Jun 9, 2008 11:04 AM
I have beaten Minoru. I AM SO PROUD OF MAHSELF. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 10, 2008 6:32 PM
Jun 10, 2008 8:46 PM
That's one to tell the kids back home. ....please, don't have any offspring. |
~Goes by: Magami/Magamish/Magameep/Maga-me~ |
Jun 11, 2008 3:28 AM
LOL GUYZ I CAN MAEK ACCOUNTZ ANFD GET MSLEF B& FRM A SITE IM LIEK AWESOME!!!111ELEVNTY! That's what it sounds to me anyway. Also, I could break that record easily. |
Jun 11, 2008 3:36 AM
Nope. I don't think you can, Arthur. BTW I can make a new account because of an electrical storm last night YA'LL ARE JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE I HAVE AMAZING SKILLZ. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 5:49 AM
Keep it civil, guys. Not really a warning per se, but drama llamas are aggravating. Just don't make this a (really, really stupid) flame war or anything, and discuss away. |
Jun 11, 2008 10:07 AM
I'm not trying to start a stupid flame war. Everyone's suddenly taking LT's side after he victimized me and I wasn't given any justice. Alice Catherine should have been restored after Kevin found out I was hacked. This is called vigilante justice, folks. BTW I got banned again. Because I'm AWESOME. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 10:10 AM
MissKnowAliceAll said: I'm not trying to start a stupid flame war. Everyone's suddenly taking LT's side after he victimized me and I wasn't given any justice. Alice Catherine should have been restored after Kevin found out I was hacked. This is called vigilante justice, folks. BTW I got banned again. Because I'm AWESOME. .......... MissKnowAliceAll said: Everyone's suddenly taking LT's side after he victimized me and I wasn't given any justice. Alice Catherine should have been restored after Kevin found out I was hacked. This is called vigilante justice, folks. .................... MissKnowAliceAll said: I'm not trying to start a stupid flame war. .............................. MissKnowAliceAll said: BTW I got banned again. Because I'm AWESOME. ..... Figures. |
Jun 11, 2008 10:14 AM
Sorry LT my mommy said not to listen to pedophiles anymore. I thought I could trust you. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 10:16 AM
MissKnowAliceAll said: Sorry LT my mommy said not to listen to pedophiles anymore. I thought I could trust you. .............................. MissKnowAliceAll said: I'm not trying to start a stupid flame war. .............................. |
Jun 11, 2008 10:23 AM
Well I DID. And then you go and do this shit to me. That's awesome. And the best part? I still have feelings for you because I'm an IDIOT> |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 10:31 AM
ChandraNalaar said: The only thing you have accomplished in your feats was successfully luring Prons and co. to your side. . XD that's an interesting imagination you have there sir. I think you all are chumps, especially LT because he can't handle a 14 year old girl, Alice for thinking she can beat Minoru and Zugzwang, and everyone else who thinks this is serious interenet busines. I'm gonna go dress up my lifesize haruhi |
Jun 11, 2008 10:35 AM
Eh I don't want to beat Minoru at everything. Just # of accounts banned. I do so well so fast it doesn't matter anyway. Bet if I used my gram's computer you wouldn't catch me for another year. That's why the "LOL UR BANNED GTFO" rule is stupid. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 10:39 AM
wow alice. i have never seen failure such as that. you make failures look bad. |
Jun 11, 2008 10:46 AM
Psh haters. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 10:58 AM
you fail because you think goatse is the only way to troll. so sad. |
Jun 11, 2008 11:15 AM
That's not the only way I trolled with the last one. I have plans for the next one though. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 11:17 AM
MissKnowAliceAll said: I'm not trying to start a stupid flame war. Everyone's suddenly taking LT's side after he victimized me and I wasn't given any justice. Alice Catherine should have been restored after Kevin found out I was hacked. This is called vigilante justice, folks. BTW I got banned again. Because I'm AWESOME. You are clearly dancing on the line of flamebait. This isn't AN, so please don't bring your baggage onto MAL. Just because this is the AN Chain Gang doesn't mean everyone wants to go through drama. Again. I don't know anything about the circumstances of your ban or anything else that happened, and to be frank, I don't care. Your comments to LT have been as close to flamebait without actually baiting that I've seen in a while, and for no particular reason I can see. If you want to settle this with him, do it over AIM. Don't do it here. Nobody cares. And actually, at least one comment I'm looking at I can instantly consider flaming LT, too. Your entire thread here and recurring accounts on AN are quite literally nothing more than a ploy for attention. Don't deny it, because it's exactly what it is and to be frank, I'm not going to be putting up with someone trying to bullshit me. I've trolled a lot harder than you ever could hope to, and your attempts to do so are really pathetic at best. MissKnowAliceAll said: Well I DID. And then you go and do this shit to me. That's