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May 28, 2009 7:43 PM

Jul 2008
Anyway, I was very surprise particularly at the very very end with Ryoko’s pregnancy. Kyo would likely be the father, but they don’t show Kyo anywhere in that future scene. By the lighthouse ruins, it would seem that many years have passed now, so there’s no guarantee that Kyo is still alive. But it’s at least implied that Kyo is the father, and that regardless of whether or not Shizuno got a real body, he ended up with Ryoko.

Speaking of Shizuno, they sneakily answered the question of where her name came form posed back in episode 20. They don’t verbally say it in this episode, but the credits of this final episode lists Kyo’s little sister’s name as Sogoru Misaki. Although the kanji are different, it would seem that that’s where Kyo got the name from. Incidentally, Kyo’s little sister is so cute! She would have easily become one of my favorite characters in this series if she had appeared earlier.

As for the overall ending, I was quite happy with it. Not only did they give an exciting end that wrapped things up nicely, they also put in a few small surprises. It was nothing big such as having Shizuno end up with Kyo or something, but they still managed to give Shizuno a fairly happy ending along with the rest of the Oceanus crew. Some of the best endings are ones where you go in not sure what to expect, and come out pleased with what you saw, which is what was the case for me here.
Jun 27, 2009 2:56 PM

Jan 2008
Just finished this show in a marathon. The ending(even show overall) was, good, not amazing but good. It's indeed unclear if Kyo is still alive but I hope he is but we will never find out, also the thing that Lu Sheng said at the end towards Shizuno was nice I guess that was to give the ShizunoxKyo ship hope :p personally I like 'em both but tend to go more towards Shizuno.

In the end a decent show which deserves a 8/10 from me ^^
Jan 30, 2010 9:01 PM
Dec 2009
Finished this from morning to evening, I surely regret it, but I enjoyed a few scenes, only the last few episodes, which actually got interesting to me, everything else was trash. I'd rate this 3/10. I probably would've rated it lower, but the last few episodes changed my mind. I gave it a low score because of personal feelings. I disliked, or you could say hated the characters, Kyo and Ryoko. I hated Kyo because I felt that he was too simple, and I've seen a lot of characters like him and I'd say they are way better than him. I would've loved this show if Kyo's personality, his original one didn't change. Since I'm a fan of Kyo (the original one, with the first memories) and Shizuno. It really could of been interesting, and much better for me to watch this if Kyo only kept his memories when he basically died the first episode. Basically the first 20 episodes or less were a total bore to me, I couldn't stand watching, only a few scenes from those episodes were decent / good. The last few episodes were good, but ehhh-like. I also hated Ryoko, that type of character is way to common, and typical. I also hated her appearence, to me she looked ugly, well not ugly but way below average for an Anime character. Seriously, I think she looked the worst in appearance out of all the girl characters in this Anime, only including the main characters and support characters, not random civilians, etc. I also hated her hair, way to short. I hate that kind of hair in Anime characters, basically I hate short haired girls (only in anime), but it depends on their personality too with their hair, since I like a few characters from different animes with that kind of hair style. I hated the very ending, well I really didn't care anymore, when they showed she was pregnant. In the end, the best I would rate this is 4/10, but I'm going to rate it a 3 or even a 2, since most of the episodes to me were pointless. Well, I'm only rating it on personal feelings, but If I had to rate it normally, I can't even do it. Episode 26 was good, but hated the ending, especially when it showed Kyo and Ryoko, well only those parts, since I am a fan of Kyo (the original) and Shizuno even though Kyo (first memories) wasn't basically shown in the Anime, only a few 10 second scenes. Oh yeah, hated the action, only the first 20 episodes or less. They say he was better with Ryoko, saw nothing that even changed in their fighting skills, looked exactly the same, which pissed me off. All that changed when he switched Wizards was how much they killed and the preparations. The fighting needs way more improvement, but the last few episodes of it were decent. In the end I really don't regret watching this, since I learn new stuff from Animes I finish.
Feb 25, 2010 8:09 AM

Mar 2008
Was Kyo dreaming about his family from the server? I don't quite that that part.

