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Altair: A Record of Battles
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Nov 10, 2017 9:50 AM

Nov 2011
That was a scary moment for Caterina.
She could of died this episode from that assult.

Not bad for the action this episode with Abiriga showing off a bit of his skills. Mahmut still has a big responsibility on his shoulders so I hope he can keep his words. Definitely felt like a buildup to bigger things to come.
Nov 10, 2017 11:34 AM

Feb 2012
True, they've slowly started to connect stuff up for the finale.

The preview was really hype for me, looking forward to next episode.
Nov 10, 2017 12:09 PM

Jun 2015
So many things happened in this episode. Caterina was almost killed for allowing Torqye's army passage, but Bey saved her. Mahmut had a strange match Tauro's mayor. He was able to defeat the twins and hired all their mercenaries. Big things are coming.
Nov 10, 2017 1:29 PM
Jan 2017
Man they skipped lotta stuff from source material this time.
Nov 10, 2017 2:19 PM

May 2014
Man that was rushed..
Good but it felt like I missed a bunch of interesting things..

Nov 10, 2017 2:48 PM

Feb 2016
Yeah, a lot of skipping, like gate-jumping. But, it still feels coming fire and chaos. What Suleyman said to the madam's secretary summarizes it; the empire doesn't need help or sympathy or cooperating, they just burned down towns, villages and all humans, except worthy to be slave.

MAPPA doesn't show much violence, and myself haven't read the manga, but I feel that the manga version is very much violent.

Mahmudo Pasha should do the unexpected that whatever is, because that mapmaker knows that even all those tiny little alliances will not stop the empire.
Nov 10, 2017 2:53 PM

Sep 2013
Suleyman hitting caterina with the truth and saves her from the empire sympathizers, the alliance is still on though.
Mahmut passing tauro's test and buys their services, all the visits mean nothing with the empire using force.
Nov 10, 2017 4:12 PM

May 2015
Things are heating up, and this episode felt like a decent buildup in that regard.

Nov 10, 2017 4:18 PM
Jan 2017

Nov 10, 2017 4:20 PM

Dec 2014
Nice episode, glad to see Caterina joining the Torque alliance. Those empire fanatics got what was coming to them when they tried to assassinate Caterina.

Pretty nice montage showing all the people Mahmut has been able to influence rallying up against the empire.
Nov 10, 2017 4:47 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Things are building up pretty nicely but I'm just glad that Caterina didn't die (Thank god for Suleyman staying behind to protect his love)
Nov 10, 2017 5:14 PM

Feb 2014
OttomanKebab said:


Wonder what that piece is?
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Nov 10, 2017 7:48 PM

Jun 2014
My boy Suleyman better have gotten that good succ after saving Caterina from getting assassinated.

This episode's pacing did feel a bit fast but I'm still interested in seeing what's going to happen next.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Nov 10, 2017 10:11 PM
Jul 2015
Mannnn, was really hoping that blonde bitchboy was gonna die. Them mayors need a better stylist. I think Campana has a few too many bells. This show really loves to burn everything (even stone). Im pretty sure that kid is dead. Another ramp up episode, but I enjoyed it. I just hope they spend at least the last 4 episodes focusing on the war.
Nov 10, 2017 11:48 PM

May 2015
Caterina: "We're going to be the third party to oppose the Empire and the Alliance!"

Good for Suleyman to stay behind and protect the waifu. And I just now noticed that Mamiko Noto was the voice for Caterina. Playing a Country Leader and a NEET in the same season. Yay!

Now, I am one of the watchers of this anime who didn't read the manga. I've been saying in the past that lots of things happen in each episode. But I am going to say that even without reading the manga, I already know that there was WAY TOO MUCH happening in this episode! They're cramming everything and rushing it out now. I wanted to see that mock battle! I mean, this was a good episode and all, but there's just WAY TOO MUCH!

Blanca's a cute Kulak...

So now the empire is just steamrolling their way towards Torqye. I don't think Mahmut will be able to avoid a fight against them if things keep going like this. Zaganos better be doing something somewhere...
TarotistNov 14, 2017 7:35 AM
Nov 11, 2017 4:16 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
Wow, this was one of the worse episodes in a while as the pacing was absolutely horrible. They skipped a lot of things and tried to show only the important stuff, but it only felt like an info dump. I'm sad that the Taurus battle of wits was reduced to practically nothing because it was one of my favorite moments and I was hyped about it, but even more than that, the whole thing was rushed as heck. I get they want to focus on the later action, but dayum, rushed pacing helped no one.

I am pretty disappointed with the series by now. I was ok for most of it, but moments like this remind me how fast everything is happening and it feels unnatural.
Nov 11, 2017 4:55 AM

Aug 2013
Mahmut managed to gain some alliances but that is not stopping the empire's brutality. An okay episode overall.

Nov 11, 2017 11:23 AM

Sep 2016
i feel like the anime afte balaban arc get really bland and extremely rushed. I've been re-reading the manga after each episode and damn it was so interesting, well-written and flow naturally.

sad that the anime can't match even 1/10 of the quality.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Nov 11, 2017 12:30 PM

Nov 2016
Kinda felt like the pacing was even more off than usual,things are progressing too fast in a not enjoyable way.

