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Aug 14, 2017 2:13 PM

Apr 2015
Ruka is a real dick, trying to force himself on Juri and playing with both her and Shiori's emotions. I kinda get it was to help her move on from Shiori, but...come on, there are better ways of doing that.

I'd really like to know what on earth Anthy is trying to tell Utena already.

I'm going to agree with others in that I'm going to choose to believe that the shadow girls' story should be taken literally and that Ruka died at the end. Makes it more powerful.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Aug 16, 2017 5:40 PM
Aug 2014
Can't say I felt sorry for Shiori; from what I know of her she was trying to use public pressure to get Ruka to take her back.

Spoiled, pushy, self-centered and a liar. Sounds like Shiori all right. Honestly no idea what Jury sees in her.

Guess we'll to chalk Jury challenging Ruka to anger as he was already doing exactly what she wanted him to do.

Hopefully she'l have finally moved on after the locket was destroyed.

How often are we going to have the scene of Anthy almost telling Utena?
Sep 10, 2017 9:08 AM

Jun 2013
I don't really get why anyone would be surprised about Ruka having feelings for Jury. From the start, Shiori has been saying that he had only had eyes for Jury. I was also fooled into thinking that Ruka was as sociopathic as Touga and Akio, but you gotta admit this reveal wasn't really all that shocking. I appreciate Ruka much more as a character now; his motivations make a reasonable amount of sense, unlike Touga and Akio, where I don't really have a grasp on what they want, or rather, why each of them wants the power of revolution.

This one is a nice little scummy love triangle. I get that Ruka was trying to help Jury, that's cool and all, but maybe he could have done that without forcing his tongue down her throat... Still, it would be tragic if he were really dead. I can only hope Jury can start climbing out of her rut now. Well, I even wish Shiori good luck. She may be a vindictive, petty person, but maybe there's hope for her, too.

Watching some of the scenes again, the way Ruka behaves makes more sense with this knowledge in mind. For example, when Jury slaps him, right before protecting her locket, his face is more stoic in a sad way, rather than in a cruel way. I don't know if that makes sense, but I like the attention to detail.
LeeTailorSep 10, 2017 9:25 AM
Oct 31, 2017 7:03 AM

Jul 2011
Shiori following Juri... please, leave her alone already! Some other girl would make Juri happier ;(

Touga words start to get my nerves... ugh

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Jan 7, 2018 1:13 PM

Jun 2015
Damn. Amazing episode. Juri's episodes are way too strong...while Touga and Saionji (the episode aroudn Touga with Saionji just being a pawn, at least) are my favorite 'arcs' still, Juri's arc is heartbreaking and well done.

Glad to see Ruka had a purpose too... the shadows girls at the end really hit home that he's not just the same breed of character as Touga, but much different.
Mar 14, 2018 2:14 PM

Jul 2016
Wow, Ruka that sure isn't the way to get closer to the girl you like.

Juri is great and all the developement she's getting isn't enough tbh.

I have to mention the lightning looks fantastic at some points, I love how everything looks when it's about to rain.

Anthy and Utena kissing under a tree <3
Around the gif~
"It's a big mistake to think you're the only one who can turn into a car"
- Shiori Takatsuki
Apr 12, 2018 2:02 PM

Jan 2017
This episode was way too sad. Can't believe my girl Juri has such a bad luck with love, and that ending with Shiori following her..what a curse :(
SEIZON SENRYAKU: Hungry 100% of the time.

May 21, 2018 5:55 PM
Jul 2018
Probably the best episode at the moment, heart-breaking
Sep 22, 2018 7:21 PM

Jun 2010
It strikes me that Ruka is a mirror of Jury. Like Jury, his motivation is a reaction to unrequited love and like her, he receives hatred from the person he loves. Unlike her, who we see aloofly angst about her problem endlessly, he attempted an (ill-advised, failed) gambit to benefit the one he loved.

