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Oct 13, 2011 4:21 PM

Dec 2007
Finally this is coming to an end !
Oct 15, 2011 11:15 PM

Sep 2008
Cliche. Though most of the show has been so far since its a shounen.
Oct 22, 2011 7:33 PM

Nov 2007
bah Satan is a loser, the real Satan would have you know actually killed someone by now. kind of a lame ending incoming.... whatever.
Oct 23, 2011 3:11 AM

Jan 2010
Queen_Stars said:
I have actually made a concious effort to remain neautral towards Shiemi, however, she seemed to be at her most annoying level of 'shounen moe girl' in this episode, it was a case of 'how many feminine clichés can we squease in'...
- 'power of love' in the start with Shiemi being at Rin's side when he got flawed
- cutsie, plush toy looking familar (present for merchadising purposes) with cutsie attacks
- Shiemi 'rescuing' the team from danger after THEY did a great job
- indirectly ranking herself above the team (dispite being the newest member) by taking on responsibility that wasn't hers and failing to aid them as they did a vital job rescuing others
- getting hurt as expected after delivering a 'power of love' 'my hurt feelings' speach
- being defenceless and ill prepared in general
- falling unconcious
Shiemi in herself and the situations she's hauled into could create an encyclopedia feminine shounen clichés.
I'll remain neautral towards her, but frankly, I'm too old to 'adore' (what we're all suppose to do) her.

Forgot to add, the rest is pretty much what I expected; Rin's 'I don't want to feel loss way again' speach, Rin's injuries not being as bad as they should have been, Yukio finding himself, Yukio being 'rescued' from further harm; all sweet, but yeah, expected.

I'm suprised that people are still seeing Satan as a decent individual - Satan's number one tool is deception, you don't need to be religious to know this?

Overall, good episode, cliche's aside - 4/5.
Oct 23, 2011 3:13 AM

Jan 2010
I really hope Satan Yukio choke Shiemi to death >.>
Oct 23, 2011 7:52 AM

May 2009
AngelicFeces said:
I don't understand Satan at all. His dream is to make a peaceful world between demons and humans yet he'll kill his own children and destroy their world. Weird guy.

Oct 28, 2011 10:00 AM

Jun 2011
Shura's and Yukio-Satan's fight is quite enjoyable but unfortunately we they didn't show Yukio and Rin fight against each other =(

Mephisto like always sitting on his chair, enjoying the show.

Next will be the final episode~
Oct 30, 2011 1:06 AM

Sep 2008
Well it wasn't that hard to get Satan out, was it?
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Nov 27, 2011 9:36 PM

Mar 2010
Well, that was cute. I guess. Nothing to exciting happened, as far as I can tell. Let's just get this over with. Looking forward to the last!
Dec 20, 2011 3:38 PM

May 2009
I love this anime but is way too cliche. It hasn't been dissapointing for me but there are points where the dialogues or the scenes become tedious. Anyway, hopefully the end will be worth it. Something to rescue: the characters. They're the typical shounen characters but I like then, don't know why.

Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.

Feb 11, 2012 10:46 PM

Feb 2011
HawthorneKitty said:
Well it wasn't that hard to get Satan out, was it?

Ha ha! I thought the same thing.

As far as brotherly love, friendship power goes, that wasn't too bad IMO. I've seen sappier. If the bromance stretched just a little further it would have killed it.
Apr 7, 2012 5:14 PM

Apr 2010
Hm it was pretty decent, I think it could've turned out better though. . .
Apr 20, 2012 5:14 AM

Apr 2012
So Yukio's pretty far gone, now.
I forgot to mention in the last episode that I like that the puppeteer guy had been narrating.
I hate when people in anime remain faithful to an entity they no longer trust.
I love how they make Satan swear at every opportunity.
Quite a long chant just to put out the blue flame.
He shot RIn...
The pace really slowed down for these last few episodes.
May 21, 2012 2:09 PM

Oct 2009
What a disappointment this anime turned to be...

And i am constantly reminded of Supernatural..way too similar O.o

P.S I'm not sure if i hate [gg] or like them.. >_>
Jun 11, 2012 3:44 PM

Jul 2009
Before I forget, I always feel kinda let down when I hear the ED. The beginning is so mellow it kind of feels like I'm missing something from the (normally) climatic endings lol o_O
Anyways, Satan took over Yukio. Shura's plan with Rin seemed to work ... kind of? Shiemi was unexpected though :O To be honest I kind of REALLY WANTED Yukio to shoot and kill himself to defeat Satan lol O_O Which is weird because I seriously LOVE Yukio ... yea, I'm kind of weird XD Oh well, I guess seeing them hugging it out was pretty good too lol :P Although it was kind of predictable having Yukio come to terms with Satan and everything (especially talking it out) ... well I was surprised when he shot Rin though XD
Next episode is the final battle/climax ... I wonder what Mephisto will do, if anything XD It's easy to forget he (and Amaimon) are also Satan's sons ... hmm o_O
Jul 5, 2012 1:53 PM

Apr 2012
Ahahahaha oops I was screaming "YUKIO YUKIOOOO NO" and Mum came upstairs to see wtf was wrong with me orz

Intense. Can't wait for the next episode... Idk about everyone else but I love this thing. >w>;; It's deviating from the manga, though? I should read it sometime...
Jul 19, 2012 2:55 AM

Feb 2011
How in the blue hell is Rin able to get up after what his grandfather did to him and after a gun shot from Yukio / He is better than Superman , lol
Sep 25, 2012 2:56 PM

Jan 2012
Well it was nice to see that Rin managed to awaken his brother and beat Satan. However the fight is not over yet.

