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Aug 29, 2011 10:20 AM
Jun 2011
felt like it was over before it had even started. Was this episode really 24 min? it felt like 5. Oh, and Rock Bison finally being useful (When using himself as shield against Barnaby.)
Aug 29, 2011 10:49 AM
Jul 2011
molimo said:
felt like it was over before it had even started. Was this episode really 24 min? it felt like 5. Oh, and Rock Bison finally being useful (When using himself as shield against Barnaby.)

I know right (in regards to Rock Bison/Antonio), I just wish they did a Rock Bison episode, I mean I don't think they confirmed his powers in the anime but the drama cd which is impenetrable skin or somet.

Who knows maybe they'll make an OVA for a Rock Bison episode :P

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 29, 2011 12:24 PM

Jul 2009
OMG, FREAKING AWESOME EPISODE. Kaede saves them all but copies Sky High's powers before she can save Barnaby. I thought Blue Rose was gonna confess after she got her memories back lol XD
Holy crap, Tiger and his bike transform was freaking epic. Same with the truck slide under / over lol XD Oh and also as Tiger was falling down and then went back up to get his suit! :P Random reminiscing was kind of weird, but still pretty awesome. Return of GOOD LUCK MODE! Haha XD
OMG I wonder who fake Tiger is >_< Hmm, Tiger did the preview twice in a row didn't he? Lol, love how he just switched to Japanese after haha XD
Aug 29, 2011 3:19 PM
May 2011
Kaede is sure a cute little girl. I hope she doesn't get kidnapped, but that'll be one hell of a situation if it did.
Aug 29, 2011 4:21 PM

Aug 2008
Just so epic episode. Insanely pretty chase scenes, pretty nice pacing overall.

Kaede's rescue was a bit... too convenient/clicheed but I liked how it made plot move faster. (I want a somewhat closed ending to the series even though there would be a second season.) Furthermore, I absolutely love Kotetsu being very Kotetsu-ish, since he didn't came up with super ultimate complex 'let's make them remember me' plans. Would be pretty much out of character. Though, he can be smart too when it comes to it...
Rock Bison not getting his own quirk/random fact made me go ":(" (Except if we count 'you still own me 20 dollars') I'm happy Lunatic didn't appear. I like him but he has no reason to be there to fight them, so why would he.

epiklow said:

Anyone else LOL when Kotetsu accidentally punched Barnaby in the face? XDDD


Hmm, Tiger calling Bunny 'Barnaby' all the time caught my attention. Hmm.

I don't even dare to guess who would be inside the Black Tiger suit - if there is anyone, that is. I think it's just a suit, android or something alike, but we'll see.
Aug 29, 2011 5:22 PM

Jan 2009
im thinking that the ending scenario will be like Maverick is about to get arrested by Tiger and Bunny but Lunatic comes and want to kill Maverick and then brawl starts to the death between the 3 lol, and who knows maybe on that battle confusion then Maverick will be able to hide and run then that will be the trigger for season 2 lol good theory heh?
Aug 29, 2011 8:57 PM
Apr 2009
Thinking this strange new tiger is definetly an android, since Bunny's parents were doing research on androids and such. it's been a few years, maybe the technology was finally completed.
Aug 29, 2011 11:33 PM

Sep 2010
Quite the episode I'd say.
Aug 30, 2011 7:41 AM
Jan 2011
Merue said:
SoraKuro said:
A random character that appears in almost all episodes

Image behind the spoiler:

I didn't recognize her until this post, thanks lol.

Me too.
Aug 30, 2011 8:08 AM

Jul 2011
Heavy foreshadowing from last episode; Kaede, everyone pretty much saw it coming. But nevertheless a quick way to get over with the "Hey, don't you guys remember me?" part.

The sad thing about it is that you realize Kotetsu isn't that close to anyone for 'the power of friendship' to actually work on said bonds - even on Rock Bison who has known him the longest; and while Blue Rose tried to believe, she didn't remember either.
This is the result of Kotetsu keeping everyone at arm's length, likely stemming from his early childhood experiences of becoming a NEXT.
It all comes down to how Bunny will snap out of it now (a test of the bond/partnership) - and it's already looking pretty grim.

Although Sky High messed up the easy way out, I'm glad that he did; it would be pretty anticlimactic after having spent the last couple episodes of building up the distance between the two only to have Bunny magically rescued at the end.
That also lead us to the highlight of this episode; the bike chase.
I lost it at the facepunch. Man, it made me realize how much I've missed their antics.

