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Aug 21, 2011 6:21 PM

Oct 2010
SkyHigh said:
Yumekichi11 said:
IMO Tooru was stupid most this episode because for a moment it looked like he noticed Minko's blushes and reaction but ignored them I shall place a proof of that as I see the episode as I only saw it online and had no time to wait for subs but he seemed to notice it but ignored it.
SkyHigh said:
Question to all those who claim Minko has tried so hard, what is it that she has done that gives you such an impression? From what I’ve seen she's basically just been kind, sometimes blushed, sure she's been having a hard TIME over it, but her efforts aren't anything spectacular, lackluster instead would be the best way to put it, I mean think of that bookstore girl who likes Kou, she clearly knows what she wants and she's really tried, she confessed and everything, now compare that to Minko.
Yes she tried really hard to show her face full of expression that may not be obvious at first but a closer look to fine details is all it needs and Tooru should have that in him as a chef. So yes Minko for her character and personality is trying hard but perhaps it may be not enough compared to other girls and the lengths they went in animes to get a character they love

You do know that people can blush from many things right, even if he noticed the blush and ignored it, that means nothing, should I think every girl who blushes around me wants me or something? Probably not, it would lead to a lot of misunderstandings :P
That's the problem with Tooru he is too dense but I also see the problem of no one telling him that Minko likes him. I hope Ohana will tell him about it. It could solve a lot if so.
SkyHigh said:
He could have ignored a blush to make her not feel embarrassed after all Tohru is no mind reader, except when it's Ohana and then he can sometimes do it.... weird.

It's true he is considerate and so why this could be a reason among the many ones to ignore the blush.
SkyHigh said:
Showing facial expressions is not enough, it really is not enough, it's as if she is trying to give him hints and then he has to decipher them and then ask her out because she can't do it herself, been there when I was a very shy person, it doesn't work, people don't know what you're thinking, so you have to come out and say it, regardless of all the nice/lovey dovey??? looks you give them or kind facial expressions and so forth, in the end Minko wasn't doing enough and thus Tohru stood no chance of knowing :P

Sadly it's true but there were other moments that it was strange to just blush like n the workplace and Tooru did not pick that up on but it looked like he did blush a few times around Minko maybe a memory problem but I think he did that 1 or 2 times in the past. Well anyway he is too dense so he did not notice what the blushes may mean at the work place.
SkyHigh said:
BTW I am guessing you are a Minko x Tohru supporter or something, I personally have no pairings for this, got sick of it after around 12-14 episodes when I realized nothing is going to happen :P
Yeah I support Minko x Tooru and Ohana x Kou.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 21, 2011 6:22 PM

Nov 2009
did anyone else lol when yuina said the red curtains were erotic?? haha
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Aug 21, 2011 6:26 PM

Jul 2009
nznznz said:
Why he did that? Perfect opportunity to get laid! I don't blame him though, but he's definitely not a sensitive one.

Wat? So from now on, anytime somebody tries to be kind/considerate to me, I'll always interpret that the person is trying to get laid. I'll never look at LIFE the same way EVER AGAIN!!! Thnx a bunch d00d :)

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Aug 21, 2011 7:20 PM

Sep 2008
vansonbee said:
]Regarding Minko train of thought, she a big pervert!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Minko knew that with 5 children to go Toru wanted to get a head start.
Aug 21, 2011 7:20 PM

Apr 2011
-Lunacie said:
shinki7 said:
What a good way to end the episode :] Ookami is planning to let ohana inherit the inn~ i think!

That's what I think too. ^^ Who else would she pass it down to if not the young master? Beanman is too old and I don't think there's any chance of Ohana's mom inheriting it. I wonder if Ohana would even want to inherit though.
I post about this earlier, but here another random choice! The person to inherit the INN would be Tomoe! She doesn't have a goal in life! ^_^

Ohana is so young and Satsuki hates her mothers guts! If Ohana inherit the INN, there would be war between uncle and niece, because she hasn't been there long to place debs on the INN.

