyriegt said:
Horizon is painfully underrated here. It's a shame that so many people lack attention spans.
I believe the rating will shoot up once it finishes airing because of this. It won't get above 8 but it might end up around 7.5. Subsequent seasons will be rated much higher too and maybe people will pay more attention to it then. But no matter, as long as Sunrise keeps animating this, I will keep watching it :)
Dec 19, 2011 9:56 AM

Jan 2010
As for me, I also just have a vague understanding of the story but maybe I'll score this a 7 or 8 when this is finished.

And also, Don't bother about the rating so much, many good anime here are overly underrated and some shitty anime are overrated, well it may be because different people have different opinions but still, Don't mind the ratings too much :D.
Dec 19, 2011 7:25 PM

Jul 2009
kuroshiroi said:
Pyriegt said:
Horizon is painfully underrated here. It's a shame that so many people lack attention spans.
I believe the rating will shoot up once it finishes airing because of this. It won't get above 8 but it might end up around 7.5. Subsequent seasons will be rated much higher too and maybe people will pay more attention to it then. But no matter, as long as Sunrise keeps animating this, I will keep watching it :)

nah, if it's 1/5 of the series then it probably won't get up much.
the first 3 eps are like the most confusing part of this series, most people didn't see this as a good series before that fight in ep4 and that ending in ep5, myself included.
Dec 20, 2011 3:19 AM
Jun 2008
At least you can expect a much more reasonable rating at season 2.
I don't think hater will be so persistent to follow up to next season >.>" .
Dec 23, 2011 5:13 AM

Dec 2009
BDs over 10k~ (*´д`*)
Dec 25, 2011 5:33 AM

Dec 2008
looks like rating got skyrocket after this anime finished airing..

7.5-8 is reasonable rating for this one, considering many factors.. IMO

Dec 25, 2011 6:17 AM

Feb 2009
Even if the ratings for this season is low, I expect the ratings for second season to be considerably higher @_@
Dec 25, 2011 8:53 PM

Nov 2007
Rating still low. Need to be bumped up to around 7.5 at least.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 26, 2011 4:39 AM

Jun 2010
5/10 for these:
- if I want to concentrate on boobs instead of every single line of the dialogue, I watch hentai;
- the first four eps wanted to give a library's information matrix, instead of using those necessary parts when they are needed;
- the character design, art many times made it would be better to turn off the screen (I draw prettier and still hot girls and less playboy-males...);
- some seiyuus were more than irritating;
- OP/ED song sounds like it deserves a grenade into the recording studio;
- bored after 5th episode, watched by masochism, later the earlier shot informations are forgotten, no information refreshment from that huge matrix...
Dec 26, 2011 6:43 AM

Jul 2009
guess the artstyle is distracting for some viewers who can't keep their eyes off them :P

personally I find them interesting and colourful, and the seiyuu cast has done a superb job bring those characters to life. And no, you can't directly translate concept art 1:1 into anime form. There's a role for anime character designer for a reason.

and if you are calling Persona a playboy male......well I guess he would be flattered.
Dec 29, 2011 4:52 AM

Jun 2007
The rating on anidb is even lower.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
Dec 29, 2011 7:29 AM

Jul 2009
apparently no one is there to explain the things for them, so all they do is circle jerk with "OMG I DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!!THIS STORY IS SHT!!!"
Dec 29, 2011 8:07 AM
Jun 2008
I think Kawakami's work are more valued in Japan compare to the west.They need some hardcore fan to shut up those hater >.>"
Jan 5, 2012 1:14 PM

Dec 2008
Orix said:

Japan is 50% confused and 50% laughing at MAL's low ratings on Horizon.

ooo I always wondered if Japanese fans looked at MAL to get a feel for what Western fans enjoy.
3 eps in and the series would get a 7-6 from me currently, but I'm willing to keep watching. The fact I'm watching it at all though is high praise because I can barely sit through any kind of show or movie anymore. If I could read Japanese I'd totally be into the LN.

