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No. 6
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Sep 9, 2011 11:29 PM

Aug 2010
Yeah, intense action scenes, all hail BONES \m/ Definitely love this episode. Really, the fight of Nezumi in the lab is awesome. I can see a bit of FMAB style in those scenes
Sep 10, 2011 1:20 AM

Jun 2007
Sharyka said:
ladyAre said:
and also:

OMG... I've been watching episode with my dark laptop and haven't even noticed it! To understand this pic I've adjusted some light and... bwah it's really depressing.

Wtf, I thought to myself: "Where have I seen something like that?", but didn't notice it, either. :/
Sep 10, 2011 3:42 AM
Jun 2007
Not sure if Inukashi (Dogkeeper) Gender bu she reminds me Yoruichi of Bleach
Sep 10, 2011 5:37 AM

Jun 2009
This episode did really good. Those dead(bunch) people was so cruel to do that to them, like they were trash or something. Shion was surely uncontrolled, he would never hurt/kill someone and seeing Nezumi hard-cry made me :S/*nooo*/-.-

Sep 10, 2011 6:26 AM

Apr 2011
jjoym said:
still waiting for my thoughts to settle about the shion/nezumi scenes. LOL way too invested in those two. so for now, here are some other points of interest:

Where did Nezumi hide the hook/ropes/baton of smoky doom? Does he have the male equivalent of cleavage hammerspace somewhere in that coat?
lol I remember thinking about that too! Can't be safe to fall all that way with a grappling hook on you. My guess is that the hook was a fold-up model and both that and the baton thingy were in his cargo pockets.

I feel so terribe for Safu right now, that thing with the soulless eyes and and sinister smirk is NOT MY SAFU B'AAAAAAWW. (ಥ Д ಥ) (To the novel readers: what are the chances of BONES making an anime-original ending/Elyurias subplot? Because that's not how the Safurias encounter started in the novels, plus they've been doing anime-original stuff with her from the start. And they've started production before the last book was published.)
Apparently despite all the changes there is still a chance that one of the two or more endings they're choosing from is the one from the novels. I did hear that the slightest change could make a big difference in the ending apparently. That makes me really curious... But I don't want to be spoiled so I'm avoiding checking those sorts of things out, personally.

ps: was i the only one that went "lol leaf village ninjas" when we first saw the guards? seriously, one of them even looked like shikamaru's unfortunate parallel world clone.
ROFL! Thanks, now I'm never going to be able to see those guards any other way. xD

@Rukayex: Good point about the blood not being washed away-- Bones animator FAIL! But Nezumi's cloak is made of "superfibre cloth" which can cushion hard impacts and even stop bullets. That's why the bullet "missed" Nezumi when he rescued Sion in No. 6, and also why they were able to survive falling down a hill out of a moving car and hitting a tree. xD
Sep 10, 2011 6:32 AM

Oct 2009
N-nezumi.. ;__;

Sion really surprised me.

Amazing episode. Definitely did well towards the end of the series, I'm sad that there's only one more episode to go. Hopefully the ending won't disappoint!
Sep 10, 2011 6:37 AM

Oct 2009
jjoym said:

ps: was i the only one that went "lol leaf village ninjas" when we first saw the guards?

I was thinking the exact same thing. XD
Sep 10, 2011 9:16 AM

Dec 2008
Rukayex said:
And then there's so little chance of only the two of them surviving the human trash dump... what are the odds of all of those other people in the pile not even moving even when they were being climbed on, and only Nezumi/Sion landing oh so safely at the bottom?

LOL I thought the exact same thing. I, like so many others, also wonder: what's the point of rounding up everyone alive only to dump them in the facility and leave the bodies to rot?