Overall, great story although the ending could have been a bit better (I root for Kyo x Shizuno). The pregnancy scene implies Ryoko is already a human (evident from the cup of water) but since she's alone, Kyo could be either:

1. went swimming (lol)
2. dead
3. after having fun with Ryoko, he went to find Shizuno for some more fun XD (afterall, he got the job of increasing human population) :P
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Mar 16, 2010 6:49 PM

Aug 2008
ah i remember watching this when it was airing at that time it was hard to get used to and understand everything, but since then i have re watched it like 4 times not to understand it but because it was good,

whenever i felt bored i just re watched it, second time around was when i finally under stood it

also the end its clear its Kyo x Ryoko, also it probably didn't take that much time to humanize everyone, the tower had weed growing on it and stuff but that amount does not = a long time, it was less then 5 years for sure.

anyway it was a fun series.
Apr 17, 2010 2:57 PM
Oct 2009
i think this was a good series, because it was so different to other "mecha-stories".
it was good too, that the mechas didn't have any special "superpowers" like in other typical animes, thus the story was concentrated on the characters and their development.
nevertheless there was one thing, which confuses me...there were 8 commanders and shima was one among them, but if you take a look at the meetings of the commanders, you always see one screen is black and there is the sign "offline" or "voice only". it really interests me, who this 8th commander is and why his or her screen always is turned off. of course it could be, that he or she is dead or the people who made that anime just didn't have any idea or motivation to make another commander :D
however i'm just curious and want to know what you guys think about it,though it might appear to be insignificant^^
May 25, 2010 8:30 AM
Jun 2008
Very nice series ^^
I like the way how they think "life" is and how "life" suppose to be ..
The ending weather report is fantastic LOL
Jun 29, 2010 2:14 AM
Mar 2008
So, the show was decent. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't that good, either. IMO.

I think the first half was more interesting, with all the mysteries that you're trying to figure out along with Kyo and the others. Once they start to get revealed, much like a magic trick, they're suddenly not that intriguing anymore.

The show was often sloppy with it's editing. Scenes often jumped around way too much, without a sense of continuity.

Character motivations were often not always clear. Kyo, at times, was G Gundam Domon Schizo. He would go into fits of screaming rage at seemingly nothing. Like the little battle in the flower field, where he decided it was time to freak out because he couldn't touch the flowers (despite being aware of this fact as a meta-body for most the series), screaming and yelling and burning up the entire field, only to come back down from his rampage high as quick as it started. Also, character's were needlessly sneaky or deceptive at times, simply as plot devices.

Was it ever explained why the enemy was suddenly able to do the Earth Wide Deutera Field right before the "Final Attack?" If it was, I missed it - and was wondering why they didn't put this Deutera Field plan into action much sooner...?

Why did Naga only produce 2 reconstrunctants? He had the technology, apparently, yet Sin and Abyss were the only two 'villains' that ever battled, or even existed.

The CGI I think held the show back. It was clunky, and looked awkward in the animated world. I think the show would have benefited from no CGI. This also made the battles look really odd...and kind of boring.

That is probably my biggest complaint: the battles. They never held a real intensity to them, they never seemed to change. It was the same thing over and over again. Evangelion, a series that focuses heavily on Psychology and Philosophy over action, had way more interesting/intense/visual battle scenes. And that series is pushing 15 years old!

The Quantum Physics ideas were also pushed too far, but I'm starting to get too nit picky at this point. But, seriously, if I had to hear the word "Quantum" explain some random teleportation one more effing time...

All in all, the series was fairly mediocre. However, I did enjoy the beginning mystery to it, and the existentional themes. I think this show could have been a million times better if it 1) scratched off the CGI and upped the battle scene ante and 2) focused a lot more on the character's and their relationships/egos/motivations and 3) fleshed out the enemy side more (more background on Naga, start to develop Sin and Abyss much earlier)...

I'm debating 6/10 or 7/10 right now...
"I know not what World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will surely be fought with sticks and stones."
Jun 29, 2010 2:17 AM
Mar 2008
Oh, and one more thiing:

Shanaflame -- thank you for making all the episode topics. I enjoyed reading your mini-review/recaps for the episodes. It was nice, while I was watching, to know that I wasn't the only one feeling certain ways.

