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Mar 11, 2023 6:58 AM

Nov 2011
A princess huh? Well, from a character perspective, it seems Amu may have some inferiority complex.

Not sure how I feel about Fiona in this show but she has an elegant presence. At least they didn't run into another dragon problem again cause that was a mess. 
Mar 11, 2023 10:03 AM

Mar 2013
This episode made my day or night, for me.

Three beautiful? girls getting along with Seika as he went home with them as their guests, a bit of introduction here and there... a suspicious question from Efa's father... While Efa's father has some suspicions regarding Seika as he talked about him as something of an object when talking to his father, Seika's father (also known as his foster parents) still has some trust in him which is a nice thing to see after everything's happened in the past.

A new character and she's dubbed as a Holy Princess, and her character design is also lovely as the other main girls of this series. A cunning girl in the inside who really tried to lead Seika into something, what a cunning girl. I suspect she has some information regarding Seika's past life as she was indirectly asking something that are hard to grasped by the others while they were dining but while Seika did entertained her at the end, I doubt he has his suspicions on the matter at the time.

Speaking of our new pretty but cunning new character. To think her mother has actually have a power to predict something like a precognition? but has passed away based from her earlier statements which we have yet to know how such a tragedy happened. Another week to wait for some new discoveries to unfold.

On a side note, finally, Seika's brother has finally matured, to an extent and it's probably thanks to the princess' personality but even if Grey is her bodyguard, Grey still has his suspicions on the princess' plot of something unknown to him. Grey's character in the earlier episodes were really annoying so it's a good change of pace to finally see some growth from him.

In the end, the only thing I was most fond of are the girls, mostly the Holy Princess, Fiona, and Amu's interactions with Seika this episode. That was a mouthful.
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Mar 11, 2023 10:58 AM

Jul 2017
Seika inviting the 3 girls back to his home, it's not a marriage proposal, but rather, it's something that he doesn't want to get involved with, since it's politics.

Once again, it's the idiot brother Gly back to settle his feud with Seika, and Amyu volunteers herself to face against him, that's no biggie at all. The Holy Princess Fiona dropping by Seika's house and witnessing the fight between brothers, he becomes meek and complies to her word, which is surprising. Seika obviously not wanting to tell the girls of Fiona's matter, it's just a mouthful for them to expect the unexpected. Amyu and Seika having their own conversation about what to do after their school, and the promise to be adventurers is one to uphold.

The now mature and meek brother having to look after Seika and the girls, while Fiona is having the time of her life enjoying herself but standing out because of how she dresses and acting like she's on an open date with Seika, it's all good. But Fiona being able to see the future thanks to her priestess mother, if Seika got involved in it, it would be bad.

Hoo boy, a warning sign about Fiona, that's for sure.
Mar 11, 2023 11:46 AM
Aug 2015
The holy princess put Seika in a bad spot, intentionally. Was it simply to gauge his skill or did she want a little romance, a la the previous conversation? Probably both. She's a scheming little brat and more trouble than Seika needs. It was amusing to see Seika frustrate her machinations and make an end-run on her.

Amyu is turning out to be precious, though. A bit of a meathead, but that's to be expected.
Mar 11, 2023 12:00 PM

Mar 2012
this show seriously has some of the cutest fucking girls... too bad theres NO fanservice and the show is basically cookie cutter isekai/reincarnation/OPMC riskless cliche
Mar 11, 2023 12:03 PM

Oct 2019
Is that some sort of hint/foreshadow that the princess (possibly) a reincarnation of her former wife?
Mar 11, 2023 1:03 PM
Jun 2019
Im acc loving this show too much. Definitely one of the best trashy isekais ive seen. I wonder if seika is the demon king. That would be pretty epic
Mar 11, 2023 2:17 PM

Jun 2015
There was a distinct lack of harems but I loved it anyway.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Mar 11, 2023 4:32 PM