Overall, great episode; no idea what to expect anymore, aside from the inevitable clash. They really like to keep us at the edge this time around.
SicAug 30, 2011 8:14 AM
Aug 30, 2011 9:33 AM

Jan 2011
Kaede saved the day! her angry face is great too :)

is this the first time they show how the bikes transform and combine?

i am guessing the fake Tiger is an android
Aug 30, 2011 9:45 AM
Jun 2008
Sometimes Its very weird that Kotetsu know Maverik is the villain with some simple specification.
old man + glasses + neck tie = maverik ... Its very obvious that anyone has that trait is consider as Maverik
Aug 30, 2011 1:01 PM
Nov 2007
Guy in the suit is an android with Mr. Legend/Tiger/Bunny's face. I'm calling it.

m4rc0 said:
Am I the only one that thinks this episode was a HUGE let down?

I mean, Kaede very conveniently was touched by the only guy with the power to break the mind control AND used the power without even knowing she had it before. Also, she used the power just enough to make everything all right, instead of, I don't know, erasing all their memories or something like that.

And then he just takes Bunny on a bike date across town so they can do the shounen fistfight bromance...

And now that I think about it, it's ok for Bison to forget that Kotetsu was Tiger, but he should've remembered Kotetsu from school. And there's no mention to that. And if there was someone whose personal information Tiger would know about would be him...

It would be better if they just made everybody remember (or at least believe in) him because the things he said created contradictions with the implanted memories. Bunny has shown that contradictions really get in the way of the fake memories.

Karina showed the power of love and the tried to earn some points with her future daughter-in-law...
Don't you mean daughter? :P

Anyway, I agree with everything you said (those things bugged me too) but they didn't stop me from enjoying the episode. T&B is amazing even when it's ridiculously cheesy.
Aug 30, 2011 10:01 PM

Jan 2011
Episode did seem to only take five minutes and a fabulous max double cliff-hanger (Tiger vs. Bunny and who is wearing the suit?). Blue Rose was the only one who came close to shaking off Maverick's brainwashing before Kaede saved the day, and also seemed to shake off the shock of finding out Kotetsu has a daughter pretty quick...ship, ship, ship.

I'll go along with an android with Legend's face. That maintains the plot as it has developed and allows Lunatic to justifiably become part of the action.

And I don't know if it will be important, but Kaede now has Wild Tiger's power since he was the last NEXT to touch her.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Aug 31, 2011 2:48 AM

Jun 2010
What ? The fake tiger is just a robot. Why put random twists ?
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Aug 31, 2011 8:27 AM

Oct 2010
Haha that was fun to watch. It has some moments that just screams CLASSIC!!!! but had me smiling in the end. Oh fiery youth. Add superb animation to that and voila! Made my day.

I also found it funny that Kaede didn't mention the mole when she was describing Maverick. Lol a little script hole there.

Ah, I'm going back to dormitory tomorrow with limited internet access.. how am I going to view the last three.. such a tragedy.
Aug 31, 2011 12:22 PM
Aug 2011
fiane said:
Haha that was fun to watch. It has some moments that just screams CLASSIC!!!! but had me smiling in the end. Oh fiery youth. Add superb animation to that and voila! Made my day.

I also found it funny that Kaede didn't mention the mole when she was describing Maverick. Lol a little script hole there.

Ah, I'm going back to dormitory tomorrow with limited internet access.. how am I going to view the last three.. such a tragedy.
well the serise isnt done yet so you wouldnt be able to watch the next 3 anyway
Aug 31, 2011 2:30 PM

Nov 2007
lol scarf girl spoke!

Tiger's plan kinda sucked but what else could he do? he was really cool this episode. the photo broke Barnaby's control before, maybe what Tiger needs is physical proof? still betting on the pin to save Bunny's memory.

as expected Kaede saved the other heroes. Blue Rose had a good moment but that brainwashing was pretty strong. rather funny way to tell his daughter he's a hero and introduce her. lol @ Sky High, not like he knew that would happen though.

now it sets the stage for Tiger vs Bunny and later old Maverick while the others take on the Tiger Android. there's still Agnes and Lloyds though.
Aug 31, 2011 3:56 PM

Apr 2011
I notice the girl w/ scarf as well, she been the same damsel in distress, maybe she can awaken Bunny from his false memories by saving her together w/ Tiger XD

Sky High is cool, its actually great he changed Kaede powers, otherwise it would be anticlimactic.

