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Apr 23, 2013 6:25 PM

Jan 2009
Pretty soild movie overall. It isn't as good as the previous Patlabor movies but certainly a save watch if one enjoyed those.

I don't think it was a good idea to switch focus form the mecha team to the investigators, especially because the mystery is solved pretty quickly and it kinda dragged on after that. I also missed the special atmosphere that the first two movies managed to build up.
Sep 29, 2015 2:34 PM
Jul 2014
I liked 3rd movie! I think it's the best out of three!
Feb 22, 2016 6:34 PM

Jun 2014
From a cinematic standpoint, this was an excellent movie. Good story. Perfect atmosphere created by the artwork, sounds, music, lack of music, etc.

But this just wasnt Patlabor.... ALL the Sci-Fi stuff was completely missing. The first 2 movies focused on different characters in the SV2 unit, but this time the SV2 characters were sidelined. This was just a completely different police show.
May 27, 2016 1:54 PM

Jun 2010
It's a schlock monster movie with a mad scientist. Fine, but Oshii's slow, gloomy style really doesn't suit this. I had a tough time maintaining my attention with all those long, slow montages with droning music.

m-i-c-h-a-e-l said:
But this just wasnt Patlabor.... ALL the Sci-Fi stuff was completely missing. The first 2 movies focused on different characters in the SV2 unit, but this time the SV2 characters were sidelined. This was just a completely different police show.

I don't think there's much Patlabor going on in the second movie either; virtually all of the characters have minuscule screentime and some of them, like Noa, have pretty different personalities. I think Oshii was quite done with Patlabor by then at least. This time it's most certainly just riding the name for what benefits it'd bring.

It reaches the level of a joke; early on the young detective asks the older one if they should consult SVS2 and the question is never answered because he accidentally ashes into the guy's tea. Later Noa and Asuma show up and the detectives leave immediately. It's not just "not a Patlabor film" it's quietly refusing to be a Patlabor film until the requisite short robot action scene at the end as the other two films have.
Jul 7, 2016 7:25 AM

Apr 2009
A progeny of Godzilla shows up and the only time the SV2 guys shows up are in the last part with only cameos on the first 2/3 part. >_< I was entertained but I wished the old Patlabor characters did the investigation and not those two detectives.

When the chest part of the underwater Labor armor came off of it, it seems to have mammalian teats/breasts could have reproduced an offspring of it's own somewhere underwater in Tokyo Bay already. Just a possibility. XD

7/10 because I still enjoyed it.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Feb 25, 2017 5:14 AM

Aug 2016
Imo, this movie was the best of all 3, enjoyed it a lot, 8/10
Nanika ga Okashii
Aug 6, 2017 1:22 PM
Jul 2017
Had elements to it which were nice, such as the animation was top notch, and some twists thrown at us. Other than that, I wouldn't recommend. Not that we need Mecha to dominate the screen, they never did in previous movies either, but we do need SV2 to dominate. They were tossed in here as an afterthought.
Mar 3, 2018 4:44 AM

Apr 2011
Me at the start of the movie: "oh, this is kinda interesting, takes place in the same world as patlabor but doesn't focus on the main cast, I can live with it. Seems kinda sleepy but I like the atmosphere."

Around 30 minutes later: 0-0

Anyway, this movie was great as a stand-alone feature. Even if the ending DID make me feel like crying my guts out and leaping off of a tall structure... that credit music brought melancholy tears to my eyes.

Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
Apr 7, 2018 7:49 AM

Jun 2015
I had very low expectations for this one, and it was actually pretty good. Knowing beforehand that the SV2 crew barely makes any appearance might have helped.

So all in all mostly an aesthetic treat, but one of the utmost caliber.

Much better than the GitS -> Innocence transition as well.

Mar 6, 2019 2:41 AM

Oct 2015
Hata's stupidity made me hate this movie, but the monster was an awesome character. Too bad it was burned though.

Typical police anime but with a monster this time, the original cast did not have the platform this time except Goto, Asuma and Noa.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jul 23, 2019 12:58 PM

Apr 2012
If the movie wasn't part of the Patlabor franchise I think it would have been much better and accepted. Because it was sold as Patlabor, it created certain expectations (such as having the original cast as the main characters or a little bit of focus on the mechas) that were totally let down. It was probably this production's biggest flaw ._.
Mar 30, 2020 11:30 PM

Jul 2008
6/10, I hate movies where the bad guys get away with it.

