zcv45 said:EcchiLordMamster said:@zcv45
1. i don't see why you had any type of high expectation from this show story or character wie
2. then why are you still watching it? -___-
1. Having low expectations doesn't justify the show being bad. Shows I went in watching with low expectations turned out good at times. And sometimes I go in with high expectations turns out bad. Others may of watched it with low expectations even if I went in with high. It don't matter. All that matters is if the show is actually good or not.
And I did come here with low expectation, I was disappointed with even that. I at least expected as a typical highschool harem with some crazy 5 swords thing where the guys are delinquents trying to resist "correction" to spice things up.
But no... the whole series is episodic fight. But even then it makes no sense rather in class or really in anything that is going on.
Things just happen... because it can.
2. I told you why I watch it. I'm not bothered by it. I just think its bad. If I'm not bothered by it there is no reason to stop watching it. I got literally nothing else to do so might as well waste some time. But I'm not going to say that it is good because I watch it.
And also Amou catching my interest. If you read what I typed, I already mentioned this.
Here is the thing. I would stop watching it if it becomes painful. But it isn't. but it isn't good either. And I also never complained about this show in any of the episode discussions until this was brought up. In which I simply agree with the OP.
I also simply wanted to clarify this whole "if it's not masterpiece it is shit" which is not true since this particular series really is shit. If it is not it would be average, ok, good or even masterpiece. But it is none of that.
Valaskjalf said:SkyFullOfStars said:idk I tried watching it today. Got through ep1 but couldn't get any further. I dislike the way they portray girls in there and I hate the whole "coexist with us as girls" thing.
ikr, this anime is sexist and misogynist. This anime is basically about a man beating the crap out of any woman who gets in his way, and they end up falling for him. This anime is teaching the kids that it's alright to be violent towards woman because that's how you subjugate them. In fact, in one episode, the french girl was basically begging the main character to violate her! This is unacceptable and disgusting!