Dragon Kid and Kaede be good friends? XD
Sep 1, 2011 1:00 PM
Mar 2011
rodac said:

I'll go along with an android with Legend's face. That maintains the plot as it has developed and allows Lunatic to justifiably become part of the action.

And I don't know if it will be important, but Kaede now has Wild Tiger's power since he was the last NEXT to touch her.

I like the idea about the android having Mr Legend's face!

Actually given Blue Rose touched her shoulders after Tyger left I suspect Kaede has her powers... I wonder whather Maverick has ordered the android to kidnap Kaede?
Sep 2, 2011 3:20 PM
Oct 2010
DUDE I SWEAR THIS EPISODE WAS 5 MINS LONG. Dammit it goes too fast.
Sep 5, 2011 11:00 AM

Dec 2007
That was TOO cool.
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Sep 11, 2011 2:11 PM

Aug 2008
I'm really proud of Blue Rose for being the only one to even remotely come through for Tiger. When she was patting Kaede on the head I wanted her to tell her that she was gonna be her new mommy now. :^D

Oct 26, 2011 12:08 PM
Oct 2010
And I wonder how did Saito-san recall Tiger? Watching the tv forecast is not the way out 'cause there was no direct influence (like in the case of other heroes). Or did he recall by associations, too?
Nov 6, 2011 5:55 PM
Mar 2010
vucubcaquix said:
Seriously people, Black Tiger is an android. Why go through the trouble of introducing Cis in episode 15 and tying Barnaby's parents to android research and having Maverick be a colleague of theirs?

To think it's anything other than an android is pretty dense.

It just seemed pretty obvious at this point,
but it doesn't mean it's pretty dense not to realize. Speculation and all, right?

Athena said:
Um, why does Tiger keep calling Bunny 'Barnaby'? Too conspicuous.

The moment Tiger calls him 'Bunny', Maverick's spell will be broken. &lt;3

Because I'm too lazy to form cohesive sentences:
1. Tiger jumping down from the pole to meet the rest of the heroes just before the OP was so badass. Probably the coolest he's looked in this series.
2. Bison, oh what a wonderful friend you are.
3. Ooh, people were right about Blue Rose being useful.
4. Kaede mentions an old man with glasses but ignores the mole? o.O I mean, that's the most prominent thing.
5. Scarf-tan gets a line!

I'm agreeing with 2,3, and 4.
And hopefully he will remember. Because if not, it definitely seems like they will destroy one another D: Please let this end well.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Lunatic. I wonder where he'll appear.
Dec 27, 2011 10:44 PM

Nov 2007
Uhh it's kind of like for the last couple of eps the scriptwriters decided to forget that Tiger's powers were declining. Surely they would have run out on him inconveniently a couple of times by now?

Kinda pissed off about the Blue Rose thing. STOP MESSING WITH THE FANBOYS, WE ALL KNOW THAT SHIP SUNK THE MOMENT WE FOUND OUT SHE WAS UNDERAGED. It's never gonna happen, and they're just teases to try and make it out like ~the power of love~ somehow means that Blue Rose could break though the memory manipulation. If anyone should have broken though it should have been Bison.

On that note, I'm bummed we have 0 backstory on Bison. Why is he Tiger's best friend? I got a few things from other threads, like how they've known each other since they were young, but pretty much all the other characters except for Bison (and Fire Emblem) got backstory so it seems unfair. They always tease us with it, too, like "oh Bison and Tiger are so close" but never really explain why or how.

lol I knew someone would fuck it up and touch Kaede. From my reckoning she now has Blue Rose's ice power. How cool is she, though? She's TEN and still has the balls to go and try and save her dad.

Now, where's Lunatic at...?
Mar 25, 2012 6:52 PM

Dec 2009
This was a pretty cool episode. It really had badass moments.
Kaede's ability was extremely helpful (:
Apr 2, 2012 1:04 AM

Oct 2011
That was like 5 mins long, I swear.

This episode was superb!
May 25, 2012 5:54 PM

Nov 2011
Kaede's power...I want.
Sep 27, 2012 6:06 PM

Mar 2012
Affter 20-some episodes, Kotetsu finally gives in and says the next episode title in Japanese. Haha,
Jul 4, 2013 10:41 AM

Jul 2009
amazing episode!

it really made me all teary when Kotetsu is being continued to be accused despite him being the most truest hero of all.

im glad Blue Rose remember him!!

