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May 14, 2010 2:48 PM

Jan 2009
ridojiriOct 26, 2015 8:21 PM
May 15, 2010 2:50 PM

Aug 2008
I'm glad they finished the 4th match so quickly, well, I guess the fifth match will be very very long... omg, the next team is well prepared for the next match! go go nishiura!

waaa, mihashi's papa made his apparence and mihashi was so funny at home!

AND I want english subs! man, why no one sub it! ><
I was forced to watch it w/ chinese subs ( which was hard to follow )
May 17, 2010 8:56 AM
Dec 2008
As much as I would love to get the show out fast, I have to wait for my translator to get a script to me. He travels on the weekends - except for when we release #6(we got lucky). I'll have it tonight or tomorrow, depending on when he gets it done. If I get it tonight, expect it Wednesday morning. If I get it Tuesday, then you'll see it Thursday morning.
May 18, 2010 5:04 PM
Dec 2008
Beginning work on script. Expect it Thursday morning.
May 19, 2010 1:48 PM

Apr 2008
Heibi said:
Beginning work on script. Expect it Thursday morning.

Appreciate it Heibi! Watched the first season on a whim and it would have been a shame if nobody subbed the second season. Can't wait for this one.
May 20, 2010 5:39 AM
May 20, 2010 6:42 AM

Apr 2008
Woot thanks.
May 20, 2010 7:42 AM

Jul 2008
Mihashi made me lol his fetish! ahahah

Alll of their family is adorable! *__*
May 20, 2010 9:05 AM

May 2007
Hanai's sisters are kawaii and all the mothers are way too adorable and cute in this series. =P

I think the series will be about 24-26, it may seem logical to finish this at episode 12 or 13 but the summer tournament still goes on
.....DAMN....I guess I'll have to wait for about a week for the next episode. ;)
May 20, 2010 9:53 AM

Mar 2009
STOP TEMPTING ME WITH SPOILERS, DAMMIT. ;_; Worse, I'm stuck on hold again until the match finishes since there's no way I'd survive the weekly anxiety of a game.

Awesome that we get to see more of the parents. I totally love Hanai's mom, but I'm warming up to Abe's dad. Nice contrast between the battery's parents-Abe's dad is totally involved with his kid where the mother can't reach him, while Mihashi's dad lives separately, has trouble communicating with his son and the mom has at least gotten used to Ren's pace.

The insight on Abe was worrying. Despite his forward, controlling attitude on the field, his over-seriousness makes him introverted and single-minded, like naturally assuming that Mihashi is empty-headed when he can't see indication of what Mihashi IS thinking about, and as cute as it was, returning to the continuous repetition of old reassurances to handle Mihashi's misgivings. Although not Roka-level harsh, he's more jaded than he looks, but unfortunately also not as mature. When he realizes how ineffective his relationship with Mihashi really is, his pride is going to do a number on him.

As an aside, I really love the attention to detail-there always seems to be something going on in the background, and I'm never left wondering what anyone else happens to be doing. Attention to detail is love <3
May 20, 2010 2:54 PM

Dec 2008
I really like seeing all the parents here. I find it interesting to see how kids can inherit certain traits.

I love this show so much. It really focuses on baseball, but also the personalities of the players and how they can clash with each other.

I need to read some of the manga chapters that I'm behind on.
How long would it take to earn 50 million yen, Karasawa? - Katsuya
No longer than it would take to get to the bank, provided I have a gun. -Karasawa
I'm through talking with you. -Katsuya
May 20, 2010 3:34 PM
Dec 2007
Great episode as always. The huge match is coming up next, and it could indeed last for long, especially if we take into account the length of the Tosei match in the first season.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 20, 2010 11:49 PM

Jul 2008
I'm pretty sure I heard Tousei cheer music during the game, but oh well. Can't wait for the many episodes of the next game.
May 21, 2010 12:16 AM

Nov 2007
I had a good laugh at Mihashi's hyperactive behaviour at home XD. He completely turned into a kid at the sight of his fav treats. Is it me or has the number of his SD scenes shot up compared to season 1 and is it wrong for me to find his actions adorable? (and its only the 7th episode!) Abe really lives and breathes baseball, I'm a little worried for him lol.

All this insight into Abe and Mihashi's thoughts and personalities is really interesting. Mihashi's extreme dependence towards Abe is really at the point where I bet he'd really jump off a bridge if he was told to. Well... maybe not that extreme but still it would be nice if he would be more independent and be able to fend for himself without Abe. Abe on the other hand needs to see Mihashi as a friend and not just a pitcher who follows his every word has no thoughts. They really highlighted that point with the bicycle parking lot scene.