So, seriously - thanks a lot. It made the show more enjoyable to get some commentary between episodes. :)
"I know not what World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will surely be fought with sticks and stones."
Jul 11, 2010 11:03 PM
Feb 2009
ugh so in the end Kyo got own by aging >.> and he got Ryoko prego then how is that possible oO
Jul 23, 2010 10:43 PM

Mar 2010
Setsia said:
ugh so in the end Kyo got own by aging >.> and he got Ryoko prego then how is that possible oO

it didnt really show what happend to kyo and since ryoko is pregnant that could only mean that he is alive.

anyways that was a great show i really enjoyed it
Apr 20, 2011 3:03 PM
Dec 2010
I didn't expect this show to be this good ... you know there are hundreds of mecha anime and i've liked maximally 3 of them so far, this one was one of those 3 ;)

Hey i don't think Kyo has aged to death yet. He said 2 more years to met them while he seemed to be under his 30 at that time(or did i get it wrong?), Maybe he just got eaten by shark while swimming in ocean,you know how he loved to have a swim, haha just kidding around :P

than We got pregnant Ryoko saying things like "This world is full of light" . Can there be connection to that wanna-be-immortal bad ass girl? They always kept talking about missing light thing. And Ryoko said "I will never forget your Name!" right after her death. Maybe Ryoko planed to name baby after her, i wonder if there's connection.

I miss "everyone human again" part...
it would be awesome to have some specials about what happened when they again could touch things, how they had problems with real bodies or How they started to rebuilt that city of theirs :)
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
Apr 20, 2011 3:03 PM
Dec 2010
I didn't expect this show to be this good ... you know there are hundreds of mecha anime and i've liked maximally 3 of them so far, this one was one of those 3 ;)

Hey i don't think Kyo has aged to death yet. He said 2 more years to met them while he seemed to be under his 30 at that time(or did i get it wrong?), Maybe he just got eaten by shark while swimming in ocean,you know how he loved to have a swim, haha just kidding around :P

than We got pregnant Ryoko saying things like "This world is full of light" . Can there be connection to that wanna-be-immortal bad ass girl? They always kept talking about missing light thing. And Ryoko said "I will never forget your Name!" right after her death. Maybe Ryoko planed to name baby after her, i wonder if there's connection.

I miss "everyone human again" part...
it would be awesome to have some specials about what happened when they again could touch things, how they had problems with real bodies or How they started to rebuilt that city of theirs :)
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
Jul 4, 2011 1:55 PM
Jul 2010
I really like this anime. Definitely one of the mecha anime worth watching. Characters well developed and interesting storyline.

The ending is a bit weird though.

Why no one ever questioned whether going back will exposed them to the Ohm virus? In the end, Kyo should be able to change back into meta-body again after everything have ended since such technology is available. Why haven't they thought about it?
How come corrupted meta-bodies like Hayase's girlfriend can be revived? and also why did Shizuka lose her memory even though all she did was just directing the cores to the server when she didn't lose any data? Minato and the others were also there with her.

just some of my thoughts about the ending and i was rooting for shizuka too....
Mar 16, 2012 5:01 PM

Apr 2008
Quite decent show overall.

I somehow iliked the other Kyo far more than the one usually shown, depite his really limited appearances.

At that, is there somebody who can help with a particula BGM from the flashback scene, before he blows himself up? (Episode 26, Minute 2:48-4:34)
I just can't seem to find it on the OSTs >-<
It sounds closest to "forget me not", or rather almost a shortened Version of it, but somehow this shortened Version sounds more dramatic. =X
Aug 13, 2012 2:09 PM

Jan 2012
very underrated show.. the plot alone is better than most mech series out there..
Dec 19, 2012 10:52 PM

Nov 2011
A satisfying ending tbh although I feel like this series didn't click with me at some variances. I thought the premise of the original few episodes were good but later on seemed to drag out. The romance in this series didn't work out though from my perspective, it just didn't. Even the aquarium episode and some of the beginning ones didn't seem to connect. I'm not too surprised though as romance isn't really a major theme in Zegapain. Still, it didnt work.

Other than that, it was nice watching some of the mecha battles and I loved the fact that they added in the sports theme of swimming to balance out the science fiction a bit. Zegapain did that part quite well.