BitchMaster said:
nznznz said:
Why he did that? Perfect opportunity to get laid! I don't blame him though, but he's definitely not a sensitive one.

Wat? So from now on, anytime somebody tries to be kind/considerate to me, I'll always interpret that the person is trying to get laid. I'll never look at LIFE the same way EVER AGAIN!!! Thnx a bunch d00d :)
ROFL I've to agree w/ you! Minko fans = want her to become a slut! >_> ROFL
MrRogers said:
vansonbee said:
]Regarding Minko train of thought, she a big pervert!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Minko knew that with 5 children to go Toru wanted to get a head start.
Haha. So she currently 16? She be sweet 21 w/ 5 kids.
Aug 21, 2011 7:25 PM

Aug 2010
I can't stand Minko anymore...

Well this episode was great! so many stuff happened and that end was so pwn lol

aelove said:
did anyone else lol when yuina said the red curtains were erotic?? haha

Actually i did :p
Aug 21, 2011 7:45 PM

Dec 2010
BitchMaster said:
I'll never look at LIFE the same way EVER AGAIN!!! Thnx a bunch d00d :)

My pleasure, and now I try to forget the Beanman x Nako picture you planted in my head. But yes, it's up to Nako now to get a decent yuri moment in.

MrRogers said:
Minko knew that with 5 children to go Toru wanted to get a head start.
Haha, just combining the obvious facts.
Aug 21, 2011 7:51 PM

Sep 2009
Ren x that waitress? Impossible. o _o

I don't really know. This episode was just quite derp. They finally made madam manager seem like a nice character then bam. They throw in the cliffhanger. Ah, I dunno. Somehow I don't think that she'd leave the inn in Ohana's hands.
Aug 21, 2011 8:15 PM

Sep 2010
I actually found myself enjoying the episode, but now that I finished it, I'm right back at "meh."
Aug 21, 2011 9:03 PM

Nov 2009
from the preview for the next ep, there is a scene that Nako found a pair of school uniform seems abandonned on the table, I wonder is it possible that Minko is gonna runaway or is she simply gonna quit school? based on the title of the ep, both cases seems possible
Aug 21, 2011 9:37 PM
Apr 2011
Oh fucking wow.
That was a nice episode, lots of drama.
Aug 21, 2011 10:25 PM

Feb 2010
The ending surprised me. I guess I'm just not used to the manager acting like that.

The bath scene would have been better if they split up the drama and fanservice, I think.
Aug 21, 2011 11:25 PM

Feb 2011
The Inn is set for Ohana period but if history repeats itself it would be Ironic because Okami-san's husband look likes Ko-chan but a chef like Tohru.

So the real battle is between Ko-chan and Tohru >_<

Aug 21, 2011 11:30 PM

Jun 2011
I just downloaded this ep. This has reminded to watch it already :D

Aug 21, 2011 11:39 PM

Apr 2011
XxshizxX said:
The Inn is set for Ohana period but if history repeats itself it would be Ironic because Okami-san's husband look likes Ko-chan but a chef like Tohru.

So the real battle is between Ko-chan and Tohru >_<

But there no romantic development for Ohana toward Tohru, and there 4 episodes left.

Ohana still cares for Ko, but she left him, so that he can find happiness, even though its in her head... I bet Ko still waiting lol
Aug 22, 2011 12:35 AM

Oct 2010
No one probably noticed this tiny detail but I find it cute. When Minko apologized here to Tooru she said she could not say something to Tooru while crying, which was really sad but no one noticed that they gave out a little hint as to what in the spoiler
I like small details like that TBH even though it was obvious from the situation what it was, it’s still nice to notice such details.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 22, 2011 1:15 AM

Apr 2011
Yumekichi11 said:
No one probably noticed this tiny detail but I find it cute. When Minko apologized here to Tooru she said she could not say something to Tooru while crying, which was really sad but no one noticed that they gave out a little hint as to what in the spoiler
I like small details like that TBH even though it was obvious from the situation what it was, it’s still nice to notice such details.
lol@ at the precise catch of the heart shape tear~

Tooru will notice Minko, when she directly confess her feelings for her, I speculate that he hasn't place any romantic affections toward her for a sole reason, maybe he thinks she to good for assistant chef like him. XD
Aug 22, 2011 2:07 AM

Jun 2011
Wow, that episode was beautiful....possibly my favourite of the series thus far.