Am I the only one who didn't really feel anything this episode? Yeah, it was intense and all, which was a nice change, but it was too much too fast. No. 6 could have been so much better if they just had better pacing.
Sep 10, 2011 9:41 AM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
The pacing is a bit too fast because its only 11 episodes. This anime would have been awesome at 24 episodes or so.
Sep 10, 2011 10:32 AM
Oct 2010
whitetear said:

As for why I think Nezumi's "I am falling" was his concern that Sion was going to abandon him, the "Ore wa orochiteiru no kamo..." gave me a sinking feeling when I first heard it in the ep, because of the context. I mean look at it-- Sion says he hears a voice. Nez asks if it's the people moaning below, and Sion responds no, it's Safu, calling him. Immediately Nez has a flashback about Sion's creepy neck-grabbing moment (which was also Sion's most heartfelt love confession) after they danced in ep 5, and says this mysterious line. This sets up his two fears of Sion changing and of Sion abandoning him (timing!). Remember also that Nezumi is a fan of the classics, which are full of romantic tales. It's already a very romantic thing Sion is doing to go rescue Safu like that. And it's clearly the most dangerous thing any of them has done yet and still Sion was willing to leave Nezumi behind (ep 7) in order to go off to die for her. That's gotta hurt. And it did in the book; Nezumi was up at night crying for the first time in years. Some "loner" he turned out to be. When Sion saved Nezumi's life he wasn't putting himself in so much danger, really (at first, anyway). But Nez did put himself in very serious danger when the time came to save Sion. And he had even been watching over Sion like a guardian angel for years because he knew that day would eventually come. Of course he doesn't know Sion was sighing and longing for him whenever it rained, all those 4 years.

But if it's a matter of Nezumi's priorities changing leads him to say "I am falling," I'd find it odd that there are no references whatsoever to his plan to end No. 6.

(previous post was rushed so I had to ignore this part, that messes with my conscience so I'm doing it now)
Although there's a lot of arguments there ^, and some are quite solid, I still don't feel it as jealousy, specially when you point out that "neck touch moment" -> "who's shion?" who's that person he can't understand?... Shion's mysterious person who seems an air-headed sensible dreamer, but he's way more than that..."Who's he who breaks through my defenses, who says dreamy things and truly means it, who's laughing in such a difficult situation when death and all kinds of horrors are just behind the corner...?" Be it jealousy or not, he has fallen for Shion and maybe he didn't wanted to be so attached to him...Sure he knew happiness because of that, the warmth of a human, but it turned out way more complex than just that...he's despaired when Shion kills that man...Shion's his weakness.

And...I admit it may be a little tad of jealousy when he asked Shion about Safu...

Anyway, I get your point, I just don't feel it.
I think initial perception really determines how I interpret this things...that was how I felt it, maybe I'm just too idyllic and I'm making this NezumixShion too "perfect" in some ways >.<

Yeah, they never mentioned his plan again...and your're right, he didn't show any clear signs of regret for having "postponed" it (at least that's what he seems to have done)

SilverDemon said:

And about the smiling. That scene was alot different in the novel, where

Also, in the novel

Really?! wow.
Well I think I'm now committed to read the novel translations. (and the manga too ^-^)

(btw, I think I never said it before, but I love that ED *-*)

Sep 10, 2011 10:42 AM
Aug 2011
Sion slowly losing his innocence is a shame, I can understand Rats pain. Although it felt like Sion was controlled when he shot that man, either that or seeing Rat shot made him blank out with rage. If that is who the real Shion is I would still love this series but feel it lost something.
Sep 10, 2011 10:47 AM
Aug 2011
Sakulily said:
jjoym said:

ps: was i the only one that went "lol leaf village ninjas" when we first saw the guards?

I was thinking the exact same thing. XD

Same, I said aloud with a chuckle "lol leaf ninja with guns"
Sep 10, 2011 10:51 AM

Apr 2009
Woah, climbing over a "mountain" of dying people/dead bodies is the highlight of the episode for me, it's gross though and friggin' depressing. X(

Stupid guard captain, he already killed one of his men and then he started to make his speech, that's what you get for talking too much... more shooting, less talking I say.

Seeing Nezumi cry was weird for me but then looking at Safu's cold, dead eyes broke my heart.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Sep 10, 2011 11:13 AM
Oct 2010
Aeterna said:
Rukayex said:
And then there's so little chance of only the two of them surviving the human trash dump... what are the odds of all of those other people in the pile not even moving even when they were being climbed on, and only Nezumi/Sion landing oh so safely at the bottom?