Aug 2015
not the most interesting episode i'll say but the princess definitely gives off vibes that she might end up messing up Seikas plans.
So many boobs in fairy tail, it's crazy.
Mar 11, 2023 5:52 PM

Nov 2012
I hope the princess isn't his wife.
Mar 11, 2023 7:10 PM

Feb 2008
andreariona said:
Is that some sort of hint/foreshadow that the princess (possibly) a reincarnation of her former wife?
I was thinking the same thing, the classic foreshadowing trope.
Mar 11, 2023 7:21 PM

Feb 2019
whoa, Gly, is that you? i guess he grew up and matured, which is a good thing coz it would've been annoying if he remained the same obnoxious scardycat that he was before Seika left for school lol
Mar 11, 2023 10:32 PM

Jul 2014
This show was on my list since the beginning of the season but I just started it a couple of days ago and already caught up with it. I'm liking it a lot.

Just when I thought the new girl would be some sort of love interest for the brother... nope, she looks like she'll be quite involved with Seika. He even mentions that his wife from his past life was like her huh.

Nice change from Gly by the way, pleasantly surprised with that.

Man, I love Amyu <3. Yifa, Mabel, Amyu, seriously, this show has some of the cutest girls.

Quite the twist about Fiona at the end. She totally put herself in danger to be saved by Seika and casually mentions something about being reborn. Given the prophecy of the hero and demon king and that she wanted to see Amyu and Seika, I wonder how much she knows.
Mar 12, 2023 1:41 AM

Apr 2011
MC has a wife in the past? That's suprising. Also Seika asking Amu to meet his parents and seeing Efa's reaction was hilarious. I see Amu has feelings for him besides Efa. Her being
jealous when MC and the princess hold hands was cute. He really brought all of his harem with him. Nice to see the once bully older brother develop into good and mature person because of the princess.
Also surprised that the mother who once ignored Seika is speaking to him and his dad thinks highly of him now. Also the princess is a bit SUS. What are her plans? 

Birth of hero and demon king? We know iAmu is a hero, but who is the demon king?
Mar 12, 2023 3:24 AM

Sep 2022
Well Grey really turned over a new leaf huh. He is much more likeable now.

That after credit scene as well. That warning about Fiona and the Demon king and Hero is very interesting, with Amu being the Hero then is Seika the Demon King?

Mar 12, 2023 4:50 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
okay so what was the reason they introduced the princess? I think she was a bit strange, maybe we find out in the next episode.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Mar 12, 2023 5:44 AM

Jun 2016
seika lamprogue a new wife !!
Mar 12, 2023 6:34 AM
Apr 2013
Hmm. Hmm. So we finally get to meet this princess from the OP, and uh. She's not quite what I expected, but so far she seems interesting.

Also post ED scene again? Huh. Not super long, but it clearly seems to be hinting at something, whatever that is, since anything can happen at this point.

Not much happened this ep strangely enough, it's more or less just an introduction for the princess. At least the whole gang is here now, though. Mabel and yifa both got shafted a bit in terms of screentime, but at least they are here for whatever is going to happen in the next few eps.

The princess sure seems interested in seika. Like, very interested. And to nobody's surprise, seika conveniently has a spell that summons a mirror.
I was wondering when seika would get interrupted by someone just barging into his room while he was talking with yuki (or rather, yuki was talking to seika), but welp. Earlier in the ep we even got to see yuki and seika "talking" covertly in public.

I was also not expecting the whole family to show up again, though they didnt take up tooo much screentime. Somehow this anime really likes to make excuses for amyu to lose duels.
Also didnt the conversation in the dungeon with amyu happen like, over a year ago since there was a 1 year timeskip? Anime time syndrome for you I guess.

A good question is, how much control does seika actually have (since he does appear to have lost control a little bit here and there, in the tournament, last episode, etc), so does he actually know, and/or is he lying to himself? Also seika's (past) wife eh? HMM. They never did explain what happened with the whole student and amyu thing, maybe its just like a tropey thing or like way later down the line

Did yifa's father actually show up earlier? If he did I definitely dont remember, huh.