Aug 22, 2011 3:34 AM

May 2011
Applecrack said:
Big tear jerker at the end then granny crushed it LOL

Yeah I'm surprised nobody has really picked up on that sooner. LMAO. "I thought you weren't going to let us succeed the Inn?" "Your right, I'm not"


Wouldn't it be funny if devil woman bails on Enishi because of that and then because there's this wedding ALL set up. A surprise moment breaks out and 2 of the employees step into the spot? (I'd hope for Minko and Tohru)

5 more weeks and I still don't see and end game building up. I hope it doesn't get a bit rushed like the ToraDora ending.
Aug 22, 2011 3:41 AM

Sep 2009
This would be perfect with just a little bit more drama. I always feel like the drama stops right before it was about to get good.
Aug 22, 2011 4:35 AM

Jul 2010
Very nice episode. Minko is starting to frustrate me though. Ohana hasn't the slightest idea about Tohru liking her and because of Minko being jealous, Ohana gets all the crap. Tohru wasn't insensitive. He had no way of really knowing about Minko's feelings for him (other than the occasional blush). So bringing up Ohana at the beach has nothing to do with being insensitive, he was simply pointing out the similarities.

Big shock at the end though. It's great that the landlady acknowledges her now, but I think she maybe wants Ohana to take over the inn?

Aug 22, 2011 5:17 AM

Oct 2010
A few people have mentioned the bath scene felt out of place amidst the drama of the Minko X Tohru X Ohana triangle, but I thought it served its purpose in reminding us of episode 4 in the same place where Ohana first discovers Minko's crush which lead to them at odds over Tohru again.

Having re-watched episode 13 so many times now, and with the issue of who will inherit Kissuiso raised again, I can't help but wish Satsuki would make an appearance in these last few episodes.
Aug 22, 2011 5:42 AM

Jun 2009
I so fukken want to know how conflict between Minko, Tohru and Ohana will be resolved. Looking at how Ohana seem to have no interest in Tohru, she got to know he likes her in this episode and 5 episodes seem to be enough for her to develop some feeling. But i'd rather see her not doing so, Tohru could actually notice Minko, yes that'd be good.

And yeah, that thing with ookami-san at the end, maybe not shocking but i sure wasn't expecting her to say it after telling Takako her backstory (wich was kinda nice, yes). I have a feeling ookami-san actually wants Satsuki to take over inn. I have no clue how she'd think that would work out though.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Aug 22, 2011 6:11 AM
Mar 2011
So much drama, this episode.
Aug 22, 2011 7:27 AM
Jul 2011
LOL what was with the feminist accusations. I felt like i came to the wrong forum for a second there.

Really there's no one to blame in the triangle. I can understand where Minchi's coming from even if I haven't directly experienced it myself. The guy you've been in love with for years falling in love with one of your best friends. Yeah she probably should have made a move already but from her personality I think its more realistic this way where she's the type too shy to act unless she gets a push. The incident with the omu-rice was a step in the right direction...if only that other girl hadn't done the same thing. I don't blame Tohru either, really he's just like another Ohana. Dense towards love. Its not like either intend to be in any way insensitive.

The fight scene was great and tense. There were two parts in my brain, one going " ): Minchi I can understand how your feeling" and "D: Minchi calm down man Ohana's not to blame but yeah I still understand why your angry".

