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Jul 4, 2022 5:22 AM

Dec 2007
wasn't ready for the bishounen and shinji's being gey lol.

the plot just keep confusing, that i wonder if it was intended or not. i mean, they just presented lilith from nowhere. and how this episode connects to previous episode ending that the eva are created to be human, i cannot understand. i feel cheated, like the anime is intended to be confusing lol.
Aug 4, 2022 6:29 PM

Jul 2022
Background information has been fast and furious the last few episodes, which is as much welcome as it is confusing. I was ready to call this one of my favorite shows of all-time after Shinji's Eva went feral, but honestly I'm starting to tire of how convoluted everything is.

And while most of the old comments in this thread are about the gay undertones, I thought Shinji was attracted to the Fifth Children in the same way he was subconciously attracted to Rei as a parental figure. Everyone on this show has so much psychological trauma that you can't take anything at face value.

I was aware going in that NGE's production was plagued by budget issues, so I can't help but look at the minute-long stills and think about the creators being cheap rather than deep. I know the final two episodes are quite controversial, so we'll see how things wrap up before giving the movie a shot.
Aug 6, 2022 3:42 AM

Jul 2020
Something tells me it's already too late to expect this show to make any sense, huh?
Well, at least the music was awesome
Aug 9, 2022 4:29 AM
Jul 2022
This episode was ok but Kaworu's appeared was.. strange. I don't get this thread. He is person who appeared without neccesity.
Sep 30, 2022 10:31 PM
Aug 2022
this episode is one of my favorites for sure. well for one, i really enjoyed kaworu as a character even though he was only around for this episode. he also seems to be mlm coded so that's actually pretty interesting! then he also has light blue hair and red eyes similar to the way rei is. and considering kaworu was an angel.. could rei be considered an angel herself..? who knows. she was also watching menacingly as shinji was about to crush kaworu. this episode got me thinking and i love that. although that one scene of where the eva was holding onto kaworu dragged on for too long. it was just a still image and it felt like it was there for ages. either way, this episode is still 5 stars because the rest of it is too good.
Oct 25, 2022 5:05 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
New character shows up for one episode, and dies. Absolute masterpiece

whiskey tango foxtrot

Nov 8, 2022 12:17 PM
Nov 2015
hahah i think it is funny looking on the forum and seeing the rampant homophobia that was very common a decade ago... liked the new guy!
Nov 22, 2022 11:56 AM

Feb 2022
This was by far the best episode of the series. Went from a 7 straight to a 10 right back down to a 7 again. Wish that guy was introduced earlier on in the series wtf 😭
Nov 27, 2022 8:07 AM

Aug 2020
and i was feeling kinda gay for kaworu too man
Dec 16, 2022 10:46 PM
Oct 2022
5th Child. Kaoru.
Dec 31, 2022 7:01 AM

Mar 2018
OOkay that was a gay episode tf shinji he never blushed on girls kiss and he Blushing on a boy he just saw for like two mins tf is this anime 😂😂
Jan 1, 2023 9:30 PM

Jan 2022
Hedgehog meets new hedgehog. Hedgehog gets closer to other hedgehog. Hedgehog gets too close and ends up getting hurt.
Poor shinji. First he lost Rei, Mr Kaji, then Asuka and now finally someone steps into his life that actually reaches out to him first with genuine affection and he turns out to be an angle. Don't blame the kid for being bummed out. Can't say I ship it too much tho. Kaworu talks a lot about freedom and philosophy but at the end of the day he's just another tool being used by a higher power.

I think some philosopher once said that all philosophy can be boiled down to a decision on whether or not to kill yourself. Guess at the end of it that was the only real decision he could have made.

Bit edgy tho
-insert NGE meme here-
Jan 1, 2023 10:36 PM

Jul 2021
i suspected that eva 01 had shinji's mom in it and i was right.

commander ikari playing with both the mother and daughter haha.

a lot of stuff is still confusing. 2 ep to go. let's see how this ends.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Jan 13, 2023 11:48 AM

Nov 2020
W Shinji. W Evas. W everything. W Rei.
Feb 6, 2023 9:10 PM

Mar 2016
Poor Shinji. Gains a boyfriend and then forced to kill him in the same episode? :P In seriousness though. This is something Shinji really needed, and while it could be seen as certain yaoi elements, especially considering Kaworu's tone every time he spoke, it wasn't. This was the first male friend that Shinji had that he was able to truely open up to. While their meeting was as EVA pilots, he was the first to like him as a PERSON. Everyone at school only gave an interest in him because of his piloting. And at this point he had no one to turn to. Rei was an unknown, Misato was busy uncovering NERV's secrets, and Asuka was completely broken - that part about Unit-02 closing it's soul off though is interesting, is it pulling a Unit-01 and closing itself off to all but it's true pilot (Asuka)?
Unfortunately this first true friendship had to go on a speedrun. Meeting, bathing, sleepover, sharing thoughts that were troubling him and wanted someone to just listen...and finally betrayal.

