Now lets see... shows to recommend. Before I do that, tell me what genres you favor :).
And so I don't leave without recommending you one... I noticed you have Juuni Kokuki on-hold atm. I suggest you re-pick it up.. the beggining is pretty slow and seems like the show is gonna fail, but it does the exact contrary ^^. And you're almost free the "booring" things since you're already in ep 6. :)
And thanks on the input 'bout Nana. Seems pretty interesting... if the characters are as good has you put them, then I'll definitely enjoy it. Gonna add it to my plan to watch. Prolly won't watch it anytime soon though :| ... there's a lot of anime on-hold that I need to see, and lately I've been losing gas for some reason. Maybe its the heat...
Sorry if I come off stupid, but WHO is that character with the cigarette and the black and white hair??? I've seen him before, but I don't know what he's from.
thank you...i'm glad my list design made you laugh...that's what happens when you take one bored guy who doesn't want to put in any effort to creating a decent looking list...lmao...
Yeah the list looks great. I don't think you need to mess around with it anymore.
And yeah, I too have a lot of characters I like. Though has you can see only 5 made it to my favourite list. I'm pretty picky on that list... characters need to have a deep personality, development throughout the series and have something that resemble me to be there, and of course I need to like'em (though I normally do if they meet the first 3 parameters :P). The others are just less favourite. And I'd probably run wild and start adding a huge amount of them like you too. So that's why I imposed the rule "top 18 lesser favourites" for myself. If I need to add a new one and don't have room I'll just remove one that I like less from there. Works better this way hehe...
Btw, what can you tell me 'bout Nana? Is it really good? Character, character development and story related?
Probably, haha :). I also have a lot of stuff on hold... some of those aren't even on my On-Hold list, coz I didn't add them yet. Likem you I've been having no time to watch them lately...
I love your list design btw. I'm still working on my new one, but I haven't touched it lately :P... no will to...
And yeah... the avatars gave me a lot of work... mostly 'coz I need to snaphot stuff and crop the images, edit colors etc.. But since I came up with that layout and im using it for all avatars things became easier. ^^ And I too like how it looks :P, plus its a good way to add more characters I like to the profile ... I've added Teresa just now btw, and edited a few other too.
Indeed we do. And we have Somewhat High (1.00) anime compatibility even though we only share 35 anime.
Baccano is the show I'm looking foward to most in the summer. Those character designs, the trailer and the Seyuu line up... I just has to be great (I hope).
And as for 5cm... well, it's a Shinkai Makoto production and that's enough ^_^ . I'm expecting it to be the best anime movie ever, judging from the trailer... and that's a pretty high expectation. Let's hope I don't get disapointed...
Yay for graphics design and female characters who kick ass ^^
Teresa ftw~ . Speaking of her, I need to add an avatar of her to my character listings in the profile ^^.
All Comments (29) Comments
Now lets see... shows to recommend. Before I do that, tell me what genres you favor :).
And so I don't leave without recommending you one... I noticed you have Juuni Kokuki on-hold atm. I suggest you re-pick it up.. the beggining is pretty slow and seems like the show is gonna fail, but it does the exact contrary ^^. And you're almost free the "booring" things since you're already in ep 6. :)
And thanks on the input 'bout Nana. Seems pretty interesting... if the characters are as good has you put them, then I'll definitely enjoy it. Gonna add it to my plan to watch. Prolly won't watch it anytime soon though :| ... there's a lot of anime on-hold that I need to see, and lately I've been losing gas for some reason. Maybe its the heat...
Thanks again for the rec :)
btw, i love your sig design... :D
And yeah, I too have a lot of characters I like. Though has you can see only 5 made it to my favourite list. I'm pretty picky on that list... characters need to have a deep personality, development throughout the series and have something that resemble me to be there, and of course I need to like'em (though I normally do if they meet the first 3 parameters :P). The others are just less favourite. And I'd probably run wild and start adding a huge amount of them like you too. So that's why I imposed the rule "top 18 lesser favourites" for myself. If I need to add a new one and don't have room I'll just remove one that I like less from there. Works better this way hehe...
Btw, what can you tell me 'bout Nana? Is it really good? Character, character development and story related?
I love your list design btw. I'm still working on my new one, but I haven't touched it lately :P... no will to...
And yeah... the avatars gave me a lot of work... mostly 'coz I need to snaphot stuff and crop the images, edit colors etc.. But since I came up with that layout and im using it for all avatars things became easier. ^^ And I too like how it looks :P, plus its a good way to add more characters I like to the profile ... I've added Teresa just now btw, and edited a few other too.
Baccano is the show I'm looking foward to most in the summer. Those character designs, the trailer and the Seyuu line up... I just has to be great (I hope).
And as for 5cm... well, it's a Shinkai Makoto production and that's enough ^_^ . I'm expecting it to be the best anime movie ever, judging from the trailer... and that's a pretty high expectation. Let's hope I don't get disapointed...
Yay for graphics design and female characters who kick ass ^^
Teresa ftw~ . Speaking of her, I need to add an avatar of her to my character listings in the profile ^^.