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Nov 9, 2022 5:21 PM

Oct 2020
Original movie, like Ordinal Scale.
WISHED I COULD ALSO GET TRANSPORTED TO A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC And DUNGEONS, please take me there too if you could (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠
Nov 9, 2022 5:22 PM

Oct 2020
14hellraiser said:
Filler instead of adapting the next arc . Great :(

SAO doesn't have fillers,, it's like Ordinal Scale ig it'll probably be a canon to the main storyline like OS.
WISHED I COULD ALSO GET TRANSPORTED TO A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC And DUNGEONS, please take me there too if you could (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠
Nov 10, 2022 8:59 PM
Oct 2012
lol why are you people feeding the trolls/haters, just leave them be, theres no need to reply and make matters longer than it shouldve been. people have their own likes and dislikes and they are free to state their own opinion and we are also free to ignore it

anyway, i havent been up to date since the last alicization in both novel and anime so i hope this is some sort of sequel to that
Nov 11, 2022 2:01 PM

Mar 2015
Matsuda_M said:
I see there's an argument brewing in this thread. I wish we could all get along and agree that there is no worse anime than SAO. Before someone asks: "Why are you here then, hurr durr?!", I'm here because I (regrettably) watched SAO and rated it 1 star (because you can't rate anime with zero stars). And based off of my anime list I got a notification about this new movie. Splendid.

Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2
Score: 10
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Score: 10

I mean, if you are going to shit on SAO, at least have the decency of being coherent. You are a walking contradiction.
Nov 11, 2022 2:11 PM

Jun 2021
A gift to all of us LN readers who bought and read the SAO LNs. Honto ni arigatou gozaimashita Reki-dono! 😇.
ねえ、それはあなたです! あなたがカズマやトーマが好きなエッチ/ハーレムファンなら、女性を「平等に」扱うので、女性を殴る/軽蔑する2人のマッチョな男性か、Free!/YOIが好きだがフェアリーテイルの悪を話すTumblrファンガールです/ DxDとSAOは、ファンサービスがあり、アニメやマンガでBL / LGBTQ +ファンサービスが好きで、自分を「フェミニスト」と呼んでいるためです。自分は偽善者に過ぎず、価値観を再考し、これらの二重で停止する必要があることを知ってください。標準。 真剣に、それを止めてください😁。 #MenHaveTheRightToWorkInShortsInHotDays #MALMemberSince2010#Kirisuna Nico Nico no Hyouryuuken! (Music about God).

*Bill Clinton's voice* I did not have sexual relationships with that anime girl. *Hilary Clinton's voice* waifu's rights are human rights, and human rights are waifu's rights. *God Emperor Donald Trump's voice* Yaoi anime will soon be illegal. All fujos will be arrested.

Nov 11, 2022 4:41 PM
Jul 2018
snjlx said:
Matsuda_M said:
I see there's an argument brewing in this thread. I wish we could all get along and agree that there is no worse anime than SAO. Before someone asks: "Why are you here then, hurr durr?!", I'm here because I (regrettably) watched SAO and rated it 1 star (because you can't rate anime with zero stars). And based off of my anime list I got a notification about this new movie. Splendid.

Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2
Score: 10
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Score: 10

I mean, if you are going to shit on SAO, at least have the decency of being coherent. You are a walking contradiction.

SAO fans digging into my anime list to stich some argument. Yikes! Do you think your post is profound? Yeah. Both are rated 10. And?
Edit: I already said ITT said I shouldn't argue with mentally ill SAO fantacis. Mistake No. 2
Nov 11, 2022 4:59 PM

Mar 2015
Matsuda_M said:
SAO fans digging into my anime list to stich some argument. Yikes! Do you think your post is profound? Yeah. Both are rated 10. And?
Edit: I already said ITT said I shouldn't argue with mentally ill SAO fantacis. Mistake No. 2

Why wouldn't I? It's public information three clicks away. Plus, if you are going to start throwing shit, be ready to have it throw back.

The problem with your ratings is that they're prove you barely know about anime, yeah everyone starts somewhere but you claim that, and I quote, "we all should agree that SAO is the worst anime out there xD".