It almost seems like a rebuke to Jury for feeling so sorry for herself. Unrequited love is a pain many experience, after all.
Jan 20, 2019 1:41 PM

May 2010
Wow, isn't this the first complete story-arc in this series, which wasn't all about symbolism and supernatural stuff? I loved it SO MUCH!

Did not expect Ruka doing these cruel things to Jury, so she can be freed from her unhealthy obsession, and he does it despite being seriously ill, just before ending up dead in the hospital... Okay after that ending scene I feel just broken T^T
May 30, 2019 4:36 AM

Aug 2017
This as such a beautiful and sad episode ;_;
It's heavily implied that Ruka died, and I don't think that it's reasonable to think otherwise (that he just changed schools). The story is complete with him being dead, and I guess it's better this way, although very sad, too.
Jun 7, 2019 12:21 PM

Apr 2014
Felt many kinds of emotions this episode..
Unrequited love and death from serious illness at the end, just sad..
Thus far I'm very fond of Jury the most.
Well, 10 episodes to go, I have no idea how this might end, can't wait to see.

Jul 14, 2019 3:21 AM

Mar 2016
Good episode. I simply love how the duel scene in this ep was mixed up with a flashback. Also, it becomes more and more obvious to me how etherial all the locations are (car in the school hallway :D).
Apr 30, 2021 11:45 PM

Jul 2016
Shiori's sudden infatuation with Ruka must be the most forced thing this show has offered so far.

So in the end it was revealed that Ruka's actual final goal was to free Juri from the jail of feelings that was her blind love for Shiori, huh? Noble but his approach to the matter at hand couldn't have been worse. In the end, I can't blame Juri for disliking the dude when all his actions were more than misleading.

And that final sequence... seriously, Shiori is such a damn plague. A guy had to die for Juri to finally move on and now it seems Shiori started looking her way. Give me a break...
SouthRzVaApr 30, 2021 11:49 PM
Aug 19, 2021 10:05 AM
Nov 2020
Hayatempest said:
Juri/Ruka forever! Though, I know she probably would never return his feelings T_T

I don't know why many people hate him and ship Juri/Shiori. Shiori is more of a bitch that Nanami would ever be, Juri is noble and Ruka risked his life to free the woman that he loved; he deserves her. At least Juri is now over her.

Ruka is not dead. Juri's words at the end make it obvious that the shadow girls had trolled us into thinking that he was. Besides, who would Juri be addressing at the end if it wasn't an alive Ruka?

Juri is a LESBIAN, and ruka literally boarderline sexually assaulted Her?? Why tf would u ship them. I agree that shiori/juri is no good either as juri deserves better … but that doesn’t mean u should just erase the fact that she doesn’t like men- especially him! Why r u watching such a gay show if ur not even gonna respect their sexualities
Aug 19, 2021 10:10 AM
Nov 2020
bururu said:
Man, Shiori is one of The Most Unlikable Characters I've ever encountered in a series, or anywhere really.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the whole broken locket scene + Jury not acknowledging Shiori following her was some symbolism for basically moving on

She rly isn’t that bad..? So many characters said bad things in the black rose arch not just her … she was being manipulated. Just like utena’s best friend no?? And yeah she not nice to juri, snd i defo don’t ship them and think she deserves better, but she was really heartbroken and also jealous of juri. Touga, and saonji r so much worse. (And I suspect akio is awful too)
Mar 27, 2022 2:28 PM

Jan 2022
What's with all the guys in this anime being creeps?.. The only one who wasn't is Miki and he's still not that likeable.. I'm not sure if he actually is but I can't say I'd be sad if Ruka was dead. He just felt like a carbon copy of the other freaks

Other than that not a fan of Shiori either, Jury deserves better too
Jul 15, 2022 5:00 PM

Jan 2012
It was (obligatory) Juri turn this time to duel a second time.
I'm so sick of this car scene already, so annoying and repetitive. :/
Oct 15, 2022 5:11 PM
May 2015
So, still don't really like Juri. This episode just further cements how demented Shiori is. I don't feel bad for Juri - she chooses to pursue someone as unhinged as Shiori (maybe Shiori would be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder).

