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Jan 16, 2018 6:16 AM
Oct 2017
I dont know why people are hating this anime it looks good and deserve atleast a rating of 7.
People judge way to quickly.
Jan 16, 2018 6:29 AM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
Jhon_Bacon said:
At least a rating of 7.

Jhon_Bacon said:
People judge way to quickly.

I haven't watched it yet. But you're kind of contradicting yourself saying people are judging and then saying it's at least a 7.

Also people have expectations of the one of the best horror story tellers work being adapted, if it's not living up to those then it's bound to happen.
Jan 16, 2018 7:06 AM

Sep 2017
Personally, I love the anime so I'm always a bit taken aback when people say they hate it lmao. I wouldn't say it's perfect, but only two episodes have been released so i agree it might be a bit early on to judge.

However, I think some people expected it to be more like the manga and like Junji Ito's style compared to the anime style. There was discourse over how not scary it is and how annoying some character's voices are, lmao. The first episode was definitely lighthearted compared to the rest of what Junji Ito has done, and I personally love Souichi's character and think he was portrayed excellently. He's meant to be an annoying and immature brat but not everyone likes that type of character.

I think it's going to get even better as the series progresses and we'll see more familiar works like Tomie being animated. I'm pretty excited for what I'll bring. Then again, not every anime is well-liked and I'm not gonna force anyone to watch something they don't wanna. Different tastes and styles apply to everyone.
Jan 16, 2018 9:16 AM
Dec 2015
TL;DR: because it sucks.

Because I've read entire "The Collection" series of Junji Ito's manga, I was looking forward to this a lot.
Sure, Ito's manga is more oriented towards showing off absurd and horrifying phenomenons, but I thought it could be done well even in anime, which is usually oriented on characters, with characters accidentally being the weakest aspect of Ito's manga.
Sadly, this isn't the only thing the anime utterly fails at.
The director tried to be as faithful to the original as possible, which doesn't work well in anime, the animation is sub-par, artstyle isn't the best either, especially compared to the manga, having those ugly lines here and there to evoke shadows is no good.
And, oh boy, the soundtrack. In the first episode it felt like it was just thrown on top of this hot mess, and it's generally really generic. (I like the OP song though)

Pretty much only good things on this are the color palette and the source material, a strong 2/10 at best. The only good thing about this all is that it will make some people read the manga, which are actually good.
Jan 16, 2018 10:42 AM

Apr 2016
For me, i like it!!! Just are fear/horror stories, if the people don´t like possible because doesn´t a continues plot!!!
Jan 16, 2018 10:48 AM

May 2009
I think it's been alright. I wasn't expecting to get scared or anything but still, it doesn't have the creepiness we get from reading the manga (maybe it could use more shadows or something? I don't know)
Happy to see Souichi though
Jan 16, 2018 12:25 PM
Jan 2012
The first time i tried to watch it felt boring, so i gave up midway, then at the second time i watched it and i felt that the first story which open the series wasn't interesting at all, the voice, the curses, it all felt really weak.

But then the story after and the second episode were MUCH better than the first one. I do believe that people must have watched the first episode only and thought meh, just another bad adaptation. I definitely can see why, not all stories will be as good or even at all good when adapted.
Jan 16, 2018 3:28 PM
Jan 2018
I don't understand the hate either, I believe the anime is doing quite a decent job at animating Junji Ito's fabulous work. It must be that a lot of people watching aren't as familiar with his short stories or just don't appreciate his style. But as far as the anime, it's doing a quite a good job as it's following the manga shorts perfectly.
Jan 16, 2018 3:38 PM

Apr 2014
tbh i expected this adaption to be complete shit but its better than i expected. the mangas are a lot creepier tho, and compared to the anime the are better for many reasons. ppl probably hate it becus of this comparison
Jan 16, 2018 11:44 PM

Jun 2008
I think it's because it started with the dark comedy of Souichi. It's all right but not his strongest story. I was afraid it would throw people off because it certainly threw me off at first.
Jan 18, 2018 11:29 AM

Jun 2012
My biggest problem is... it's so "anime". Kind of hard to put but if you compare it to say Monster, or Shiki, the way people talk in this is so cartoony and over the top. It bugs me, I would prefer more realism/subtly to the dialogue, but doesn't ruin it for me.
Shoot first, think never.
Jan 26, 2018 3:15 AM

Mar 2017
[quote=Stripes message=53729306]
Jhon_Bacon said:

Jhon_Bacon said:
People judge way to quickly.