EDIT: It seems some people have been speculating but eh. I mean really it's too early to tell, there's definitely *some foreshadowing that something something seika, etc, but exactly what is hard to tell, because seika himself for the most part. 
The real thing is whats gonna happen with the princess (and the dudes we saw last episode), plus seika has been increasing er, "developing", and also getting more "famous".
Though well anime, 1 cour, etc.

EDIT: Some people are even directly speculating that the princess could be reincarnated, which would be an interesting twist. But if she was like, why not just reveal it?
Right now the main implication is that, we are told the princess can (somewhat) see the future, so the question is, assuming she already has, what has she seen? (And predicting the future is always a debatable topic since well)
CocoaGalaxyMar 12, 2023 6:54 AM
Mar 12, 2023 10:09 AM
Apr 2022
Me and my homies love the playboy seika ❤️
Mar 12, 2023 2:10 PM

Jan 2015
Really loved this episode, perhaps my favorite one. Really loved what happened to Grey
Mar 12, 2023 4:57 PM

Feb 2018
Whoa I just read about this episode in the manga the other day, so the anime just went past the manga huh.

Never ending plan to watch list...

Mar 12, 2023 9:16 PM

Jan 2010
there were some highlights in this chapter like how much gly change and that seika had a wife in his previous life. It was a surprise because he is so dense with the feelings of the girls and I doubt a man that had a wife can be that oblivious and act like the typical harem mc.

and there is the princess who can see the future, my problem is that you don't need her tu put seika in the main plot, he gets involve by himself anyway and even when he says a lot he doesn't want to attract much attention he throws himself at every plot this anime has.
Mar 12, 2023 9:37 PM
Apr 2021
Another great episode!!!
Mar 13, 2023 7:10 AM

Oct 2017
The holy princess is cute but she's definitely upto something. Also I'm not sure if she likes Seika or not. She's interested in him atleast. If Amyu's the hero then is Seika gonna be the demon lord? It'll be really ironic if that happens.
Mar 14, 2023 4:28 AM
Feb 2022
Honestly this was the best episode in my opinion, His brother glyn or whatever his name is had a good character development.... New refreshing characters also with ulterior motives... :) liked it would give a 7.9 / 10
Mar 16, 2023 8:03 AM

Aug 2019
Wow that went by really quickly

But is it just me, or did a whole lot of nothing happen in this episode? Seika mostly just spent his time home and walked around with the holy princess... And yeah that's about it.

Oh and I guess we get a post-credit scene where we find out that the holy princess may be planning and hiding something, and that she can look into the future which is pretty cool. I wonder if she knows who Seika really is
Mar 16, 2023 8:05 AM

Aug 2019
andreariona said:
Is that some sort of hint/foreshadow that the princess (possibly) a reincarnation of her former wife?
Oh wait I didn't even think of that 0_o 

The idea of her being reincarnated did come up but I didn't think of the possibility of her being Seika's wife from his past life
Mar 18, 2023 5:52 PM

May 2018
The princess probably caused that accident tbh
Mar 21, 2023 2:54 PM
Jun 2012
this anime for kids
Mar 27, 2023 5:05 AM
Aug 2021
too much women, i don't like harem + isekai unless it's ecchi anime :D
Mar 28, 2023 4:57 PM

Nov 2009
Huh, so they just up and ignored the previous episodes about the Dragon with an open end. (investigate last summer... basically it's been 6+ month since episode 9 to episode 10 but didn't say what happened to the Dragon nor the Egg)

And we're now headed into Seika getting acquainted with more girls while he visits his home.

___ ___ ___

And apparently Seika's family actually discuss about Seika... mostly about Seika being mysterious and how they should deal with him.

While the mid brother sorta changed (for the better? lol) and isn't a bitch anymore.

Also, the Princess grabbing and holding Seika's hands like it's normal... totally not SUS...

