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Apr 15, 2011 12:38 PM

Oct 2010
yeah pretty nromal jc+kugimiya, not suprising but still enjoyable.
Apr 15, 2011 12:47 PM

Aug 2010
I was expecting something like ZnT+Guns, so it was a positive surprise for me. It was nice to see Ryuuji Kinji disarming Aria, not many MCs defend themselves from tsunderes. Looks to be solid entertainment, next episode please! 5/5
Apr 15, 2011 1:03 PM

Aug 2008
So it's Taiga and Ryuji, only with guns this time. Other than Kugimiya's tsundere voice, this show seems very "meh" to me so far. It just seems way too random for my tastes. But I will keep watching, just because I haven't heard Kugimiya's tsundere voice in awhile.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Apr 15, 2011 1:17 PM
Jan 2011
Lol Ayumu from kore wa zombie desuka. Its a change to finally hear the leadin Tsundere roll since i haven't seen Shana in a while. Pretty enjoyable.
Wanna read the"To aru majutsu no index" Light novels in English? Go here.

Apr 15, 2011 1:31 PM

Jul 2010
That was a rather mediocre episode. For a series that's seemingly founded on action, it sure had some pretty half-assed art and animation. Not to mention, just how many goddamn cliches can you toss into a single anime? Geez. I'll probably still continue this for some cheap entertainment though, because I did get a few chuckles.
Apr 15, 2011 1:40 PM
Jan 2011
AidanAK47 said:
Sigh...Listen haters. I don't mind you hating on this show. As a matter of fact I approve of hating this show. But get your damn facts straight.

If the story of this show pisses you off then don't blame J.C. staff. Blame the author. All J.C. staff did was adapt the novel word for word. If they did a Gonzo then you can blame them for crappy storytelling but I won't blame an animation studio for following the source material faithfully. Hell it's what most animation studios should do.

If the CG guns annoyed you or the OP or ED or the animation in general then you can blame J.C. staff. You can also be pissed that J.C. staff chose to adapt something so damn generic like this and similar to their previous works. As well as being annoyed that Rie Kugimiya was once again placing in the role of the loli tsundere.

And with that hate away gentlemen. Just hate with intelligence. Otherwise you are just an idiot.
Well said
Wanna read the"To aru majutsu no index" Light novels in English? Go here.

Apr 15, 2011 1:50 PM

Apr 2011
What is up with all the hate on this episode? I thought it was a great episode 10/10, but I guess you can't plz everybody. Anyways I'm looking forward to the next episode
Apr 15, 2011 1:55 PM
Sep 2009
I swear, there are hundreds of anime like this. The main male character is a real grouch though, which is kind of refreshing, and I like the school he attends. Not much else stands out.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Apr 15, 2011 1:56 PM

Oct 2009
Hikarusuke said:
What is up with all the hate on this episode? I thought it was a great episode 10/10, but I guess you can't plz everybody. Anyways I'm looking forward to the next episode
There seems to be a lot of hate for most of the anime this season...
Apr 15, 2011 2:03 PM
Jul 2009
Words fail to describe how thankful I am to finally watch an action filled anime where the male lead isn't a total pushover/pervert/loser, I really didn't expect it to turn out like this and I must admit I'm pleasently surprised.
This might be one of my favourite this season so far.

Also, does a loli tsundere character exist who Rie can't make freaking adorable? :3
Apr 15, 2011 2:11 PM

Sep 2010
Gogetters said:
Hikarusuke said:
What is up with all the hate on this episode? I thought it was a great episode 10/10, but I guess you can't plz everybody. Anyways I'm looking forward to the next episode
There seems to be a lot of hate for most of the anime this season...

I agree, alot of people seem to ignore that with SO many anime out there that the more that come out, the more that will be similar to ones in the past.
So alot of new animes are CONSTANTLY being hit with the "Generic" criticism.

Anyways, loved the episode like I knew I would. 5/5 : )
Apr 15, 2011 2:52 PM

Sep 2010
Zero no Tsukaima + Guns ~

A Pink-haired tsundere, a devoted slave, Rie Kugimiya, and all other girls have huge breasts.
Apr 15, 2011 2:55 PM

May 2009
i like kugi rei and all but seriously...shes in like EVERYWHERE =A=
mukuro-sama♥ hibari-sama♥fon-sama♥
My top wanted things:
1. Yato umbrellas!!
2. Mukuro's left eye
3. LEON!!! (KHR)
Apr 15, 2011 3:33 PM
Apr 2011
I think everyone's a little too quick to jump on the "generic crap" bandwagon these days.