Oct 17, 2012 9:22 PM
Sep 2012
The Shounen cliches are rising up at the last half of this and ruining it.
Oct 19, 2012 8:16 AM

Sep 2010
Eh, I'm really confused.
"If you can eliminate all the other choices, the remaining choice, no matter how improbable, it is the answer."- Sherlock Holmes
Nov 5, 2012 12:20 AM
Jul 2018

LOL at Boobie Babe. XD
Nov 24, 2012 7:30 PM

Sep 2011
Such a touching moment, RUINED! Damn you Satan. LOL
Nov 27, 2012 3:33 AM

Sep 2012
i dont understand why satan is so obsessed with killing the kids that yuri died to bring into this world. shouldnt he be protecting them?
Jan 29, 2013 5:40 PM

May 2012
Oh boy that was nice, brother love all the way! Lets see what the last episode has to offer!
Apr 22, 2013 11:09 AM

Dec 2010
It hurts so much to watch this. If it wasn't for the OP and the ED I wouldn't have liked anything about this episode.
Jun 21, 2013 1:47 PM

Sep 2012
How was Rin able to move after being shot?

Needs more Mephisto.
Jul 31, 2013 7:54 PM

May 2013
Ehhhh... not sure what I wanna rate this series, haha X)

I'm fine with the cliches though, since I hate it when any of the likable characters die, lol :P and I didn't think Shiemi was really annoying :3 esp. compared to Orihime in the Arrancar Arc of Bleach XD

Depending on the last episode, this is going to be an 8 or 9 for me (:
Nov 10, 2013 6:06 AM

Jan 2012
I do think that Shiemi is annoying as hell and really sad that it has to be KanaHana who voiced her.
Jul 29, 2014 6:54 AM

Apr 2014
So, when Yukio was inside the darkness.. He lost all his clothes... Except his glasses?
Jan 18, 2015 12:08 AM

Nov 2014
Yaayyy he finally got out of Yukio =D

Satan (to Shura): Are you gonna kill me with your tits?

Lol random.
Sep 21, 2015 9:47 AM

Mar 2014
I dont think their mother meant this. Killing her child, letting everyone suffer?
Someone would remind satana what the meaning of peaceful is?

Oct 23, 2016 6:58 AM

Nov 2011
But what a nice skit in shonen sauce, if you view all the time, whose climax came in the encounter-clash between brothers, I had tears. :P
Too boring at times the episode, it could make room for a bit of cynicism and better exploit certain times that they had an important value and minimize other unnecessary and without purpose. Drawings with ups and downs, I hope that the next episode is epic, at least to raise an anime series that did not shine as it should.
Oct 24, 2016 5:56 PM
Jun 2013
satan makes no sense still. You want yuri to be happy and make her dreams come killing her kids she loves so much. Also brother love to the rescue.
Dec 2, 2016 8:22 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
LMAO that just happened. It was oddly entertaining though xD
Jan 2, 2017 2:35 PM

Nov 2010
Episode 24 - [???]

Yukio is possessed and Rin wakes up to find Yukio in blue flames. Dude. He's been, like, oblivious to what was really happening about the entirety of this series. HAHAHA. It's okay, though.

Angel thought that he was doing something good and then Grandpa goes in and was like, "Well, no. You can still be my meat shield but I'm going to make Yukio the new Director." The crew is now fighting against Satan now like what Bon wanted to.

HAHAHA. SATAN. What are you making Yukio say, poor boy. Shura is like some sort of ninja, man.

Maybe Satan really did find love in Yuri but Satan really is an evil guy. Oh. Yeah, he still loves Yuri still but his way of thinking is totally wrong. The crew go to find Paku because she's still part of the squad. After saving Paku and some of the others Bon and the boys realized that they are missing one of their own, Shiemi. Watch. She's going to go and hug up on Yukio and be like, "THE FLAMES DON'T HURT ME." HAHAHA. Yukio and Shura are fighting and my sister just goes "OTP". Scared me but yeah, I can totally see it, too, even though she is way older than him. Isn't he, like, sixteen? OOP. YEAH. HERE COMES SHIEMI.

Rin and Yukio are fighting now. Yeah, as Rin thought if he calls on Yukio enough he's going to wake up. He's awaken now. AWWW. HIS LITTLE BROTHER CALLING OUT FOR HELP. OMG. NOOO. HE JUST SHOT HIS BROTHER. OMG. OH, MAN. I just love how much Yukio loves his brother. AW. OMG. MY HEART.

Man, I'm just so impressed with this dub, man.

