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Jun 6, 2011 4:20 AM

Sep 2010
the fact that they cannot kill anybody makes this show a little lame, but overal a good episode.
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Jun 6, 2011 8:58 AM

Sep 2010
I noticed the animation in the opening sequence has changed a little this episode. That Jeanne d'Arc girl was placed in the opening instead of Reki and Riko. And I just noticed that everyone calls eachother with their first names in this show instead of the usual family name, which is the usual one in Japan.
Jun 6, 2011 12:16 PM

Jun 2010
Leonard93 said:
the fact that they cannot kill anybody makes this show a little lame, but overal a good episode.

Sometimes doing time and repenting for your crimes is more effective than killing. Plus it gives a chance for those characters to make a reappearance. Also have to remember Aria's goal was to capture Durandal to shorten the life on her mother's sentence. If Durandal was killed, it would make things a bit more complicated.
Jun 6, 2011 6:08 PM

Sep 2008
3 against 1, what a bunch of cheap faggots.
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Jun 7, 2011 2:29 AM

Sep 2010
Sartaj said:
Leonard93 said:
the fact that they cannot kill anybody makes this show a little lame, but overal a good episode.

Sometimes doing time and repenting for your crimes is more effective than killing. Plus it gives a chance for those characters to make a reappearance. Also have to remember Aria's goal was to capture Durandal to shorten the life on her mother's sentence. If Durandal was killed, it would make things a bit more complicated.

yes in some cases its better, especially if you want to make a series more realistic, but it cuts in the enjoyment a bit.
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Jun 7, 2011 6:43 AM

Jul 2010
Wait, there's something I didn't understand; Is he still skilled without his hysteria mode?
Jun 7, 2011 7:59 AM
Jul 2018
it's a quite nice episode.
I don't know the reason but i prefer Shirayuki to Aria, now.
I liked the battle between her and durandal *-*

But Kinji love Shirayuki or Aria? I don't understand that.
Jun 7, 2011 12:41 PM

Sep 2008
KaitoDash said:

Well, it takes longer than that in the LN, the Anime time-limit did not make sense at the scene.
And you are so right about his vow. So far in the LN, I can say he has totally forgotten what he said.

Ah, makes sense. Sometimes time can get sketchy in the conversion to a video format.

KaitoDash said:

For now, you didn't misundertood. But you'll think you underestimated him later, like I did. Because his feats of performance you've seen so far are just on surface. I was just thinking he is quite badass back in Volume 1 (Butei Killer Case), but I realized later that he is far beyond S-rank or human.

In this episode, he's still inexperience against stealth, so he mostly followed Aria' instruction. Hysteria boosts his performance but knowledge and experience stay the same.

Well, Kinji and Aria had a serious duel later on which came out as a draw, because Kinji was in Hysteria so he couldn't hurt a girl.

I'll be honest. This doesn't please me. I so do not need to see this become a one man show.

Leonard93 said:
Sartaj said:

Sometimes doing time and repenting for your crimes is more effective than killing. Plus it gives a chance for those characters to make a reappearance. Also have to remember Aria's goal was to capture Durandal to shorten the life on her mother's sentence. If Durandal was killed, it would make things a bit more complicated.

yes in some cases its better, especially if you want to make a series more realistic, but it cuts in the enjoyment a bit.

My problem with these types of things, especially where they're only not killing because of legal constrictions rather than a moral high ground, is that it seems to neglect that there's a whole lot you can do before you kill someone. Maim, wound, injure, disable, torture. These are all options that seem to not get capitalized on.

Eight episodes now and I don't think they've even put a bullet in another person, and the worst they've cut anyone is in the hair. That's not combat, that's showmanship.

Now obviously it's not supposed to be combat. They're making arrests here, not looking to harm anyone. If that's the case though, then maybe put down the guns and swords and treat this like you're serious. Just restrain them and slap the cuffs on. If they'd done that with Riko instead of wasting time aiming bullets at her bullet proof uniform she wouldn't have gotten away.

You know what three people can do really effectively when faced with one opponent? Restrain the opponent. Maybe these guys should be trained a little more in that department and a little less in the "How to get a bullet between the eyes from a couple hundred feet away" department. The fight would have ended before Jeane even realized she was on the ground and hog tied.