I will give the episode this though - the argument between Ruka and Juri was very entertaining.
Jul 19, 2023 1:42 PM
Feb 2023
only 10 episodes left finally.... the comment section has been keeping me company even if most comments are from over ten years ago, it's fun to see others feeling bored but still pushing through, but also reading the comments from people who are genuinely enjoying this show and making me see it with new light

now for the episode: i wish utena could stop trying to make everyone around her happy with her hero's complex... i love my preciosu tomboy but i wish she could realize how much juri is hurting and help her instead!!! she's such a hopeless lesbian when she's in love, she really needs some friends to take care of her whenever she can't hold herself up :( anyways, i was excited to see juri and ruka duel but then she was forced in that stupid sex car and i started to lose hope.... and they juri lost her hope that was SAD </3  (but the car windwipers working while it rained was funny heheheh)

also wtf does "i'll reveal the end of the world" *does back flip and sit on the hood of the speeding car* meaaan????
Oct 20, 2023 7:58 PM
Oct 2020
I don't really care that much for Ruka but I really do hope Ruka succeeded in helping Jury. She really needs to get over Shiori. Based on the position of the chairs at the end can I think he succeeded? Ruka despite only existing for 2 episodes made quite the impact at least on Jury and Shiori.

Him getting Shiori to cry in front of the whole school begging him was nice.

Still that kiss was no ok.

Also RIP Ruka.
Nov 26, 2023 1:46 AM

Apr 2017
Reply to witchwings
Why didn't they just have a threesome.
@witchwings Because they hate the other's love interest. Ruka hates Shiori and is disgusted by him. Shiori was too jealous of Juri to want a relationship with her.
Dec 4, 2023 3:30 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to LuxuriousHeart
@witchwings Because they hate the other's love interest. Ruka hates Shiori and is disgusted by him. Shiori was too jealous of Juri to want a relationship with her.
@LuxuriousHeart It's been 10 years since I said that 😂 And funnily enough I am rewatching the show right now! It's been too long so I don't remember why I said that but I think it was just a bad joke. Right now, there is no way I think the three of them should get together.
Shiori used to really confuse me when I first watched the show, because I couldn't really understand her reasons for behaving the way she does. Now I understand that she has some really deep rooted self esteem issues.
Mar 16, 2024 7:28 PM

Dec 2020
So shirori sucks, juri is so stupid she sucks, and ruka mega sucks for I guess the reason of helping out juri?? Though I liked how ruka was such a terrible person that it shook the other two to its core. RIP
May 11, 2024 10:24 AM
May 2024
Ruka should be thrown off the dueling platform. Justice for Juri.
May 21, 2024 9:18 AM
Jan 2018
Hot damn. That's a hell of a twist. I guess Ruka really loved Juri and even all of this was just to make her happy. That's some high quality tragedy there.

I said in another post that sloppy seconds is a thing for everyone, regardless of gender identity. I don't know who to feel sadder for, Juri or Ruka.

Utena IS in fact beatable. But just like Usagi, the story refuses to let her lose again. At least until sometime near the climax of the story. Shojo is so different from shonen in its refusal to give you the satisfaction of a hard fought victory.

I wish the battles could be great AND the story also be well told. In Star Driver, ultimately the story is a mixed bag, but the fights are always spectacular. I suppose Utena just cares more about characters and themes than giving us characters who struggle to survive. I guess I'm just selfish and want it all.

There is an anime and manga called Magi where there is an almost perfect harmony between the characters storylines and cool fights. The best arc of the whole manga puts fighting in the foreground. I'm a firm believer the reason the story is so great (til the finale) is because the mangaka was a woman and women write much more interesting character studies buttressed by awesome fights.

I really hoped Utena could be that too. But if it actually was that, it wouldn't be such a divisive anime, now would it.

I hope they cleaned the backseat of the car after the last couple that sat there had their fun before Juri got inside.

Sep 30, 2024 6:40 PM
Mar 2015
Oh...... WOW this anime can be gooood after all!
GavrocheN7Sep 30, 2024 6:45 PM
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