Your post adds nothing to the thread, much less valid criticism. I don't even like SAO that much, but having to witness elite wannabes with crappy anime lists and ratings giving their opinion on a thread no one called them upon... yikes!

At least @sorcery does the effort of watching some vintage crap no one cares about.
Nov 12, 2022 7:19 AM

Jul 2017
Whatever it is, it's gonna be peak.

Nov 12, 2022 5:32 PM

Dec 2017
Exentio said:
Matsuda_M said:

I will take up your challenge Exentio. Finding an anime worse than SAO, or a movie worse than Birdemic is an achievement. Although saying SAO is "mid" and there are worse anime out there begs the question: What kind of anime are you watching? If you would rate SAO as average you are basically masochistic in your anime preference. If you like to watch bad anime in a joking manner, then hats off.

Well, I just watch whatever seems interesting, I'm not sure I have a favorite genre even though I do prefer comedy, my list is public and you're free to scroll it, just keep in mind that my votes are more related to enjoyment than to actually objective stuff. I drop trash anime very easily and it's rare for me to keep watching just to see how the dumpster fire ends, although I still do it from time to time. Beatless is infuriating because the story had so much potential but they didn't do a single thing right, that's why I watched it in its entirety

outta curiosity, you rated most of sao a 7 or above other than alicization yet you called it mid a couple of times, not so great not so bad if you will, what do you consider "mid" to be if 7 is a mid? not trying to start an argument just genuinely curious
A Wise Man Once Said: #(%!*@)+$&
Nov 13, 2022 3:22 AM

Feb 2016
Hyperactivy said:
Exentio said:

Well, I just watch whatever seems interesting, I'm not sure I have a favorite genre even though I do prefer comedy, my list is public and you're free to scroll it, just keep in mind that my votes are more related to enjoyment than to actually objective stuff. I drop trash anime very easily and it's rare for me to keep watching just to see how the dumpster fire ends, although I still do it from time to time. Beatless is infuriating because the story had so much potential but they didn't do a single thing right, that's why I watched it in its entirety

outta curiosity, you rated most of sao a 7 or above other than alicization yet you called it mid a couple of times, not so great not so bad if you will, what do you consider "mid" to be if 7 is a mid? not trying to start an argument just genuinely curious

I don't have an exact definition of mid since it's kind of a joke evaluation: just saying "mid" doesn't tell much, in the end I call mid everything that doesn't live up to its full potential; also, my votes tend to be on the higher side since I value enjoyment over technicalities, so my 7 might be closer to someone else's 6. In my case, I think that SAO up to Ordinal Scale had interesting premises, but I didn't completely like the overall execution, yet I still find it enjoyable; Alicization is the biggest disappointment because it had an insane amount of potential, way more than everything that came before it, then destroyed it by riddling it with plot holes and things that happen way too conveniently (this comes from someone who didn't find Kirito excessively overpowered)
I believe in Shimarin supremacy
Nov 13, 2022 4:57 PM

Dec 2017
Exentio said:
Hyperactivy said:

outta curiosity, you rated most of sao a 7 or above other than alicization yet you called it mid a couple of times, not so great not so bad if you will, what do you consider "mid" to be if 7 is a mid? not trying to start an argument just genuinely curious

I don't have an exact definition of mid since it's kind of a joke evaluation: just saying "mid" doesn't tell much, in the end I call mid everything that doesn't live up to its full potential; also, my votes tend to be on the higher side since I value enjoyment over technicalities, so my 7 might be closer to someone else's 6. In my case, I think that SAO up to Ordinal Scale had interesting premises, but I didn't completely like the overall execution, yet I still find it enjoyable; Alicization is the biggest disappointment because it had an insane amount of potential, way more than everything that came before it, then destroyed it by riddling it with plot holes and things that happen way too conveniently (this comes from someone who didn't find Kirito excessively overpowered)