Don't like it? Don't watch it. Don't have any better things to do than watch a "generic crap" anime then whine about it on here? That's rather unfortunate.

For the record, I didn't LOVE this ep, nor did I hate it. There are things done 'right' and things done 'wrong' (quoted because it's all relative) as with every anime out there. I think someone nailed it earlier with the "gravity/wind defying skirts" comment - there are some scenarios that should just result in panty shots. I liked the character interaction so far (especially the "alpha as **** mode" main character), and look forward to seeing more.

I don't like how people seem to be gravitating towards an "anything beyond totally ridiculous and absurd is GENERIC" point of view @ animes. As said earlier, don't watch it if you don't like it.
CasteilApr 15, 2011 3:46 PM
Apr 15, 2011 4:10 PM

Nov 2008
Knil said:
[x] Short
[x] Tsundere
[x] Flat chest
[x] Making the male protagonist their dog/slave
[x] Kugimiya Rie

Wait.. I've seen this before...

Indeed so ^-^

But still I enjoyed the action , it should be fun.. as long as they dont ruin it via the 12 episode rush~ (I mean 9 novels and only 12 episodes? )
Apr 15, 2011 4:10 PM

Oct 2007
Better than I was expecting, but unfortunately Aria seems to be a hateful little tsundere... shame, since she's cute.

Also its such a sin to have May'n sing the OP when the song is such a generic piece of electronically produced crap. Someone with a unique and amazing voice like hers should be put to music composed by Yoko Kanno like in Macross Frontier.
Apr 15, 2011 4:17 PM

Oct 2009
Casteil said:
I think everyone's a little too quick to jump on the "generic crap" bandwagon these days.
Yeah... Especially since it's only the 1st episode...
Apr 15, 2011 4:25 PM
Jul 2018
Generic but entertaining, could be much worse. 4/5, let's see what they do with this.
Apr 15, 2011 4:28 PM

Sep 2010
I see gravity and wind defying skirts

if it wasnt made like this, you were prolly gonna hate on the overload of 'fanservice'.
gotta love those people who look for every bit in a serie so they can hate on it.
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Apr 15, 2011 4:42 PM
Apr 2011
Leonard93 said:
I see gravity and wind defying skirts

if it wasnt made like this, you were prolly gonna hate on the overload of 'fanservice'.
gotta love those people who look for every bit in a serie so they can hate on it.

+1, Mixed feelings about the gravity/wind defying skirts, myself. I think it's weird that they would put certain types of scenes in yet not show what would be natural for that scenario.

Why not have her "diving" towards the camera so the skirt doesn't get blown up & her naughty bits under it aren't within view?
Apr 15, 2011 5:34 PM

Sep 2010
Very good.
Kinji took out those uzis RDR style.
And Hysteria mode? Every male character has that.
Apr 15, 2011 5:39 PM

Jan 2011
After seeing some(not all) the negative comments, I do wonder if I should continue to watch this anime, since when I first saw the little picture and everything first thing in my head
"Short girl with guns... must be good"
I watch and I was wrong, oh so horribly wrong (xDD LOL)
oh well, there is always one or maybe 2...(or more..) animes that are very, I mean very, bad not worth watching
In this case, I might continue to watch, then if I can't take it anymore, just drop it xD
lol all in all
It was a meh episode, action was ok... until.. it got to the whole classroom thing and ending... damn one line can screw everything up... thats... so damn sad
HakoshiApr 15, 2011 6:02 PM
Apr 15, 2011 6:32 PM

Mar 2010
Looks like a decent anime possibly...
But GODDAMNIT I wish anime would give the twin tailed jail bait chicks a rest.
Apr 15, 2011 6:54 PM

Jan 2011
This follows the original source material, the light novels, almost to a T. Which is a very good thing, it gets a LOT better. It seems that they're doing a chapter per episode, meaning this 12 episode season will cover...the first two books. Out of 9 so far. For those of you who want to read the original books fan-translated to English, the first 3 books are on baka tsuki, just a heads up ^__^
5/5 for the adaption.
Apr 15, 2011 7:01 PM
Apr 2011
Asteradragon said:
This follows the original source material, the light novels, almost to a T. Which is a very good thing, it gets a LOT better. It seems that they're doing a chapter per episode, meaning this 12 episode season will cover...the first two books. Out of 9 so far. For those of you who want to read the original books fan-translated to English, the first 3 books are on baka tsuki, just a heads up ^__^
5/5 for the adaption.

