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Nov 21, 2010 6:10 PM

Nov 2007
Oh, no! More deaths!! :( too much!

tsubasaloverNov 21, 2010 6:19 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 22, 2010 11:27 AM

May 2007

I seriously want Nagakura back.
'I think of my fellow men from the Shieikan as my lifelong comrades. My most proud and precious good fortune has been to have met all of you, Soji.' [Yamanami Keisuke, vice-commander, Shinsengumi]
Nov 22, 2010 11:53 AM

Dec 2007
Heisuke kun ;_;
Nov 23, 2010 12:04 AM

Oct 2010
O MY GOD!! I cried so hard ;__ ; I know it had to happen but WHY?? at the same time. You know what I didn't catch was what happened to Saitou-san did they kill him off that one episode??
Didn't he actually live for a long time after the Shinsengumi broke up? (along with Nagakura-san). If so why did they show the end like that?? And I think I know the reason why they didn't show Harada-san die because (and this is just speculation based on botched up history) the rumor that he actually lived after he left with Shinpachi. They went their separate ways but it was said that he may have fled and lived in another region to avoid being recognized as Shinsengumi. Of course he also changed his name, but there is no real proof of this so that's why it's speculation. Anyone else think so??
I know they haven't gone completely by the history otherwise Heisuke-kun would have already died when he went with Ito-san. That would have made for a boring show anyway. Along with Okita-san dying in a room by himself really would've sucked (he's my fave character). Fill me in if I'm missing something please!!
Badges & VIP Card
Nov 23, 2010 2:49 PM

May 2010
I hate this episode so MUCH!
why all those characters have to die like this?! i know it's a history but we can change it in the anime to make it happier a little bet T-T.
I hope that hejikita-san does not die in the end, if so i will drop this season from my list.
Nov 28, 2010 9:00 AM
Sep 2010
can anyone tell me what the preview said for the next episode
Nov 30, 2010 6:24 PM

Aug 2010
Mizu_ni_Nagasu said:
O MY GOD!! I cried so hard ;__ ; I know it had to happen but WHY?? at the same time. You know what I didn't catch was what happened to Saitou-san did they kill him off that one episode??
Didn't he actually live for a long time after the Shinsengumi broke up? (along with Nagakura-san). If so why did they show the end like that?? And I think I know the reason why they didn't show Harada-san die because (and this is just speculation based on botched up history) the rumor that he actually lived after he left with Shinpachi. They went their separate ways but it was said that he may have fled and lived in another region to avoid being recognized as Shinsengumi. Of course he also changed his name, but there is no real proof of this so that's why it's speculation. Anyone else think so??

I seriously doubt he survived. I don't think any of the main characters would be the type to run away and avoid being being known as Shinsengumi. That would be cowardly plus they believed so much in the Shinsengumi, why would they want to hide their connection to it? I doubt Sano would do that.
When he was dying, they both just sat there doing nothing. They probably didn't try to treat the wound because they knew he had been shot in a critical place and he would die. We can't say he survived, because he would have died from blood loss since the wound wouldn't have gotten treated. Shiranui certainly wouldn't have tried to give first aid, seeing as he was just sitting there even when Sano was alive. It's sad but imo, he died. But really that was such a cool position to die in!
Dec 7, 2010 8:07 PM

Aug 2009
just because they are going in Hijikata san's route doesnt mean that they have to kill off all of his competitions!!!! i knew that they were gonna die eventually because this anime is following the true story somewhat BUT I CANT BELIEVE HEISUKE KUN DIED!!! OMGGG!!! i cried so hard on this episode and wow!! i used to hate Sannan-san but i started to like him and BAM he dies too!!! omgggg such a sad episode TT^TT

is Hakuouki labeled as a tragedy? because they should!!!! i mean i think ive cried throughout half of the second season!!!
Dec 7, 2010 9:58 PM

Jun 2010
Ever since Sannan turned Rasetsu he's been shady, and I've pretty much labelled him as a snake in the grass since he's turned, but he actually fooled me. I swore he'd turned against Hiijikata, but I was actually wrong. Some people I'm sure will say they saw it coming, but I really did think he was just waiting for the right opportunity to do his own thing with the Rasetsu. Now that I know the truth, it's a shame he died. Heisuke too, he was so young and ambitious, I really thought at least he would survive. But age plays no part in war.

On top of those two who just died, it's safe to assume Okita's dead, along with Saitou. Kondou's gone too, I think Sano died. Is Shinpachi still alive? I can't remember what happened to him, he's still out doing his own thing or not.

