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Jun 20, 2010 5:25 AM
May 2010
Meddigo said:
If there was an Aiko option, I'd pick that..

Really ,I thought that Aiko was also a bitch

I really don't understand why hiromi gets so much hate .She didn't seem like a bitch to me .She was just more mmm human than noe .The people who hate her don't understand her character because she's more complex much more than noe.And people prefer characters like noe .

so yeah ,I'd pick Hiromi
Jul 31, 2010 6:06 PM

Jan 2010
Double Noe all the way :p

but i think it's better that way,i don't think Shinichiro was for her...

"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria

"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
Aug 5, 2010 9:55 PM
Oct 2007
Liked Noe loads better the whole time. Disappointed that he picked Hiromi.
No offense to Hiromi fans, but she kinda seemed like selfish twat.
Aug 6, 2010 5:52 PM
Aug 2010
Cande-chan said:
Liked Noe loads better the whole time. Disappointed that he picked Hiromi.
No offense to Hiromi fans, but she kinda seemed like selfish twat.

I don't understand that attitude toward Hiromi.

Both of her parents die and she's given a choice of moving into the house of a boy she loves or into an apartment. Of course she chooses to be near him only to have his mother lie to her which prevents her from seeking the comfort she needs from him.

Knowing what she's been told she can't go to him. Meanwhile, he sits in his room like a loser and goes on about wanting to stop her tears but never actually does anything for her. On top of that for a year the mother has been putting her down and basically calling her a whore "like her dead mother" at every opportunity.

No wonder she seemed withdrawn and a little cold but she was still doing everything she could to not be a problem. She was always cleaning, shoveling snow, working on the business books, etc. with no complaints.

Remember, she didn't have to stay in that house. She was waiting on Shin and when he made it look like he'd moved on she moved out. When she finally thinks he wants her can you blame her for moving to protect the relationship? Even then she realized how she was acting, apologized, and backed off.

In the final scenes it seemed to me she was fully expecting to lose and had decided to do so gracefully which made me like her even more. After a year of waiting and emotional torture from his mother I'd say she was closer to saintly than selfish.
Aug 6, 2010 5:56 PM

Feb 2010
Female, rooted for Noe.

I disliked Hiromi. I could only describe her character with the words 'wet blanket'.
Aug 7, 2010 6:04 AM
May 2010
Athan10 said:
Cande-chan said:
Liked Noe loads better the whole time. Disappointed that he picked Hiromi.
No offense to Hiromi fans, but she kinda seemed like selfish twat.

I don't understand that attitude toward Hiromi.

Both of her parents die and she's given a choice of moving into the house of a boy she loves or into an apartment. Of course she chooses to be near him only to have his mother lie to her which prevents her from seeking the comfort she needs from him.

Knowing what she's been told she can't go to him. Meanwhile, he sits in his room like a loser and goes on about wanting to stop her tears but never actually does anything for her. On top of that for a year the mother has been putting her down and basically calling her a whore "like her dead mother" at every opportunity.

No wonder she seemed withdrawn and a little cold but she was still doing everything she could to not be a problem. She was always cleaning, shoveling snow, working on the business books, etc. with no complaints.

Remember, she didn't have to stay in that house. She was waiting on Shin and when he made it look like he'd moved on she moved out. When she finally thinks he wants her can you blame her for moving to protect the relationship? Even then she realized how she was acting, apologized, and backed off.

In the final scenes it seemed to me she was fully expecting to lose and had decided to do so gracefully which made me like her even more. After a year of waiting and emotional torture from his mother I'd say she was closer to saintly than selfish.

Exactly ..

If you think that Hiromi's selfish then you have to say that a bout every single character in this show and yes even Noe .

I thought that her actions were quite normal for a girl her age?I mean why is 99%of the true tears fan base is filled with hate for this poor girl especially when Hiromi behaved exactly how lots of girls behave in real life.