Work at a freaking homeless shelter and they teach you how to keep a frenzied juggernaut immobile for hours until the cops get here with some cuffs to take him off your hands. It's a twice annual seminar you find yourself utilizing once in a blue moon, and yet the elite task force of law enforcers have to do things the hard way. Could they maybe treat this like it's not a game?

It's just... the entire premise of these characters trained exclusively in the use of lethal force and then told not to kill. It doesn't work. Even police officers have situations in which they may shoot to kill. They wouldn't carry guns if they didn't. The very notion of all this hurts to even think about. Realism being valued over enjoyment is the opposite of the problem here.

_Miko_ said:

But Kinji love Shirayuki or Aria? I don't understand that.

Neither. His hysteria mode is characterized by certain attitudes towards women in general. He would have done the same for any woman in that state, and he doesn't seem to think much special of either when he's not hysteric.
GanglerJun 7, 2011 12:45 PM
Jun 7, 2011 1:31 PM

Aug 2008
Gangler said:
KaitoDash said:
For now, you didn't misundertood. But you'll think you underestimated him later, like I did. Because his feats of performance you've seen so far are just on surface. I was just thinking he is quite badass back in Volume 1 (Butei Killer Case), but I realized later that he is far beyond S-rank or human.

In this episode, he's still inexperience against stealth, so he mostly followed Aria' instruction. Hysteria boosts his performance but knowledge and experience stay the same.

Well, Kinji and Aria had a serious duel later on which came out as a draw, because Kinji was in Hysteria so he couldn't hurt a girl.
I'll be honest. This doesn't please me. I so do not need to see this become a one man show.

Then you'll be fine. The author loves to remind the first section of the Butei Charter repeatedly, so each arc gets resolved mostly with teamwork. I said Hysteria Kinji is a lot greater than his comrades, but their enemies are even greater than him, so he can never do it alone. Plus, he'll gain some people on par with him on his side later too.

Two antagonists we've seen so far are minions among minions of EU. Jeanne said it herself that she's the weakest among the organization. You can imagine the top.

Gangler said:
_Miko_ said:
But Kinji love Shirayuki or Aria? I don't understand that.
Neither. His hysteria mode is characterized by certain attitudes towards women in general. He would have done the same for any woman in that state, and he doesn't seem to think much special of either when he's not hysteric.
You are right. But if I have to choose among these girls, I'll say Aria, from LN reader perspective. He gets turned on too often when it comes to Aria. I can even say that he's more or less an L.
KaitoDashJun 7, 2011 1:38 PM
Jun 7, 2011 1:33 PM

Sep 2008
KaitoDash said:

Then you'll be fine. The author loves to remind the first section of the Butei Charter repeatedly, so each arc gets resolved mostly with teamwork. I said Hysteria Kinji is a lot greater than his comrades, but their enemies are even greater than him, so he can never do it alone. Plus, he'll gain some people on par with him on his side later too.

Ah, that's good then. It doesn't matter if the team has an ace member so to say so long as this continues to be a team effort^^
Jun 7, 2011 9:12 PM

Jul 2009
Yea, probably one of the best episodes so far! The fight was really cool, a bit cliched but it worked. Shirayuki and Kinji kissed! XD He's SUCH a playboy :P Riko comes back next episode too. Are they ALL descendants of important people or something?! O_O
Jun 8, 2011 12:03 AM

Oct 2010
Gangler said:
Now obviously it's not supposed to be combat. They're making arrests here, not looking to harm anyone. If that's the case though, then maybe put down the guns and swords and treat this like you're serious. Just restrain them and slap the cuffs on. If they'd done that with Riko instead of wasting time aiming bullets at her bullet proof uniform she wouldn't have gotten away.
Yeah but I don't think she would let herself do that and she does not care to break the Butei chart, personally where the heck are the stunt weapons? Where are the gas bullets or stuff like that? There seems to be missing massive arsenal possibilities. I think the Butei chart should state that killing should be done only when one's life is in danger and not never IMO
Gangler said:
You know what three people can do really effectively when faced with one opponent? Restrain the opponent. Maybe these guys should be trained a little more in that department and a little less in the "How to get a bullet between the eyes from a couple hundred feet away" department. The fight would have ended before Jeanne even realized she was on the ground and hog tied.
Nah, Durandal would not have been that stupid to let herself be caught like that with her magic. She would freeze the bullet. What was supposed to be is her parrying Shirayuki and which she did but did not expect that it was stronger than her sword.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 8, 2011 2:24 AM