I haven't watched it yet. But you're kind of contradicting yourself saying people are judging and then saying it's at least a 7. .

I always expect a comment like yours regarding "People judge way to quickly" stuff. This kind of conversation will get nowhere :P
Jan 26, 2018 3:16 AM

Mar 2017
Valandis said:
I think it's because it started with the dark comedy of Souichi. It's all right but not his strongest story. I was afraid it would throw people off because it certainly threw me off at first.

Dark humor is like food. Not everybody gets it.
Jan 26, 2018 8:06 AM
Jul 2018
Counter question : Why do people think others are "hating" an anime if we give it low score ?

No, I'm not hating it. I just don't like it.

The creepiness I get from any Junji Ito manga isn't present in it. It feels like those Godawful creepypastas desperately trying to scare people. That amazing art, specifically those pencil shades are treasures of Junji manga which unfortunately, can't be adapted in anime. And that's just steals away much scare factors.
removed-userJan 26, 2018 8:19 AM
Jan 26, 2018 10:12 AM

Dec 2015
The story/plot isn't good. Enough reason to score it low. Just look at other anime that are even better than this one but got even lower score.

And yes I know it is supposed to be short "horror" stories. But they aren't that good. If they were longer and the 12-13 episodes were like 3-4 arcs (stories) each 3-4 episodes - it could have been more interesting. (More depth to characters instead of just showing disgusting stuff.)

But that said some episodes were okay. Really disgusting I found mainly the 1st part of episode 4. Some stuff was funny (last part of episode 3). The super short parts weren't really necessary (like last part of episode 1).

For me it is enough for 7/10 at the moment. Probably won't go higher but also not too much lower. That advantage of different stuff (stories) is that you can't get annoyed too much by chars you hate - if the chars change with every story.
Jan 26, 2018 11:31 AM

Dec 2017
I want to read the manga too, but I think the anime is okay.

I would rate it with a 7, maybe a bit higher but not lower than 7. I didn't expect people to rate this anime so low. I agree that it's not as scary as some of us expected and everyone has different tastes, especially when it comes to anime in general.

I personally enjoy this anime and I'll keep on watching.
Jan 26, 2018 8:23 PM
Dec 2017
A lot of people may have dropped the show after the first episode. It wasn't really horror and fans of the genre might've gotten disappointed. Also, by judging the series after one episode, they totally missed out on what was good and only know about the not so good part of the anime.
Jan 26, 2018 9:13 PM

Jan 2013
Rhaenya said:
DurangaVoe said:
TL;DR: because it sucks.

Because I've read entire "The Collection" series of Junji Ito's manga, I was looking forward to this a lot.
Sure, Ito's manga is more oriented towards showing off absurd and horrifying phenomenons, but I thought it could be done well even in anime, which is usually oriented on characters, with characters accidentally being the weakest aspect of Ito's manga.
Sadly, this isn't the only thing the anime utterly fails at.
The director tried to be as faithful to the original as possible, which doesn't work well in anime, the animation is sub-par, artstyle isn't the best either, especially compared to the manga, having those ugly lines here and there to evoke shadows is no good.
And, oh boy, the soundtrack. In the first episode it felt like it was just thrown on top of this hot mess, and it's generally really generic. (I like the OP song though)

Pretty much only good things on this are the color palette and the source material, a strong 2/10 at best. The only good thing about this all is that it will make some people read the manga, which are actually good.

Fully agree with you, couldn't have said it better myself.