LOL I thought the exact same thing. I, like so many others, also wonder: what's the point of rounding up everyone alive only to dump them in the facility and leave the bodies to rot?

I think someone explained that here (but can't remember who did xP) - Nezumi's super resistent cloack.
The second question, I saw something on that too, they could use the bodies for experiments, plus, they're are supposed to be an ideal society, they don't do random killings, they are just saving them by cleaning them up (for the sake of their perfect society) they brought some souvenirs to show off :P But, as many people pointed out, it also looks like a plot device to get Nezumi and Shion into no.6 >.>'

I'm depressed as my lack of attention still made me doubt on Inukashi's gender, I missed that clear evidence:
mitch3315 said:

Also, the jig is up, Inukashi, you can't hide your femininity anymore.

That's right, I see your breast hiding in there.

and that was also on last week's preview...o.o well I know it now. After all she's a she o/

Oh,and I almost forgot for the 10000th time:
jjoym said:

ps: was i the only one that went "lol leaf village ninjas" when we first saw the guards? seriously, one of them even looked like shikamaru's unfortunate parallel world clone.

LOL me too...I was like - o.o "Look, it's Shikamaru...wait, what's he doing here >.>"
RianriSep 10, 2011 11:52 AM

Sep 10, 2011 12:22 PM

Feb 2009
Great episode, overall. I'm kind of sad that the next one is the last, because NO. 6 could be explored more. Nezumi worried about Sion was the best part, since the beginning with the "I don't want you to change...". Well, I'm expecting a proper explanation about the bees, SAFU, Elyurias and Youming. Can you guys do that in 20 minutes?!
Sep 10, 2011 12:54 PM

Dec 2007

But how are they going to finish the story with just ONE episode !
They want to destroy the wall, find a cure for the bees, Sion have to go back to his mommy, he also need to f*ck with Safu...
Sep 10, 2011 2:05 PM
Apr 2011
Wow, really nice episode. And i love the animation in infiltration/figths scenes, amazing~
Waiting for the end ._.
Rianri said:
LOL me too...I was like - o.o "Look, it's Shikamaru...wait, what's he doing here >.>"

HAHA i think exactly the same xDDD
Sep 10, 2011 5:05 PM

Dec 2010
wow this episode was awesome. i screamed when nezumi was shot :( and im gonna be pist if they kill him in the last episode i dont like safu i think sion and nezumi would be fine by themselves lol
- Marissa Chan!
Sep 10, 2011 6:38 PM

Aug 2010
Kozupi said:
Rianri said:
LOL me too...I was like - o.o "Look, it's Shikamaru...wait, what's he doing here >.>"

HAHA i think exactly the same xDDD

Me too xD And I don't even watch Naruto XD
Sep 10, 2011 7:21 PM

Sep 2009
I never noticed that Shikamaru thing. xD I'm gonna have to rewatch this episode sometime.

Things got interesting though. :U I'm really wondering how they're gonna conclude this without making it seem too rushed.
Sep 10, 2011 10:35 PM

Apr 2011
Wow. This anime is amazing.

What I hope now is that they could explain the significance of the bees and the relationship of Safu and Nezumi on the last episode.

If people could just overlook the gay undertones this anime has, because they do not know on what they are missing out.
Sep 11, 2011 1:09 AM

Sep 2011
SHION.. T_T why so badass
Well, I don't really care for Safu.
I hope we will have a happy end.. I don't want it to eeend! ;__;
Sep 11, 2011 4:05 AM

May 2009
mmm.... yum yum... =D
LOVED this episode. Amazing action. Nezumi gets shot twice, Shion looses control of himself and shoots to kill. OOOOH. =D Brimming love eh? :))))
Character Development got a plus. Even for Safu. :) In fact, even for that little kid at Karan's bakery who felt something ominous in the air. :)))))
Plot got a plus.
Animation got a plus with Nezumi's movements. YUM!