Overall for me, 6/10.
Dec 19, 2012 10:55 PM

Jun 2007
Stark700 said:
A satisfying ending tbh although I feel like this series didn't click with me at some variances. I thought the premise of the original few episodes were good but later on seemed to drag out. The romance in this series didn't work out though from my perspective, it just didn't. Even the aquarium episode and some of the beginning ones didn't seem to connect. I'm not too surprised though as romance isn't really a major theme in Zegapain. Still, it didnt work.

Other than that, it was nice watching some of the mecha battles and I loved the fact that they added in the sports theme of swimming to balance out the science fiction a bit. Zegapain did that part quite well.

Overall for me, 6/10.

I felt the opposite about the romance. It developed very believably and realistically, slowly over time with some sudden jumps. They were practically a couple from the beginning so seeing them finally acknowledge that and realize it over time - as teenagers would tend to do - felt very natural and nice to see for once. They even fool the viewer into believing miss generic is going to be the winner in terms of the love triangle - and then actually let the girl who deserves it and who realistically would get it be the victor, they even end it off with a shot of her pregnant. I'm not accusing, assuming, or anything else - but it sounds like you were just a fan of the other girl instead of Ryoko and that may be why you didn't like that aspect so much. Or that you simply weren't interested in the romance aspect to begin with and so just hated it when it showed up because you were watching for mecha which is just bad judgment (in terms of watching a show with aspects you dont like being mixed in - which is just you watching a show with things you don't like, not the show doing them badly).

The romance was always, from the start, a very key big aspect in the story and was actually more well done than many romance stories in FULLY romance focused stuff. It just seems like it wasn't what you wanted out of the show, which feels bad to judge the series based on.
TallonKarrde23Dec 19, 2012 11:00 PM
Apr 10, 2013 7:38 AM

Apr 2008
Yes I think I'm going to give the show a 7 too, it's a shame since the first half had such potential but I agree with everything Andrew just said.

- The CGI was out of place and annoying
- The battles were CRAP (from a mecha anime perspective) they were just boring and repetitive
- The ending was rather cliche and essentially they pulled the same old contrived ending that many 26 episode shows decide to do when they're left with a 4-5 episoides.
- Characters were needlessly secretive towards the end, at the beginning their secrecy was explicable by kyo's lack of mental composure but by the end some things came out....waaaay later than they should have (things that actually endangered the mission) and this was done as a SHAMELESS PLOT DEVICE.

I thought the characters in Zegapain were very cliche too
Kyo was your typical easily hyped shonen lead with no brain cells whatsoever. The only character I actually thought was well done was Kaminagi, even though she fits the osananajimi cliche perfectly I thought the way she was executed was fresh.

7/10...part of me feels like giving it a 6 but I must say that the first half of the show was really quite 7 it is.
Jun 21, 2013 12:22 PM

Nov 2009
This show gets a 7 from me, Imo the first half of the story was an absolute drag and Kyo didn't help with his ignorant whining, "That's impossible!" x232, but the 2nd half was a huge improvement and Kyo came across more mature and likable when he finally showed real resolve.
Sep 21, 2013 3:06 AM

Feb 2013
I surprisingly loved this show. What got me hooked was the plot. The whole "meta-bodies" stored in a quantum super server was an interesting subject. The series started off a little slow the first few episodes but picked up when the story starting developing. My only problem with this series is the mech fights. Reused animations and some boring fight sequences were a little off putting. The romance in my opinion paced out pretty nicely throughout the show. I'm not much of a mech fan but I enjoyed this one. This show is definitely underrated.
~ El Psy Congroo~

Mar 6, 2014 5:29 PM

Feb 2013
Very good stuff, one of the few mech titles where I really dug the romance. The complex setting didn't cause the story to collapse under a load of plot-holes as well. Not sure what the point of that last 20 seconds was though. CGI was a load of bullshit considering Sunrise made Aquarion a year before this and that one had muuuuch better CGI.

