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Jun 21, 2007 12:59 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
That was a nice episode, fully dedicated to the two of them. The Interlude with the hunters was pretty nice and I think it was a good idea let Cielo live somewhere else protecting the other Pegasus just like Romeo and Juliet should be set free to be with each other, ne? ^^

Looking forward to more.




[H+] ³  
Jun 21, 2007 3:59 PM

May 2007
Great episode, and wonderful symbolism. I really like the direction the anime is going in.
Jun 22, 2007 12:33 AM

Nov 2006
I guess I'm the only one that hated it?
Great job letting Cielo go where the hunters still roam around. Even if he can "protect himself and his new friend" it still wasn't too smart.

Soooo cheesy, especially the wedding thing.
Jun 22, 2007 1:06 AM

Apr 2007
haha you're not the only one who thought it was cheezy im sitting her going "WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS!??? T__T" anywho~ I've seen 12 and im semi-happy with the resolve >D except that Juliet's an idiot *sigh*

Juuni Kokuki
"Romeo and Juliet was originally supposed to be a horror starring Tybalt"
Jun 22, 2007 6:15 AM

Nov 2004
Yeah, I kind of dislike how they both ran away leaving behind their responsibilities. Especially Juliet. I mean I can understand the desire to run away from it all and just continue living blissfully in happiness, but c'mon. The people she has spent her life with are dying for her and she would rather run off with a guy she met not too long ago?

It's like... one episode she's crying and saying how it's her fault. And then she runs off the next moment to be happy as repentance? Did she forget the sacrifice of the Doctor, Francisco and etc?
Jun 22, 2007 7:01 AM

Aug 2006
The episode was one giant series of cliche. Even if it is a romance show they need to keep things more subtle for now, and not just throw in whatever they can think of. Not sure if I even want to keep watching this anymore.
Jun 22, 2007 8:13 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Crystal said:
It's like... one episode she's crying and saying how it's her fault. And then she runs off the next moment to be happy as repentance? Did she forget the sacrifice of the Doctor, Francisco and etc?

I'm sure she'll remember that soon enough again, I mean we're only half way through.




[H+] ³  
Jun 22, 2007 8:03 PM

Nov 2004
Was an interesting turn of events. Both of them just "ditching" their lives. Man that would be so convenient to do sometimes. However, this isn't a fantasy world we live in, so we can't go and do that. However, Gonzo doesn't seem to believe that. Bastards.
Jun 22, 2007 10:36 PM

May 2007
Totally awesome! Cielo slobbers as he says, "I will own your asses!" in pegasus language. Nothing else is a better display of manliness than slobber... well okay, slobber and sweat. I watched 300, I now know these things.

What the heck is Romeo thinking by leaving Cielo? He'll just get caught later. And no amount of slobber will keep that from happening.

Also, Romeo or Juliet, take the damn sword with you! You may need to protect yourselves during your travels.

Ah... irises, a chruch, marriage, the kiss... and then the fast music. Now, that Romeo and Juliet have shared more intimate moments, let's end the series on a good note! No!!! We can't have that... Is this truly a love that shall never bear fruit? I think it will, maybe the sour berries are a foreshadowing...

Jun 24, 2007 4:58 AM
Jun 2007
just a thought.. why has there been absolutely zero drama after the whole romeo-catching-juliet-hugging-tybalt-incident? :S I guess, after watching an episode with nothing but cheese I'm starting to miss all of the intrigues.. XD
Lovi-chanJun 24, 2007 8:16 AM
Jun 24, 2007 11:18 AM

May 2007
headph0nes said:
just a thought.. why has there been absolutely zero drama after the whole romeo-catching-juliet-hugging-tybalt-incident? :S I guess, after watching an episode with nothing but cheese I'm starting to miss all of the intrigues.. XD

Good thing there's been no drama or Tybalt being killed by Romeo... otherwise it becomes too close to the original Romeo and Juliet.