I see, I would call "mid" as its full point "middle" so between a 4 to a 6, not completely shit but not great either, thanks for the response I was really curiouos
A Wise Man Once Said: #(%!*@)+$&
Nov 15, 2022 8:36 AM
Jan 2022
DragonIncursio said:
Hopefully a movie showing what happened in the 200 years Kirito and Asuna were in the underworld

That would be damn good.
Nov 15, 2022 8:50 AM
Dec 2019
Moon Cradle would be pretty easy to adapt to a movie, and would set up Unital Ring as next season of show.
Nov 16, 2022 4:05 AM
Jan 2014
abyss_will said:
Nox--- said:
Sword Art Online is still a thing...? Wow... I had completely forgotten about it after i droped Season 2.

off course it is, and it's big in japan.
It's basically the reason why we've been having so many isekai and rpg inspired fantasy shows aka "I can't believe it's not an isekai"

Some isekai are good. Actually, my favorite one is much older than SAO (Juuni Kokuki). But, you know, i am old enough that i could watch DBZ on TV when i was a kid and it first aired. I have watched only 2 animes in 2022... SAO created a decent and rarely used mix of adventure and romance to me, but as soon as it started to neglect Asuna in the 2nd half of Season 1, it became a generic shounen and i was bored to death. I want to believe that at long last, japanese creators will have more to put on the table than "let's milk the SAO concept some more by making another unimaginative copy". Even SAO started to copy itself years ago. The only isekai i have watched after SAO were Grimgar, Log Horizon and Honzuki Gekokujou. The last one is one of the best series i have ever watched. But that's it.

I started to watch animes as an actual hobby in 2005. I do understand how the japanese market works. But how the japanese people work? Still a mystery.
Nox---Nov 16, 2022 4:09 AM
Nov 16, 2022 4:36 AM
Jan 2014
Yes, it is still really big franchise in Japan.
Today is 6.11.2022, the day SAO servers opened in anime. Everyone celebrates this, along with staff releasing many news about the anime and it's universe <3

That is a very japanese thing to do. Now, they do whatever they want. I simply wish there was a law that limited seasonal animes to 5 series per season, in order to prune the cheap, repetitive, low quality trope trains before they happen. More is not equal to better. And i wish that japanese people had enough critical thinking to seek quality and creativity over clones of clones. They do what they want indeed... but a "SAO day"? Come on... When series like "Kingdom" had a long story to tell from the begining, it feels obvious SAO's author simply found excuses to continue a lucrative series after the Aincrad arc, and is milking it ever since. I learned recently something important: that in most countries, people can't see obvious stuff. Not because they are stupid. But because while there are countries where people are taught to think critically since kindergarten (like in mine), there are others where they are taught that they should fit, never stand out, never think critically, and put forward the concept of "harmony" (like in Japan).

This is how things like "SAO day" can even become a thing after so long. They have a day for anything they got used to enough. The culture concept is really a great thing. Except when it becomes an umbrella that makes criticism illegal. Because you know... you can't grill culture.

When i say that they have a day for EVERYTHING? It is no joke. Look at this:
Nox---Nov 16, 2022 4:56 AM
Nov 16, 2022 4:49 AM
Jan 2014
Huntersj said:
Nox--- said:
Sword Art Online is still a thing...? Wow... I had completely forgotten about it after i droped Season 2.

Yeah season 2 was BAD but if you like isekai like me then I would definitely recommend you to watch Sword Art Online: Alicization it's honestly a much better story than season one. But Sword Art Online: Alicization season 2 and later is trash.

Thanks but no, thanks. If you like it, that is great for you. Enjoy this feeling while it lasts. I know for certain that i can never watch SAO ever again. I was merely surprised to learn that they were still miliking it. The only Isekai i may wait for are... a reboot of "Juuni Kokuki", a version more true to the books, more violent, psychological and gory, and that adapts the last novel published in 2019. And... a more extensive and complete adaptation of the whole "Honzuki Gekokujou" series.

These are top isekai that have nothing to do with gaming and that both use general historical knowledge to develop a proper worldbuilding (chinese and european). Take a look at those if you fancy this.
Nov 16, 2022 4:52 AM

Jun 2022
MadokaAkimoto said:
Nox--- said:
Sword Art Online is still a thing...? Wow... I had completely forgotten about it after i droped Season 2.