The scene with Okami was touching too. Ahh need next episode now. I really want to see Tohru's reaction, I can kind of see him considering Minchi. Maybe it might turn out like what another commenter said and we've just misunderstanding his feelings for Ohana all along.I don't think a MinchixTohru ending would be boring or predictable either since my bets are him rejecting Minchi while Ohana rejects him ahahaha. These past few episodes have made me want to really root for Minchi (especially that beach scene) even though I could care less before.
Aug 22, 2011 9:01 AM

Mar 2009
HawthorneKitty said:
Can we just get to the Ohana x Nako lesbian end?


was quite a nice ep, keke.
Aug 22, 2011 9:26 AM

Mar 2009
HAHAHA. beach scene slap in the face.

i hate minchi, so i'm biased. still a bitch as ever i see though.
even more, she's the kind of girl that blames the other girl for a guy liking her. pathetic.
Aug 22, 2011 2:44 PM

Aug 2011
Tooru is idiot :( When Okami says that she won't give Kissuisso to her son I have laugh a lot :D
Aug 22, 2011 4:27 PM

Jul 2009
Ouran12 said:
HAHAHA. beach scene slap in the face.

i hate minchi, so i'm biased. still a bitch as ever i see though.
even more, she's the kind of girl that blames the other girl for a guy liking her. pathetic.

It's almost like she's a real life tsundere! It only works in fiction... IRL they end up like Minko :(
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Aug 22, 2011 6:05 PM
Aug 2011
oh great we got the classic trope of "overly jealous other girl"

honestly i didnt care to much for the shippings till now, now i really do not want a minko pairing, im so sick of these types of characters

"oh how DARE you not even attempt to steal my man I HATE YOU GO DIE"

like really what possible way could ohana could have known about ANY of this
OsamaMyLlamaAug 22, 2011 6:48 PM
Aug 22, 2011 6:05 PM

Jun 2011
So far, the best episode of the series so I rated it five. It has a lot of dramatic scenes as well as funny moments. Also, with so much shockers going on, I just can't get enough~

To know what I’m talkin’ about, view my spoilers.

OsamaMyLlama said:
oh great we got the classic trope of "overly jealous other girl"

honestly i didnt care to much for the shippings till now, now i really do not want a minko pairing, im so sick of these types of characters

"oh how DARE you not even attempt to steal my man I HATE YOU GO DIE"

like really what possible way could tohru could have known about ANY of this

Yes, I AGREE. you're totally right.
sakaAug 23, 2011 7:16 AM
"Them who looks blind at ANIME, looks blind at SALVATION."
Aug 22, 2011 6:52 PM

Jun 2008
AstuteOtaku said:

-Tomoe was great, and she opened her eyes to another romantic possibility because of natto? Well, whatever floats your boat. I like how Ren some how felt her change of mood and that she was giving him "the eye". (not a bad match, he's right there, single, has a stable job, and it would be easy to get to know him. He's 14 years older (28 vs. 42) but she could do much worse. And as long as the two of them can still have kids her parents will be happy. Ok... I have spent WAAAY too much time on this topic.

A little older but his a nice man. He ain't a bad catch, he will give her a good life. Strange but that was what it peeked my interest most. Besides we already know all the Torou staff.

So the silly Enichi finally managed to get his gal. Good for him.
Last line was such a jaw dropping though. It seems she plans to leave the inn to Ohana.

Grandma had the looks at her youth. She was a fine woman.
Aug 22, 2011 6:56 PM

Apr 2011
@Momo-Hime, I still have doubts that Ohana has any romantic feelings for Tohru, the translation might be off. The series isn't complicated enough to set her up w/ Tohru, when she still doesn't know what "love" is, regarding Ko of course (left him hanging w/ miscommunication again, he can't read YOUR MIND OHANA!).

The inheritances of the home, Satsuki or Ohana or better yet Tomoe? Do you remember the previous owner left the house to Ohana grandparents? There was previous episode regarding Tomoe future and what she should do in life.

I give some thought to the coincidence of TohruxOhana and the grandparents respective lives, but thats such a corny way to end it, when there not enough development w/ TohruxOhana in the love department, with only few episodes left and fixing her friendship w/ Minko.

