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Jun 1, 2011 5:58 PM

Jun 2008
im liking this anime so far but i really, really hope nothing develops between tooru and ohana that will make me pretty much certain to drop this.....
Jun 1, 2011 6:47 PM

Nov 2009
Ko-chan you IDIOT!!!!!! Why did you leave? Ugh... Come back! Anyway, I'm torn. I love Ko x Ohana, but.... they keep on giving little Tooru x Ohana moments and.... ugh... Ko-chan, come back before I start shipping Tooru x Ohana!

What "Adolescence" do you have?
Do you remember "Childhood"?
The irreplaceable one existed there.

Jun 1, 2011 11:19 PM
Nov 2009

I really like the atmosphere that the anime has developed. They really came a far way from the original awkwardness of adjusting to hotel life.

Man, Minko is really tsundere done correctly. It's cute how's she's tsun to everyone but dere to Tooru. Feels more true and natural that way. Favorite character of the series and I usually dislike tsunderes.
Jun 2, 2011 6:54 AM

Jul 2009
A nice conclusion to the series' first arc. It had its flaws but overall I really enjoyed this episode.

First, the things I didn't like, namely that Ko and Ohana didn't get to meet. On the one hand, I could sort've see Ko's reason for leaving: the inn is incredibly busy so even if he went there to visit her they wouldn't have much of a chance to talk. That and I think this seperation is supposed to symbolize Ohana and Ko gradually growing apart. Do I still want to see a reunion scene between the two? Hell yes. Was I annoyed that it didn't happen in this episode? Hell yes.

That's really my only complaint with the episode as the rest of it was carried out quite nicely. I liked Ohana's search for Tohru, especially the part where her sandal breaks and she goes flying through that bush. It was nice that Minchi recieved some more character growth, being able to cook that tempura for the guests must have been a great reward for her hard work. And I'm happy that the Madam Manager is finally shaping up to be a good character.
Jun 2, 2011 7:18 AM

Jan 2010
that female worker at Ko's work totally got hots for ko-chan !
Jun 2, 2011 9:06 AM

Feb 2011
i fell sorry for kou
Jun 2, 2011 1:51 PM

Oct 2007
Its was a good episode, though it was a shame Ko didn't get his chance to surprise Ohana but honestly im 100% for Ohana x Tooru XP

can't wait for next week's episode.
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Jun 2, 2011 4:47 PM

Jun 2010
Arondight said:
That was painful to see how close they were, yet they didn't even see each other :(
I'm really hoping Ohana and Ko end up together in the end!

Yeah, perhaps Ko should have tried scheduling a room BEFORE arriving at the inn.
Jun 2, 2011 9:52 PM
Dec 2010
Sartaj said:
Arondight said:
That was painful to see how close they were, yet they didn't even see each other :(
I'm really hoping Ohana and Ko end up together in the end!

Yeah, perhaps Ko should have tried scheduling a room BEFORE arriving at the inn.

Maybe Kou wanted to surprise Ohana. If he registered room beforehand, she might happen to read the guest list.

I have sympathy for him after all. Try your best, Kou !
Jun 2, 2011 10:38 PM

Aug 2009
I remember when I was Kou's age, frequently a teenage boy doesn't act entirely logically, I could feel his frustration with the situation, but I doubt he has given up.
Jun 2, 2011 11:41 PM

Aug 2009
"So this is what a boy's hair smells like?" G.A.W.D. I'm rooting for TohruxOhana~! It's too sad that Ohana and Ko didn't see each other though~ LOL at Jirou. The inn's clown. xD

Crii said:
^ Come to the TooruxOhana side. We have cookies. xD

^I'll join you. Haha.

"Perhaps the distant part of the sky always seems clearest, so that we will always strive to reach it."


Jun 3, 2011 7:11 AM

Feb 2011
^ Welcome aboard! xD

-gives cookies-

Anyone else want to join us?
Jun 3, 2011 11:24 AM

Jun 2008
I am starting to wish females didn't watch this show because it's annoying reading all this "i support girl x guy" staff. The show certainly isn't focus on who is going out with who and relationship drama but reading the comments seems like a fucking gossip magazine about relationships.
Go watch some teen American show where everyone breaks-ups and makes-ups with everyone if that is all you have in mind.

Anyway we got the revelation on who the reporter was in the end. She even came with her mother. She seemed like a good person btw. So that poor guy got that horrible male dance for nothing. I bet he was having nightmares. And was that a penis he had drown on his belly lol.

In the end Ohana was the one that took charge in the place of her grandmother. I wonder if that will change their relationship a little and make her grandmother trust her more.

Btw what happened to Nako's bike? Didn't Ohana took it to go find Tooru? They just left it there huh. Poor Nako now she has to go and pick it up.
I'm also shocked by the shoes Ohana was wearing and traveling with the bike in such speed as we saw in the last episode.

The cook seemed to have gained his confidence after Tooru arrived. It seems he feels better when not everything is on his shoulders and he has some staff to boss around.