Of course, the next episodes could follow the play some. Mercutio could be killed by Tybalt and Romeo gets revenge for him. Even though Romeo and Tybalt are not good friends in the first place, maybe Romeo already doesn't like Tybalt because of the time he and Juliet were embracing. That's all hypothetical though.
Jul 3, 2007 7:03 PM

Jan 2007
This whole episode was one big "AWWWWWW" moment after another, ranging from "awww...that's so cheesy" (Cielo and his new girlfriend) to "aww...that's sweet" (sleeping in each other's arms...aww...).

headph0nes said:
just a thought.. why has there been absolutely zero drama after the whole romeo-catching-juliet-hugging-tybalt-incident? :S I guess, after watching an episode with nothing but cheese I'm starting to miss all of the intrigues.. XD

I agree, he did seem to get over that pretty quickly. But this sort of giddy lovey-dovey-ness can't last forever, they have to get to the fighting eventually.
Jul 12, 2009 1:31 PM

Jun 2008
Letting Cielo go was a big no-no to me, wtf was that. Those hunters are still there and the symbolism was too cheesy for my taste but oh well. I thought they were going to take the female pagsus with them for Juliet or something. Cielo kicked ass. Anyway I still love Romeo. Juliet I feel has no real personality sometimes.

It wasn't that bad it was cute at some parts and when they went towards the wedding I remembered the scene when they did get married and the priest guy. I liked this episode though more than others. With so many episodes left though I don't know how it's all gunna go.
Oct 20, 2009 5:56 AM

Sep 2008
Why did Romeo let Cielo go in such a place?! D: I almost wished that Juliet would take the other pegasus and Romeo would... well, keep Cielo. Not both of those could get caught by the hunters, gahh.

I could hardly believe this episode was real when it started... I didn't think there could possible be an episode just dedicated to fluff. I guess it was nice having some time devoted to their relationship, but it didn't really feel like it developed their characters. (And Juliet's character is a bit all over the place... She seemed to forget her emo-ness pretty quickly.)
Aug 10, 2010 9:26 PM

Apr 2010
merle_noir said:
Why did Romeo let Cielo go in such a place?! D: I almost wished that Juliet would take the other pegasus and Romeo would... well, keep Cielo. Not both of those could get caught by the hunters, gahh.

I could hardly believe this episode was real when it started... I didn't think there could possible be an episode just dedicated to fluff. I guess it was nice having some time devoted to their relationship, but it didn't really feel like it developed their characters. (And Juliet's character is a bit all over the place... She seemed to forget her emo-ness pretty quickly.)

Exactly the same thought here.
Plus the whole wedding thingy is abit too cheesy, but it was cute somehow...
I want Tybalt to have more screentime~
Sep 11, 2010 12:00 PM
Jul 2010
merle_noir said:
Why did Romeo let Cielo go in such a place?! D: I almost wished that Juliet would take the other pegasus and Romeo would... well, keep Cielo. Not both of those could get caught by the hunters, gahh.

I could hardly believe this episode was real when it started... I didn't think there could possible be an episode just dedicated to fluff. I guess it was nice having some time devoted to their relationship, but it didn't really feel like it developed their characters. (And Juliet's character is a bit all over the place... She seemed to forget her emo-ness pretty quickly.)

XxAlicexX said:
merle_noir said:
Why did Romeo let Cielo go in such a place?! D: I almost wished that Juliet would take the other pegasus and Romeo would... well, keep Cielo. Not both of those could get caught by the hunters, gahh.

I could hardly believe this episode was real when it started... I didn't think there could possible be an episode just dedicated to fluff. I guess it was nice having some time devoted to their relationship, but it didn't really feel like it developed their characters. (And Juliet's character is a bit all over the place... She seemed to forget her emo-ness pretty quickly.)

Exactly the same thought here.
Plus the whole wedding thingy is abit too cheesy, but it was cute somehow...
I want Tybalt to have more screentime~

I totally agree as well. With everything you both said.
But more than anything... Why did Romeo let Cielo go? It would have been a lot nicer if Juliet kept the brown pegasus. Because, well... it may sound wired but the things I love the most in this anime are the pegasus. Besides, Cielo was pretty much all Romeo had in his life. He spent the days flying around. What will he do when things "go back to normal" aka "they somehow get back to Neo Verona and Juliet gets back to her goal of killing the Duke"?
Also, Juliet is getting wired. I don't know what she wants anymore. I don't thing that she can't be with Romeo just because he's a Montague but still, she has things to do, she has a duty to all of the people who risked they're lives for her! And thinking that just one episode ago she'd rather be death because of that...
Jan 23, 2011 6:09 PM

Dec 2010
I'll make this quick because I really want to see the next episode without it affecting my views of this one:
Personally, I think that this sort of episode was supposed to be the "chock full of love" one because something big will happen that will either A) keep them apart or B) prevent any other moments of lovely scenes like the ones in this, hence its creation :) (I admit I had a few [okay many...] fangirl moments during this episode xD ) I usually see that in shows like this--they're probably trying to compensate for what they can't fit in later/ for a while.