...why am I writing so much? I'll stop here =x.
KantarouMay 21, 2010 12:23 AM
May 21, 2010 10:24 AM

Aug 2008
Very glad that Takaya's dad tried to steer him in a better direction. This was another really good episode. Getting to see more of the parents and a reporter really take notices of Nishiura was cool. Can't wait to see how the game plays out.
May 21, 2010 11:11 AM

Jul 2009
Another nice episode..what can i say, it's just nice
I can feel how the baseball can make those families closing together..beautiful
May 21, 2010 8:08 PM

Aug 2009
Mihashi was funny at home haha I loved it. Cant wait to see the next game. GO NISHIURA!
Ni Paaa ^_^

May 22, 2010 5:54 AM

Feb 2010
hahaha Mihashi at home was priceless!
May 23, 2010 9:56 PM

Jun 2007
I just love the team mothers XDDDDD

May 24, 2010 10:30 PM

Jul 2009
A nice episode, with some fun moments! Mihashi spazzing out at home was awesome, and I LOVE his dad; he just looks so sweet ^__^

It was great to see all of the families together.
May 27, 2010 11:00 PM

Jul 2007
Yet another great episode. Mihashi was as weird & hilarious as always.
Its amusing to see Abe trying harder to become closer to Mihashi.

It seems like this game is going to be pretty tough.
Jun 2, 2010 12:19 PM

Dec 2007
LOL @ Abe not having friends

Another great episode ~
Jun 2, 2010 6:42 PM

May 2009
Very interesting episode highlighting Mihashi and Abe's dysfunctional relationship. The results have been positive so far, so neither one sees much of a problem with it. The way Mihashi puts everything on Abe's shoulders is scary. The fact that Abe prefers it this way was fine initially, but has become rather worrisome. The time devoted to the players' families socializing with one another was very cool. And who knew Hanai had such cute sisters.
Jun 27, 2010 3:32 PM

Mar 2010
erg im getting a since of impending doom like something horrible is going to happen poor abe

"I am the bone of my sword,
Steel is my body and Fire is my blood,
I have created over a thousand blades,
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life,
Have withstood pain to create many weapons,
Yet, those hands will never hold anything,
So as I pray, unlimited blade works"
Oct 22, 2010 1:44 AM

Sep 2008
Ha, I just love the parents.
Those pair of silfs were pretty mmmmmmmmmm too.

Mihashi's reaction to what his father brought home was great.
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Dec 27, 2010 2:56 PM

Jul 2008
I laughed so hard when Abe realized he has no friends. His ending scene with Mihashi was perfect, too. I love his incredibly tsundere personality.

Jan 19, 2011 2:39 PM

Feb 2009
HawthorneKitty said:
Ha, I just love the parents.
Those pair of silfs were pretty mmmmmmmmmm too.

Mihashi's reaction to what his father brought home was great.


"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Feb 19, 2011 1:56 PM

Jul 2008
Mihashi, why so precious? His actions and reactions get more and more amusing.

I loved how this episode introduced us to the other family members and even gave us a glimpse of what goes on at home. And kudos to Abe's Dad for brining up the subject on Mihashi and friendship.

And as a biased Abe x Mihashi shipper, the last scene was magnificent.
Aug 3, 2011 7:44 AM
Nov 2007
Mihashi and Abe's relationship is as messed up as always. I hope Abe puts in more effort to fix it.

I honestly love all the parents <3 They're too funny and the mums are especially cute. Hanai's sisters are really cute too. He does seem like he'd be an extremely overprotective older brother.

I'm glad the last match finished really fast. They didn't give the opposing team any development at all, so it would have been sort of boring. I'm really worried about this match though. They're planning something and Abe's definitely in trouble.

KanjouSpectrum said:
And as a biased Abe x Mihashi shipper, the last scene was magnificent.
This, thiiis, a million times over <3
Jan 6, 2014 2:23 PM

Aug 2009
Nice episode! :)
There is so much misunderstanding between Abe and Mihashi its ridiculous. I wouldn't call their relationship dysfunctional just a bit complicated. Mihashi is being too dependent on Abe, but Abe only wants to bring confidence to Mihashi by showing him that he is a great pitcher. but the contradiction is that there is some truth that Mihashi can only be a greater (hes already great by himself) pitcher if Abe is catching for him, and forming a formidable battery. But yet instead of Abe focusing on praising him, which I admit he tries, he instead asks to be relied on saying that he will be his catcher for all 3 years, I mean his heart is in the right place maybe the deliverance just wasn't there. Not to mention that Mihashi isn't a typical person, if Mihashi was any normal joe his thought process wouldn't be so warped into thinking that Abe would hate him if he didn't do exactly what he says. If he didn't go through what he did in middle school he would have confidence in himself and form a team with Abe where they aren't too dependent on one another and therefore Abes suggestions, or promises wouldn't seem to be misguided, or misconstrue.