I think that most people are overreacting a bit a bout Hiromi and they are making her much worst than she actually is .They are only talking a bout Hiromi's flaws while overlooking the other characters ..
huberfuAug 7, 2010 6:07 AM
Aug 13, 2010 11:34 PM

Oct 2008
Gwah T_T I'm female and I chose Noe!~ I wanted Shina and Noe together... she inspires him and to me, the person who inspires you and makes your heart waver is a special person Dx I was sad with the ending... I just don't like Hiromi that much.
Aug 26, 2010 12:14 AM

May 2010
I'm a guy and i chose hiromi,because she look more mature than noe!!

Sep 5, 2010 8:59 PM

Feb 2010
Even though she a little psycho Noe no doubt. Harumi even takes a backseat to Aiko
Sep 10, 2010 11:12 AM

Jun 2010
male, and i voted for noe... don't ask why, i don't know...

but i was happy about the ending... noe's "true tears" finally came out...
Sep 22, 2010 2:00 AM
Sep 2010
Im a guy and I picked Hiromi....

Its sad to when you staying in of her 'crush' house when Shin's mom hate her. Imagine for so many years they been staying together, but Shin only enter her rooms once?
They been under the same roof since elementary school ......She put out so much suffering just want to be near with Shin.
She did her best not to hurt Shin as well as Shin's mom.
Yes she is selfish, but she also try not to go overboard.

Noe on the other hand, is a light, the light shines over the darkness in Shin's Heart.
I like how she lead Shin into a great guy. But I dont agree with you guys for saying her personality is unrealistic. I met some1 like her too. Trying her best for every1 good.

-Btw, I hate Shin ~stubborn~. Even though he been liking Hiromi since young....
I hate his mom the most ...For creating the rumor, they are siblings ....(i guess)

p/s: I post definitely biased to Hiromi lol .....I been wanting Shin choose Hiromi since the beginning of this anime, not even giving it a second thought.

But hei girls, we know you hate Hiromi characters....Try to put urself in her situation, will you do the same? I know most will say no instantly......try to put up more thought about ....Its not easy not to do as wat Hiromi did. Thought up where you are under impression that Shin's Mom did the same as Hiromi did to Noe.

sry for noe fans >.<
Oct 6, 2010 9:59 PM
Jun 2010
Male and wanted him to pick Noe. For one thing, Hiromi wasn't a very nice person, and she didn't really like Shin till later in the show, whereas Noe loved Shin from the bottom of her heart from not long after they met, and Shin loved her back too. Shin really only had a crush on Hiromi in the first place, nothing definite, and just thought that she seemed to be sad all the time while at home. Of course, he wanted to help her because they obviously lived under the same roof, and he did care about her. Still, Noe would have been a way better choice, Hiromi just acted cold towards Noe and is a bit of a bully, which says to me that she must get what she wants.

Noe <3
Jul 10, 2012 8:34 PM

Jul 2011
If he had chosen Noe I would feel a little sad and it would be a weird situation.

Oh come on, Noe looks like a child for me.
Jul 13, 2012 9:04 PM

May 2012
im rooting for hiromi from the beginning to the end.. noe just a child for me,still he deserve to be loved by shin, but shin loved hiromi since child same as hiromi. but hiromi is suppressing it because of what shin's mother said.. think of a forbidden love,..

Jul 25, 2012 12:15 AM

Mar 2012
Male and i choose Hiromi. Not that i dislike Noe, but i know what efforts Hiromi has been do.

Because she loves Shin, she decided to stay in his house, to get closer to him. But? His mom started the rumor that they are sibling, and always give hiromi a cold face. Think of it. They are living under the same roof for so long but Shin just happen to come to her room only once, despite that Hiromi's purpose to live in Shin house is to get closer to him. And because of the rumor too, she has to bury her love for him. For more a couple of years. It must be hurt. But for her love, she can endure it.

And in the end, Noe finally get back her tears. So it was a good choice the ending finished like that. Yeah Noe is his inspiration for the picture book and other things, but the effort between them cant be compared. So i choose Hiromi. Despite that she sometimes can be bossy too. lol
Jul 27, 2012 12:15 AM

Feb 2010
I am male and I rooted for Noe..

To be honest I was rooting for her ever sense I seen her up in the tree.
I feel like Noe was betrayed, watching the last three or so episodes really made me angry for some reason.