Sep 2008
Yumekichi11 said:
Gangler said:
Now obviously it's not supposed to be combat. They're making arrests here, not looking to harm anyone. If that's the case though, then maybe put down the guns and swords and treat this like you're serious. Just restrain them and slap the cuffs on. If they'd done that with Riko instead of wasting time aiming bullets at her bullet proof uniform she wouldn't have gotten away.
Yeah but I don't think she would let herself do that and she does not care to break the Butei chart, personally where the heck are the stunt weapons? Where are the gas bullets or stuff like that? There seems to be missing massive arsenal possibilities. I think the Butei chart should state that killing should be done only when one's life is in danger and not never IMO

See that, that is an excellent idea that would allow the best of both worlds. Modify the weapons arsenal for the butei needs. We wouldn't have to move it all the way to a flatout tazer type situation, but the green arrow for example has a thousand trick arrows for various situations. Let's do that, but with bullets. That would be spectacular. We could have some bullets that explode into hardening foam. Some bullets that are harmless in terms of impact but will get a paralytic toxin into the system. Bullets that would replicate the effect of a flash bang. Bullets that would explode into a mass of corrosive acid for use in getting past locked doors. Bullets that release a mild electric charge, not comparable to a tazer but enough to mess with the nerves a little bit slowing you down and making you clumsier. The sky is the limit for nonlethal utility bullets. Definitely the best idea and most suitable for the setting.

Yumekichi11 said:

Gangler said:
You know what three people can do really effectively when faced with one opponent? Restrain the opponent. Maybe these guys should be trained a little more in that department and a little less in the "How to get a bullet between the eyes from a couple hundred feet away" department. The fight would have ended before Jeanne even realized she was on the ground and hog tied.
Nah, Durandal would not have been that stupid to let herself be caught like that with her magic. She would freeze the bullet. What was supposed to be is her parrying Shirayuki and which she did but did not expect that it was stronger than her sword.

Right, that's what I'm saying about doing things the hard way. They're trying to fight this girl in combat with bullets and such. Obviously she's defending herself in kind. They're trained in marksmanship, but it's a useless skill to them here or really anywhere. What would have worked much better is if they'd grabbed her, restrained her, cuffed her off and dragged her off to her brand new cell. Spending ten minutes exchanging blows is just ridiculous.

This is the best video I could find on short notice, but you get the idea. The second that kid hit the ground he wasn't going anywhere, and it's not exactly the most challenging thing ever to get someone on the ground. Certainly I have to believe that if these guys were trained in restraining and other skills necessary for arrests as opposed to what you'd expect out of a professional hitman or some manner of modern gladiator that they could have made this arrest without much difficulty. Before the fight begins Jeane is face down on the ground wondering how they cuffed her wrists and ankles together so quickly. Reiterating of course that even a homeless shelter employee with a token amount of training can do some serious damage with this, so an elite task force trained extensively in restraining techniques complemented by martial arts training would be quite well equipped for situations like today. Throw some disarmament training in there and we're pitching and bitching.

There are a number of ways they could have done this. I like your modified arsenal idea the best. Training these people to put a bullet between the eyes from 2 hundred feet, giving them a handgun, and telling them to go make arrests without killing people is just plain the wrong way to do anything. I feel like I could cause long lasting damage to my brain if I dwelt overly long on what the founding members must have been thinking when they drafted these policies.
Jun 8, 2011 6:20 AM
Jul 2018
Neither. His hysteria mode is characterized by certain attitudes towards women in general. He would have done the same for any woman in that state, and he doesn't seem to think much special of either when he's not hysteric.