awesome. And the best part? I still have feelings for you because I'm an IDIOT> As for this, it made me facepalm. Timaeus hasn't done a thing in this topic (other than his initial post, but that's nothing compared to what you've been spouting) other than highlight and post ellipses. That's not exactly something to be ashamed of, especially since NOBODY CARES ABOUT THIS ANYWAY. As for your bit about your grandmother's computer, it wouldn't matter whether the AN mods caught you or not. The banned rule exists because of people who should be banned from AN, but just because there are ways around a ban doesn't mean the rule is stupid. Your lack of logic is astonishing, but considering you're supposed to be a girl only, what, 14 or something? Yeah, I can see how you might come to such fallacious conclusions. I do hope you realize, however, that on AN, you faded into obscurity literally days after your ban, AFAIK. The only time you were discussed again was when people thought someone was you (and I don't remember or care if it was or not). Just because you like attention doesn't mean everyone else wants to give it to you, though. Just drop this crap already. Prons said: ChandraNalaar said: The only thing you have accomplished in your feats was successfully luring Prons and co. to your side. . XD that's an interesting imagination you have there sir. I think you all are chumps, especially LT because he can't handle a 14 year old girl, Alice for thinking she can beat Minoru and Zugzwang, and everyone else who thinks this is serious interenet busines. I'm gonna go dress up my lifesize haruhi Prons, is there anyone more full of shit than you? You make poor attempts at trolling and being a "character", but in the end does anyone other than your fellow whatever-Asian-race-you-claim-to-be-today Internet friends actually ever care what you say? You haven't done much here, but do remember that if you do, you're pretty much on the edge. Don't push it. |
Jun 11, 2008 11:25 AM
Jun 11, 2008 11:26 AM
Please read new topic. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 12:39 PM
I just find it funny that alice suddenly shows up and Prons is not far behind. The only reason for this must be to troll ChandraNalaar together for some retarded reason. Why not just enjoy your time somewhere else instead of starting pointless threads which people would rather not see in the first place. |
Jun 11, 2008 1:17 PM
Because LT/CN can't just be a man and continue to converse with me over AIM. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 2:07 PM
I did. Three times. I'm not gonna sit there and have shit talked about me on a public forum while I can't look. Yes, I started this thread to get some people's panties in a bunch. But the rest was just because, well, Kevin hates me if he isn't going to let me back in I'll just do something to be remembered. No one ever remembers poor little Kaybelf, though. Oh wait, no. Yes they do. When they use my name as a fucking joke. And yes, I can still read the site despite the fact that I can't join it. And my name is used has been used as a joke at least 5 or 6 times. And the REAL kicker? LT did that at least 5 or 6 times HIMSELF after I was banned. No, I'm sorry. You don't get a person banned, cover your ass, and then talk shit about her when you think she can't look. I never did that to him. Ever. I had the utmost love, care, and respect for him until he stabbed me in the back. He said he tried to help. After I was banned I thought it was a mistake that he made, he wouldn't do that on purpose. He said he loved me, said when I was of age I could come see him. But then I remembered that I'm a fucking idiot. He hated me more than anyone on the site back when I was MKIA. So basically he sat there and manipulated me JUST to get me banned. And I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen his postmortem comments towards me. And I think it's shitty to treat me like that. And he won't even own up to his shit. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 2:34 PM
Welcome to reality. Population: Every decent human being and every scumbag out there. There are good people and bad people, don't get wingy if you meet some bad ones. Because in reality, we have to deal with them too. |
Jun 11, 2008 3:05 PM
*sigh* Okay, Alice, I'll break this down simply. 1. You were banned. Period. End of discussion. The internet isn't a place where you can appeal a ban unless it was done for quite literally no reason and the mods are reasonable (such as when I apparently was accidentally banned and had a friend get Sharp to unban me). 2. Nobody talks about you in secret little cult cliques, worshipping how you fell from grace and the evil Timaeusthulhu god. I honestly have only seen your name a couple times, those times being when you made a new account and posted, or someone made an account and posted similarly to you in which case they questioned whether it was you or not. 3. Whether or not Kevin hates you is irrelevant. To do something "to be remembered" isn't going to work. This is the internet, not the middle of New York City. If you sit around in underwear only and a cowboy hat, playing a guitar, chances are people will eventually take note of you. That works in NYC (I think he's called Naked Cowboy?). However, on the internet, unless you're a frequent poster with actual personality, nobody ever will care. Your attempts at "making a legacy" come off as someone trying (poorly) to aggravate the staff, and even that fails because the staff just shunt it off, ban the account, and move on. They don't care. So your attempts are misunderstood and largely ignored at best, and miserable failures at worst. 