True Tears was my life in a nut shell. I wish I could go back and make everything right. GAHHHHH I really wish I never watched this anime. :I It makes me think of the one I betrayed, for the stuck up pretty girl, and in the end.. it did not even work out between us. I hurt more people than I would of liked. *Sigh*
Aug 16, 2012 6:11 AM

Aug 2012
I was always for Hiromi to the extent I was kind of surprised that there was a significant chunk of the fanbase that was bothered by his choice.

Staying in the same house for Shin's sake while having a consistent feeling of hostility and alienation from the mother wouldn't have been easy. Especially while suffering an internal conflict over the morality of them potentially being related completely justifies her inaction and ambiguousness for me. Then when you add the problem of Shin getting Noe's brother to go out with her, which would obviously be frustrating and difficult before even learning he's only doing it for Noe's sake and that he doesn't care about her, I'd feel too bad for her otherwise. She would've lost both people and while that essentially happened to Noe, Noe still knew her brother loved her which is somewhat better than meaning nothing to someone. Noe also completed her overall 'tear quest' and while I still feel bad for her, I'm comforted it looked like she had friends at the end.

Noe's weirdness also struck me as annoying towards the start of the series as well and she seemed isolated to me back then through choice, which to me anyway, implies a fair deal of strength, compared to Hiromi anyway, who's internal conflict made her seem more vulnerable.
Aug 23, 2012 10:08 PM
Nov 2009
Male and rooted for Noe. I am actually extremely bothered by the Hiromi decision.

I feel like she had absolutely no character whatsoever. She felt extremely hollow to me. Like her entire existence in the anime is to serve as the main character's final choice. I find this ridiculously strange when the anime focuses on Noe to the point that the last scene in the series pre-epilogue is just a 2 minute still of Noe standing.

I almost feel like the author wrote Hiromi in to make the viewer feel sad over the "wrong choice." Extreme yes, but that's how much I did not like Hiromi.
Sep 23, 2012 10:49 PM
Jul 2012
#1 (and ill second the "wtf no aiko?" question :P)

as some have said, and said in the show itself, when she moved in, she bottled up all her feelings, add to that the various events that happened, his mother bein the way she was to her, the bit with noe's bro an shin's deal (which she thought he was lying about talkin to "#4" at first lol) all of that woulda made anyone hesitant to do anything
Oct 28, 2012 3:07 PM

Sep 2012
I'm a guy and I wanted Noe to win ;_;
Looks like more people wanted Noe to win.
Kirito-DragneelOct 28, 2012 3:22 PM
Dec 19, 2012 2:45 PM
Nov 2012
Justwon said:
Male and wanted him to pick Noe. For one thing, Hiromi wasn't a very nice person, and she didn't really like Shin till later in the show, whereas Noe loved Shin from the bottom of her heart from not long after they met, and Shin loved her back too. Shin really only had a crush on Hiromi in the first place, nothing definite, and just thought that she seemed to be sad all the time while at home. Of course, he wanted to help her because they obviously lived under the same roof, and he did care about her. Still, Noe would have been a way better choice, Hiromi just acted cold towards Noe and is a bit of a bully, which says to me that she must get what she wants.

Noe <3

That's simply not true. She was in denial about her feelings for shin or withheld them for the reason that she thought they might be half siblings so she convinced herself or lied to herself that she liked someone else. When she confessed her love to shin she told him she had been in love with him this whole time finally being honest about how she felt. So the feelings they felt for one another wasn't something that just came out of nowhere, they had history that spanned since childhood. As much as there was this part of me that wanted shin end up Noe it just wouldn't of been realistic and would of been dishonest of shin to choose her.
drewzmDec 19, 2012 4:36 PM
Dec 20, 2012 7:25 PM

Aug 2008
Quite honestly I didn't root for the main character to end up with either of them, he literally drew which one he picked out of a hat anyway.

Seriously the protagonist just sucked, maybe if he matured a bit I would've said ok but I just don't think the guy is ready for a real relationship.
Dec 21, 2012 11:59 PM
Nov 2012
hyperknees91 said:
Quite honestly I didn't root for the main character to end up with either of them, he literally drew which one he picked out of a hat anyway.