That's somewhat reassuring. This episode left me feeling like not much actually happened >.>
Apr 15, 2011 7:15 PM

Nov 2008
Haha, I knew there will be a lot of hate when I watched the ep before going here xDD

I didn't expect Rie to be in this show as well(I didn't read the manga)

Yeah very bland first episode or some others call it "cliche/generic" but feeling like not much actually happened? nah, this is more like an introduction for me.

I want to see Kinji's syndrome more and of course Aria action XDD

Since this is typical Rie voicing, I expect lots of "baka baka baka" or "urusai urusai urusai" throughout the show XDD inb4 more hate

Of course, I'll put this on my watch list too :D
DenjaXApr 15, 2011 7:29 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Apr 15, 2011 7:49 PM

Dec 2010
A pleasant surprise in that the male protagonist actually seems somewhat capable...the rest of it is decidedly generic though. I'll stick around for a couple of's not like I'm pressed for time.
Apr 15, 2011 7:49 PM
Jul 2018
hmm i like it

high production value
wtf else u need?

the scenes where the main character tried to sound/act cool were kinda gay tho, got some second hand embarrassment

will watch this for sure..
Apr 15, 2011 8:07 PM

Aug 2010
Am I the only one who thinks '' finally a decent male protagonist''?
Apr 15, 2011 8:17 PM

Oct 2009
As good as Kugimiya Rie is (don't take me wrong, I love her and her voice, she's amazin' in more ways that two); she's kind of becomed a genre on her own... I'll keep on watching because it's Rie but I won't expect anything out of the ordinary -- for now anyways.
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Apr 15, 2011 8:32 PM

Dec 2009
In all seriousness I did expect more and this episode was pretty much mediocre. But I can tell it may get better in the future.
Apr 15, 2011 8:35 PM

Dec 2009
I liked this first episode, since while so many other things are exactly the same(you all know what) there's still a couple of different things, namely that the main guy ISN"T USELESS! He's actually pretty badass. The guy isn't a stuttering fool when the misunderstanding happens its more like "take that bitch!", and there are still those annoying side characters who jump to conclusions and start rumors, but Aria does what we all wanted to do: Shoot them in the face.

Also, I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that there is a school that REQUIRES guns and knives, such delightful irony
Love & Piece

Apr 15, 2011 9:02 PM

Nov 2010
Overall i liked this episode even though being the first it did have its moments and how Kinji beat those Uzis, talk about skills but i am sort of think how he'll live being Arias slave...
Apr 15, 2011 9:42 PM

Jul 2009
Guns, pretty girls, and plenty of fanservice? I think this is gonna be my turn-brain-off pure entertainment show this season.

Edit: I'm hoping the BLATANT finger-pointing at Shirayuki as the copycat is just a troll... she's too cute! And kuropantsu >:D
wheresthehandleApr 15, 2011 9:50 PM
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Apr 15, 2011 10:17 PM

Nov 2008
Good first episode.

Knil said:
[x] Short
[x] Tsundere
[x] Flat chest
[x] Making the male protagonist their dog/slave
[x] Kugimiya Rie

Wait.. I've seen this before...

Haha yeah, something that begins with T and ends with oradora maybe :P
Apr 15, 2011 11:00 PM

Jun 2010
Rofl... a typical tsundere character voiced by Rie Kugimiya, but instead of the usual fists, kicks, or whips, she has guns? More dangerous hmmm?

Looks highly amusing to see the usually dominant tsundere actually get owned by the guy for once. Although, when the male lead goes into the "hysteria" mode, or whatever, he seems to be a little bit like a male lead for a shoujo-anime. On the other hand, it's still better than what Kugimiya's tsundere animes have had for male leads in the past. Its fresh to have a situation where the male lead actually fights back against the violent tsundere, and actually WINS.