Let me know your thoughts regarding Tomoe XD

edit** Tomoe 28? Damn, I thought she was around 22-24 O_O
Aug 22, 2011 10:38 PM

Jul 2008
It would be pretty cheesy if the inn is left to Ohana.
Aug 23, 2011 12:43 AM

Jul 2011
I still think that Ko will come back in in the story before the end, I mean, it would be too disappointing if he really had left the anime in that way when they were in Tokyo, he is still an important character for this series.

5 episodes left until the end...many things can happen
sakaAug 23, 2011 9:44 PM
Aug 23, 2011 5:44 AM

May 2010
Anything = Enishing lol
Aug 23, 2011 6:02 AM

Oct 2010
After this episode I don't care about the love triangle anymore (I even doubt that Tohru has ROMANTIC feelings for Ohana). Minko might be possessive bitch, but in the shower scene she is right about Ohana's anoying personality.

Also I'm surprised that Enishi and Takako aren't going to inherit the inn. Then Ohana is the only possible future owner.

And I hope that Tomoe and Renji will end up together, they would be a great couple.
Aug 23, 2011 10:54 AM
Feb 2009
Honestly I think Tohru has given up on Ohana after seeing how much she cares for Ko. He still likes her but he doesn't have any romantic intentions.

The likeliest outcome I think is that the inn will shut down. Ohana will go back to Tokyo to live with her mother. You will notice at the end of the opening Ohana's sitting on the train again, facing the opposite way. Faceless girls wearing the school uniform run by but they fade away before they leave the frame, suggesting that they're Ohana's memories. We get a bittersweet ending but one where everyone's a little wiser.
Aug 23, 2011 11:07 AM

May 2010
I know how Minko feels but that's just selfish. :/

Only 5 eps left and still no news about Ko. lol

The backstory of Madam Manager and her husband was quite sweet. :)
Aug 23, 2011 11:47 AM

Sep 2010
I know that song that played while Tohro and Minko were in the car. Does anybody knows what it was?

Oh god, why does thou teases me so much? I actually thought it couldn't be true about that love hotel, and it wasn't, but it was such a nice thought.
I'm still thinking it's impossible to make an end to this show in the short time left.
Kou should really appear at least once, for what reason it is I don't care anymore, because I'm almost sure it's impossible for Ohana and Kou to work it out. But he should just appear once to clear everything up, otherwise the end won't be good. But still, a lot can happen in 5 episodes.
Aug 23, 2011 1:36 PM

Aug 2009
Monad said:
AstuteOtaku said:

-Tomoe was great, and she opened her eyes to another romantic possibility because of natto? Well, whatever floats your boat. I like how Ren some how felt her change of mood and that she was giving him "the eye". (not a bad match, he's right there, single, has a stable job, and it would be easy to get to know him. He's 14 years older (28 vs. 42) but she could do much worse. And as long as the two of them can still have kids her parents will be happy. Ok... I have spent WAAAY too much time on this topic.

A little older but his a nice man. He ain't a bad catch, he will give her a good life. Strange but that was what it peeked my interest most. Besides we already know all the Torou staff.

Funny how, at least for me, the most interesting part of the episode was about 30 seconds. Though Nako was hilarious "I'm going to get pregnant!!!"

Jiroumou, you pervert. (my hatred for that man increases with every passing week.)

And as for Tohru wanting 5 kids? Marriages are less likely to end in divorce with 4 or more children and men are much more likely to live to 100 if they have 4 or more kids. Tohru is just looking to the future. (and five really is not that much, I am 4th of 7 kids and my parents wanted 13!)
Aug 23, 2011 2:02 PM

Jul 2010
I laughed when Ren got the chills after Tomoe mentioned looking for someone to marry. And why is it always Minko and Ohana in the bath naked and arguing/fighting, not that I'm complaining or anything...:D
Aug 23, 2011 3:24 PM
Aug 2011
YabaBaga said:
Honestly I think Tohru has given up on Ohana after seeing how much she cares for Ko. He still likes her but he doesn't have any romantic intentions.