Yes, it is still really big franchise in Japan.
Today is 6.11.2022, the day SAO servers opened in anime. Everyone celebrates this, along with staff releasing many news about the anime and it's universe <3

Does it means that Metavers is our timeline's SAO?
Nov 16, 2022 10:54 AM
Mar 2019
Nox--- said:
(chinese and european)
Could you please recommend some?
Nov 16, 2022 5:02 PM
Jan 2014
Huntersj said:
Nox--- said:
(chinese and european)
Could you please recommend some?

Some what? Isekai based on Chinese or European elements? If so, the two i named are really the only two i can think of that are worth anything. "Juuni Kokuki" is based on Chinese History and Mythology + added dark fantasy elements that actually asks fascinating questions that inspired its translator, a novelist, some really interesting articles on his blog. It is 30 years old already and aged well, and i will even dare compare this to a sort of Eastern Middle Earth (I am not the only one to make this comparison though, there are important common points i tried to detail in my review of the anime).

"Honzuki Gekokujou" references mostly western Europe during the Middle Ages: its filth, the arbitrary status based society, the technology level... Being french myself, i would know something about the rare historical awareness of its japanese author. They normally never know sh*t about what they write when they dare tackle Europe, but she does, and i endorse her. And as with Juuni Kokuki, it adds its own mythology and subtle idea of magic.

Magic, in both series, is something that do exist, but as a fundation of the world more than anything. It is more like in "The Lord of the Rings" where magic is only really used by mythical and immortal entities, like the Valars. "Honzuki Gekokujou" presents a more mainstream take on magic than "Juuni Kokuki" (another point JK has in common with Tolkienn works), but it is still nowhere near your regular anime/Light novel. The concept of the "Devouring" is genius.

The books are better than the animes in both cases.

If you don't care about it being japanese, go read "The Lord of the Rings" if you didn't already ^^. 3000 pages of pure slog, but well worth it ^^. Tolkienn was a british, and he introduced a lot of English/Scottish references. Tolkienn is one of the rare good things the british ever had to offer to this world.

I doubt you can read french, so, i will stop there.
Nox---Nov 16, 2022 5:20 PM
Nov 17, 2022 4:44 PM

Jul 2016
Slayer777 said:
I can tell its mid even though it hasn't released yet.
you have AOT in your fav opinion invalid

Nov 17, 2022 5:16 PM
Jun 2022
chriskor022 said:
Slayer777 said:
I can tell its mid even though it hasn't released yet.
you have AOT in your fav opinion invalid
AOT is better than SAO in every single way. AOT is also better than 99.9% of all anime, statistically speaking.
Nov 18, 2022 12:04 AM

Mar 2015
Slayer777 said:
chriskor022 said:
you have AOT in your fav opinion invalid
AOT is better than SAO in every single way. AOT is also better than 99.9% of all anime, statistically speaking.

Was, at least SAO hasn't got a crappy ending (yet) that shitted on everything.
Nov 18, 2022 12:30 AM

Jul 2016
Slayer777 said:
chriskor022 said:
you have AOT in your fav opinion invalid
AOT is better than SAO in every single way. AOT is also better than 99.9% of all anime, statistically speaking.
the ending says otherwise. Abd because SAO has better chance to have a better ending than AOT. And more anime is better than AOT it is not false just fact

Nov 19, 2022 12:33 PM

Feb 2017
Let this garbage die please
Dec 13, 2022 10:56 PM
Dec 2018
Nice, they're releasing another new movie.