I'll stick with this one for now. Looks a little promising, but it could train-wreck really easily if the tsundere stuff gets out of hand. Don't get me wrong. I love tsundere characters. But in recent animes tsundere characters have been more annoying than appealing, so I hope this anime doesn't follow the same path.
Ocean_HorizonApr 15, 2011 11:05 PM
Apr 16, 2011 12:24 AM

Apr 2010
First thing that has to be said is the manga started of better but all in all a pretty good episode.
There where some differences towards the manga but allot was pretty much the same which actually makes me very excited since i enjoyed reading the manga only got to chapter 11 tho.
The class scene was very nice Riko making it worse with her imagination was also nice she is one of the coolest characters in this Anime.

Aria comes over allot more like a tsundere compared to the manga maybe because of Kugemiya Rie being the seiyu which is not to bad to be honest.
I was i bit surprised at Kugemiya Rie being her seiyu tho.
Still Aria is a very lovable character and her lethal personality makes her even more interesting.

Kinji is interesting because of his hysteria mode the duel personality makes for a very nice character plus when he is in that mode his personality becomes very funny.
He should complain a bit less in his normal mode tho i mean he was in a girls chest and still complaining, someone who is in paradise should not complain.
Apr 16, 2011 1:52 AM

Apr 2009
I'm not a fan of the manga, but the Ed is amazing. I will watch it for that.
Apr 16, 2011 3:44 AM

Apr 2011
great episode, cant wait for the next one :D

Apr 16, 2011 3:47 AM

Mar 2011
Yes it seems the show is generic but still I found it very enjoyable. Also I take tsunderes over stupid airheads any day.

Anyway, haters gonna hate
Raziel1991Apr 16, 2011 6:15 AM
Apr 16, 2011 6:01 AM

Sep 2009
Tsunderes (like these) have already become an eyesore for me and i never liked Kugimiya Rie much -.-
Typical J.C. material is not bad at all.
Cocky Kinji is hot!
oh i love the ED!! <3

LMAO at Score: 10.00
ValentilnApr 16, 2011 6:13 AM
Apr 16, 2011 7:05 AM

Nov 2008
Linalee-Stratos said:

LMAO at Score: 10.00

I don't think it deserves a 10 but this can become 9 worthy easily despite Aria being a total brat because of the action and Kinji having potential for being a badass heck anyone who puts a bratty Rie loli in her place for any reason deserves respect.

Apr 16, 2011 7:26 AM

Sep 2007
The most average show I've seen this season; Kugimiya Rie's voice really gets on my nerves lately... I'll see if I drop this series in the next couple of episodes.

Apr 16, 2011 8:00 AM
Mar 2010
Toradora, Zero no Tsukaima and Gunslinger girl mix???
BTW I don't understand what is real genre of this anime.... I only see a strange tsundere girl and incredible boy DNA2' style.... even so I only hope it isn't harem anime....

nexto to 2nd ep
Apr 16, 2011 8:58 AM

Nov 2009
Finally another anime with a tsundere voiced by Kugumiya Rie! *-*
While it is very similar to other anime like Zero no Tsukaima, Shakugan no Shana, Toradora and Hayate no Gotoku! I love to watch! *o*
I love tsunderes and the Aria is not going to be different! <3
Apr 16, 2011 9:37 AM

Feb 2008
Naelok said:
Rie haters gtfo.

It was awesome.

Seconded. This is so getting a 10 from me at the end of it.

Apr 16, 2011 9:42 AM

Apr 2010
I loved it. I read the manga and I think JC did a great job on the first episode. I loved Aria and Rie's voice so much. XD Great anime but I am disappointed that there is only 12 episodes.
sakaApr 17, 2011 11:26 PM
Apr 16, 2011 10:35 AM

Feb 2010
Looks fucking awesome to me! So he turns into bad ass when he gets a boner?
Knil said:
[x] Short
[x] Tsundere
[x] Flat chest
[x] Making the male protagonist their dog/slave
[x] Kugimiya Rie

Wait.. I've seen this before...
It's the formular of win.
Apr 16, 2011 12:55 PM

Aug 2008
I like arrogant Kinji much more than whiny Kinji.
Aria seems cute. I laughed when the chart about the push-up bra appeared.
Apr 16, 2011 1:36 PM
Jan 2011
I have a funny feeling that this anime bears some similarities with "Freezing."
About Kinji, I like the way he suits up and his "Balisong" (a fan knife which has it's roots in the Philippines, particularly in Balisong Batangas, were it was invented), I wosh there are some panty shots that goes with this anime.
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