I see. I've forgotten this thing ^^"
So he's a womanizer when he's in the hysteria mode.
Jun 8, 2011 2:05 PM

Aug 2010
So this is how a train wreck looks after someone blows up the remnants. Not only that, but it has been some time since I wanted to drop a show this bad, especially because of one character. Didn't think I would hate anyone more then Orihime from Bleach, but Shirayuki managed to top her, that is quite the feat... I wanted to shout shut up! at the monitor like the NC did in his Good Burger review. I really hope her screen time will now fade, still 4 more episodes to go. The only good moment was when Aria got all embarrassed after Kinji told her he would believe her until the end of his life. A gratuitous 2/5.
Jun 8, 2011 2:20 PM

Sep 2008
KaitoDash said:

Gangler said:
_Miko_ said:
But Kinji love Shirayuki or Aria? I don't understand that.
Neither. His hysteria mode is characterized by certain attitudes towards women in general. He would have done the same for any woman in that state, and he doesn't seem to think much special of either when he's not hysteric.
You are right. But if I have to choose among these girls, I'll say Aria, from LN reader perspective. He gets turned on too often when it comes to Aria. I can even say that he's more or less an L.

This surprises me, since thus far he seems to be a fan of the large mammaries. If he even so much as looks at oversized cleavage for more than a moment he risks shifting into hysteria mode. With Aria topless the change still wouldn't take him until she flatout gave him a ride on her motorboat. You think you know a guy eh?
Jun 8, 2011 8:17 PM

Aug 2008
Gangler said:
KaitoDash said:
You are right. But if I have to choose among these girls, I'll say Aria, from LN reader perspective. He gets turned on too often when it comes to Aria. I can even say that he's more or less an L.
This surprises me, since thus far he seems to be a fan of the large mammaries. If he even so much as looks at oversized cleavage for more than a moment he risks shifting into hysteria mode. With Aria topless the change still wouldn't take him until she flatout gave him a ride on her motorboat. You think you know a guy eh?

Well, I've never seen him turn into Hysteria by looking at some voluptuous girls' figure. So far, a kiss or skinship will do. But Aria can do less that that to turn him on, you'll see that during the next couple episodes if they put it in.
Jun 8, 2011 10:39 PM

Oct 2010
KaitoDash said:
Gangler said:
KaitoDash said:
You are right. But if I have to choose among these girls, I'll say Aria, from LN reader perspective. He gets turned on too often when it comes to Aria. I can even say that he's more or less an L.
This surprises me, since thus far he seems to be a fan of the large mammaries. If he even so much as looks at oversized cleavage for more than a moment he risks shifting into hysteria mode. With Aria topless the change still wouldn't take him until she flatout gave him a ride on her motorboat. You think you know a guy eh?

Well, I've never seen him turn into Hysteria by looking at some voluptuous girls' figure. So far, a kiss or skinship will do. But Aria can do less that that to turn him on, you'll see that during the next couple episodes if they put it in.
Oh I see there, it would be interesting to see that being pulled off because then Aria would know better how make his hysteria active although I think it may be more after the Reki arc.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 11, 2011 5:36 PM

Nov 2008
This was a good episode (ASIDE FROM THAT KISS. BLEH) Jeanne's design is very cool and I like when love rivals become friends.
I guess Suckayuki isn't as selfish as I thought she was.....but I still don't like her very much.
Aria's "bashful fingerplay" was A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. X3

_Miko_ said:

But Kinji love Shirayuki or Aria? I don't understand that.


I mean, it's so obvious. They have a special bond and just look at the ending credits. <3

Jun 14, 2011 6:06 PM

Aug 2010
I like the action in this show and the silliness of this characters is becoming enjoyable.
Jun 18, 2011 3:45 PM

Mar 2011
Awesome episode! Don't know why there's so much hate on this show.
Jun 21, 2011 6:57 AM

Oct 2007
This was so utterly idiotic that it actually became absolutely hilarious.
Bad anime. Very bad. But really enjoyable at the same time (in wrong way). Just like Gosick xD
Jun 29, 2011 10:03 PM

Jan 2011
Rizlim said:
Awesome episode! Don't know why there's so much hate on this show.

Some people have a pretty consistent pattern of dumping on whatever show they are watching. Others are intentional trolls or sock puppets (if this is like most other forums I've been a part of). If you really hate a show so much, why are you watching it after 8 episodes? This is not to say that there aren't a few weak points in this show, but overall I think it has gotten more interesting and now that I have time I wil marathon tonight to catch up.

This is also another LN series I would like to get the translation of to read through.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jul 3, 2011 4:55 AM

Sep 2008
I lold at how the episode was so terrible. So the main guy has trouble opening the lock but then kisses the girl and opens it easily making his earlier struggle a stupid waste of time. Great.