2 episodes left and it unfortunately feels like the Spear of Longinus is going to have a shoehorned explanation. Mysteriously shown for a short scene, then it's embedded in 'Adam' (who apparently ISN'T actually Adam), pulled out so Rei can pull a javelin world record Gendou is actually happy that it's in orbit out of the way. We have no idea where the fuck it suddenly came from, what it's purpose is, and now it's currently being shown as out of reach.

Was expecting that angel signal to be Rei in Unit-00...but all we see is Rei herself, but she disappeared from the scanner. Kaworu is supposed to be like Rei, but he ended up being an angel. So does this mean this 3rd incarnation of Rei has attained the power of an angel now?

That still moment went on for waaaaaaaaay too long. Not a single twitch. If it wasn't for the music, viewers would be checking to see whether their player had frozen on them :P
Feb 9, 2023 4:36 PM

Oct 2013
Very rushed episode. I liked the idea of implementing male romance into the plot, but was it necessary to make it look so misplaced? Random guy appears and manages to form a deep relationship with Shinji in just a little over 10 minutes, achieving something that other characters failed to do in the previous 23 episodes.

Rushed or not, introducing romantic relationship between Shinji and Kaworu was the best element of this episode, in my opinion. Random plot details presented without much context felt like watching a pseudointelectual animated clip.

Well, hopefully everything is gonna be explained later on. Too bad Kaworu didn't have more screen time.
Feb 24, 2023 7:19 PM
Jul 2022
First, can i just say that i love when classical musical is played during tense moments in television. Second, what was all that gay shit about. Is shinji gay? That's yall think that youre him? Every fan of evangelion is a part of LGBTQ comunity? Ok.... Asuka is literally paralised in the hospital and no one remembered her!!!!!! Why Rei didn't die with the gay guy angel thing? The episode was alright. And, by the way, RITSUKO AND DADDY? WTF? HE BANGED THE MOM AND THE DAUGHTER? I mean this guy fucked a entire family, i mean, two families, counting his own. God, if shinji finds out about this.
Feb 24, 2023 7:20 PM
Jul 2022
TsundereRic said:
shounen-ai = not friggin cool.

i hated this episode, specially since there were so many gay moments.

the best part was seeing mr. 5th's head flying down. and poor shinji can't let misato hold his hand... D=

asuka next epi... nou, is she deathflagged already? D=
well, this didn't aged well.
Mar 29, 2023 5:19 PM

Jul 2017
Okay not gonna lie this episode was confusing i didn't know what was going on with this whole fifth boy and why he died in the same episode he was introduced in... but anyways... what i liked most about this episode is the fact that our boy Shinji blushed when talking to that fifth boy, that was cute. this was the first time Shinji has felt normal. to me at least. it was good seeing him feel comfortable around fifth boy even though he was shy around him, aww Shinji ... i'm glad he got to experience some pure love and care from a stranger but this time from the same sex as him. i've always felt a connection to Shinji and loved his character and this episode just made me love him even more. our boy might be gay or at least bi. so proud of him and mind you this was made in the 90s a time where being queer was still taboo.
May 7, 2023 11:59 AM
Aug 2022
I really liked the dynamic of the friendship/relationship between Shinji and Kaworu. In the end, when Misato was cold to Shinji it also shows how she is battle-hardened after killing Kaji.
May 25, 2023 8:01 PM
Feb 2021
Poor Shinji mans legitimately cannot catch a break. Kaworu is pretty stupid to not realize he was getting played by Seele. It's really interesting, because the Angels don't show any inclination towards self preservation. The first Angel Shinji fought blew itself up, there was the one that tried to kamikaze onto Nerv hq, the computer virus that just gave up, and now Kaworu who just took the L. Its like Misato says, humans should win because they actually want to live on a habitable planet, except for a few weirdos.
May 28, 2023 3:13 PM
Apr 2020
Another solid episode but bro I'm even more confused
Jun 4, 2023 2:04 PM
Sep 2021
kaworu e sua lábia de centavos
Jun 21, 2023 11:48 AM
Dec 2022
granzchesta said:
CitizenGeek said:
Episode 24 is by far my favourite episode in the series. It's immensely powerful!