Still a 8/10 title
gedataJan 28, 2015 10:24 AM
Jun 1, 2014 2:18 PM

Apr 2013
I'm really surprised of how underrated this show is. Zegapain did everything with what it had but if even that is not enough then what is?
I guess it was worth digging for some older titles cos nowadays anime suck.
Sep 28, 2014 1:24 AM
May 2013
Always-Hungry said:
I'm really surprised of how underrated this show is.
gedata said:
Not sure what the point of that last 20 seconds was though.
I guess that was the end of triangle .
Oct 22, 2014 8:48 PM

Jun 2014
Definitely underrated anime, too bad because a lot of people hate mecha.
But this was more about sci-fi than mecha, and one of the best plot that I've seen.

7/10 overall - I would rate this 8 or 9 if the action and animation was much better.
blessofcurseJul 5, 2015 7:54 PM
Nov 26, 2014 7:38 PM

Dec 2008
AND TIS FINISHED <YET HAS JUST BEGUN! Finally I have completed a series that, without me knowing, came out almost 10 YEARS ago and I just began this year (2014 for those years from now reading this lol). I highly enjoyed this show; the ideas, the names and symbolism, of course the intro song and the first outro song were gorgeous! I shall always fondly remember this show, and with a personal 8.5/10 ( 8/10 with the modern scoring system T.T) it shall be in the top 50 favs out of the hundreds of anime I have watched. With an ending that concluded that all was well on earth again; everyone reborn and new life awaiting, it was a simple but satisfying ending. PE@CE YALL ^~^!!!
Jul 11, 2015 2:26 PM

Feb 2014
It took a while but finally finished this show. I think the biggest problem with this anime were the characters. They never felt anything more than archetypes. which is why I couldn't care about any of them. Except for Kaminagi. She wasn't exactly a complex character, but much more interesting and likeable than the rest. The generic villain with a god complex didn't help either. Still, it was entertaining and I did enjoy the show. The romance was also surprisingly good, despite how annoying Kyo was, which again was mostly because of Kaminagi. And I'm glad they didn't end the show with an open ended love triangle. Overall, it's a generous 7/10 for me.
Sep 4, 2015 7:39 AM

Nov 2011
data too sporadic
give me a fish, and i'll live for a day
teach me to fish, and i'll live for an hour

in the end

Sep 14, 2015 8:18 AM

Sep 2014
Really underrated show but also so much wasted potential. I usually dislike mecha shows and avoid them but somehow came across this one and picked it up. I'm glad I did. The general idea for the mechas is ok I think and for the first 20 episodes this had much more focus on its sci-fi aspects than on the mecha ones. The overall setting and story was very well done for a long time. There have been small hick-ups and breaks in continuity here and there but it didn't too much damage. Only for the last few episodes the writers decided to go all nuts and create an ending full of asspulls and plotholes. It's sad because it's not like they wrote themselves into a dead end like in so many other shows. They had tons of options to end this series in an interesting adn captivating way but they didn't. I'm also a bit sour that they had some nice set ups for characters psychological development and didn't go through with it. For example Ryoko being only available in the mecha or the death of arque.
I'm still giving this an 8/10. It was a very good show for a long time and I enjoyed it a lot most of the time. For the overall show, the bad ending hadn't too much weight. I just created a sour after-taste in my mouth because it could have easily been so much better.

JK said:

Wtf did I just read?
Jun 2, 2016 12:52 AM

Apr 2014
Amazing ending to arguably one of the most underrated anime series ever. Deals with important themes such as dualism and identity in a really efficient way, whilst managing to be really fun for the whole ride. About the only thing that's bad in it is its production values. Engaging yet incredibly sentimental, Zegapain manages to get an 8/10 and become one of the shows that no one should miss.
Jul 28, 2017 3:13 AM
Nov 2010
Miragee said:
JK said:

Wtf did I just read?

Haha, I was wondering the same a few minutes ago.

Overall, it was a solid series. For most of its duration, the only more noticeable issues were the unnecessarily large secrecy of some characters, a bit dragged out "Am I real?" questioning near the middle and the not that great production values.

I can excuse Naga's technology not being too far ahead because not much time has passed and because the humans had inside help. The battles themselves also weren't really of great importance. While certainly not the most well-done characters I've ever seen, Zegapain's characters were okay and were more than just mouthpieces.

