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Feb 8, 2011 3:29 PM

Oct 2009
It just got serious.

Liked the episode, only to ever realize that there was a cliffhanger. Oh well, great action!
Looks like Kyoko is trying to achieve the god of the new world, but I'm just guessing.

Feb 8, 2011 4:16 PM

Sep 2010
An enemy with everyone's powers? Not liking it.
Feb 8, 2011 8:31 PM

Jan 2011
anyone else think ayumu there is getting used to gettin stabbed? when the vamp girl goes through him with a sword he's just lie "yeah.......".

and i love that scene. they're just looking at someone fall dead to the ground while huddling with a sword through on of them
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Feb 8, 2011 8:55 PM

Jun 2009
I really like how they've been developing character background stories "naturally". I know more about Eu, the reason why Haruna is in Tokyo and why she calls herself a genius, a little bit about Sera, and now more about Kyoko and the earlier mysteries. Excellent story telling, IMO.
This show rocks... ^.^

Feb 8, 2011 10:25 PM

Mar 2010
Even though there were some interesting plot devices from the light novel, it seems Kore wa Zombie Desuka can't really escape from the cliches of mass-produced fantasy animes. Also the humors in the show are becoming driers, and the quality of animation from Studio Deen is getting worse and worse after each episode. -_- The facial expressions of characters are drawn with minimal efforts, and they especially look terrible in the distant shots. (It looks significantly worse than Index second season and, heck, I think Ochinko looks better than this one.)

I'm dropping this show because I'm deeply disappointed with Studio Deen and there are so many better shows out there in this winter season.

Feb 9, 2011 12:36 AM

May 2010
Alright Hellscythe finally shows up !!

Feb 9, 2011 2:01 AM
May 2010
am i the only one who found Dai-sensei's voice actor really attractive?
it is so sweet and slow
Feb 9, 2011 2:38 AM

Oct 2010
Hehe. Ayumu actually wanted to see Haruna naked doesn't he. I don't believe he's dumb enough to not realize that when a girl rushes to to slam the door shut, it's probably because she's naked and/or in the middle of changing. (or in this case failed to get her costume back.) Yet, he barges right in, "pretends to" cover his eyes and willingly takes the kick (a real one this time) just to take a peek at her forbidden spot. >:D He even tries to play it off brilliantly by complaining about how she never wears any clothing.
I guess he was still turned on from witnessing that previous yuri scene.

Also, "Tear off your legs, shove them down your throat and deep-fry you in a vat of oil." Forgive me, but after hearing Sera's new insult, I just can't help but imagine her running some chicken joint. :(
LeRealFeb 9, 2011 2:57 AM
Feb 9, 2011 7:35 AM

Feb 2010
This series is beginning to bore me. It hasn't been entertaining since episode two :/
Feb 9, 2011 9:35 AM
Jan 2011
SoFarGone said:
Fanservice preview!!

I was hoping to finally hear Tomonari voice. Oh well. Anyway some people have already guessed what she is and I'll confirm it.

Don't click if you don't want to know about Tomonari identity and relation with Ayumu

I still wonder as to what role will that blod haired girl will play in later ep?

Also since the serial killer is identified and is now engage with the gang, do you think this anime is going to end earlier than expected?
Feb 9, 2011 9:40 AM

May 2010
Oosran said:
And not a single fuck laugh was given.
Oh well, at least the episode was crap better than the previous absolutely terrible episode.

Nice to see someone else thinks this way too : >

I mean, the first ep was ridiculously funny, and after that only a few good gags here and there. And other than that it's just your generic fanservice-laden battle shonen with a harem of Rei, Asuka and a cow-titted bitch.
Feb 9, 2011 1:35 PM

Jul 2008
I liked this episode a lot!
Feb 9, 2011 1:53 PM
Jan 2011
This episode was great! Can't wait to see Hellscythe in action!
Feb 9, 2011 3:55 PM

Jul 2009
Oh right, didn't Yuu saywrite that her words contained powerful magic? So mayber her power... is talking.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Feb 9, 2011 3:57 PM

Jan 2011
God, this was a great episode, loved the beginning, and can't wait for the fight next episode.
geasscommanderFeb 9, 2011 4:00 PM
Feb 9, 2011 4:09 PM

Apr 2008

This includes stuff in spoiler tags. Just. Don't. Discuss. It.