DUDE. Mephisto and Amaimon aren't going to help? Like, at all? They're just like the commentary guys at the beginning of each episode. Just watching. HAHA. They're probably like, "Nah. We help each other but we don't want to be looped with the STEP-BROTHERS."
Jan 9, 2017 12:43 AM

Jan 2013
Almost a repeat of what happened at the start of the series.
Hopefully the last episode is a slice of life one.
Apr 24, 2017 6:00 PM

Jul 2013
Hmm so much weird things. I mean Satan wants a world of peace between demons and humans because Yuri wanted that? And on the other side he kills people or even children for that?

Suguro, Izumo and all the others absolutely had no chance to do anything against Satan. Good thing Shura and Shiema found a way to escape with everyone.

After that Shura made a plan with Rin to distract Satan from the Gehenna gate, but he recognized immidiately what was going on. Shura made a good fight but also she had no chance. Shiemi tried to reach the controlled Yukio also unsuccessfully. Only Rin finally reached his brother after he got shot by satan and finally Yukio obtained his awareness back.

Satan disappeard from Yukios body, but where did he go? It looked like he's this demonic mass which comes out of the gate, but who knows.

And what will happen now? They have to close the gate, but it's way bigger as the last on Rin destroyed.

Mephisto and Amaimon are so chilled. For them it's lile watching a movie. Especially Mephisto seem to have a lot of fun.

Only 1 episode left :(

Oct 27, 2017 8:42 AM

Jun 2016
And there goes fucking Shiemi again being so fucking annoying by screaming "Bring back my friend". Lmfao. I was honestly screaming so loud at Satan to kill her. Ohmygod. I hope everyone realizes by now how fucking unnecessary she is in this series and she's just there to ruin everything and she really needs to go.

I guess Satan really loved Yuki then.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Mar 19, 2018 11:33 PM

Sep 2013
Pretty decent episode. I've heard the ending is bad for this anime. Looking forward to see if it is better than I've been told.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Mar 16, 2019 6:18 PM

Jun 2015
i feel like the ending is gonna be absolutely horrendous honestly. like where on earth are you gonna go from the main character almost dying to the ending? to a bad place to end.
May 17, 2019 12:51 PM

Apr 2013
Shura can hold up against a bigshot like Satan really well actually, but of course the power of brotherlove saves the day.
Nov 2, 2019 8:48 PM
Apr 2016
Wow, satan is rude! Who could have known... Quite the tragedy between brothers.
Nov 23, 2019 6:37 AM

Feb 2019
Cliche episode.
"Yukio can't be saved!"
"No I'm stupid and I refuse to accept anything you tell me, I think he can be saved!"
So cliche. Also, I don't like Satan's character. If he was this evil and unprofessional all the time, he would have killed Yuri using his hands, seeing as his flames didn't affect her. We saw the same happen when the idiotic girl with the small familiar called Mi tried (miserably) to talk to Satan, realise she wasn't as good at convincing people to change sides as she thought she was, and tried to protect herself.

Sorry for the rant but there's so many stupid characters and situations in this anime.
I am not a weeb, I simply enjoy 2D girls
Apr 24, 2020 12:30 AM

Jul 2008
Well as much as I have enjoyed this show, it seems like it is going to end in a cliched way.
Oct 6, 2020 6:39 AM

Mar 2019
So somehow Yukio managed to escape but their father who was literally the strongest exorcist had to kill himself.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Dec 8, 2020 12:32 PM

Aug 2020
I feel like the seen of Yukio being able to "escape" from Satan was wayyyy too short. I mean I guess they got to the point but Rin was just like "Yukio" and Satan was all "He can't hear you" and why the hell would anyone believe Satan so Rin kept calling for Yukio and then after only a couple more shouts Yukio hears him and comes out of his "trance." I don't want to say it was predictable but it kind of was..... Although it was a touching moment when they embraced each other. Until Rin started bleeding out..

I've also been wanting to ask this for awhile but I keep forgetting. If Yukio knew he was also a demon and kept it hidden from almost everyone why did he originally want to kill Rin? Did he think if he killed him then his powers would be gone or something? Or was it just an empty threat? I never really understood that.

Jul 9, 2021 10:25 PM

Jan 2020
Well the two brothers are pretty awesome indeed. Though, this final stretch of episodes in general have been mostly a miss to me

Jan 15, 2023 11:55 AM

Apr 2018
This is deifintely hardcore, Yukio even willing to kill himself to take Satan down with him, wow
Dec 5, 2023 6:23 PM

Dec 2017
Yukio was saved by the power of brotherhood... lame and cliché.
Feb 27, 3:31 PM

Oct 2019
Satan's character makes little sense in this story:

While he claims to seek to fulfill the dream he shared with Yuri (in his own twisted way, which is almost certainly not what she had in mind at all) he nevertheless treats their two boys as expendable toys he can use and dispose of, despite being the only surviving links to Yuri.

He ostensibly still loves her and yet he treats her children like trash.
To say that is contradictory is an understatement...
I don't get it; his character is very poorly written.

I am all for complex characters with moral shades of grey, beyond or between good and evil. Bad guys with some good traits or vice versa. This is not the case with this Satan at all though. He is not complex, he is obnoxiously self-contradictory.
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