I agree with most of what you say and will +1 fans to read the manga first. Personally, I've wanted to see a lot of these stories fully animated and done justice and can't really complain here. The directors/creative minds didn't pick Ito's most famous work, so at the very least we can say that they're showcasing stories that may not have been animated otherwise (whilst saving the more popular ones for a future adaption with a bigger budget perhaps - May be optimistic of me given the history of Ito's work being adapted, but I can dream).
There are many caveats to a lot the points you make though. In terms, of being faithful to the source material, I think that they struck a pretty good balance for the tv format, which is difficult to do and they definitely get props from me. I don't like the half episode story format though, it just breaks the illusion for me.
Completely subjectively speaking, I dislike the OP but like the OST because it feels like a great western horror soundtrack (could be a bad or good thing depending on who you are). The art and animation dips in quality a lot of the time, but I like how "old-fashion" it looks, most of the time, that is. You seem familiar with Ito's work so I think you know how he doesn't shy away from the textured and rough line work. While I'm not a fan of this so far, it has its moments, and could also be a turn on to some people.

The biggest issue for me is pacing. Can't tell if it's too fast or slow sometimes, but I think it's safe to say it bounces around the two. Even if they're quick 50 page stories, the tension is lost in translation in a lot of the more subtle areas (I.e. there isn't much time to ponder about what might happen next because it'll likely happen in the next scene, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does take away from the gravity of certain situations). With that being said, I think "strong 2/10" is a little harsh, but hey that's you opinion, probably a 6 or 7/10 from someone who's a big time Ito fan.

EDIT: I'll also add in I didn't really have much invested in this being an amazing work of art on the levels of Ito's manga so there's that as well.
Jan 26, 2018 9:20 PM

Jan 2013
On topic, I agree with what most point out here and think it's likely a combination of the issues discussed. Pretty sure the initial rating plummeted after the first episode wasn't what most expected, and I'd agree that's where a lot of the hate came from. Paired with fans who were scared that the show wasn't going to perform, and new viewers, who weren't necessarily judging too quickly, but perhaps unsure of what they were watching (Often the case when something is marketed one way [a horror anime of some of the best works in Ito's collection] and doesn't fit the criteria well enough [an unconventional dark comedy]). Classic Batman v Superman scenario. I guess we'll have to watch out for the die hard fans who defend it to the death
LivingDead999 said:
Counter question : Why do people think others are "hating" an anime if we give it low score ?

No, I'm not hating it. I just don't like it.

The creepiness I get from any Junji Ito manga isn't present in it. It feels like those Godawful creepypastas desperately trying to scare people. That amazing art, specifically those pencil shades are treasures of Junji manga which unfortunately, can't be adapted in anime. And that's just steals away much scare factors.

It actually does wow... I'd love to see what you just described, that's what Junji Ito really deserves. Imagine how scary something like that would be, so much potential damn
Jan 27, 2018 7:29 PM
Jan 2018
3 ep in and it just seem kind of dull and boring... not scary or creepy at all. When it does manage to peak my interest even a little it's the end of the story and they move on to something else.. very anticlimactic for such a subpar (average at best) build up
Jan 28, 2018 1:25 AM

Aug 2015
Stop disliking what I like, waaaahhhhaaa

6 is even too much for this garbage
Jan 28, 2018 5:21 AM

Sep 2016
I don't hate it, but I don't want to watch it anymore after episode 2, but I've already downloaded 3 and 4 so I'll finish them anyway. Hope it'll keep me watching.

Watching this series made me appreciate why Yami Shibai lasts for only 5 mins per episode. The stories in this anime are too dragged out. My curiosity from the beginning fizzled out pretty much completely halfway through. They aren't even creepy nor scary. Not even jump scares. Endings always left me with that meh feel.