Feb 9, 2011 4:12 PM

Dec 2007
This anime reminds me so much of Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan. I've missed that anime so much :)
Feb 9, 2011 4:13 PM
Dec 2010

This episode was great, I love it :D
Feb 9, 2011 4:17 PM

Nov 2009
Amazing fan-service this episode, the beginning of this episode started out strong!

wheresthehandle said:
Zombie-vampire-ninja-masou shoujo. Yep. End of the world.

She definitely has a lot going for her, with all the extra lives / power and all.
Feb 9, 2011 4:28 PM

Jan 2009
dragonair15 said:
am i the only one who found Dai-sensei's voice actor really attractive?
it is so sweet and slow
I found it terribly annoying (:
Though it would seem like it's Shimizu Ai, so I'm not quite sure what to think, I like some of her other roles :<
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Feb 9, 2011 6:10 PM

Jul 2009
Awesome episode! Lol, fanservice at the beginning was hilarious XD
Anyways, I was like WTF Kyoko's ALIVE?! Then who was the dead girl at the last episode?! O_O
Anyways, the battle was awesome lol. Sera stabbing her through Ayumu was XD Uber powerful vampire ish masou shoujo who is a zombie(?) and has ten lives. Awesomesauce XD Not to mention her voice is way better when she's evil :P
Ah, it seems Eu will be fighting next episode ...? Don't quite know how to feel about that :P
Feb 9, 2011 7:06 PM
Jan 2009
Can't wait to see Yuu in action. Didn't think we'd know who killed Ayumu so soon.
Feb 9, 2011 7:38 PM

Jul 2008
Information for the masses: Kyoko is not a zombie.
She probably use a spell which allow her to use the soul she collected as life remainder as she possess a finite number of life.
Feb 9, 2011 8:12 PM

Apr 2007
EvianBubble said:
Anyways, I was like WTF Kyoko's ALIVE?! Then who was the dead girl at the last episode?! O_O
My personal wild guess is that it was indeed her, and I surmise a case like this where a seemingly evil character tries to kill self has a pretty standard explanation and one that I suspected last episode: Multiple personalities.

If true, this could also be a possible route for her to eventually become an extremely volatile member of the harem, depending which persona can exert dominance.
Feb 10, 2011 2:02 AM

Sep 2008
This anime is still holding strong. More than I can say for most anime this season.

Though would've been better with less fan service imo.

I wasn't expecting the serial killer to be revealed till the end of the show so that's something interesting.

5/5 on this ep. Looking forward to the next one.
Feb 10, 2011 4:58 AM

Aug 2010
I like this show more and more. I wonder if this enemy has some kind of ability copying...ability? Oh well, looking forward to Hellscythe-dono massacring her or something like that. Poor Ayumu, Sera and Haruna really treat him badly. 5/5 for the ep, can't wait for the next one!
Feb 10, 2011 5:38 AM

Sep 2010
Nice bath scene fan-service......

I really liked the ending move by Seraphim.....
Feb 10, 2011 9:47 AM

Jan 2009
I loved the yuri kiss scene. it was so...pleasant that I couldn't blame Ayumu for peeping.

I wonder why there're so many discarded phone boxes. well, they'll explain it.
by the way, Sera actually doesn't seem so strong... I guess she needs to train and power up or acquire a new special skill someday.
Feb 10, 2011 4:35 PM
Dec 2010
The next episode better be epic, because this one was kind of boring...
Feb 10, 2011 6:13 PM

Jan 2011
twonline said:
Nice bath scene fan-service......

I really liked the ending move by Seraphim.....

is just me or is azyumu there acting a little odd
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Feb 10, 2011 8:15 PM

Mar 2010
I didn't enjoy this episode that much. It had interesting turning points and sleek moments, but was just so bland and over the top. I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Hellscythe fighting next episode! Looking forward to the next!
Feb 10, 2011 8:53 PM

Apr 2007
I loved Haruna at the beginning of the episode when she got naked:

Ayumu: Why are you always naked?

Feb 10, 2011 9:53 PM

Jan 2009
The fights are pretty awesome, but I could live without the constant Ayumu crossdressing.
Feb 11, 2011 3:36 AM

Jul 2010
This might be off topic but those this sound different from original OP??

I don't know... it might be just me but this sounds more deep...

