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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen
Mar 18, 12:42 AM
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All Comments (10) Comments
It wmight be weird to say this, but lately I've burnt myself out on the usual anime I watch and wanted to try watching something that fuels my neglected hipste... I mean... I wanted to watch something that you don't see in these modern days of anime. So I wanted to ask: What is the one anime series that you feel like everybody should watch but nobody ever does. And by one, I mean however many you'd like (or care) to name. I'm basically addicted to reccomendations.
Also, I hope you don't mind. I've sent you a friend rquest to keep track of your reviews once in every while.
Also, hello.
What typically appeals the most to you in terms of aesthetics in anime? Do you find yourself particularly attracted to a certain visual style or technique?
Just out of deeply burning curiosity, have you been keeping up with any films of 2014? You seem like you'd be more knowledgable and appreciative of film than anyone else on MAL, generally-speaking.