Looking at all the giant novels on baka-tsuki, I hope there are many more seasons.
Llama765Jan 5, 2012 1:34 PM
Jan 5, 2012 7:20 PM

Jun 2008
Llama765 said:

Looking at all the giant novels on baka-tsuki, I hope there are many more seasons.

Well, the 2nd season is already green-lit and scheduled for Summer.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jan 5, 2012 8:26 PM

Feb 2008
When I read the first volume, I almost threw it away in the middle because it was incomprehensible but the impression was totally changed by Kazuno versus Bushin battle. Then I got completely absorbed in reading the rest of 8,000 pages. I think the prevalent habit of "rating anime before completion" outside Japan has caused strong prejudice against Horizon. We Japanese can see popularity of anime objectively from Amazon pre-order rankings, which is free of the influence of the haters.
dtshykJan 5, 2012 8:52 PM
Jan 6, 2012 2:16 AM

Jul 2009
honestly, if I rate everything by its first ep alone, then Penguindrum will have the lowest this year.

It appears to me that what a lot of people don't realise is that it's the 4th story in the series, so there are A LOT of history to kind of cover. Maybe those aren't covered in the previous stories, but I tend to be more lenient with the info-dump after I heard of this fact.

Also I just don't get those highly-righteous viewers' mind of "hey this protagonist is perverted, THIS SHOW IS BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD". I mean for gods sake there are a lot worse protagonists that are not perverted.
Jan 6, 2012 10:53 AM

Jun 2008
dtshyk said:
When I read the first volume, I almost threw it away in the middle because it was incomprehensible but the impression was totally changed by Kazuno versus Bushin battle. .

Same with me when I watched the anime. Episode 1-3 was just a casual watch for me. Just killing time. Then Episode 4 and 5 happened. Instant love-struck.

jeroz said:
Also I just don't get those highly-righteous viewers' mind of "hey this protagonist is perverted, THIS SHOW IS BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD". I mean for gods sake there are a lot worse protagonists that are not perverted.

And also there are people that screams "blatant fanservice = BAD" for the Academy uniforms... IF that was blatant, then what do you call a fanservice from Rosario to vampire and To love ru? lol

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jan 7, 2012 2:01 PM

Dec 2008
kaimax said:

Well, the 2nd season is already green-lit and scheduled for Summer.

Yup, but can they keep it up for a third? It's epicness in LN format is one of the main reasons I decided to check it out.
Jan 8, 2012 12:14 AM

Jun 2009
I'm definitely looking forward for the second season. I admit the show was kind of boring for the first two or three episodes but I'm glad I stayed around.
Jan 8, 2012 12:35 AM

Dec 2010
Yanoflies said:
Because it was based off something called a 'light novel' that was actually ... a picture should tell you more:

<img src="" />

Holy fucking siht.

Jan 21, 2012 4:51 AM

Jan 2008
>>Why such a low rating?

Well, because it sucks

After 13 episodes i could write multiple Wot about it but i won't waste more time on this silly, overhyped and bad show.
Jan 21, 2012 11:58 PM

Jul 2009
pay more attention and you'll realise that they have all been explained in the show already :D

unless you just want fighting and boobs~ if that's the case, cya~
Jan 23, 2012 10:34 AM

Jun 2008
otacu said:
>>Why such a low rating?

Well, because it sucks

After 13 episodes i could write multiple Wot about it but i won't waste more time on this silly, overhyped and bad show.

I challenge you. Show the community how this sucks.

You can talk the talk, but can you WALK THE WALK
I honestly challenge anyone to write a bad review about this.
-Watched all 13 episodes
-Read all the FAQs in Kyoukaisen infodump
kaimaxJan 23, 2012 10:39 AM

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jan 23, 2012 11:54 AM

Dec 2009
kaimax said:
otacu said:
>>Why such a low rating?