Seriously the protagonist just sucked, maybe if he matured a bit I would've said ok but I just don't think the guy is ready for a real relationship.

You are entitled to your opinion but to say his choice was something completely random is totally off base. He was in love with her even before Noe entered the picture but had essentially given up on her when he had overheard her claiming to like someone else, so he figured he couldn't have her. Noe just happened to be convenient for him at the time.
Mar 15, 2013 12:23 PM

Jan 2013
I liked Noe from the begining i hate the ending.I hope they made some OVA alternative ending.
The real world is past the virtual world is future.

Jun 2, 2013 1:30 PM

Aug 2008
You are entitled to your opinion but to say his choice was something completely random is totally off base. He was in love with her even before Noe entered the picture but had essentially given up on her when he had overheard her claiming to like someone else, so he figured he couldn't have her. Noe just happened to be convenient for him at the time.

What I meant by random is he loved both Noe and Hiromi, but he decided to go with Hiromi....cuz of reasons (I'm guessing like Tokimeki Memorial only love and Kimikiss, it's because he thought she was hotter).
Sep 14, 2013 11:56 AM

May 2013
Justwon said:
Male and wanted him to pick Noe. For one thing, Hiromi wasn't a very nice person, and she didn't really like Shin till later in the show, whereas Noe loved Shin from the bottom of her heart from not long after they met, and Shin loved her back too. Shin really only had a crush on Hiromi in the first place, nothing definite, and just thought that she seemed to be sad all the time while at home. Of course, he wanted to help her because they obviously lived under the same roof, and he did care about her. Still, Noe would have been a way better choice, Hiromi just acted cold towards Noe and is a bit of a bully, which says to me that she must get what she wants.

Noe <3

i agree with you bro

but think like me, shin doesnt deserve Noe :)
Jan 16, 2014 9:08 AM

May 2008
na35899 said:
...shin doesnt deserve Noe :)

This! And I hate main chars like Shin who doesn't keep his word! If I say I love someone! I MEAN IT! Noe deserve a better guy!
Jan 22, 2014 9:06 PM

Mar 2013
hyperknees91 said:
Quite honestly I didn't root for the main character to end up with either of them, he literally drew which one he picked out of a hat anyway.

Seriously the protagonist just sucked, maybe if he matured a bit I would've said ok but I just don't think the guy is ready for a real relationship.

100% agreed. IMO it Does not matter if he choose Noe over Hiromi because at the end of the day both Hiromi and Noe did the same thing. Hiromi acted cold at the end but then Noe never realize what she was becoming a problem.
Mar 2, 2014 1:16 AM
Jun 2013
Noe all the way. Noe ending would have made this anime a 10/10 from me.
Mar 4, 2014 1:08 AM

Dec 2011
I haven't voted. I can't say I was rooting for either of them. I enjoyed Noe throughout the whole show, she was a fun and interesting character. I didn't like Hiromi most of the series, but she eventually earned my respect. I wanted both to be happy, but I also disliked Shinichiro. Shinichiro became a total jerk to both of them at the end. I feel extremely bad for Hiromi in the last episode.

~I'm male.~
Aug 14, 2015 1:02 PM
Aug 2015
I am a guy and rooted for Noe throughout all the 13 episodes. I feel Noe was the one who understood Shin completely, after all, thoughts about Noe kept coming back to Shin during desperate times. It shows who was truly in his heart. She was probably the most reliable and understanding among the three.

Although I felt sad for Hiromi because of all the mental harassment she had to go through just after losing her parents, but at the same time she was never able to confront Shin about her feeling for him even after all the family "stuff" was sorted out, and kindda ended up forcing herself on him (with that kiss). So sorry to all the Hiromi fans out there. It's the 'Cockroach' all the way for me. :)

P.S: If i have to blame anyone for all the confusion caused it has to be Shin. He should have just focused on one person.
Nankurunaisa_93Aug 14, 2015 1:09 PM
Apr 12, 2019 11:18 PM

Aug 2017
Noe is a little kid. Hiromi has womanly beauty.
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