Seems like all of Mahmuts rational approaches are still nothing compared to blank fear,but he still may be able to save Chielo.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 11, 2017 1:53 PM

Jan 2014
Was it me or did A LOT happen in this episode? I didn't mind the pacing, but the one thing that bothered me was the inclusion of that new character dude with orange-ish hair as if it was nothing.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Nov 11, 2017 6:04 PM

Jan 2013
Another great episode!
Mahmut and Suleyman did a great job on Florence, they convinced her that their alliance is the best option, thanks to that spy that in the last moment send the letter, he did his job.
Actually, a lot happened in this episode xD Now it will get even better.
I wonder what Louis meant with what he said...but for sure it's not a good thing. We don't know what he is doing but he is clearly a few steps ahead.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Nov 11, 2017 10:57 PM

Feb 2008
Zelev said:
Was it me or did A LOT happen in this episode? I didn't mind the pacing, but the one thing that bothered me was the inclusion of that new character dude with orange-ish hair as if it was nothing.

He was supposed to be introduced in the Cuore arc and then become a major character in the Tauro arc. At least that's what happens in the manga, before they butchered the pacing.
Nov 12, 2017 1:35 AM

Mar 2009
There are so many characters and they keep introducing more and more...
Nov 12, 2017 3:09 AM

Oct 2015
Yeah, too many things packed in this episode, still interesting nonetheless. Oooh, the storm that's about to come is brewing
Nov 13, 2017 3:57 PM

Oct 2008
Torquean Tactics are top class!
For sure I heard Tomatsu's voice from that dark woman who saved the kid that came from the huge
The Allies of Mahamut are still growing!
But Empire still stronk!

Nov 15, 2017 6:37 AM

Apr 2016
I would like to see a story on that boy that survive in war of Empire vs Campana
Dec 9, 2017 5:06 PM

Jan 2016
This episode is a bit fast pace in a different sense, aside from the events happened in Florence. There was huge potential amounts of scenes in El-Toro (In manga it was one of my favourite scenes in battle development) had been taken away due to time constraints sadly. Because in that particular (manga wise) scene there was an increasing mental and physical (Don't Think! :) ) characteristic improvements speaking of character wise like Ebrach and regards to Equestrian history. Also battle seems short and not enough details like this:

Basically aside from the Florence everything was fast paced in a way. BUT BUT BUT (Here's comes the BUT!) this episode I rate 4/5 because well in foremost really good sequence combined with the great music effectively affects overall atmosphere.

The music composer: Kawasaki Ryo really had done superb with the soundtracks (Can't wait to buy them if it's available).

Overall Score: 4/5
DEUS VULT! Let's bring some gunpowder firearms

Aug 29, 2018 12:05 PM

Jun 2011
Only at the 7min mark in this episode but bro, wtf, these creeps have a secret passage all the way to the queen's chamber/bed room? That's fkin creepy. Also, so freakin annoying that these people are still blinded by the past.. I would understand if they want to remain neutral but going to Empire's side just because of something that happened in the past with the Turkiye is just ignorant asf.. didn't they get the memo of how the Empire have been acting?

The queen's (whose name is just so damn long) aide (that damn brown hair dude who's always with her) is just so annoying, he reminds me of the black dude from Phoenicia who instigated a movement against the Empire using Mahmut because he's too proud of his "great wall" and willing to accept no other opinions. In other word, fkin blind.

edit: episode ended up having a lot more than expected, going by events pretty quickly..
ToG25thBaamAug 29, 2018 12:22 PM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 14, 2018 2:16 PM
Mar 2016
ToG25thBaam said:
Only at the 7min mark in this episode but bro, wtf, these creeps have a secret passage all the way to the queen's chamber/bed room? That's fkin creepy. Also, so freakin annoying that these people are still blinded by the past.. I would understand if they want to remain neutral but going to Empire's side just because of something that happened in the past with the Turkiye is just ignorant asf.. didn't they get the memo of how the Empire have been acting?

The queen's (whose name is just so damn long) aide (that damn brown hair dude who's always with her) is just so annoying, he reminds me of the black dude from Phoenicia who instigated a movement against the Empire using Mahmut because he's too proud of his "great wall" and willing to accept no other opinions. In other word, fkin blind.

edit: episode ended up having a lot more than expected, going by events pretty quickly..

She is not queen She is gonfaloriene and Florance is republic also she has got too easy name:
Caterina..... really easy name full name is Caterina Di Rossi not hard to remember ı think
Sep 14, 2018 11:12 PM

Jun 2011
moonlightknight said:
She is not queen She is gonfaloriene and Florance is republic also she has got too easy name:
Caterina..... really easy name full name is Caterina Di Rossi not hard to remember ı think
Yea I only used queen as a stand in because I can't spell Gonfaloriene, and I honestly don't remember her name.. the terms used for standings in this story is way too hard to remember.. I only know Sultan because my own country uses it lol
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 17, 2018 2:01 PM
Mar 2016
ToG25thBaam said:
moonlightknight said:
She is not queen She is gonfaloriene and Florance is republic also she has got too easy name:
Caterina..... really easy name full name is Caterina Di Rossi not hard to remember ı think
Yea I only used queen as a stand in because I can't spell Gonfaloriene, and I honestly don't remember her name.. the terms used for standings in this story is way too hard to remember.. I only know Sultan because my own country uses it lol

well My country was also using sultan but I know little bit more than title but :D
also Caterina really easy remember name :D
Dec 2, 2023 10:52 PM

Dec 2022
Torquye having one military expert nation urado and venedik and those 37 city states even after that the Empire seems a threat for them

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