As an aside, though, when are we getting Rondo of a Fragile Blade adapted for Progressive? There wasn't an actual good reason to skip it.
Dec 14, 2022 12:19 AM

Feb 2012
well Ordinal Scale is good. so ill check this out
i wish and dream for the Future where everyone i care can Smile happily from their heart. But no matter where i look. how ever i see... there s no me. im not there. Just like that.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Dec 18, 2022 5:45 PM
Sep 2016
Huntersj said:
MadokaAkimoto said:

Yes, it is still really big franchise in Japan.
Today is 6.11.2022, the day SAO servers opened in anime. Everyone celebrates this, along with staff releasing many news about the anime and it's universe <3

Yeah season 2 was BAD but if you like isekai like me then I would definitely recommend you to watch Sword Art Online: Alicization it's honestly a much better story than season one. But Sword Art Online: Alicization season 2 and later is trash.

Honestly, considering how much truly bad anime is out there, I'm really not sure why anyone gives SAO as much hate as it receives. Even if the following seasons weren't as good as the first, they still hold up fairly well, especially when weighed against the truly atrocious wave of Isekai that have come out since SAO first launched. Aside from SAO, The only really really good Isekai that could actually be considered art, in my opinion, is probably Mushoku Tensei, but I wouldn't say its so much better than it makes SAO look like the trash everyone seems to think it is.

I do agree, however, that the second season of Alicization was a bummer to watch for most of its run time, I would probably place it last in the list of SAO releases so far, especially since the first season was pretty good, and they had a decent story to work from. I think they just spent too much time on the war, which was probably the most boring part of any SAO release thus far. It felt like a bootleg lord of the rings arc or something, when they could have just focused a little more on character building and the motivations for the whole Alice project, as well as the conflicts that were occurring in the real world while Kirito was in a coma.
Dec 18, 2022 8:38 PM
Mar 2019
Ketamigo said:
Huntersj said:

Yeah season 2 was BAD but if you like isekai like me then I would definitely recommend you to watch Sword Art Online: Alicization it's honestly a much better story than season one. But Sword Art Online: Alicization season 2 and later is trash.

Honestly, considering how much truly bad anime is out there, I'm really not sure why anyone gives SAO as much hate as it receives. Even if the following seasons weren't as good as the first, they still hold up fairly well, especially when weighed against the truly atrocious wave of Isekai that have come out since SAO first launched. Aside from SAO, The only really really good Isekai that could actually be considered art, in my opinion, is probably Mushoku Tensei, but I wouldn't say its so much better than it makes SAO look like the trash everyone seems to think it is.

I do agree, however, that the second season of Alicization was a bummer to watch for most of its run time, I would probably place it last in the list of SAO releases so far, especially since the first season was pretty good, and they had a decent story to work from. I think they just spent too much time on the war, which was probably the most boring part of any SAO release thus far. It felt like a bootleg lord of the rings arc or something, when they could have just focused a little more on character building and the motivations for the whole Alice project, as well as the conflicts that were occurring in the real world while Kirito was in a coma.
agreed 100%, Also one thing I would like to point out is that Alicization (only season one) is one of the best isekai I saw and it's Ost is stuck in my mind to this day.
Dec 26, 2022 11:07 PM
Jun 2017
My bet is on an anime original Alternative X Main series crossover movie that makes no sense... or even a 3rd (I'm pretty sure 3rd) alternative series to go alongside the other two novel series. Progressive is going well, release schedule is strong and Reki doesn't want Unital done until all the books are finished so he can be more hands on with the season. 
God why can't we just get more alternative??
Jan 1, 2023 10:20 PM
Aug 2018
xkazutox said:
People watch an anime for entertainment. If someone don't like it, move on and watch something else instead of wasting time on shitting on what others like.

I rather watch another ecchi anime over Millennium Actress & GitS. :v

Don't waste time arguing against small list users. He has other good anime in his dropped list (seen 1 or more ep). 

Small list users will always be limited to what they seen so far. Pretty sure they will refuse to touch any old obscure anime anyway. Your only best advise to them is: Go touch weights aka grass so they stop staying on the internet all days hating.
Check @xkazutox MAL list
have to wonder how much anime you watch Daily 
Jan 1, 2023 10:27 PM
Aug 2018
An bit unrelated but are the SAO movie any good? I've pretty much haven't seen SAO do to how bad a lot of my friends been telling me Seasons 1 and 2 are  
Jan 1, 2023 10:37 PM

Jan 2017
Anonymous_User54 said:
An bit unrelated but are the SAO movie any good?