4. Whether or not what you say about Timaeus is true is completely irrelevant. This is between you, him, and whoever else apparently wants ridiculously long topics about internet drama. It doesn't belong on MAL, or in the Chain Gang. 5. Even if what you say is true, guess what? Not everyone likes you, not everyone holds your hand, not everyone cares in the slightest what happens to you. I'm pretty sure there are even people who hate you based on petty ethnic or religious stereotypes, too! Isn't it amazing, then, how you can honestly sit here and blather on and on about being manipulated and banned over an internet forum that, to be frank, will not affect you in real life in the slightest? What if you were manipulated by your boss (presumably you have a job or will get one eventually), he made you do extra work, he arranged it so all evidence of said work was destroyed, and he did all this while you were off the clock? You worked for your boss overtime and didn't get paid anything; the evidence is gone, so you can't do anything either, it's your word against his. A corporate lawyer would easily crush that case before it could even be filed as a claim against the company. That's just a small example, too. In a nutshell, Alice: shrug this off. You are a fourteen year old (or fifteen, whatever -- I don't know or care how old you are) who has the maturity of someone far younger, because to be frank, you're too dependent on people who, for all you know, don't actually even exist. Get off the internet for a while, unplug, go socialize with normal people outside who like you. Don't give me the "oh, they all hate me" bit, because the entire world will never hate you, and there will always be someone you can go to, to talk, to do whatever. Just keep this stuff off of MAL and the Chain Gang, because it's not our concern, we don't care, it's your business, and above all, it's petty. |
Jun 11, 2008 3:23 PM
When it was Prons constantly picking on LT it was fine though. I. Loved. LT. Period. You don't just shrug something like that off. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 3:26 PM
I LOVED Camille too. ya know, Magician camille? 'member him? Guess what, it was EASILY shrugged off after getting shitted on one too many times. Please stop hanging dirty laundry out to dry in this club. Let it die, and deal with it in a better way. Life goes on, yadda yadda. ~End. |
~Goes by: Magami/Magamish/Magameep/Maga-me~ |
Jun 11, 2008 3:28 PM
*Sigh* I'm bored of this thread, either make it interesting or stop posting.. And the only way I can think of to make it interesting if Alice and LT will make a fierce make-up sex and then photo report here in large details.. but then again, consensual sex with a fifteen old suck. I like my fifteen olds just like I like my steaks, bloody as hell. First I lure them into my place saying I have a lolipop, then I take out my piece and like "start suckin' bitch", if she starts crying it's all the better for me, then I slap them around a bit, just to make sure they know who's the boss, and then I sodomize them like no tomorrow using their tears as lubricants.... Yeah.. but angry make-up sex will do.. upload it on megaupload or something.. |
WestloJun 11, 2008 3:42 PM
Jun 11, 2008 3:39 PM
^Wow. I bet that isn't going to be moderated AT ALL. How fail. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 11, 2008 3:42 PM
MissKnowAliceAll said: ^Wow. I bet that isn't going to be moderated AT ALL. How fail. I fixed it, youtube quality sucks. |
Jun 11, 2008 3:54 PM
Westlo said: MissKnowAliceAll said: ^Wow. I bet that isn't going to be moderated AT ALL. How fail. I fixed it, youtube quality sucks. moar liek "youtube QUALITY" amirite? In before v&. |
Jun 11, 2008 4:06 PM
MissKnowAliceAll said: ^Wow. I bet that isn't going to be moderated AT ALL. How fail. Why the hell would we moderate something funny? |
Jun 11, 2008 4:13 PM
By the way, guys, this is exactly the kind of thing I was asking for last night in the picture thread. I was aiming for anime-related insults, but in the end, I've up until now forgotten about who left me in Nozomu-styled despair the most. I'm having the time of my life right now, and it only makes me look forward to going to hell. |
Jun 11, 2008 5:49 PM
Alice, I don't really know you nor I want to, but judging from everyones reaction, either they really really like me, or they're really really tired of your bullshit. Either way, this is what happened (please excuse me for the low budget production but I thought that my point will be made clear nonetheless);![]() So please stop posting pointless comments.. it reminds of Jon's "Zipang ! Zipang!" bs, only less annoying but more pointless, since his spam at least had a purpose, he was advertising an anime. |
Jun 11, 2008 7:07 PM
Wow hats off to you Groove, you are a connoisseur of humor. |
Jun 11, 2008 8:02 PM