Those that are using words like "shonen-ai" about this episode really, really don't understand it at all. Labels like that totally cheapen the series and the experience. Shinji was sexually attracted to Kaworu, but this is an important character point not just some fan service shonen-ai ...

Exactly. Shinji had no one else to turn to. Asuka was in the hospital, he couldn't face Rei anymore, nor his classmates...

He only had Kaworu to turn to. Kaworu showed him kindness and acceptance.

Shounen-ai, my ass..... though I do like the occasional fanart once in a while ^^'
Yeah, in the end he let himself be killed bt Shinji in one of the anime saddest moments, glad we saw more of him in the movies and how he really cared about Shinji
Jul 1, 2023 4:29 PM
Jun 2021
best episode of any thing that i have ever watched
Jul 27, 2023 10:01 AM
Aug 2018
What was i supposed to feel here? Its like i watched some spinoff instead, didn't felt like i watched evangelion at all lol.
didn't feel sad ,not even bad for shinji ,l usually tear up immediately at even the tamest sad thing when it happens for shinji , It was so weird as if i watched some fever dream , As confusing as ever too , this was blatantly and Obviously out of The show thing, what did i even watch🤔🤔🤔
Jul 27, 2023 10:04 AM
Aug 2018
alexw1020 said:
Background information has been fast and furious the last few episodes, which is as much welcome as it is confusing. I was ready to call this one of my favorite shows of all-time after Shinji's Eva went feral, but honestly I'm starting to tire of how convoluted everything is.

And while most of the old comments in this thread are about the gay undertones, I thought Shinji was attracted to the Fifth Children in the same way he was subconciously attracted to Rei as a parental figure. Everyone on this show has so much psychological trauma that you can't take anything at face value.

I was aware going in that NGE's production was plagued by budget issues, so I can't help but look at the minute-long stills and think about the creators being cheap rather than deep. I know the final two episodes are quite controversial, so we'll see how things wrap up before giving the movie a shot.

Yes me too , For shinji i didn't think people would take it as A romance thing while watching💀 , As the synopsis says the last episodes are false ending so imma watch them a grain of salt and hop on to the movie real quick😋
Aug 19, 2023 6:26 PM
May 2022
I cannot watch this episode ever again. Ever since my childhood friend committed suicide I've been cyberbullied for it by the Eva fandom on Discord. They've been blaming me for causing his death during Lockdown and it's taken a great toll on me. This episode is very triggering and I cannot bear myself to watch it again. If I do, I will have a breakdown. 
Sep 18, 2023 7:46 AM
Jan 2022
very good episode
Sep 30, 2023 6:55 AM
Sep 2023
It just made me a lot more confused. They introduce a new character only to kill it off in the same episode. Otherwise it is pretty cool.
Oct 13, 2023 9:35 PM
Jun 2022
kaworu why did you have to get clipped 😭😭😭😭
Nov 30, 2023 5:09 AM
Nov 2023
Oh ho ho no, I said Steamed Hams! That's what I call hamburgers!
Dec 9, 2023 6:49 AM

Jun 2020
In this point I want Shinji being happy more than for just one day in his life.Everytime he is happy for a moment its came w,th disaster
Dec 24, 2023 1:42 AM
Oct 2021
Dec 30, 2023 9:51 PM
Mar 2023
oh my god i love this show
Mar 12, 2024 4:22 AM

Jul 2017
absolutely wonderful episode, even if it was a little rushed.
Shinji just needed someone to like him, and kaworu was perfect for him, too bad they had so little time to be together, and the fact that he is the one to kill kaworu is truly heartbreaking, poor shinji.
Even if i don't like so much kaworu, i think he is one of the most important characters of the show, for the consequences it will have in the plot.
I felt very bad for asuka, it's painful to see her in that state.
Hyuga clearly is in love with misato ''it's ok if i die with you''

Neemesis_2Mar 12, 2024 4:26 AM
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Mar 12, 2024 7:03 AM

Jul 2017
Ritsuko's character is so tragic, i feel so sad for her, she is literally completely broken.
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Mar 17, 2024 3:55 AM

Jul 2014
It's pretty incredible that a character who only had roughly 13 minutes of screentime in a 26-episode series would become as incredibly popular as he did. And, honestly, that popularity is very much deserved. Not only does he have arguably the most striking character design in the series, but also works to beautifully articulate the show's core themes. He's essentially an alien who has no experience with the complications and hardships that come with dealing with other people, but is able to astutely assess the human condition as an outside observer.