I agree, I thought it would've been cooler if Juliet kept the other dragonstead so she could fly alongside Romeo and also have some epic fight sequence while in flight... and then Romeo let Cielo go?!? I think he'll regret it later considering before all he seemed to do was fly around the city. I'll really miss Cielo :( Hoping both dragonsteads come back into the picture later.
Juliet acting this way is I think her way of trying to cope with pain. Even though you want to shake her and remind her to get back to business, it's natural for her to want to run away from all the bad things that she feels responsible for in Neo Verona. I don't think anyone out there could possibly believe that she's not returning to do what she's gotta do eventually, though--as I said, I think it's a compensation episode :) (sadly enough, considering they finally are together after 10 eps...)
Feb 5, 2011 9:14 AM

Sep 2009
So Cielo goes just like that? Seems a little contrived and cliched to me. :| But oh well, at least the episode was sweet.
Mar 21, 2011 6:17 AM

Jan 2008
I almost cried when Romeo let Cielo go ;A;
Mar 29, 2011 4:02 PM

Mar 2011
This episode was nice because it was actually a fairly happy episode. I know it won't last and conflict makes it interesting, but sometimes a little break from the drama isn't too bad...
Apr 30, 2011 9:34 PM

Aug 2009
This was the most emotional I've felt in the whole series. I know that everyone's been saying how good this is, but I'm just finding it completely cheesy, and I feel a little embarrassed when watching it, even though I'm all alone.

Also, I really thought that Juliet was going to take the other Pegasus. Romeo leaving Cielo was pretty heart wrenching for me. I mean, being able to leave behind your best friend of, what. Nine years? In a place where poachers were left? WITH YOUR SWORD? Yeah. Romeo, don't be Juliet. You're supposed to be the smart one.

I dunno why, but maybe it's just because I like to point out things that are wrong with physics: when the boat was floating. I kept thinking they were gonna crash into something, because no one was steering it or anything. But nope, it was going perfectly straight.
Oct 21, 2011 6:02 PM
Sep 2011
Were did all the fighting go? What's going to happen to the others? Don't get me wrong I love the romance but... I WANT THE ACTION BACK!!!!!
Feb 17, 2012 8:04 PM

Jun 2009
I really don't mind this type of episode but something that is bothering me is that juliet is just acting like a different person.
Feb 28, 2012 7:08 PM

Jul 2008
Does anybody happen to know the background song that was played during their wedding(?) ? It's a classical song. sounds so beautiful but I don't know the title of it.
Apr 14, 2012 11:20 PM

Jul 2011
seracx3 said:
Does anybody happen to know the background song that was played during their wedding(?) ? It's a classical song. sounds so beautiful but I don't know the title of it.

you raise me up by lena park

anywho this episode was super cute even though i know that they didnt really get married and they were just acting out her fantasy
Apr 30, 2012 10:18 AM

Feb 2012
I really enjoyed this episode, mainly because I feel that this is the highpoint of the tragedy. Hopefully it will be all downhill from here and characters should start dying left and right. Sure the episode was cheesy but necessarily so. This episode should be the last breath before jump (hopefully).
May 27, 2012 3:09 AM

Aug 2007
All in all, I think these two just threw away caution in the name of love.

Go ahead, eat random berries in a forest, leave your horse to fend for itself in the wild and walk the rest of the way, leave traceable objects in the hands of questionable store clerks, sleep on a boat in a river you've never been to before, and run into an abandoned building without making sure it's safe.
Jul 9, 2012 10:24 PM

Sep 2011
The best part was when Romeo let Cielo go! That was actually kind of sad (and a bit random), not gunna lie.
Aug 8, 2012 7:22 PM

Nov 2011
If only I could bear your suffering for you...