Guess now we'll get the real development on Chizuru and the other oni since pretty much everyone who matters in the Shinsengumi (except Hijikata) is dead, along with Koudou who wanted to revive the Yukimura clan. Can't wait for the remaining episodes to get translated. This is getting good.
Dec 8, 2010 4:26 AM

Aug 2010
no no no no!
I never liked Sannan-san & Koudou, but their death made me sad. And Hesiuke,why??
Sartaj said:

On top of those two who just died, it's safe to assume Okita's dead, along with Saitou. Kondou's gone too, I think Sano died. Is Shinpachi still alive? I can't remember what happened to him, he's still out doing his own thing or not.

So are they going to kill off all of the characters?... And let just Chizuru and Hijikata live? I don't like it at all. Assuming from previous posts they're showing us Hijikata's route (from the game, which I've never played, so I'm not sure), so now I know it was going to end like this.

One more thought: aren't oni supposed to have some special powers? And isn't Chizuru an the most useless oni in the world?
emerald_cityDec 8, 2010 4:44 AM
Dec 8, 2010 6:21 AM

Sep 2009
emerald_city said:
One more thought: aren't oni supposed to have some special powers? And isn't Chizuru an the most useless oni in the world?
Well Chizuru is a special case here. She cannot even wield a katana properly therefore forget about fighting. She should be a little fearless as she can heal but she is quiet the f***** up girl. There always has to be a bishounen ready to protect her in the battlefield. The only thing she brings is trouble while tagging along the team ( of course which no includes on Hijikata)

Sartaj said:
Is Shinpachi still alive?
want to know too. They didn't show him for a while.

As usual, people dying and making me cry.
Finally Kodou dies.

In the preview, it sounds like Hijikata is going to die or he sounds sick. If they kill him *rage* *screams*
Dec 8, 2010 7:12 AM

Dec 2008
I thought Sannan-san had betrayed Hijikata, but that turned out not to be the case. Just when I had decided to like Sannan-san again, he gets himself killed along with Heisuke-kun. Another sad episode...
*crawls into corner and cries*
Dec 8, 2010 12:37 PM

Jan 2010
This is so stupid. It's not even historically accurate anymore, because Saito should be the only one left alive...and by the looks of it, he's not going to appear anymore. I know it was heavily hinted that Hijikata x Chizuru would be the pairing at the end, I'm cool with that, but why kill off all of the characters that people actually like?
Dec 8, 2010 12:49 PM
Nov 2010
what a sad episode T_T

Even though i didn't understand a word about they said in the end, I cired....And now i understanded what they said n cired again T_T

Sannan-san...wish you had more screen time.
Dec 8, 2010 3:28 PM

Aug 2009
What? Harada died for NOTHING? Damn it all!

Heisuke ...

What are these people doing? Where's Shinpachi? What's become of Saitou? WHY isn't Chizuru dying!? What's the point of all this BS?

There isn't anything else left to weep for now.
Dec 8, 2010 9:34 PM

Apr 2009
And here I thought for sure it was the Hijikata route. o_o There's hope for me that he'll die. Not that I hate him, just that there's some vague semblance of hope for an open ended potential Kazama x Chizuru ending. There's only two episodes left and pretty much the entire shinsengumi cast is dead. <_< Saitou better not be dead, he's not supposed to be dead!

=] As always, I just want Kazama to get what he wants. <---- Hope in vain.

We should all be able to tell that there will be a final battle between Hijikata and Kazama. ._. and that one of them will die. Depressing. D;

Oh jeez though, when Koudou showed up, it was ridiculous. Not only are there tons of deaths, there are pointless deaths. -_-
Dec 9, 2010 12:52 AM

Nov 2009
All guys die and all because Chizuru came in house....
I have watched this only because of all these guys, specially because of Kazama, but he doesn't show much in this anime and all others die... It sucks....
Dec 9, 2010 10:49 AM
Jul 2010
Then after this, we are to expect Hijikata's death...

SO SAD! Why did they have to follow the historical events? UUGHH!!
Dec 9, 2010 1:42 PM

Apr 2009
I hate almost every single anime produced by DEEN. But... the exception proves the rule. And even though I disliked the first season, this time around I have to say that despite poor direction, lacking animation and the exaggeration that is sometimes visible - this series is still pretty good in overall. And about this episode, I'm glad that almost every single character has died. Because it's something new and gives a certain impact unknown for most shows, and all those deaths weren't just out of nowhere, but had (more or less) logical explanations.