Main guy tells the shrine maiden he will protect her no matter what and then just lets her fight 1v1 against the random ice girl. Great.

There's sooo many problems with all the characters' logic and the extremely predictable plot twists. Animation is crap as usual too. Great.

The only ok thing of note was the generic-but-decent music.

Why the hell am I still watching this anyway...
Jul 7, 2011 4:35 AM
Nov 2009
5layer said:
I lold at how the episode was so terrible. So the main guy has trouble opening the lock but then kisses the girl and opens it easily making his earlier struggle a stupid waste of time. Great.

Main guy tells the shrine maiden he will protect her no matter what and then just lets her fight 1v1 against the random ice girl. Great.

There's sooo many problems with all the characters' logic and the extremely predictable plot twists. Animation is crap as usual too. Great.

The only ok thing of note was the generic-but-decent music.

Why the hell am I still watching this anyway...
Why are you still watching it?

It was good *___* I liked both of the girls in this episode! I'm determined to finish this anime tonight.
Aug 16, 2011 12:09 PM

Mar 2011
Lilah said:
5layer said:
I lold at how the episode was so terrible. So the main guy has trouble opening the lock but then kisses the girl and opens it easily making his earlier struggle a stupid waste of time. Great.

Main guy tells the shrine maiden he will protect her no matter what and then just lets her fight 1v1 against the random ice girl. Great.

There's sooo many problems with all the characters' logic and the extremely predictable plot twists. Animation is crap as usual too. Great.

The only ok thing of note was the generic-but-decent music.

Why the hell am I still watching this anyway...
Why are you still watching it?

It was good *___* I liked both of the girls in this episode! I'm determined to finish this anime tonight.

It would appear that some people watch an anime just because it's popular, and so they can say they have seen it. The guy doesnt even know the names of the characters. He probably didnt even pay much attention to it which is another reason he dislikes it. Then there is the eliteism of 'I hate all anime except the really good ones' (whatever they are, opinions, etc etc) and y'know, sometimes, looking at peoples comments and then looking at their profiles, I'm sure they are just rushing through shows so they can have a bigger MAL list then anyone else so they can say 'lololol, I watched more anime than you so mu opinions count for more' which is of course, utter bullshit.

Ahh, anyways all you good people out there, I liked this. It's fun and cute. Perfect for after work with a nice cold beer and a bowl of stir fry with fresh-from-the-butchers-meat.

Ahhh, life can be so good when you want it to be!
Oct 15, 2011 6:03 PM

Jul 2010
notsureifsrs said:
Gee I hope Kinji bones them all judging from the preview

r u being sarcastic? lol
Oosran said:

And I facedesk every damn time Kinji does something that ends up saving Aria's life.
Like that piano wire. Would've been an awesome show if Aria's head went flying instead.
...Oh, come on.
And Kinji will catch another cold.

lol i agree with you, but than she has the kagumie rie seiyuu armor so she can't die like that.
and yea, he's gonna get sick again.

Jan 24, 2012 6:32 AM

Dec 2011
Cirris said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Monad said:
So what are we to expect next? The descendant of Napoleon or Jack the Reaper maybe even a Nazi?
I am down for Hitler/Stalin but I remember hearing somewhere Genghis Khan.

I'm waiting for Christ 103rd and Zulu the 57th myself.

What's with the sudden historical name dropping? first Madoka and now this show.

Like Monad said, this show reeks of "wasted potential".

Historical. Which came first, I "wonder"?
Sep 28, 2012 10:57 AM

Sep 2012
Hysteria mode wins another round! Saved Shirayuki from drowning!
The fight between Joana and Shirayuki was the best though.
Oct 27, 2012 3:14 PM

May 2012
This anime is pretty crappy, yet i cant stop watching it. It's just dumb fun xD

One plot hole (of which there are many) is regarding the Hysteria mode: If it only works when he's "turned on" cant he just look up porn on his phone and be done with it? No that's crazy, Hysteria only works when the plot needs it to.