I love Blue Rose!!

you can always trust Blue Rose!!

lol Rock Bison calling him low life thug two times XD

Kaede saves the day of course!!!!!!

so Kaede has Blue Rose powers now :P

and lol Sky High touching Kaede XD

and it's kinda obvious the fake Wild Tiger is a AI, since Maverick pretty much used Barnaby's parents research as his own

wonder how the heroes will fight this thing!

it really made me all teary when i saw Barnaby and Kotetsu fight and when Kotetsu tries to make Barnaby remember the things they do.

it's really heart broken that the two of them are fighting despite having a strong relationship :(

remember Kotetsu Barnaby!!!!!

it's gonna be interesting how will this end, though im guessing Kotetsu will finally say he will retire T______T

3 more episodes to go!

take down Maverick Kotetsu and Barnaby!!!
Jul 6, 2013 2:39 PM

Apr 2010
Oh man...this is what I feared-- I totally knew someone else would touch high why you do this? why!

Now Blue Rose touched her-- There's no hope now, Kotetsu, beat some sense into Barnaby!

I always smile when that 'Good Luck Mode' sound goes off. I don't know why but it's funny in a way or another!

I really didn't want them to fight...But I hope hell breaks loose on Maverick that selfish little....
Jun 21, 2014 10:24 PM

Sep 2013
Good thing that everyone now remembers Tiger. I wonder who that Tiger imposter is, im guessing it's a robot. And it looks like we get a cool upcoming fight between Kotetsu and Barnaby.
Jun 22, 2014 9:59 AM

Nov 2012
SoraKuro said:
epiklow said:

Who is this scarf girl?
I've seen her mentioned in a few T&B memes but I don't recall who she is. o-o

A random character that appears in almost all episodes, but never talks (she only talked in this episode).

Image behind the spoiler:

In this episode, she's the one in the taxi.

Lol yea!! I've been noticing this also. I think she should be added as one of the supporting characters.

AichiroJun 22, 2014 10:04 AM
Aug 3, 2014 5:22 PM

May 2012
Damn epic cliffhanger! It was great that his daughter managed to save the lot of them but well let's just hope Bunny will come to his sens!
Mar 4, 2015 10:46 PM

Nov 2013

Kaede was definitely MVP this episode. She managed to restore all of the heroes memories...well besides Barnaby...

Dammit Sky High! You ruined everything!

The animation during those fight scenes was awesome!

I wonder how Kotetsu is going to get Barnaby to remember him.

Epic episode. Quite possibly the best one so far.

9.5/10 This anime is great. It's definitely getting at least an 8 from me.

Dec 15, 2015 10:41 AM
Jun 2013
funny how blue rose is the only one being convinced. Isint bison like his childhood friend though I liked his recovery when tiger called him out lol. pretty cool final scene.
Apr 19, 2018 11:00 PM

Jan 2018
Awesome episode but I really hope Lunatic will be a big part of the final episodes or else his whole character would have basically been a waste.
Jul 3, 2020 6:25 AM

May 2018
Thanks Kaede, kids these days (1978) are great
Nov 27, 2020 4:52 PM
Jul 2018
Kaede is the real hero of this episode!
And man, Bunny has been manipulated for most of his life... Screw Maverick.
removed-userNov 27, 2020 4:55 PM
Nov 18, 2021 5:32 PM

Mar 2021
Hmm... I didn't think this would be (mostly) over so quickly (and that Kaede would be the saving grace - but how the hell did she get on the roof?!)

Overall, this episode played out pretty much how I expected it to (save for Kaede's involvement). I was hoping this whole thing would be over by now, but I guess we're getting one more episode, though? Anyway, not a problem!

Also, not really related to this episode, but something I realized the other day is that Maverick, in the end, basically sacrificed Jake for no reason at all. What a cocksucker.

Unless... he's the fake Wild Tiger?!
MeanMrMusicianNov 18, 2021 5:48 PM
"Molly Ringwald" out right now - check my Linktree!

Feb 1, 2023 11:06 PM

Apr 2016
All them recovered the memory!!! kekeke
Jan 16, 1:15 AM

Aug 2019
I'm glad that the other heroes weren't brainwashed for too long
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