I seriously wish there were rep points to be given out. Groove wins. |
Jun 11, 2008 9:15 PM
Vega_Vaikyuko said: Prons, is there anyone more full of shit than you? You make poor attempts at trolling and being a "character", but in the end does anyone other than your fellow whatever-Asian-race-you-claim-to-be-today Internet friends actually ever care what you say? You haven't done much here, but do remember that if you do, you're pretty much on the edge. Don't push it. I'm not trying to be a character. I always try and be myself in my posts. Unlike the rest of you I don't feel a need to get into character when I go to play on the interent. For example, you feel the need to roleplay a serious interent moderator, when I'm here just being Prons. Also, why do you think I'm trolling? Trolling is a subtle thing, like if I quoted one of your posts and wrote "I think soemeone is a sissy clit," but my posts have no subtlety. Please don't confuse trolling and flaming sir. I also don't care that you guys care what I think. The only reason I go onto the internet and type big lengthy posts is because I love to hear myself talk, if I could marry myself I would. But what I don't get is why no one on the internet can seem to deal with a 14 year old girl? Humour me, Lord Timaes couldn't stop her "OH LT I LOVE YOU LET'S GET MARRIED I'LL RUN AWAY FROM HOME AND LIVE WITH YOU" barrage, you guys insist on lecturing her instead of just banning her like the AN admins do, etc. etc. Look, I'll be frank here. Ju-On the Grudge was my favorite movie ever. Remember when the middle aged house wife went into the living room and saw her teen daughter walking up the stairs, and she was all "Takanukisukidooki, is that you?" and her daughter turned around, and you saw that she had no JAW and her tongue was hanging out like a fruit by the foot? They remade it in the movie "The Grudge," but it wasn't as great. Because in the original it happened in broad daylight in a normal home, while in the remake it was in this dark haunted office building. IT was still cool though. Look, don't even get me started on the scene with the bed. In the original we actualy paused, rewinded, and watched it like three times. It was just so much more subtle. The point I'm trying to get at is this, if you guys can't handle Alice Cathere what the hell are you going to do when Kayako and Toshio show up at your door looking to party? I'm planning to distract them with long monologues about the movie "Space Runaway Ideon Movie II: Be Invoked" I'm like the candyman, I go wherever I'm mentioned. I'm also black. |
Jun 12, 2008 1:22 AM
Jun 12, 2008 1:29 AM
It was most likely a compliment. I know your posts made me laugh out loud when I saw them. |
Jun 12, 2008 7:47 AM
When have i ever used sarcasm? *innocent smile* It really made me laugh :) |
Jun 12, 2008 9:28 AM
I love how everyone's jumping on Prons when people are sitting there making .gifs of me getting raped in the ass. HOW AWESOME. I LOVE THE SARCSAM. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 12, 2008 9:31 AM
Phantom said: When have i ever used sarcasm? *innocent smile* It really made me laugh :) Well then thank you :). It's just that for me that sentence had 3 components of sarcastic remark; The word "wow", idiom "hats off" and the word "connoisseur". So I I'm like "Okay, if I'd use any of those words I'd probably (more then 80%) be sarcastic, but all of them together in one sentence? I better fire something clever back" but then I'm like "Wait.. but other people may not take it this way.." anyway, who cares ^_^. |
Jun 12, 2008 9:52 AM
Honestly, I thought you were banned already under the MissKnowitAll name. I honestly never had too much of a problem with you; you're 14. But what you all did to LT was kinda low. So, I guess you're somewhat over your issues with LT if you're back to posting on the same board as he? |
GChanJun 12, 2008 9:57 AM
Jun 12, 2008 10:14 AM
I don't really even care anymore, to tell the truth, about LT and his pedophile ways. I just feel like he was the one that got me banned and Kevin should have restored me. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 12, 2008 1:44 PM
I just dislike saying things plainly if i can help it. |
Jun 12, 2008 2:33 PM
MissKnowAliceAll said: I don't really even care anymore, to tell the truth, about LT and his pedophile ways. I just feel like he was the one that got me banned and Kevin should have restored me. ............ MissKnowAliceAll said: I just feel like he was the one that got me banned and Kevin should have restored me. ................... MissKnowAliceAll said: I don't really even care anymore, to tell the truth, about LT and his pedophile ways. ............................... MissKnowAliceAll said: I'm not trying to start a stupid flame war. ............................................ |
Jun 12, 2008 2:47 PM
^BE A MAN. PLEASE. I'm begging you. If you wanna have a go at me do it on AIM. |
*dodges mod bullets at the speed of light* |
Jun 12, 2008 3:15 PM
Come now, LT. Let her on AIM so we'll have a spam-free board. Let her vent, then you can cut it off after. Also, Alice, don't just blame others. You're as much responsible for what happens to you as how others respond to what you do. More introspection, less blame game. |
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