Haha, nice! I could used a new shelf too >_< I'm staying up in Michigan with my Aunt for the summer working and what not~ Could only manage to find a part-time job, but something is better than nothing I suppose. So that keepz the boredom somewhat at bay, otherwise I either sleep or play gamez!! xD Fun stuffz here! *is a dork*
Hey! *pokes* :) I was bored and couldn't really sleep: Anime at 3 in the morning, Wooo! But anyway, just thought I'd see what you were up to~ How'z your summer going?! Anything exciting going on?
Good one on the Plat. I'm still working at that (~55% here). If you're ever looking for a trophy challenge in a FG, go for SFIV. You're going to be at it for a good year or two, guaranteed.
Now, combos, eh? This means you're ready for endless hours in training mode, right? Okay, this is going to be long. :P
Okay, first off I'll start with Nu since she's got the easiest combos, and finish with Haku since his are the hardest. We can test these out online whenever.
Nu, I can see you have the basics. To comment on an observance, your Nu isn't bad, it's just that she's got some very straigthforward stuff so I can see it from a mile away and just block. So with Nu, you have to use her mobility to your advantage and mix things up. You can try adding:
Throw -> 5dd 6dd 2dd j.dd j.dd
Switching C mash to 5c -> 3c -> 214d/236d
When someone is jumping at you, do:
2dd to hit, then j.dd away. If close enough you can try switching j.c x2 for j.dd.
Jin, I can list his combos I know, but they aren't terribly useful since they start off 5b, so it can take a bit of work to land that. Here's some stuff anyway:
-> 5c 2c 214b
-> (2 hits) 5c j.b j.c j.d (can go into ice car, other combo)
Off throw: 214a (ice car right behind the guy) -> 5c 2c j.b,c dj.b,c
Jin's bnb (bread and butter) air combo is j.b,c -> dj.b,c so you might want to get used to it.
Finally, Hakumen. I'm just going to list simple combos that do huge damage since his stuff requires some pretty strict timing. Also, learning to IAD (instant air dash. Easy to do, just input 9/7 -> 5 -> 6/4 depending on direction. Takes practice) is a MUST! if you want to use Haku properly.
6c (must be CH (counter hit)) -> Super. Easy to land super, huge damage.
Well, that should be plenty of theory to hold ya over for a bit. Don't hesitate to ask any questions, and there's no shame in deciding to keep spamming since learning this stuff can take a few months to do, and I'm aware BB isn't your only game. :D
Finally, you can always check out dustloop.com for the very best since I get all my stuff from there anyway. Good luck. :P
Hey, question about Score Attack since I actually can't find any info on it.
Anyway, how do you beat UL Ragna? You said there were a few ways like using Nu's DD or Jin's Ice Car. I went in with Jin and quite literally couldn't do anything, so I just stopped right there after trying 15 times or something.
Can you please show me the way, O Great and Venerable Master? :P
All Comments (89) Comments
How've you been this year, Vaikyuko?
Good one on the Plat. I'm still working at that (~55% here). If you're ever looking for a trophy challenge in a FG, go for SFIV. You're going to be at it for a good year or two, guaranteed.
Now, combos, eh? This means you're ready for endless hours in training mode, right? Okay, this is going to be long. :P
Okay, first off I'll start with Nu since she's got the easiest combos, and finish with Haku since his are the hardest. We can test these out online whenever.
Nu, I can see you have the basics. To comment on an observance, your Nu isn't bad, it's just that she's got some very straigthforward stuff so I can see it from a mile away and just block. So with Nu, you have to use her mobility to your advantage and mix things up. You can try adding:
Throw -> 5dd 6dd 2dd j.dd j.dd
Switching C mash to 5c -> 3c -> 214d/236d
When someone is jumping at you, do:
2dd to hit, then j.dd away. If close enough you can try switching j.c x2 for j.dd.
Jin, I can list his combos I know, but they aren't terribly useful since they start off 5b, so it can take a bit of work to land that. Here's some stuff anyway:
-> 5c 2c 214b
-> (2 hits) 5c j.b j.c j.d (can go into ice car, other combo)
-> 5c 6c 2d 6c dash cancel 5c sj.b,c dj.b,c (kinda hard)
Off throw: 214a (ice car right behind the guy) -> 5c 2c j.b,c dj.b,c
Jin's bnb (bread and butter) air combo is j.b,c -> dj.b,c so you might want to get used to it.
Finally, Hakumen. I'm just going to list simple combos that do huge damage since his stuff requires some pretty strict timing. Also, learning to IAD (instant air dash. Easy to do, just input 9/7 -> 5 -> 6/4 depending on direction. Takes practice) is a MUST! if you want to use Haku properly.
6c (must be CH (counter hit)) -> Super. Easy to land super, huge damage.
41236c (Zantetsu) -> 5c -> Zan -> 236a (Gurren) -> 6c. Again, massive damage.
Off front throw: Gu -> 6c
If you want a taste of how hard his timing is, try these:
3c -> 2c -> j.2c -> IAD j.2c -> j.2c
623a -> falling j.c -> 2c -> sj.2c -> IAD j.2c -> j.2c
(Also known as j.2c loop)
If you can do those, you're set for Haku. :P
Well, that should be plenty of theory to hold ya over for a bit. Don't hesitate to ask any questions, and there's no shame in deciding to keep spamming since learning this stuff can take a few months to do, and I'm aware BB isn't your only game. :D
Finally, you can always check out dustloop.com for the very best since I get all my stuff from there anyway. Good luck. :P
Anyway, how do you beat UL Ragna? You said there were a few ways like using Nu's DD or Jin's Ice Car. I went in with Jin and quite literally couldn't do anything, so I just stopped right there after trying 15 times or something.
Can you please show me the way, O Great and Venerable Master? :P