Details are a little obscure though... Just too convenient, imo. Where the heck did Nezumi conjure up that tool (whatever you call that thing) to climb out of that body heap. Fine, he can store torchlight bombs in his pants or whatever.
They didn't even show us how Dogkeeper leaked gas.
Ah... all the tidbits are missing, but keeping that aside, I like where this is going... The next episode, the last, better be good. >.<
_____ _ _ ______

Within pain, there is desire.

_____ _ _ ______
Sep 11, 2011 5:03 AM

Aug 2011
Uhh.. Nezumi's voice is so damn cool >< errrr!!!
Looking forward to the next episode.
Sep 11, 2011 5:03 AM

Mar 2011
I'm getting a feeling that it would be a Sion&Nezumi VS Safu.

Well, I don't like Safu anyway. She's quite annoying.

Nezumi X Sion <333
Sep 11, 2011 9:18 AM

Jul 2010
well the best episode so far and what i whandet to see from the start.

well next week is the last episode, can't wait to see the ending of this anime.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Sep 11, 2011 1:55 PM

Sep 2011
I enjoyed the action scenes of this episode with Nezumi - however, I didn't particularly like him breaking down and crying when Sion killed the captain (I really don't feel bad for the captain though, since he did kill one of his own comrades and was about to kill Nezumi). I understand him probably feeling guilt - *Edit__for bringing Sion along; NOT for Sion killing the Captain* - but I just didn't like the whole "switching places" thing between him and Sion. Of course, don't get me wrong, it was nice to see Nezumi show another emotion than he has, proving he does care about Sion; but I just feel like it was a bit over-board - too much out of his character in my opinion.

As another note: I have always thought of the Dogkeeper as a female. I don't know why. I'm not too sure where the Dogkeeper being "male" came up in the series since they never really pointed out a gender - unless I missed something. But the scene with her and the baby was quite...adorable, I shall say.
withering_lotusSep 15, 2011 6:55 AM

Sep 11, 2011 4:41 PM
Apr 2010
So... with 1 episode left, I'm guessing this anime is that of a tragedy????

Shakespeare would be proud.
Sep 12, 2011 8:07 AM
Jul 2011
Kundalini said:
Details are a little obscure though... Just too convenient, imo. Where the heck did Nezumi conjure up that tool (whatever you call that thing) to climb out of that body heap. Fine, he can store torchlight bombs in his pants or whatever.
They didn't even show us how Dogkeeper leaked gas.
Ah... all the tidbits are missing, but keeping that aside, I like where this is going... The next episode, the last, better be good. >.<
[insert dirty joke about nezumi, pantspaces, and phallic objects here] :Db

ffff the episode count really hurts the series, ugh. the action scenes were nice to look at, but man i wanted at least two eps of nezumi punching and shooting people. such fun!

*replays the yandeshi execution scene again and again* if only they could fit in his other "how DARE you hurt nezumi" coldrage episode too. *sighs longingly* oh these boys they are so preciously fucked up.

pilipino101 said:
So... with 1 episode left, I'm guessing this anime is that of a tragedy????
uuuyyyy, pinoy ka?

*hopes not* BOOOONNNESSS you gonna give us a bittersweet ending AT LEAST or i'm gonna unleash a 21-foot croc on you. :/ for srs. two, even.

i am slightly--scratch that, VERY nervous about the ending. bones... doesn't have the best track record with endings or adaptations. i heard they're gonna 'slightly' change the ending, but how slight is that exactly?? also there's so MUCH left to explain in one episode, what about the anime watchers who don't intend to read the novels? are you going to leave them with loose ends??? *sadfaces FOREVER*

and SAFUUUUU ;____________; i just read her abduction scene in the novel--such gumption! such quick thinking! more than shion showed when he got arrested, that's for sure. what are they going to do with her next ep?? SOB I AM NEVER GETTING OVER THIS.

alskjldjfdfj WHY IS IT NOT THURSDAY YET. WHY. *hoping for the best, expecting the worst*
Sep 12, 2011 9:54 AM

Apr 2011
Ohhh Nezumi and his magic pants. <3

(Seriously though people, don't forget he also has a simple grey cloth that is both bullet proof and cushions heavy impacts. Considering that kind of technology exists, I don't think fitting canister bombs and folded up grappling hooks into his cargo pockets is such an astounding feat really.)