The stuff near the end was hard to eat up as well as some unused opportunities that made it feel less natural and, like Miragee said, they didn't even write themselves to a corner to do such a thing, so it's a bit of a shame. However, the show knew what it was doing from start to finish and it handled its themes pretty well.
Nov 2, 2017 3:20 PM

Jul 2010
Vhailor said:
It took a while but finally finished this show. I think the biggest problem with this anime were the characters. They never felt anything more than archetypes. which is why I couldn't care about any of them. Except for Kaminagi. She wasn't exactly a complex character, but much more interesting and likeable than the rest. The generic villain with a god complex didn't help either. Still, it was entertaining and I did enjoy the show. The romance was also surprisingly good, despite how annoying Kyo was, which again was mostly because of Kaminagi. And I'm glad they didn't end the show with an open ended love triangle. Overall, it's a generous 7/10 for me.

Pretty much this, it was a fun enjoyable ride but had a hard time giving a shit about the characters even now at the end so overall I gave it a 7/10.
Jan 3, 2019 12:44 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
This show had an interesting premise and a good plot. It did sci-fi mecha in a very good away. Unfortunately I have agree with the posters above, the characters were extremely flat and uninteresting. Specially the show's main characters. Ryoko has to be Hana Kana's most boring character performance ever.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Aug 2, 2019 7:27 PM

Jul 2016
Very very strong Anime. Although boring at times, and riddled with plot conveniences during the end of it's run, I commend it for developing it's characters in a way that I have yet to see of a mecha. Great show.

Also, Kyo with the long hair was funny to see.
Aug 31, 2019 5:53 PM
Jul 2018
Painfully Average. Its one of those show that should have been one cour than two cour. I really liked the brilliant philosophical parts but seriously the show was so needlessly dragged out with constant plot armors and lot of swimming fanservice especially the payoff being just simply cliched.
Its just feels like the staff didn't had much skill to deliver the interesting premise.

Aside from obvious weak visual, my biggest gripe of this show is that really makes the worldbuilding feels so empty. They says maihama server packs 400 people but all we see 10-20 people and rest very empty and extremely limited. Some background shots even shamelessly reused. Or is it just me I hate watching something that feels like came out of video game like SAO. Not even gonna discuss characters who are just made up with nothing more than common tropes.
Apr 19, 2020 8:28 AM

Nov 2017
Meh, overall im unimpressed. The series had an interesting "the matrix meet mecha" concept but is unfortunately handled with little finesse. Most of the characters were forgettable.. Not to mention the plot conveniences throughout. :/

5/10. Wasted potential.
--PhantomJul 3, 2020 7:17 AM
Oct 25, 2020 9:39 AM
Nov 2014
For a depressing mecha anime, this show had so little death. Really the only character who matters that actually died was the president. But anyway this was average. It had cool ideas but I can't help but feel like it dragged a lot.

Jan 31, 2021 8:54 PM

May 2020
I enjoyed it. It's story and themes were pretty interesting. The battles weren't very interesting and Sunrise's penchant for shamelessly re-using animation is in full display here. The characters weren't very interesting either. The side cast are woefully underdeveloped and Kyo was actually way more likable in his first re-incarnation. I didn't care for the romance either.

Sep 20, 2021 10:10 AM
Jun 2020
Really nice show witch such a satisfying ending but still random bullshit like code geass gets more praise instead of this
Nov 23, 2021 9:05 AM
Mar 2018
Pretty decent show with highs and lows. The mystery was very captivating at the start. Bitter sweet ending I guess
May 27, 2022 1:02 PM

Apr 2019
The main theme pretty much shifted midway point, which makes sense since the mistery of what's the "real world" is unveiled, but I think they could have done more with that concept. Story-wise, this anime isn't bullet-proof, but it wasn't atrocious. Overall I'll give it a 7/10 since I expected better, but wasn't really disappointed.
Feb 7, 6:25 AM
Dec 2010
What fascinated me the most about this series was with each new episode they managed to give us a new bit of information and piece of world building that kept the mistery alive, always giving us answers while making new questions. The episodes that didnt, were mainly because of how shocking it was.

Not every reveal was amazing or made sense to me, but nevertheless always faithful to its themes of life and after-life, making us actually question what is better, what is right. If we should desire an eternal life. The price we'd pay. Losing what makes us human beings in first place. That we're more than data.

The rest, characters and action was secondary for me, but i did enjoy the evolution of our main couple.


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