Kou screw-up there. If he wanted to stay in the place Ohana was working he really shouldn't have waited the last minute to call for a room. Still i don't get why he didn't try to find a room near by and just visit her. Did he only had that day free?
I wonder what that smile from that girl who seemed to be his boss was.
Jun 3, 2011 12:15 PM

Aug 2009
Agree with you there Monad... there's been waaaay too much talking about the romances, what about the plot?!? Of course this episode especially was asking for it, and the next episode too, I think the series might be heading down the romance road. Not that I will dislike it then, I love romances, but this series gave a very different first impression. This episode didn't dissappoint me, I was hoping there would have been more Ren and Tomo, but alas they only have so much time. Also, I want to know more about Nako besides her desire for friendship, like what her family is like and if she has any other friends. If you remember, she has twice gotten a phone call from someone we do not yet know. It's been really leaving me curious.
Jun 3, 2011 12:18 PM
Jul 2018
I've really liked the progression of the series thus far. I'm more excited over the interaction that may occur between the workers of the inn and Kou than Ohana and Kou themselves.
Jun 4, 2011 4:21 AM
May 2011
Poor Ko. He didn't get to see Ohana but it was his fault. Why the hell did he go back after all that effort going there to see Ohana. And maybe he could have gone to another inn. Oh well i guess Ko is just cute and stupid that way :)
Jun 4, 2011 10:16 AM

May 2010
I felt bad for Ko.

Coming all the way from the city then returned like nothing happened although he helped Ohana to keep her spirit.

And Tohru is getting closer to Ohana. Can't wait to see Minchi's reaction. :D
Jun 4, 2011 2:14 PM

Aug 2010
Ohana will have to choose between Kou-chan and Tohru, Tohru between Minchi and Ohana, Kou-chan between Namiko and Ohana. And also:

Droplet said:
Ko bores me. He's cute, but boring. So I'm all for Ohana/Tohru.

Something tells me Yuina will get more screentime somewhere in the future, but I'm not sure.
Jun 4, 2011 4:39 PM

Jul 2009
Hehe, another great episode! Watching Ohana look for Tohru was OK but poor Ko! Going all that way and choosing a bad day. I was like OMG WTF when they passed each other on the road :S
Besides, how many love triangles / squares / pentagons are there gonna be?! Another girl who could possibly like Ko ... oh god. The preview is SCREAMING Ohana / Tohru :P
Jun 5, 2011 5:55 AM

Sep 2008
Another great episode.

Feel sorry for Ko. Wasted a whole day of his free time with nothing to show for it and then gets back to work again.
Jun 5, 2011 10:36 PM

Feb 2010
I felt so bad for Tohru to leave a wedding just go back to work, though you can't resist Ohana that just journeyed all the way there and felt really bad for Ko who went back n forth on his trip that ended in failure..
Jun 10, 2011 2:43 PM
May 2011
I was first like Ko will deserve Ohana, but then Tohru came and I'm supporting Ohana x Tohru~ Lol, but Tohru is betterlooking than Ko, and๏ปฟ even he's harsh sometimes I think he's kind after all. I think Ko will go out with that mystery woman who is wearing classes (was her name Namiko Igarashi?) I don't like Minko x Tohru, sorry Minchi. OhanaxTohru ftw.
Jun 15, 2011 9:32 PM

Aug 2010
Well, I didn't expect it to happen (Ko meeting Ohana) this early in the show.
Jun 20, 2011 10:47 PM

Nov 2009
this show is sooo beautiful. i lurvv tohru
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Aug 13, 2011 2:43 AM

Nov 2010
Aww, poor Ko. Minko just annoys the hell out of me.
Oct 14, 2011 5:33 PM

Apr 2007
Anitnelav said:
Poor Kou. :/

This episode was warm and fuzzy though. :3
Exactly my thoughts~

I hate it when characters don't see each other though. It's always so sad :( I don't really have any favorite couples in this series yet, but character wise I do prefer Tohru instead of Ko-chan.
Nov 9, 2011 2:46 PM

Jul 2010
Okay. So my prediction wasn't right. Something like that will happen though ^-^!

I feel bad for Ko-chan.. :( Stupid other customers!!
Even though there was poor Ko-chan, the Tohru x Ohana moments were beyond cute. xD
AWW! Next episode Tohru x Ohana moment looks adorable!
Nov 28, 2011 4:21 PM

Oct 2009
I know it won't happen, but Minko turning yandere mode would be awesome, with the kitchen knife and everything har har.

Feel really bad for Ko, poor guy.

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Dec 13, 2011 3:06 AM

Jun 2011
Aww...they missed each other. If only Ko wait there for a little bit longer. I wonder how this will end up among Ko, Tohru, Ohana and Minko.

And it seems there's a new girl set her eyes on Ko, so maybe this will end as Ohana x Tohru after all?
Feb 26, 2012 2:56 PM

Nov 2010
Lots of Tension were build up here.
Ohana crossing Ko Chan frequently, but not actually meeting each other.