Also the fact the whole SV2 team didn't show up till the last 10 minutes hurts this as well. When you say it's a Patlabor movie, you expect the team.
May 19, 2020 2:42 PM

Feb 2014
Just as good as the other Patlabor movies 8/10
Feb 5, 2021 10:47 AM

Feb 2020
I don't understand. why go to all the trouble to introduce new character "Takeshi Kusumi"? They could have easily used "Matsui Takahiro" as the the protagonist for the movie (especially since this character already resident kaiju expert from Patlabor OVA). That could have given a familiar character more development and this movie would have looked more in tune with patlabor
Also patlabor main cast only had a short cameo and that's disappointing

Overall nice movie (Could be considered as refined and well developed version of kaiju episode from patlabor OVA)
I liked the fight scene between the armored kaiju and the labor unit at the end which probably is one of the best mecha action in patlabor movies and ova series.

Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Mar 7, 2021 12:15 AM
Jan 2020
I wish they could have used Matsui and his partner instead of new characters. Overall as standalone movie it's not half bad. 7/10.
Sep 4, 2021 6:36 PM

May 2020
Not a bad movie at all, just doesn't really feel like a Patlabor installment. I would almost forget I was watching a Patlabor movie whenever the SV2 wasn't on screen, but I did still enjoy it overall.
May 28, 2022 10:37 PM

Feb 2021
Dropped halfway through. The idea of an alien running around was lame compared to the more subtle idea of machines being hacked by someone. I didn't care for it
CrackMay 29, 2022 10:48 PM
Dec 26, 2022 3:07 PM

May 2017
Not sure how I feel about this one. There are some bizarre decisions that were made:

- A Patlabor film where Patlabors are barely in the plot. Yeah, they basically take a backseat in this film. They are used for the finale but that's about it. It seems like some execs said "We want the Patlabor name but we don't want to make a Patlabor film" and this is the result.
- A new set of main characters that aren't that interesting. Honestly, why ditch the old SV2 crew for two very generic and uninteresting characters? I just don't understand. 

Now the film itself honestly isn't that bad, it just isn't very good either. It's basically just a worse version of Patlabor 1 in every way. It even features a similar plot that's created by sound frequencies. 

The animation and action are ok.

The finale is just odd as hell too.

I'd give this film a 6/10. Fine plot, fine animation, but it's a Patlabor film that doesn't want to be a Patlabor film. It's not hard to see why it's basically a forgotten film. 
Jan 30, 2023 8:24 AM

Aug 2017
Well-executed procedural movie, even of only tangentially related to Patlabor. The music detective sequences were definitely a callback to Oshii's similar ones in other movies. Also I don't get people requesting Matsui and his partner, it's not like they were developed either so it doesn't really matter who gets to be a detective. Old guy is better suited for a cane, though.

The tragic ending for the woman was unexpected but an interesting choice.

zaitec said:
- A Patlabor film where Patlabors are barely in the plot.
Quite a few episodes of the TV and OVA series also sidelined the robots and were still awesome.

Now onto Next Generation TV and Grey Ghost movie.

P.S. Did they just murder the guy luring the monster onto the stadium with a rocket launcher and Goto was like "welp that's fine I guess, can't do anything about that, pls hurry up"?
Sep 7, 2023 8:03 PM

Sep 2020
I was bored to tears the 1st time I watched this decades ago (originally rated a 6) and I was dreading rewatching this as I've been going through the whole series again on blu-ray. This time around, I was pretty interested. It's a fairly decent monster movie with a good mystery and some decent mayhem.

But as been said, it's just not Patlabor. Yes, the ova and tv series had kaiju episodes, but at least they had the team actively participating and bringing their charming quirks. Unlike this, where they only do something at the end as if to fulfill that quota for the name. Plus, their more realistic character designs are butt-ugly imo, especially Noa. And it was dumb with the monster wearing Labor parts as armor.

Had this existed as its own separate universe then it probably would've been celebrated more. Take away the Patlabor references and it's almost like the Korean movie The Host, so it had the potential.

7.5 monster mashes /10
"You can't decide the future, but I'm going to re-educate you in the past!" - Erna Kurtz
Apr 21, 2024 3:57 PM

Oct 2019
alright movie overall. I wasnt into the detectives much. The military ops were cool. Wasnt impressed by the music, tho that creature screaming and eating those cops was wow. If this was a film not tied down to patlabor, it would be good. However, it casts our main cast to the side and focuses on two people whom i dont care for as well as save like 5-10 minutes of labor action for the end. This is my big complaint of the movie as I expect to see much Patlabor elements and barely get any. Might as well just taken them out and called this film something else.
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"

Sep 11, 2024 8:04 AM

Jul 2022
It kind of reminds me of FMA.
The dad who 'messed her daughter up'
But this time it's 'her mom messed her duaghter.'

Like most of you guys said.
If this wasn't a Patlabor movie.
I might have liked it a little bit more.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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