Dec 9, 2010 2:19 PM
Jul 2010
I agree with the post above me. Their deaths are believable, which is why we are here complaining. We can complain and cry all day long together. It's makes the pain less lol

No seriously, for me it's harder. I stopped at episode 5 because of college, and I just came back to watching again, and I watched from ep 6-8 today. It sucked for me because ALL characters died at once.
Dec 9, 2010 2:58 PM

Dec 2009
HEISUKEEEEE ;( ;( ;( waahh~
In the end every character in this anime will be dead...
Dec 9, 2010 3:34 PM

Jul 2010
OMG not Heisuke-kun! *sob sob* And where is Saitou-san? I want to see him alive since the last thing we saw was that he was planning to fight against that huge army :( Please let him return! _o_

I didn't saw the double betrayal of Sannan-san coming, kinda unexpected ^^

Oh my Koudou is dead too? They sure like to kill every character besides Hijikata-san and Chizuru.. But well I didn't cared too much about him... But he had a good ending with Chizuru telling him she was proud of him and he admitting he knew there wasn't a real future for the Rasetsu..

But I'm wondering how they're planning to end the anime with only 2 episodes left :)

About the preview:
Dec 9, 2010 8:22 PM

Jul 2010
Animefanx3 said:
OMG not Heisuke-kun! *sob sob* And where is Saitou-san? I want to see him alive since the last thing we saw was that he was planning to fight against that huge army :( Please let him return! _o_

I didn't saw the double betrayal of Sannan-san coming, kinda unexpected ^^

Considering the pattern, I think Saitou is dead. He was my favorite, too. :(
And I didn't see that double betrayal coming, either.

So most everyone in the previous episode's thread thought Heisuke was going to die, and I thought Sannan was going to die... But they both died? What the HELL, dude? That is so lame. This whole episode was pretty lame, aside from the unexpected double betrayal.

Chizuru had to try and play the human shield card and, of course, Koudou like an idiot does that instead when he could have just told them to fucking stop. They're HIS soldiers, right? Why were they attacking him? I don't get it. Then Sannan and Heisuke just fall down like zombies after the fight is over.

And I'm so sick of every other prominent Shinsengumi member telling Chizuru to take care of Hijikata right before they die. Heisuke and Sannan said it, Saitou said it, Souji said, Kondou said it, and you can bet your ass that Harada would have said it if she was there! It's retarded.

I'm not really that upset about Sannan and Heisuke dying since they were both my least favorites, but they've done this with everyone except Hijikata and possibly Shinpachi. Honestly, what good is a bishounen anime if they're killing off all the bishounen? Right now I just want to pretend S2 never happened and have it end with S1.

At least Kazama will be in the next episode. I hope he kicks Toshi's ass, because he's been pissing me off since S2 started. He's kind of lost his composure in this season, and I don't really care for that.

Okay, I've said enough. But no Hakuoki rant is complete without this: Chizuru is fucking useless.
IiliaDec 11, 2010 7:28 PM
Dec 10, 2010 12:23 PM
Jul 2010
Am I the only one who is in bad mood because the deaths in this anime are disappointing?
Or am I overreacting?
Dec 10, 2010 7:33 PM

Oct 2008
NorikoW said:
Am I the only one who is in bad mood because the deaths in this anime are disappointing?
Or am I overreacting?

They are dissapointing, but if you think about it. From season 1 this series has knda been indirectly/directly centered around death.

Most of the deaths that we don't like are more atonements for their sins involving the rasetsu. Since the Shinsengumi learned the truth behind Rasetsu powers none of them were the same.
Dec 11, 2010 2:05 PM
Jul 2010
Tyranid5 said:
NorikoW said:
Am I the only one who is in bad mood because the deaths in this anime are disappointing?
Or am I overreacting?

They are dissapointing, but if you think about it. From season 1 this series has knda been indirectly/directly centered around death.

Most of the deaths that we don't like are more atonements for their sins involving the rasetsu. Since the Shinsengumi learned the truth behind Rasetsu powers none of them were the same.

Yeah you have a point, and at least their deaths make sense..

I've been refreshing the page like crazy to see if ep. 9 is subbed yet, but still there's nothing.. I think I'm lucky that I stopped at ep. 5 and just started watching it again 2 days ago, otherwise my obsession would've put my school life in danger lol
Dec 11, 2010 5:33 PM

Jul 2010
NorikoW said:
I've been refreshing the page like crazy to see if ep. 9 is subbed yet, but still there's nothing.. I think I'm lucky that I stopped at ep. 5 and just started watching it again 2 days ago, otherwise my obsession would've put my school life in danger lol

Episode 10 is already out in raw, isn't it? They're really behind on the subs for Hakuoki, so you probably won't see another episode for around a week from this one. And that's a maybe. Like I said, the releases for subs have been really scattered; I think it was coming out on Fridays and Saturdays for the most part if that helps you any.