And Hyuga's got that apocalypse rizz, damn. In all seriousness though, I find myself feeling really bad for him on repeat viewings. Misato clearly cares for and respects him a great deal, but their work relationship as well as his own social awkwardness make it hard for him to express how he feels about her.
Take care of yourself

Mar 17, 2024 7:30 AM
Feb 2024
There's so much, Shinji and Kaworu, Asuka, Rei, Adam, Lilin, Lilith, so so much...
Mar 22, 2024 3:16 PM
Feb 2024
im so fing confused
Apr 3, 2024 1:47 PM

Mar 2022
Kaworu, well what a character, he’s only in this episode and appears for about 13 minutes but damn does he leave quite the impression. I feel like people on this forum are just overly judgemental for a non-existent “gay” relationship when I merely saw the guy in question as more of a kindred spirit with Shinji who let’s be honest doesn’t really have anybody that he’d call a proper friend and especially because of the recent developments in his life that have happened entirely out of his control. Think about it for a sec, Misato is too distanced from him and doesn’t really understand him as a person, Rei as he’s found out in the last episode is more than one person and is an experiment under his father’s jurisdiction and doesn’t even know if he would call her a person anymore considering what Ritsuko showed him before, Asuka for the longest time has been at his throat and wants nothing to do with him and essentially has just basically been opposed to him for again the longest time he’s known her for. Kaworu on the other hand? Actually views Shinji as a person and treats him like one instead of somebody trying to protect all of humanity. Yes it turns out that the guy is an angel in the end but say what you want, he at least gave Shinji the light of day so to speak.

God it was such an intense episode especially towards the end, just the moment when Shinji in EVA 001 has got Kaworu in his grasp and we are treated to the long still of the EVA just glowering at said boy with the classical music playing in the background? Made for quite a powerful scene before we are eventually shown Kaworu’s head falling down into the water accompanied by the sound of what I can summarise as Shinji’s EVA just squeezing the living hell out of him. When I first saw the scene in question, I thought that my player had stopped working and I was still on a particular frame and there was more to it but nope that’s literally the scene. I had to watch it again to make sure that was the case and indeed it was. This is incredible stuff, certainly incredible stuff here. Even if I’m confused about what’s going on, I’m still enjoying the show as it is. Which is good to know personally. God we are only two episodes left and then the show will be done.
Apr 13, 2024 1:07 AM
Jul 2023
2 masterpieces in a row!
- Kaworu has to be my favourite character, even if he only lived through 1 episode. (I’m not saying he’s the most well written, he’s just a personal fav :3)
- I felt really happy for Shinji… if only Kaworu wasn’t Adam.
- Kaworu tries to end the world (or reconnect maybe?) by touching Adam…. But finds out it’s Lilith. What’s up with that? Why is it only coming up now.
- So I guess the thing in Gendo’s hand is Adam’s body, and Kaworu is his soul.
- He kept saying that Rei is the same as him. Does that mean Kaworu is a clone? Or does it mean Rei has the soul of an angel. (Probably Lilith). Actually that makes sense considering she used an AT field this episode.
- Speaking of which, why is this the first time she’s used that lmao. Maybe she learned off of Kaworu.
Apr 23, 2024 6:13 PM
Apr 2023
Another great episode. Kowaru was a cool addition and it was a surprisingly gay/ yaoi episode. I loved the twist of him being an Angel and the fact that he actually reached Adam/ Lilith. Also all the Lilin stuff was cool.
May 15, 2024 1:59 PM
Feb 2024
Jul 7, 2024 11:58 AM
Jan 2022
brother lowkey has unspoken rizz🔥
Jul 18, 2024 4:05 PM
Dec 2022

me candies:
Oct 24, 2024 2:42 PM
Feb 2021
como assim o Kaworu so tem essa participação? sempre vi falarem tanto dele na internet q esperava mais coisa dele...
Dec 25, 2024 10:04 AM
Dec 2023
I'm now at this point and I feel 10 years older.

A PG-13 rated show apparently. That's like being traumatized by a PG-rated horror film. With a lot more mental wear & tear.
Jan 6, 10:13 AM
Jul 2024
Was hoping for a gay relationship
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