Well, because it sucks

After 13 episodes i could write multiple Wot about it but i won't waste more time on this silly, overhyped and bad show.

I challenge you. Show the community how this sucks.

You can talk the talk, but can you WALK THE WALK
I honestly challenge anyone to write a bad review about this.
-Watched all 13 episodes
-Read all the FAQs in Kyoukaisen infodump

It's a 6 at best, in my opinion.
Jan 23, 2012 2:20 PM

Jun 2008
Stuartxtr7 said:
It's a 6 at best, in my opinion.

At least you didn't go "The whole things sucks". I doubt people who watched all the episodes will say that.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jun 29, 2012 12:15 AM

May 2012
I think I'm in the minority here but I actually gave this show a 10/10, the first 3 episodes were pretty boring but they had to be there to set everything up, and I'm so glad I hanged in there cause by episode 5 I was completely in love with this anime, plus even though this is just the first season it had a really awesome and satisfying ending. Tori X Horizon FTW! They make such a good couple :)
Jan 11, 2017 9:51 PM

Dec 2015
In my opinion the score/rating is okay. Between 7 and 8. 2nd season is a bit higher (and I thought it was better).

The show is mainly for fans of the novel (to boost novel sales). Cause it seems to leave a lot of stuff unexplained. Without being a novel reader and fan you could watch it only if you cared mainly for action/comedy and are okay with fanservice.

But then again: There are better shows for action/fanservice. Kyoukaisen-jou no Horizn also has a bad pacing with lengthy diplomatic conversations interrupting the action. (They directors of the anime should just have cut those conversations.)

That said: Action in 2nd season was a bit better and some of the chars (+ new chars) were a bit cool (also cool char design) and hat interesting sub-plot. (Unfortunately not that much focus on them ... like with Neshinbara + one other new char later in season 2.)

Feels a bit like hodgepodge of different stuff mixed together + the author using the history re-enactment thing to bring historical names into the anime to make it look cooler.
Mar 1, 2018 6:29 PM

May 2015
I got confused I kept trying to watch it,I think I'm just dropping It.I really don't have time to search and piece together the missing info I need to understand the whole thing.Kept searching for a decent summary of what I need but I still failed sorry.
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Mar 7, 2018 10:25 AM
Jan 2018
Because the show and lore can be very confusing and not everyone heard or knows where to read the LN, to some it;s like for example you started watching bleach in the middle of the story with no context.
Jul 2, 2020 9:48 AM

Sep 2016
I think it's a little confusing for those who haven't read the novel. This type of adaption needs at least 24 eps for each season. But I really enjoyed both of them.
Aug 6, 2020 11:54 PM

Aug 2018
I Think the anime is well done, but the premise itself is quite... ''out there''.
When you try to tell someone what this anime is about, it sounds painfully dumb...
But it somehow kept me entertained even tough i rolled my eyes for most of it :/
I think I don't know wtf I'm doing. Maybe. Probably.

Feb 10, 2021 6:26 AM
Feb 2020
Saku_k said:
The show is bad. The plot and characters are just complete rubbish. The only reason to watch it is for the boobs, there is literally nothing going for it.

Honestly I'm surprised it has a score as high as it does.

That's exactly the opposite brother. The plot is actually pretty good in detail and I love how the characters "somehow" had their thing in the storytelling. The Diplomatic battle is currently still one of the most attractive of all anime till date. I really love the plot that the boobs really doesn't matter at all. But i do agree that it's really hard to enjoy this Anime unless we truly try to understand the concept of the world and the Politic which to me that's what makes Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon story Very Wholesome
May 9, 2022 3:43 AM

Mar 2021
rific said:
I'm enjoying this show quite a bit, certainly not a masterpiece but there are definitely worse shows ranked higher.
Just wondering why all the... dislikenment.
simple, The score of this show is a mean score of all the score that the users have given it. Even of you like it because of taste there are more people who don't like it that much and had given it a rate of 7 or so

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

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