No, you're not the only in a bad mood about their deaths. Read my previous rant post.
Dec 11, 2010 5:46 PM

Mar 2009
Want shit? Find DEEN.
Dec 11, 2010 7:13 PM
Jul 2010
Iilia said:
NorikoW said:
I've been refreshing the page like crazy to see if ep. 9 is subbed yet, but still there's nothing.. I think I'm lucky that I stopped at ep. 5 and just started watching it again 2 days ago, otherwise my obsession would've put my school life in danger lol

Episode 10 is already out in raw, isn't it? They're really behind on the subs for Hakuoki, so you probably won't see another episode for around a week from this one. And that's a maybe. Like I said, the releases for subs have been really scattered; I think it was coming out on Fridays and Saturdays for the most part if that helps you any.

No, you're not the only in a bad mood about their deaths. Read my previous rant post.

Lol I read it and I didn't forget it for the past 24 hours. It made me laugh, especially the Chizuru is useless part.

I know it sucks, but it will be worse, I know. I don't expect anything more from this anime but a reasonable ending. Even if Hijikata dies, and from what I remember he dies in real life 1 year after the time in the anime now (in episode 8). I'm just saying, I expect anything to happen. I didn't hate Chizuru until everyone died for her, almost everyone. This anime is good, but it's depressing...

My Okita and Harada, Heisuke too T_T *tears*

Keilis said:
Want shit? Find DEEN.

Lol now that mention it, DEEN has the most terrible/ incomplete endings ever.
Vampire Knight
07 Ghost

And A LOT I can't remember right now.
Dec 11, 2010 7:34 PM

Jul 2010
NorikoW said:
I know it sucks, but it will be worse, I know. I don't expect anything more from this anime but a reasonable ending.

Same; I only expected an average ending, but I can't consider this good/average if they kill off all my favorite characters. I mainly started watching Hakuouki last summer because of the bishounens nice animation, not a killer story/plot. What can I say? I finished watching Kin'iro no Corda and I wanted something else with pretty animation.

NorikoW said:
Lol now that mention it, DEEN has the most terrible/ incomplete endings ever.
Vampire Knight
07 Ghost

And A LOT I can't remember right now.

Ouch, you're right. At least they give us nice animation...

*Realizes most of this post talks about bishounen-ish animation and shuts up* >_>
IiliaDec 11, 2010 7:40 PM
Dec 11, 2010 7:43 PM
Jul 2010
Iilia said:

*Realizes most of this post talks about bishounen-ish animation and shuts up* >_>

Yeah at least they give us good animation and music. But way to go to disappoint fans. lol I should stop ranting about other animes here.

I could take the risk of watching it without subs, but the thing is, this is historical and there could be many things I won't understand so I have to wait.

Another thing I don't understand it 'Hijikata's route' I read it somewhere here, so what does it mean? Is it like an ending based on the game or something?
Dec 11, 2010 7:50 PM

Jul 2010
NorikoW said:
Another thing I don't understand it 'Hijikata's route' I read it somewhere here, so what does it mean? Is it like an ending based on the game or something?

Yep. Hakuouki is based on a game where every one of the main characters is a romance option for Chizuru, and when making the anime adaption they decided to make Hijikata the one she falls in love with.

Note: I've never played the game, so I could be wrong about a few points there.
Dec 12, 2010 4:51 AM

Aug 2009
Wow, this has got to be one of the most depressing shows of the season. Its been all doom and gloom from the start!!
Dec 12, 2010 3:41 PM

Aug 2009
Iilia said:
NorikoW said:
Another thing I don't understand it 'Hijikata's route' I read it somewhere here, so what does it mean? Is it like an ending based on the game or something?

Yep. Hakuouki is based on a game where every one of the main characters is a romance option for Chizuru, and when making the anime adaption they decided to make Hijikata the one she falls in love with.

Note: I've never played the game, so I could be wrong about a few points there.

Yes indeed it's based on an otome game (term translates to 'games for girls') where you are the useless and pathetic female lead Chizuru and you can interact with the bishies and choose one to fall in love with. So each member has a 'route'. You can go for anyone depending on the choices you make throughout the game.