Amen to that.
Nov 9, 2013 11:27 PM
Mar 2013
-rubs eyes- So within two episodes, Juliet went from:

  • accepting her birthright and swearing revenge on the Montagues
  • receiving word afterward that her FRIENDS AND RETAINERS WERE CAPTURED
  • walking the city in a depressed haze, to the point of making herself sick

to... running away with Romeo and exchanging vows?

Not to mention both of them letting the scoundrels go, letting Cielo go... oyyyy. I really, really liked how this series started off, and I know the theme of the source material is "dumb teenagers fall in love", but this was outright painful to watch.
Dec 27, 2013 6:41 AM

Jan 2013
That was nice. I'd be happy if this series ended with this as the final episode :p
Jan 22, 2014 7:17 PM
Oct 2013
O.K. so that was sweet. Full of cheese and cliché, but still sweet, had plenty of aww moments. I really was surprised by the release of "brother" ciello, partially because of what they built him up to be, partially because he was the only practical transportation, and partially because I, like many others, really just thought they would take the injured dragonstead with them for Juliet, they coordinated it to her colors and everything. Oh well. Also, an opinion on why they both just ditched their lives, romeo doesn't actually seem to have one and Juliet still presumes all her supporters dead (which let's face it, they probably aren't) and doesn't even know where to start to begin putting the pieces back together again.
Feb 7, 2014 12:58 PM

May 2012
Some really great development going on here! I really like where this is going!
Apr 30, 2014 9:03 PM

Mar 2012
I can't really enjoy this romance since Juliet is having a great time while her friends have gotten killed or captured which was somewhat her fault in the first place. Hell at least show some hint that she's worried, makes her look like she doesn't give a dam lol.
Jun 23, 2014 5:59 AM

Dec 2013
pretty lovely episode
Dec 9, 2014 6:29 PM

Jan 2013
Keep in mind Romeo and Juliet of the original Shakespeare were just as naive and dense because of age. The anime is understandable albeit too happy imo.

I'll give it an 8/10 if they commit suicide like the actual Shakespeare play though.
Aug 19, 2016 7:17 PM

Dec 2012
This episode is just so precious, Romeo and Juliet are thinking about each other's happiness and how to ease the burden each one bears. That makeshift wedding at the end had me like
Jan 29, 2017 6:59 AM

Aug 2014
smh is he dumb.. the horse is probably sad as hell like why did my bff just ditch me????? theres more ways to "live freely" BRUH
Xtina is my mother!
May 2, 2017 1:49 PM

Jul 2013
When Juliet said "but" after they let Cielo go (who had legit only just met the other horse, so how could it be in love?!) - I think she was trying to tell Romeo "you realise that's our ride gone now, right?" LOL! that's what I thought, I was like ummm, that was how you got there dude.

Yeah it was also dumb since the hunters were still around, I assumed he would've told Juliet to take the stray and ride it away ... it would have been more logical to take both with them instead of leaving them behind though.

Good thing they perchanced upon an abandoned tiny boat only to find an abandoned village - when I think about it, this show has too many convenient plot points!

The wedding was cute but they could have at least shown a cute close up of the kiss, that annoyed me, it was so cute up until that and then wide shot and I was like dafuq man, way to kill it.

And you're right it makes no sense how one minute she wants revenge against Romeo's household and the next she's running off with him and fake marrying him. Since there was no one to legalise it or anything. It doesn't really count.
stephtastropheMay 2, 2017 1:54 PM
Jul 14, 2017 11:56 AM

Dec 2014
Romeo released Cielo like he was a pokemon. Should have kept him and the other pegasus and boom, 2 new rides and no one has to leave each other.

Either way, this episode was too sweet to handle.
Oct 22, 2017 5:48 PM

Nov 2016
Since this episode was solely focussed on the relationship between the two,the romance aspect could really shine. May be my favorite episode yet.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 26, 2018 2:53 PM

Jan 2010
The wedding was adorable. Dammit, this puppy dog love is getting to me.
Dec 14, 2018 7:59 PM

May 2013
YAAAAAAS, my babies-- become one <333333 x'D

Honestly, the whole thing was Juliet AND Conrad's fault ^^" idk why she was apologizing to Conrad when he rushed things too .-.

Now that Romeo and Juliet got their dream wedding getaway, they're gonna eventually have to go back and face reality again ;^; which sucks, but such is life~
Mar 31, 2022 6:48 PM
Mar 2019
Had to fast forward otherwise i would be bored.

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