P.S Nice kiss in the beginning :P

Feb 11, 2011 11:20 AM

Jul 2010
Interesting scene in the beginning. ^^

I don't think it is the real Kyoko doing that. Because we did see her getting killed two episodes ago. I thinks she some kind of shape shifter that can take the form and powers of everyone she has killed. Hence the Megolo powers Haruna sensed and her Vampire powers as well.

Feb 11, 2011 1:07 PM

Jan 2011
Onyxthegreat said:
Interesting scene in the beginning. ^^

I don't think it is the real Kyoko doing that. Because we did see her getting killed two episodes ago. I thinks she some kind of shape shifter that can take the form and powers of everyone she has killed. Hence the Megolo powers Haruna sensed and her Vampire powers as well.

then what about the old lady that was in her room?

oh she said she has ten lives but i believe she only has 1 left. according to you theory she get the ability of every person she kills. she killed ayumu 3 times in total. gaining three of thseo lives. but we don't know if she killed a masou-shojo yet so we can't confirm what you are saying is correct.

i(just like many others who have said this before)simply thought she could copy others abilities. hence why she wanted to fight yuu. also hence why yuu didn't want to show up. if kyoko did copy yuu's powers, we don't even know if she can handle it. considering we know how powerful she is. yuu need armor to suppress her powers, considering kyoko, witch is armor-less, would cause death and destruction without knowing it. OR the next episode she get a power overload and that how they will defeat her.

and dam this stuff is getting really heavy yet maintaining that light hearted humor = =.
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Feb 11, 2011 4:32 PM

Dec 2010
then what about the old lady that was in her room?

Yeah, cause did they say that she has been in her room for more than one year and no one visits her, so she talks to herself?and its the same room as 'Kyoko'? ( i couldnt find it in the episode when i tried to look for it..)
Feb 11, 2011 4:35 PM

Dec 2010
This episode was alright :| It seems that there are many things left to be developed and i'm not sure if there is enough time to fully develop them with this being a 12 episode series.

Feb 11, 2011 10:35 PM

Nov 2010
Interesting episode with okay action, the story seems to finally to stepping it up a notch and i really want to see how Yuu actually fights and what sort of tricks she has up her sleeves.Of course glowing balls of light reduce the fan service but it's moderate i guess, looking forward to the next episode. Wolf girl??..
Feb 12, 2011 12:28 AM

Feb 2010
dem boobies!
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Feb 12, 2011 1:52 AM

Jun 2009
Guys... I see some fans saying that Kyoko was introduced way too fast as the culprit of those killings although I am just speculating things here but you see at the Opening song you can see five female characters and they looks like quite the villain group so for example if you have watched episode 5 then check the opening at this time 02:37...
So I would say the real introduction of Kyoko was just right in the story frame-time.
dragon132004Feb 12, 2011 2:03 AM

Feb 12, 2011 7:56 AM

Dec 2008
wonderfulc said:
This episode was alright :| It seems that there are many things left to be developed and i'm not sure if there is enough time to fully develop them with this being a 12 episode series.
I think the time is too short for the whole story
The setting is nice and weird in a good way but it felt quite rushed from the start .
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Feb 12, 2011 12:09 PM

Jan 2011
harem usually don't end well so yeah...
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Feb 12, 2011 1:36 PM

Nov 2010
Hey doesn't this show sound like a reality show on MTV? What do you get when you put a zombie,a Magical girl,a Vampire Ninja(Or Samurai. I don't know.),and a Necromancer in one house? I'd watch that. Even if it had Flava Flav. You have to be a fan of the Venture Brothers to get that last refrence.
Feb 13, 2011 12:26 PM
Apr 2010
what the Kyoko chan
is like an x3m class of Ran Online
Or i mean mix class
Shes is Mashou Shoujo Also A Vampire Have 10 lifes like she said

i guess necromancer beat her

looking forward to the next episode!!
Feb 17, 2011 12:36 AM

Mar 2010
i really start to like this show
Feb 17, 2011 8:53 PM

Feb 2010
Man they really overdid the fanservice this episode, here's hoping the next few are much more tamer than this ones. Other than that excellent episode.
Mar 10, 2011 9:46 AM

Mar 2011
Heh, when i saw her corpse on the floor i kept thinking " they should burn her while she´s dead" and i got it right ^^

Freakin funny scene at the start of the episode
Mar 15, 2011 12:05 AM

Oct 2010
Shits about to get real
Mar 30, 2011 2:25 AM

Mar 2009
Interesting fight.
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