Maybe I'm just not critique intellectual enough to understand it. *shrugs*
Jan 28, 2018 5:30 AM

May 2012
I would say the show is average. Not too good and not too bad

I don't think it deserve 7. There is far more entertaining shows that this in this season that are rated below 7. Killing Bites, Beatless etc are more entertaining to watch than this (specially killing bites which is my opinion most fun show in the season)
Jan 28, 2018 5:40 AM

Jan 2015
This adaptation should not even happen from start.
Rance X is A GOAT.
Jan 28, 2018 6:38 AM

Sep 2016
TheSmilingShoujo said:
I don't hate it, but I don't want to watch it anymore after episode 2, but I've already downloaded 3 and 4 so I'll finish them anyway. Hope it'll keep me watching.

Just done watching 4. It didn't change my mind so gonna drop it to cut the losses. There's generally lack of resolution/ending/closure in every story, making them pointless.
Mar 31, 2018 12:58 PM
Jun 2013
seems some people really hate the art style. Though I keep hearing that its a faithful adaptation. So it seems if the art change dont bother you then you should be fine.
Apr 12, 2019 11:57 AM
Oct 2018
Yeah, I was surprised by the shitty score and all the bitching; I thought it was one of the best horror animes (possibly THE best, tbh- especially if you class "horror" separate from "psychological") I've seen. So much of anime is generic as fuck, but this has a really unique feel, totally removed from the usual need to insert fan service and waifu material and a single 'relatable' protagonist. And it's not super-scary, but it does a really good job of capturing this cool 'disconcerting', 'uncanny valley' kind of vibe, which again, is really unique and interesting.

But I think maybe the main thing is- I don't read manga. I was kinda familiar with Ito's art, but not the writing, or stories or anything. All the lowest-score reviews and complaints talk about "it's not like the manga"- which I guess must be true, if people keep saying it, but personally, just as a stand-alone anime, totally unrelated to the manga, I think 'Collection' stands up pretty well. I feel like a lot of people just had specific expectations, and from what I know of Ito's art- that was just never going to happen. You just can't 1:1 translate these fineline, highly rendered drawings to animation- and definitely not for 12x 22min episodes, without some insane budget/production time. Maybe for a 3 minute music video you could do something, idk, but not for >4 hrs total.

I wonder if that's where a lot of the split is in people who like or hate 'Collection'? That people who read the manga hate it, but those who just watched the anime on it's own terms were more positive about it?

[Also, yeah the 1st ep wasn't the strongest one, and once a show has a bad rating, IMO others tend to just tag along, see it as bad, and also give shitty ratings, put the title into a kind of MAL death spiral. You're better off going into shows blind to the MAL score, so you can fully make up your own opinion, with no expactations or bias]
Jun 8, 2020 2:57 AM

May 2020
it's definitely a good anime, but the problem is, it changes alot of the source material.... for example, the 2nd half of episode 2 about "the long dream" but it has a completely different ending thats far less impactful than the original manga

plus, in all honesty, episode 1 kind of sucks lol, when the 1st episode should be something to get someone hooked onto the anime...

having read almost all of junji ito's short stories that are in this anime, they changed ALOT, for the worse tbh
_queueJun 8, 2020 3:10 AM
im weirdo
Jun 8, 2020 2:57 AM

May 2020
souledge94 said:
seems some people really hate the art style. Though I keep hearing that its a faithful adaptation. So it seems if the art change dont bother you then you should be fine.

it's not a faithful adaptation lolz
im weirdo
Jun 8, 2020 3:08 AM

May 2020
Apollo18 said:
I wonder if that's where a lot of the split is in people who like or hate 'Collection'? That people who read the manga hate it, but those who just watched the anime on it's own terms were more positive about it?

You are 100% right.. as a standalone thing, someone viewing it would think its great, but for someone watching it as a fan of his manga, like... idk how to describe it

I liked it alot at first but episode 2 upset me... the latter half is an adaptation of Junji Ito's "Long Dream", which to me is one of the scariest and most unsettling stories I've ever read. In this anime though, for some reason they decide to arbitrarily change the story and make the doctor seem like the bad guy, like "oh the scary part is that the doctor became crazy and wants the whole world to be able to experience an endless slumber" via some random crystals they found in the initial patients brain, whereas in the manga, it ends by just showing the patient experiencing an extremely long dream and showing the physical effects it's had on him, leaving it up to the reader's interpretation to realize why it's scary, rather than forcing it.