Since the game isn't translated into English yet, I read a summary giving the results of all the paths in the game and they are just so much better than the anime IMO.
Here's where you can read it:

Also, if you don't want to be spoiled on the next two episodes, skip the first path which is the Hijikata summary.

Seriously, had they followed any other path it would've been brilliant (especially Sano's!). But no, assholes HAD to choose the most depressing and bloody one.
Dec 13, 2010 5:02 PM

Jun 2009
I thought I've downloaded the wrong episode.. I was waiting for Satou's debut.. so did he survive?

I really disliked Chizuru, I won't be saying it again.. but for this episode.. What can she do to protect someone dear to her.. but I was happy that she will be left behind in Haji's mission

You mean by historical events.. including the Rasetsu?? really??
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Dec 15, 2010 7:09 AM

Aug 2009
Almost everyone is dead now D:
And the boat left wihtout shizuru D:
Dec 16, 2010 2:53 PM

Aug 2009


Dec 26, 2010 5:31 PM

Feb 2009
Here I thought Chizuru father died in a previous episode *scratch head* oh well; and the shisengumi are still dropping like flies one after another. Like always Chizuru is useless and the rest of Shisengumi are still fighting a losing battle so you can always expect the worst.
Jan 17, 2011 3:57 PM

May 2010
Wow. What an exciting episode!
So now all the rasestsu members exept for Hijikata have died.
Looks like they thought up a good way to compensate for screwing with history and making Okita die before Sannan-san.
But I'm going to miss Sannan-san. He was one of my favourite characters.
Feb 3, 2011 7:51 AM

Feb 2010
I don't mind Sannan died, but the fact that he didn't really betray the Shinsengumi made me feel like mourning for him a little.

Heisuke's death was too emotional for me (when I started to like his new haircut).

I was hoping Shinpachi, Harada, Okita or Saitou to come back since they didn't really show their deaths like they showed Sannan's and Heisuke's.

No more Kazama, Amagiri or Shiranui? Where have they been? I thought they exist to fight with the shinsengumi.
mingling with each other are the flames of red and blue
Apr 9, 2011 9:56 AM

Nov 2008

I hated Sannan right from the first season, So his dying speech and apologizing made me feel so sad and guilty.


I just wanted to watch a nice reverse harem....NOT A TRAGEDY!
UGH I can't take this anymore, just two more episodes.
Apr 27, 2011 6:44 AM

Apr 2009
>.< And now they're glowing.
I think the most used phrases in the whole series are
'take care of Hijikata-san/-kun'
'I'll go make some tea'.
How sad is this?
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Apr 29, 2011 1:52 AM

Dec 2010
What San'nan san did caught me off guard. it was cool.
ARGH! This episdoe is sooo depressing.
May 13, 2011 10:10 PM

Oct 2008
I held back my tears in this one! God.. it was a great episode ;-;
Oct 2, 2012 2:38 AM

Jan 2012
Well I couldn't care less about Sanan, but not Heisuke, so sad. Kodou finally got what he deserves. A rather good episode.

Jul 7, 2013 3:29 AM
Jul 2018

Damn. I cried again.
This series made me cry over and over.

No. Heisuke. >__<
Jul 21, 2013 1:51 AM

Apr 2010
This whole 'I'll leave him to you Hijikata to you' is getting old . . . And annoying. Good thing she was left behind. She's useless.
Nov 16, 2013 9:15 PM

Feb 2011
Annnnd heart's been stomped out again. Heisuke.... Sannan... :'(

You know, I wouldn't mind Chizuru's uselessness if she gave me the impression she was trying. Like if she actually listened when someone told her to "run" and only got captured after she was trying to escape. Or I don't know, maybe actually DRAWS HER SWORD if she's gong to attempt to protect her father. Nope... always deer in the headlights.

k0k0 said:
Seriously, had they followed any other path it would've been brilliant (especially Sano's!). But no, assholes HAD to choose the most depressing and bloody one.

Hijikata's is the longest path and covers the most regarding the Shinsengumi as a whole, so I think that's why they went with him, but yeah... depressing.

Two eps left. Still holding out hope Saito is alive and kicking somewhere. Will definitely be watching a comedy after this one.
Jan 2, 2014 11:21 PM

Aug 2013
Sannan got but damn those 2 (Heisuke and Sannan) had to die. And that ending, leaving Chizuru behind. This anime gives me so much "Why does this have to happen?!" feeling...omg
May 29, 2014 12:13 PM

Jan 2010

Don't play the shield card if you can't even pull out your sword!
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