You can watch Progressive : Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria to see if you'll like the franchise. (Or atleast the first Arc of it.)
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Jan 4, 2023 4:18 AM
Dec 2018
Probably a Sequel Spin-Off to WoU P2. Like Ordinal Scale was for the SAO S2 before Alicization.
Apr 16, 2023 4:24 AM
Mar 2020
Nox--- said:
Sword Art Online is still a thing...? Wow... I had completely forgotten about it after i droped Season 2.

been livin under the rock are ya
Apr 17, 2023 3:46 AM
Jan 2014
Biribiri10 said:
Nox--- said:
Sword Art Online is still a thing...? Wow... I had completely forgotten about it after i droped Season 2.

been livin under the rock are ya

Absolutely. Pretty much 100% of everything in life happen to be more important to me than this thing. And pretty much 100% of everything in life is more worthy to know about. Not knowing about such a trifle is a relief, and you just reminded me how good it is that my priorities are right. Thanks.
Apr 17, 2023 7:45 AM
Mar 2020
Nox--- said:
Biribiri10 said:

been livin under the rock are ya

Absolutely. Pretty much 100% of everything in life happen to be more important to me than this thing. And pretty much 100% of everything in life is more worthy to know about. Not knowing about such a trifle is a relief, and you just reminded me how good it is that my priorities are right. Thanks.

aye no problem there m8 ,happy to help
Jun 12, 2023 5:57 AM
Mar 2016
Piromysl said:
"Original Movie" aka filler
so they finally running out of source. Original = filler. *sign* not happy about that.
Jun 12, 2023 6:04 AM

Jan 2017
KinjiKido said:
so they finally running out of source.

No , they are waiting for Unital Ring (The Final Arc) to be completed to adapt it.
As for Progressive , it has been said that they are waiting for a few more Volumes , and it was implied that it was for a TV Anime.

But in the meantime , it's better to keep doing content , to keep the fanbase hyped and make money.
They already did that with the Extra Movie , and Ordinal Scale.

KinjiKido said:
Original = filler. *sign* not happy about that.

Not necessarily , Ordinal Scale was also an Original Movie , and it's officially part of the Canon continuity.
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Jul 19, 2023 12:28 PM

Oct 2020
Nox--- said:
Sword Art Online is still a thing...? Wow... I had completely forgotten about it after i droped Season 2.

U watched those so Average Seasons, try Alicization, U missed the good one.
Can't blame u tho, it left that bland impression on u, Alicization delivers the spices tho.
WISHED I COULD ALSO GET TRANSPORTED TO A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC And DUNGEONS, please take me there too if you could (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠
Jul 19, 2023 4:01 PM
Jan 2014
Huntersj said:
Yeah season 2 was BAD but if you like isekai like me then I would definitely recommend you to watch Sword Art Online: Alicization it's honestly a much better story than season one. But Sword Art Online: Alicization season 2 and later is trash.

I don't particularly like isekai. Because i don't believe 'isekai' can be a genre to begin with. It is much too narrow and specific. Which is why all the 'isekai' that get churn out these days are (terrible) copies of one another. I liked 2 isekai, and one of those is my number 1 anime and novel. But this 'isekai' was first written in 1994, long before it became trendy. There is a massive difference between writting a story that happen to have a 'isekai' element in it, and writting a 'isekai' for the sake of it, just because it sells. The latter will be lame 95% of the time. SAO opened the trend and then became a clone of itself. Even if part of it is good for some reason i can't fathom, i can't stand the formula anymore because of all the 'isekai' sh*t that spots like ticks on a mutt every season. "Juuni Kokuki" and "Honzuki Gekokujou" are the only ones i can recommend.

But now, everyone can like what he/she likes. Tastes are bound to change, too... over time.
Sep 15, 2023 6:52 AM

Aug 2020
I hope it isn't filler. No clue...

Sep 5, 2024 12:02 PM

Mar 2024
i wonder what this will be


i'm not done with changing this but. uhhh

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