That's just one example but a ton of the stories end up being like that. At the end of the day I love this anime alot and Junji Ito is my favorite mangaka of all time but hopefully that gives some insight into why people who read the original manga would dislike it.

To some extent it's probably people reacting to it being rated low and that making them biased but trust me, it changes alottttt from the original stories, in unfortunately a bad way :/'
im weirdo
Jun 19, 2020 1:37 AM
Jun 2013
_queue said:
souledge94 said:
seems some people really hate the art style. Though I keep hearing that its a faithful adaptation. So it seems if the art change dont bother you then you should be fine.

it's not a faithful adaptation lolz

iv read some of the stories and the ones I know are pretty close. So at least some of the episodes are pretty faithful.
souledge94Jun 19, 2020 2:55 AM
Jul 22, 2020 12:42 PM

Nov 2016
It completely fails as a horror anime but my god were the stories interesting to watch 8/10 in my book. If only they could've made em scary too.
CPU: i7 6700 | GPU: GTX 1070 | RAM: 16GB | HD: 1TB | Moderators are mean! | D. Gray Man Hallow is UNDERRATED!

Oct 22, 2022 5:23 PM

Dec 2009
As a fan of Junji Itou who was pessismistic and refrained for 2 years in watching this anime and not reading his work from being poorly influenced by an incredibly harsh youtube video... until reading practically all of Itou's work and finally finishing this now... as a fan, I'm shocked myself at how oblivious I was or how there's such a glaring hate of critisicm from people of this anime.

For a fan, it's not bad at all. In fact it's great as a faithful adaption, even with its lackluster art/animation.
It's acceptable, and proper in tone with great voice acting for the most part.
Some censoring and condensed cut content is disappointing, but the twenty-four chosen adapted stories are many of Itou's best works which were practically all adapted very well.

I can accept the disappointment of not receiving slick art/animation that truly depicts the gorgeous original art,
but this was awesome to experience as a fan.
... I completely disagree with the harsh critique from fans. This wasn't another bad anime adaptation that was incredibly rushed with lacking context/insight from the original source in every scene of the anime.
Oct 26, 2022 11:03 PM

Nov 2016
Quite late to this but the best tl;dr reason I got from a guy in discord is this.
Imagine if Ito's work is adapted by queen bee.
Also I hope the upcoming Uzumaki does him justice.
Nov 21, 2022 11:54 PM

Dec 2020
The collections are all over the place . Couldn't enjoy a shi* . It was a lameass comedy series

Complex Stories are basically sleeping pills . Helps to get some sleep .

May 16, 2023 6:28 AM
Jan 2014
Stripes said:
Jhon_Bacon said:
At least a rating of 7.

Jhon_Bacon said:
People judge way to quickly.

I haven't watched it yet. But you're kind of contradicting yourself saying people are judging and then saying it's at least a 7.

Also people have expectations of the one of the best horror story tellers work being adapted, if it's not living up to those then it's bound to happen.
How is he contradicting himself? At least 7 is good, 6 is OK and below that is where it starts to be questionable whether you should watch something or not. I've watched hundreds of animes and barely anything is worth 8 or even more impossible - 9. People who rate things with 10 are immature and easily fascinated by tropes that have existed for hundreds of years, but they are too young and uncultured - barely have read any books, especially The Classics and have no base for comparison. There are hardly any animes that are such masterpieces that they deserve 10. For example something like Mononoke Hime gets something like an 8, and maybe, just maybe 9, but even that's hard to justify.

If the OP gives this a 7, he's being generous and this is a good thing, 7 is good, how exactly is he contradicting himself? If I made a manga or anime and people gave me 7, I'd be so happy and proud of myself.
Jun 28, 2023 7:11 AM
Jul 2018
I don't think it's THAT bad, some episodes disturbed me in a good way, but I think that animation is not that successful.

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