The likeliest outcome I think is that the inn will shut down. Ohana will go back to Tokyo to live with her mother. You will notice at the end of the opening Ohana's sitting on the train again, facing the opposite way. Faceless girls wearing the school uniform run by but they fade away before they leave the frame, suggesting that they're Ohana's memories. We get a bittersweet ending but one where everyone's a little wiser.
tohru defently hasnt lost interest in romance and i doubt ko is impossible now, in 5 episodes ohana may relise she loves either toru or ko or neither ten have a finale,

sadly most likley is ko, seriously this dude is so freaking boring
Aug 23, 2011 4:38 PM

Jul 2009
Another good episode. Ah, poor Minko, with Tohru and then fighting with Ohana >_< What does inheriting the inn have to do with marrying Enishi? I mean, Okami can accept her and not give her the inn right? I'm thinking she's gonna give it to Ohana, maybe? :O Wow her past was pretty touching though ... lol D;
OK, so, what's gonna happen with this love triangle? Ko hasn't appeared forever, so I don't think he's gonna come back (maybe), but I don't think Ohana will end up with Tohru either ... maybe? Ugh, I dunno! >_<
Aug 23, 2011 4:38 PM

Jul 2011
Ko is her childhood friend and he has already confessed to her. Yes, he's boring and a tipical anime character but I still prefer him.
Aug 23, 2011 5:04 PM

Jul 2010
Ko can piss off even though I'd like to see Minko with Tohru in the end. Really excited to see how the love triangle ends as well.

The episode itself was great, though I felt the whole marriage thing mostly came out of nowhere. The flashback was very well done, Minko looked like Dogkeeper from No. 6 for a sec in that bath scene, and Mr. Ren is so perceptive it's borderline psychic. <3 him.
Aug 23, 2011 5:07 PM

Apr 2011
Acquiesc3 said:
Ko can piss off even though I'd like to see Minko with Tohru in the end. Really excited to see how the love triangle ends as well.
I wonder why you dislike Ko? Any reasons?
Aug 23, 2011 9:45 PM

Feb 2008
another anime that has done nothing but piss me off becuase the characters are simply too annoying. the only person i like is oshimizu.
Aug 23, 2011 9:56 PM
Aug 2011
vansonbee said:
Acquiesc3 said:
Ko can piss off even though I'd like to see Minko with Tohru in the end. Really excited to see how the love triangle ends as well.
I wonder why you dislike Ko? Any reasons?
you really dont need reasons to dislike ko, cause theres not a single redeamable thing about him, hes boring generic and only in 20% of the show, whats there to like, hes not gonna get any character development due to his short screen time and theres no real impact on anyone aside form ohana

whats there to like?
Aug 23, 2011 11:15 PM

Apr 2011
OsamaMyLlama said:
vansonbee said:
Acquiesc3 said:
Ko can piss off even though I'd like to see Minko with Tohru in the end. Really excited to see how the love triangle ends as well.
I wonder why you dislike Ko? Any reasons?
you really dont need reasons to dislike ko, cause theres not a single redeamable thing about him, hes boring generic and only in 20% of the show, whats there to like, hes not gonna get any character development due to his short screen time and theres no real impact on anyone aside form ohana

whats there to like?
Just like you responded, he has no impact on the rest of the cast, but only to Ohana and thats all is needed. The beginning of the series show that Ohana didn't have any other friends, but Ko, this means quite a lot to the story.

No more development is quite needed for Ko, we the fans, know where he stands and what his role is. Ko from the beginning, compared to the current version, is no different. I'm sure many would feel, that Ohana was immature and not properly responding to his confess (yes/no, doesn't matter, she didn't do either).

Ko was establish as the sweet guy and Ohana as the one in the wrong. After typing this paragraph, I can grasp that Ohana is learning hand on experience from the Inn, in how to deal with life situations, a good example would be Minko + Tohru, it also reflects her own situation w/ Ko.
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