(tho Amyu getting jealous, LOL)

Also... extra SUS on that "accident"... I think the Princess WANTS Seika to be the one to save her...

___ ___ ___

BTW, Quartz mirror? Why not just make regular mirror? or do they not have glass mirror back on Seika's past Japan life?

(Tho, they mentioned the prophecy and the Princess wanted to meet Amyu and Seika... which is hinting more at Seika being the "demon lord")
amlgMar 28, 2023 5:08 PM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Apr 2, 2023 3:49 PM

May 2015
Well right after the last episode where we had many people to hate, now we have this annoying princess. I hate characters like her that have that nice person smile act thats so obviously acting and that they're hiding something. Every time she said something it just annoyed me. Like when they were talking about accidents and COINCIDENTALLY an accident happens right afterwards. Hopefully she disappears soon. 

Idk, I've been fine watching this so far and left it for a long time and only got back to it now but these last 3 episodes have had at least one thing that has pissed me off. I really hope the last few episodes are at least alright. 
DarknessRealityApr 2, 2023 3:53 PM
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 3, 2023 8:29 AM

Sep 2012
let me guess Fiona came there the win Seika's heart, her real coal 
Apr 3, 2023 8:35 AM

Sep 2012
La-Luxius said:
Well Grey really turned over a new leaf huh. He is much more likeable now.

That after credit scene as well. That warning about Fiona and the Demon king and Hero is very interesting, with Amu being the Hero then is Seika the Demon King?

sins Seika father was actually brother of hes step father (he took Seika in when he was little), no1 knows awry thing about Seika expect hes step father who mentioned he can become either hero or demon king depending on hes environment and that hes the hero from prophecy so Amu being hero is also fake, its just ppl believe Amu is the hero, unless 2 heroes can exist

also hes way stronger then Amu so if that were true the world is doomed :D

and no1 said demon king cant be a hero 2 in 1 under right circumstances and hes step father even hinted that hes hero from the prophecy, so he has 2fates and he can chose witch he actually becomes  

Sugram22Apr 3, 2023 9:57 AM
Apr 7, 2023 1:40 PM
Nov 2021
mi not very UpToDate I actually watched it awhile ago just updating my list but i assume it was good.
Apr 8, 2023 6:16 PM

Jul 2009
of all the bland nothing happenings in this bland nothing happening show. At least with a manga I can read through until something *does* happen.
just another second banana
Apr 8, 2023 9:15 PM

May 2020
Heh? His so-called stepmother actually spoke to him. Gly seems to have matured a lot. 

Whoa, she can see the future. She knows who the Hero is, and who the Demon King is. Nice. Seika may not realise yet, but he is the Demon King.
Mar 7, 2024 2:29 PM

Dec 2022
I thought Gly would be relegated to being the designated douchebag character who's always picking a fight with Seika for the duration of the anime, but apparently not. The feint he used in that spar with Amyu was clever, and he seems to be less confrontational, even if he still has a bit of angst about him.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Feb 23, 11:43 AM
Jun 2017
Am I the only one who dosen't understand the authour logic for the character????

You have scumbag little borther who almost raped Blonde girl if MC did not have the right timing. Same person is now potrated as being a holy knigh?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? And also, wtf was up with the battle between him and the hero girl????? hero girl is a battle veteran and very strong, even without magic, that battle was of a novice loving to a well trained soilder, nothing more, wtf???????

And let's get bad to the almost raped blond girl..... her father is a friend of the lord of the house but she is a SLAVE????????? yet the same man is offended for other resonas???

man i though the prince from previous episodes was the cherry on the cake, I mean, that prince openly declered to slay a dragon that was the contry symbol, and was not dethroned for being an incompetened after many other unaccetable acts. But hey! he needs to show he is a good ruller, reason why he is spending tons of money on girl to be groomed and become his sex servance.

So yeah, I abolutly don't understand the authours logic when he creates character.

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