The Inn run well without the Manager/Owner.

It was nice to follow an episode of this again.
Apr 22, 2012 8:50 PM

Nov 2011
This anime is sooo happpyyy, I love it!

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Apr 22, 2012 8:59 PM

Mar 2012
Every episode of Hanasaku Iroha is gold I tell ya.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
May 6, 2012 12:16 AM

Mar 2009
Really enjoyed these last two episodes, with the focus on seeing how the inn runs and how everyone pulls together to make things successful.
Aug 2, 2012 7:50 PM

Jul 2012
Ok, I was saying Ohana x Ko on the last episode, I don't think that's going to happen anymore. :)

So yeah, Ohana x Tooru for sure. Hopefully Nako won't pissed off so much :(


This is a really good episode though. I like that they're showing the actual spirit of the inn owner. I still kinda pissed at Enishi though. WTF is going on with him ... He shouldn't run the hotel at all!

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Nov 22, 2012 3:26 PM

May 2012
Great episode lots of happened was really hectic but really great managing! Though I felt rather sad for Ko, I hope he'll find another chance to get to meet her!
Mar 16, 2013 11:40 PM
Jan 2013
Ko x Ohana!
Except, I'm very disappointed in Ko right now. He went all that way and didn't even go by the in to say hi to her.
I think Minchi and Tohru are better for each other. They have a lot in common, and she is passionate about him.
Your mean should be an even bell curve only if you watch every show that comes out. Having a high-slung mean doesn't mean you're rating improperly. It can also mean you're selecting shows well to watch mostly things you enjoy.
Mar 25, 2013 3:36 PM

Jan 2013
i know i will end up very disappointed with the relationship development between Ohana and Kou. It just seems he was put deep in the friendzone and he doesnt have what it takes to get out.

As much as id love a kiss scene featuring Ohana and Kou or even Tohru, its not going to happen.
May 11, 2013 5:35 AM

Jul 2012
Cool episode, i got emotional at the end.
May 13, 2013 8:55 PM

Sep 2010
KO-CHHAANN ;___; all of my love for that kid.
Just. uuwaaahhhh that was not nice at all.

That aside my big thing is romance, obviously, so the rest of the episode was kind of meh for me..
Jun 21, 2013 9:15 AM

Nov 2008
Aw, feeling really bad for Ko now. Guess for now it's more Tohru x Ohana developments.

Jul 2, 2013 12:24 AM

Jun 2012
I'm sorry I couldn't hold myself anymore I had to make this!!

Jul 3, 2013 8:27 PM

Nov 2012
hehe dont know why but I'm so happy when seeing minko finally can make something good for tohru XD

so in the end kou-chan dont meet ohana :/
the train and bike scene is so dramatic XDD what is this? DRAMA? XD

btw who is that girl? :3 dont tell me its kou girlfriend -_-
Nov 6, 2013 4:38 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Warm feelings in my belly watching this anime. I'd love to try out Minko's tempura too. I bet it's crunchy and slightly salty yet beautiful just like her.

Ko needs to appear a lot more in this show for me to care about him. I don't know anything about him except he's nice yet typicallly boring shounen.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Feb 19, 2014 10:12 AM
Bunnies ๐Ÿ“

Jan 2013
Ohana managed to bring back Tooru, and she managed to still do her work properly. She must have been tired afterward. Walking around to find him and then back to work. Ohana worked very hard. Episode preview shows Ohana sick. As expected considering how Ohana worked to bring Tooru to the inn and do her job duties.

Sep 10, 2014 8:14 PM

Jul 2014
what was the hentai writer doing? ( i don't remember his name) XD XD
Mar 16, 2015 11:34 AM

Jun 2013
Ohana and Kou must be together!!!!
May 20, 2015 1:37 PM
๐Ÿ’‰ ๐Ÿฉธ ๐Ÿฉน ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿฅ

Feb 2012
Poor Ko-chan. This was a really great episode. Minchi was able to feed Tohru~ How lovely~
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Jul 19, 2015 11:38 PM

Jul 2012
Man, I can't believe Ko actually went all the way back after going all the way to Yunosagi. Sigh. And who's that girl at the end?

I was so scared that Ohana was falling for Touru when she wore his helmet and started talking about his scent and then I was so relieved when she brought up Ko and wondered if that was what his scent was like.

The ending when Ohana's grandmother came back put a smile on my face ๐Ÿ˜Š
Feb 15, 2016 11:10 AM
Jul 2014
For some reason I felt so good and worm inside when they've made it through OK. I can't stop watching this Anime, I've seen 9 in a row already and I'm gonna keep on going until the bed time! I'm sure everybody knows who the mystery guests were-the old lady with daughter, for sure.
Jul 2, 2016 1:48 PM
Jan 2012
uau nice episode. Ko-chan he was able to animate Ohana. Thankfully, she found Tohru.
Jiroumaru funny and fumbling this episode.
finally minchi able to make tempura!I'm happy see your progress.For little ohana and ko-chan are founded.
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