But hey we get to hear Rie kugimiya yell "BAKA KENJI" for the hundredth... That's something i guess xD
who_dat_ninjaOct 27, 2012 3:19 PM
Jan 13, 2013 11:13 PM

Sep 2012
Hmm I give it 5/5. I have a feeling that Durandal was a fake to throw em off guard.

Hard to replace a certain other Himiko:

This is a nice concept also:

Then again I guess they are all. (Even this show) Based on the same Himiko. Another history... twist?... on this show?

Also I did like how Kinji acted this time around.

Surprised Riko didn't show up to save the day. Has be be just a distraction.

I did like how Shirayuki almost kissed Aria. Even if it was a fake... and interrupted -_-.
RPGX_OmegaJan 13, 2013 11:35 PM
Jan 15, 2014 5:51 AM

Jun 2013
TicklingThoughtsJan 15, 2014 5:57 AM
Jan 15, 2014 6:10 AM

Jun 2013
Rizlim said:
Awesome episode!
Don't know why there's so much hate on this show.

Yeah right. I know that this anime has some minor and major flaws, but overall it's not that terrible and it's enjoyable to watch. I think some people don't like this show because of the mind blown logic. It's true sometimes, but let's consider some good things in this show.
Mar 3, 2014 5:56 PM

Jan 2009
1. Dat lock-picking was bullshit, even with hysteria mode

2. Shirayuki fighting durandal with dat epic ost made me cry man tears. MAN TEARS.

3. Nobody in these forums even mentioned the epic ost. u all need to recognize greatness.

Jun 30, 2014 1:41 AM
Mar 2013
I loved this episode. There were some cheesy moments and I was expecting Kinji to kiss Shirayuki. He took to long though.

I was expecting him to do it while they were still above water but they had to have a dramatic underwater kiss. Either way it was awesome <3

I don't understand how Shirayuki could be afraid that Kinji would hate her. She doesn't look scary at all. In fact, she looks awesome, kind of like a phoenix. I'm so glad that Jeanne got captured.

I was worried she would run away. Does anyone else think she kind of resembles Origami from Date A Live?
Sep 17, 2014 4:20 PM

May 2012
Quite lovely episode, I especially loved the action in this one! Let's see what's next.
Dec 30, 2014 8:01 PM

Jan 2010
I'm not sure what stumped me more, the appearance of Jeanne d'Arc or her voice actress. She sounded oddly familiar, but I didn't think they'd go that route. This show is certainly a thing.
Jun 16, 2015 2:21 PM

May 2015
Shirayuki and Kinji kissed. Definitely warmed my heart as I shipped Shirayuki x Kinji. Shirayuki is an awesome fighter and I wish there was more hysteria mode.
Sep 30, 2015 12:54 PM

Aug 2013
Somehow that tsundere vs yandere moments are funny
Oct 17, 2015 4:36 PM

Aug 2014
Kyruga said:
Somehow that tsundere vs yandere moments are funny
I never noticed it that way before. Good analogy. Aria being the former and Shirayuki being the latter.

It was funny how Shirayuki broke Durandal so easily.So much her Jeanne's "holy sword". Shirayuki must've planned it because she was only aiming at the sword the entire battle as Jeanne herself observed.

If kissing is the best way to get into hysteria mode than we should expect more of those in the future.

Moon           Lovers
Rainbow                For You                Bluebird

May 23, 2016 1:13 AM

Dec 2015
Is she on her right mind? I didn't see anything "scary" with her technique, wtf girl?

That is SO CHEAP, they made her armor and sword look like Saber's, couldn't think of anything original so they copied another anime, stupid idiots
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
May 29, 2019 10:29 AM

Sep 2012
joe_g7 said:
Is she on her right mind? I didn't see anything "scary" with her technique, wtf girl?

That is SO CHEAP, they made her armor and sword look like Saber's, couldn't think of anything original so they copied another anime, stupid idiots

it reminds me forgot the name of the anime the necromacers armor who doesn't use her voice cause what she says comes true and mc gets kilked and shevraises him as zombie
Jan 29, 2023 3:17 AM

Aug 2019
nice of the midway pause thing to spoil what durandal really looked like :D but boo on the shirayuki kiss, kinji x aria forever.

shirayukis "dont look at me" makes you think she'll like transform into a monster or something but no its just 1000 degree sword fighting
HiljainenSipuliJan 29, 2023 3:21 AM
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