@jjoym: Safu was downright impressive, wasn't she? She even managed to think of protecting Karan. I actually really liked reading her flashbacks about Sion and seeing how she thought about Nezumi. I realise that now that she's been possessed by Elyurias all bets are off and I have no idea what might happen in either the anime or the novel (especially since Elyurias called Nezumi to her too), but that chapter reassured me that ordinary Safu, though jealous, couldn't have meant Nezumi any harm. Just like Nezumi, though also jealous, probably wouldn't have tried to stop Sion from going through with his promise to Safu. (And he would keep his promise but it would be a matter of whether Safu wanted to go through with it, knowing he'd rush straight back to Nezumi afterward.) You know he thought he was keeping it secret, but both his mother and his one good friend already noticed how important Nezumi was to him, even before he left. Until whatever happens next Thursday crushes my spirits, I'm going to keep living in this dream world in which all three of them get away safely... *_*
Sep 12, 2011 9:38 PM

Feb 2011
Sharyka said:

OK... Safu and Sion relationships are so... annoying me -.- C'mon she's just his friend (only one ha ha) , and since childhood she has been seeking for "girlfriend" status. That's not a deep relationship, it's vulgar, fake and banal .

I used to think like that too. But let me just say this:

Revelations are made in the 8th novel. And you just can't help but feel for Safu. She was such a nice girl. I have certain affection for her now. Oh safu, all my creys. ;A;
Sep 13, 2011 1:05 AM
Jul 2011
all this sudden safu love is doing a great deal for my broken heart, just sayin'. sad that's it's only coming out this late in the game when she's been awesome from the start, threat or no threat, but it's still a positive change!


@whitetear: i am always in favor of eschewing logic for the lulz, so while yeah the materials might be foldable, [insert joke about sticking things inside nezumi's pants here]

LOL really the only one who might have serious jealousy issues, imo, is SHION. i mean everyone else who might have felt it has behaved decently about it but him.

safu: shion I WANT YOUR SPER-- i mean your heart. i mean i love you, okay?
shion: sorry safu i'm looking at someone else but we're still friends right?! D:
safu: haha, oh you airhead. :P ...... it's that rat guy isn't it? oh well.

prostitute: [plants one on shion]
shion: WTFFFFF
nezumi: LOL you airhead. but no.

nezumi: i don't give a good goddamn about shi--o wait imma go save his not-girlfriend despite everything about my characterization so far
[later] nezumi: soooo... this safu girl, you gonna have sex with her or what?
shion: i'm glad to have known you nezumi. [surprise makeout]

rikiga: o hay nezumi, wanna work under me if you know what i mean? [wink wink]
nezumi: LOL you dipshit. but no.

seriously, i understand snapping when nezumi's actually hurt, but simple conversation like this? dude. DUUUUUDE. take a chill pill. i for one would not want to covet nezumi with shion in the same room.
jjoymSep 13, 2011 8:24 AM
Sep 13, 2011 11:07 AM

Apr 2011
You know, I just like to acknowledge whenever I can that Nezumi has magic in his pants. m.m

Re the Jealousy: ROFL! So true...

BUT Nezumi's just got his own style of jealousy...

prostitute: [plants one on shion]
shion: WTFFFFF
nezumi: LOL you airhead. but no. Give him back, he's mine and he's so crazy about me he can't look at any woman ali--
shion: Hey that's not--Mfmfljgb [nezumi shuts him up]
prostitute: Pay up then, loverboy
nezumi: Got change? [gives hooker a long and hot, hot kiss; smoldering sexy face as he withdraws, while thinking: "Oh, did you want some of that? In your FACE, Shion!"]
prostitute: Don't let that man corrupt your morals, little boy. Take it from a hooker like me!
shion: WTFFFF

nezumi: i don't give a good goddamn about shi--o wait imma go save his not-girlfriend despite everything about my characterization so far
[later] nezumi: soooo... this safu girl, you gonna have sex with her or what?
shion: i'm glad to have known you nezumi. [surprise makeout]
nezumi: Where do you think you're going? You can't f***ing leave me! [domestic violence]
And don't forget...