I can also see how Abe could have mistaken Mihashi's fear of being hated and relying on him as actually gaining trust from Mihashi since they both have problems relaying their feelings to one another.
It complicated. I love it. and hopefully one day they will say what they really mean, and mean what they say! :) capisce!

Feb 5, 2014 8:13 PM

May 2012
Love the conversation with Mihashi's parents and how excited he is with those streamed buns.... and that newspaper. Haha, why does the Bijou team has the players on the front page while Nishura has the coach and a far away shot of Hanai?? Just love Hanai's sisters reaction to it.
May 15, 2014 12:17 AM

Apr 2014
Holy o_o, Mihashi's dad looks so young... I thought he was a friend or something at first lol, and that he was waiting to surprise him. Mihashi and Abe really do look like their parents haha
May 15, 2014 8:02 PM

Apr 2014
I was so sure Mihashi's dad was his brother at first haha. Mihashi's dad is so cute though omg he looks so young. Hanai's sisters are really cute too.
Aug 4, 2014 11:49 AM

Aug 2012
ChaosLegion said:
HawthorneKitty said:
Ha, I just love the parents.
Those pair of silfs were pretty mmmmmmmmmm too.

Mihashi's reaction to what his father brought home was great.


Apr 24, 2015 9:44 AM

Aug 2013
Mihashi's father sure looks so young for his age. I don't want to be influenced by those emotional scenes between Abe and Mihashi, I seriously feel like as soon as the match begins something really bad is going to happen to Abe. ;_;
Sep 23, 2015 8:37 PM

Jul 2013
I don't if it's foreshadowing or just Mihashi's insecurities being projected onto me but now I'm really wondering if something is going to happen to Abe.The theme of Abe being important to Mihashi is really being emphasized from the last episode to this and then there's Bijou who seems to be coming up with a scheme to deal with Abe.I really hope I'm just being paranoid lol.

It's really great seeing everyone's family coming to support them and meeting each other in process.
There are so many family interations in this episode which was nice.I liked that scene with Abe and his father watching the game and conversing.They seem very close.
I had thought Hanai was an only child but it tuns out he has twin sisters.LOL at that scene where his mother is getting excited at Hanai barely being photographed in the newspaper.

lovexLuffy said:

There is so much misunderstanding between Abe and Mihashi its ridiculous. I wouldn't call their relationship dysfunctional just a bit complicated. Mihashi is being too dependent on Abe, but Abe only wants to bring confidence to Mihashi by showing him that he is a great pitcher. but the contradiction is that there is some truth that Mihashi can only be a greater (hes already great by himself) pitcher if Abe is catching for him, and forming a formidable battery. But yet instead of Abe focusing on praising him, which I admit he tries, he instead asks to be relied on saying that he will be his catcher for all 3 years, I mean his heart is in the right place maybe the deliverance just wasn't there. Not to mention that Mihashi isn't a typical person, if Mihashi was any normal joe his thought process wouldn't be so warped into thinking that Abe would hate him if he didn't do exactly what he says. If he didn't go through what he did in middle school he would have confidence in himself and form a team with Abe where they aren't too dependent on one another and therefore Abes suggestions, or promises wouldn't seem to be misguided, or misconstrue.

It complicated. I love it. and hopefully one day they will say what they really mean, and mean what they say! :) capisce!
Incr3dibl3Sep 23, 2015 8:42 PM
Mar 11, 2019 4:05 AM

Feb 2013
Aww, that last scene was cute.
Nov 25, 2019 4:35 PM

Sep 2018
Mihashi's father is so young! I thought it his brother xD
It's refreshing to see a family in anime, mostly parents in anime is always absent while here is very supportive!
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Jul 23, 2021 6:51 AM

Dec 2020
we got to see the teams' family members that makes me really happy for some reason

abe is honestly such a sweetheart putting so much time and effort for mihashi but he has a long ego stick someone needs to knock it down a little. saying things like "exactly its because of me" "im the one in charge" "you better always listen to me" all for a good cause but he also needs to have mihashi take some credit. he knows that mihashi IS the ace and he's the ace because he's good but mihashi doesn't know that

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