inukashi: I was raised by a dog and drank her milk! *dreamy look*
shion: uhhhh...
nezumi: [walks in] And yo mama was a dirty mutt! [Read: HOW DARE YOU BOND WITH MY BOY TOY!]
inukashi: You want a piece of me?
[fight atmosphere building]
shion: [completely oblivious/KY] Look, all my little mouse friends are here!
whitetearSep 13, 2011 4:55 PM
Sep 13, 2011 5:12 PM

Jan 2008
I must say this episode was fantastic. Left me speechless. I'm quite sad that the next episode is the last one. :(

Sep 13, 2011 7:07 PM

Aug 2011
I felt so sad for Nezumi in this episode, he suffered a lot! whether physically (from beats and getting shots) or psychicly (because of that Safu =___=)
and yes, I think too that Sion's weird behaviour has to do with Elyurias
since she was answering Safu's wish in meeting Shion
knowing Shion to Sufo's place directions in detail was weird enough to make you think that it was given to him from someone or somewhere or like he under half control
but guess that his yanderu was stronger though to kill that man for Nezumi (that was so touching <33333 and kinda sexy xDDD)
the last second of the episode gave a feel as if it would be like Sion&Nezumi VS Safu xD
I really REALLY want to know what would happen! can't wait anymore x333
but good, only one day left =D
there's something -awhile ago- I wished to see in the last episode, I want to hear the full ending song playing through the end of the episode scenes
guess that would be touching <3
pureromanceSep 13, 2011 7:50 PM
Sep 13, 2011 8:02 PM
Jul 2011
As a guy who isn't against or for Shounen-Ai I was annoyed with the connection between Nezumi and Shion. I'm not a hater I just like Shion and Safu so much more.. I hated how he ignored her so much in the early episodes.
I'm pretty sure all these coincidences and the killing done by Shion was because of Safu becoming one with the Goddess. That she's setting it all up to grant Safu's wish.. To people who said that it was weird that Nezumi felt bad for the guard, he didn't, he felt bad for Shion losing his innocence, his character, what makes Shion, Shion. Shion "breaking" from the corruption and merging into one with it is what caused Nezumi's despair. With one episode left, it can't end with the character's having futures...
Sep 13, 2011 8:03 PM

Apr 2011
Interesting images, pure.

The first is depressing (don't think we can win this) but the second one (marathon) is hilarious. :)

Ganbare, Nezumi!!!
Sep 14, 2011 1:23 AM
Jul 2011
whitetear said:
You know, I just like to acknowledge whenever I can that Nezumi has magic in his pants. m.m=
of course he does! just ask shion! =3=

hee hee i admit i don't pay much attention to nezumi's possible jealous fits, because

1. it struck me more as "you stupid idiot you're leaving me to DIE" emphasis on 'leaving to die' and not 'leaving for someone else'* and

2. the fight with inukashi was all anime. and ep 4 is my second-least-favorite episode.

3. my first point stands--he hasn't actually gone yandere on anyone over shion. if he has jealousy issues, they're normal and not scary fucked-up.

hmmm. i think anime!nezumi's the jealous type and novel!nezumi's more the... "WHAT AM I DOING but i can't stop" type. and both are in denial. hahaha wow i think they're a lot more different than i originally thought.

* i have many thoughts on this.

@pureromance: hahahaha second picture is the best!
Sep 14, 2011 9:22 AM

Apr 2011
Anime-Nezumi is definitely more jealous. I think ep 10 confirms that. And from what I've heard, Novel-Sion is even more yandere. o_O;

1. Definitely as you say, but I detect an additional level of hurt layered in there. I also think Nez asking about Sion having sex with Safu is partly out of veiled jealousy, and as a test of his own emotional response to Sion's answer. And I interpret Novel-Nezumi's post-kiss tears as mostly being about Sion leaving to die but also partly about how far he'd go for Safu.

2. Ah thanks, I wasn't sure about that one being canon or not. But I guess it still applies to his characterisation for the anime. I can accept the disappointing censorship of how they first met Rikiga but the end of Ep 4 is a travesty for me, because they cut out Nezumi's awesome, awesome speech in response to Sion's "I'm drawn to you" love confession. (Something I've ranted about at length on the AC forum.) So far I think that's probably the one anime change that I can't forgive. I had Nezumi all wrong until I started reading and figured out his trust issues.

3. Fair enough. Nezumi's jealousy is certainly more measured/laid back. I'm just saying I'm certain he does get jealous.
Sep 14, 2011 2:58 PM

Nov 2010
Loved this ep! Sion was downright scary... and Nezumi crying...! T.T
Sep 15, 2011 3:40 AM

Nov 2008
I like Yandere characters, Especially males! Since they are pretty rare.
But Shion honestly scared me.

ladyAre said:
Sharyka said:

and also:

that's kind of sad.

T-that's just sick...
Sep 16, 2011 6:53 AM

Sep 2010
So eventually Shion turned out to be yandere, the first time I've seen a male yandere though.
Also it seems like Safu has undergone some kind of psychological stuff since she's acting very weird.
Sep 16, 2011 8:45 AM

Apr 2011
Dude, she's not Safu anymore. Elyurias just kept some of her memories and let her have that final wish.
whitetearSep 17, 2011 9:23 AM
Sep 16, 2011 9:29 PM

Apr 2011
OMG as Nezumi was warning Shion about what was to come when they were in the trucks i was on the edge of my seat........I SO DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING! OMG! i would have puked as well ;(

THEN as Shion was climbing up the mountain of bodies did anyone notice they he grabbed the knitting needle?!?!?!?!?!?! wtf so Sofu's granny was in there?....omg

great episode, great anime!
No.6 made it to my top 5 favs list XD
Sep 17, 2011 1:42 AM

Apr 2009
Hmm so Sion enters possessed mode.
Sep 17, 2011 9:23 PM

Oct 2010
I'm falling for Shion for sure. Well.

This epi is the continuation of the intrigue, there are a lot of twists, which are expected but still exciting in the end. I still don't have the time to catch up with the novels so I guess I'll just going to leisurely enjoy the anime first.

Can't believe the next one is the last. Like, it just scarily feels too quick. The effects of marathon..?
Sep 18, 2011 5:30 AM

Dec 2009
I was really happy when Shion killed someone and Nezumi cried,it showed that both of them have strong and weak points
Sep 18, 2011 7:28 AM

Apr 2011
@Karasuchan: I wasn't happy because I saw it exactly as Nezumi would. (Which is quite something, since until I started reading the novel all I could understand was Shion's point of view.) BUT I like the way you put it. It wasn't just about someone abandoning all their principles to look "badass." There is a deeper meaning in it for you. I only wish other people would explore that philosophical angle, if they're going to say they're happy Shion killed somebody.
Sep 19, 2011 11:56 AM

Nov 2007
They sure survive a lot of bullets in this world...
Sep 19, 2011 9:39 PM

May 2011
1) The baby was sooo cute! <3

2) Only Nezumi can look that badass falling down a human trash chute.

3) B/c of the lighting on my laptop, it took me Forever to realize that that pile consisted of corpses, not trash bags.

4) I was surprised when Sion was naming all the angles of each camera. I thought he didn't even know they'd be going until, literally, the last second, when they were already in the truck? When could he've learned all that?

5) Dang, Nezumi's slacking. I mean, zoning out, letting Sion lead the way, of all people, and getting his ass handed to him. Geez, what're you doin, boy??

6) Oh, hey, it's Safu. ...Meh. I thought Sion liked her, but then I thought he liked Nezumi, but now it's obvious he likes Safu,'s this gonna work...?

7) Um...Yeah, Sion shooting that guy in the end just left me speechless; the last 5 minutes or so did. I was just sitting there with a funny look on my face, waving my arms around, unable to produce any coherent sounds.

When I Could speak, my 1st words were:

"What the fuck?!" ^_^
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