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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Sep 27, 2015 8:06 PM

Sep 2014
Spoilers if you haven't seen episode 12! Proceed at your own discretion.

After finding out who the fake was out of the 7, I couldn't help but feel betrayed. I'm going to tell you why... and I'm also asking if you feel the same way, and if you thought it was clearly her, could you let me know why?

Ok so first, I completely felt that her own personality did not fit with her final reveal.

Two, Why didn't she kill adlet much sooner?

Three, so here saying "This is what it feels like to be angry!" Was a complete act?

Four, why was she so fixated on trying to convince Goldilocks that Adlet wasn't fake, and she believe it was hans?

Five, I might of missed this but... The guard who supposedly told the fake activation method was working with the seventh (I forgot if this was proven to be true or not). How did she managed to get in touch with him and tell him about a fake process? He also only told adlet that only one brave had made contact with him.

Six(kind of like my first point), I truly did not see any reasons for her to be the culprit. Her personality just didn't fit. Most plot twists, or reveals have hints that lead up to a certain point, but I can't help but think this was made out of thin air, so.. Were you able to see or had a reason to think she was the culprit?

So debunk my doubts so my head can stop thinking. Also tell me your reasons why you thought it was her and if not.... Tell me why you didn't think it was her.

p.s. sorry if this thread was already made. I just finished and didn't feel like searching the forums. >,<
GokuSep 27, 2015 8:16 PM
Sep 27, 2015 8:14 PM

Apr 2014
I agree completely. It was entertaining, but it fails as a mystery show. With how they unfolded it, there is no way we really could have guessed who the seventh was.
DawningFogSep 27, 2015 8:20 PM
Sep 27, 2015 8:19 PM

Sep 2014
DawningFog said:
I agree completely. It was entertaining, but it fails as a mystery show. There is no way we really could have guessed who the seventh was.

See, I felt I had it down. I was so feeling Mora, but when everyone suspected her... the feeling or atmosphere around here felt completely off. It didn't feel like she was the culprit anymore. Then I second guessed my self, and completely failed at trying to guess who was the culprit. THEN BOOM! I get hit with Nashetania!
Sep 27, 2015 8:23 PM

Apr 2014
LightasGrimm said:
DawningFog said:
I agree completely. It was entertaining, but it fails as a mystery show. There is no way we really could have guessed who the seventh was.

See, I felt I had it down. I was so feeling Mora, but when everyone suspected her... the feeling or atmosphere around here felt completely off. It didn't feel like she was the culprit anymore. Then I second guessed my self, and completely failed at trying to guess who was the culprit. THEN BOOM! I get hit with Nashetania!

Some pe
LightasGrimm said:
DawningFog said:
I agree completely. It was entertaining, but it fails as a mystery show. There is no way we really could have guessed who the seventh was.

See, I felt I had it down. I was so feeling Mora, but when everyone suspected her... the feeling or atmosphere around here felt completely off. It didn't feel like she was the culprit anymore. Then I second guessed my self, and completely failed at trying to guess who was the culprit. THEN BOOM! I get hit with Nashetania!

Same. The show painted her as quite the bad guy. I also felt Nachetanya's personality was poorly inconsistent through out the whole show.
Sep 27, 2015 9:46 PM

May 2010
LightasGrimm said:
Spoilers if you haven't seen episode 12! Proceed at your own discretion.

After finding out who the fake was out of the 7, I couldn't help but feel betrayed. I'm going to tell you why... and I'm also asking if you feel the same way, and if you thought it was clearly her, could you let me know why?

Ok so first, I completely felt that her own personality did not fit with her final reveal.

Two, Why didn't she kill adlet much sooner?

Three, so here saying "This is what it feels like to be angry!" Was a complete act?

Four, why was she so fixated on trying to convince Goldilocks that Adlet wasn't fake, and she believe it was hans?

Five, I might of missed this but... The guard who supposedly told the fake activation method was working with the seventh (I forgot if this was proven to be true or not). How did she managed to get in touch with him and tell him about a fake process? He also only told adlet that only one brave had made contact with him.

Six(kind of like my first point), I truly did not see any reasons for her to be the culprit. Her personality just didn't fit. Most plot twists, or reveals have hints that lead up to a certain point, but I can't help but think this was made out of thin air, so.. Were you able to see or had a reason to think she was the culprit?

So debunk my doubts so my head can stop thinking. Also tell me your reasons why you thought it was her and if not.... Tell me why you didn't think it was her.

p.s. sorry if this thread was already made. I just finished and didn't feel like searching the forums. >,<

1. Good acting
2. She needed to gage his powers correctly to kill him. She was aiming to kill all 6 members, the 7 braves together would make it easier for them to kill themselves.
3. I don't think so
4. Because Hans, according to her, was the most problematic.
5. I forgot the reason. I have to reread/rewatch.
Sep 27, 2015 10:33 PM

Mar 2012
3. Basically, she needs a good reason to kill Adlet since she established her character as someone who trusts Adlet completely. Hence her acting of defending Adlet after the initial accusation of him at the temple. She just needs someone to do what Mora did, which is lie to everyone that Adlet betrayed everyone behind their backs and then she can act as if she was betrayed. Only then can she start to kill Adlet.

I found it weird that she felt so betrayed after Mora made that fake announcement using the mountain voice. She believed Adlet so much she couldn't possibly believe Mora without seeing Hans injured with her own eyes. But after the reveal it all made sense. She just wanted the license to kill Adlet without any suspicion using betrayal as an excuse.

And like Forgetfulness mentioned, the way she freaked out at the barrier activation altar was so weird but I chalked it up to her being an inexperienced warrior.
Sep 28, 2015 12:03 AM
Jan 2013
Nashetania did not want to kill any of the Braves by her own hands. She wanted the Braves to kill each other. Read the light novel if you haven't.
"How am I supposed to face the problem when the problem is my face?" - W.Lui

"A real man forgives a woman for her lies." - Sanji

"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes adults flying through a portal in the sky." - NettoSaito

"I'm not a newbie it's just that I only registered a few days ago." - A newbie
Sep 28, 2015 7:21 AM

Feb 2011
Minor LN thing. In the LN, you go into her point of view. The reason she kept trying to convince Goldof that Adlet was innocent was to trick him into jealously killing Adlet.

She didnt kill Adlet sooner because she thought he was really stupid and would be the ideal person to pin the barrier activation on. In episode 5, when he take a hostage, she was internally shocked that he could escape. Her original plan had him dying there and then.

Her personality has always been a ruse. The LNs go into more detail of her past and why shes such a liar.
Sep 28, 2015 12:01 PM

Oct 2013
LN that the anime has not covered. The past thing at least.
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Sep 28, 2015 2:15 PM

Mar 2012
About your questions:
1. Of course you didn't, she was faking it to gain people's trust :P
2. She didn't attempt to kill him sooner because she underestimated him so she didn't expect him to actually solve the mystery. It was also much easier to get them to kill each other rather than doing it herself which would lead to suspicion.
3. Obviously.
4. Because by trying to convince people he wasn't the fake when everyone else believed that he was would make her seem even more innocent and less suspicious. Also by saying it was Hans who was actually the seventh she would be getting rid of the biggest threat. If Hans actually got killed suspicion would fall back on Adlet, then Fremy, then probably Mora and so on.
5. Don't remember but he could've been lying about that as well. I think there was a theory that the guards were already killed and the ones who adlet and the rest met were fiends pretending to be the guards.
6. I think the only reason people would think this came out of thin air was if they really liked Nashetania and didn't want it to be her :P When she threw that fit at the temple and broke the tablet it should've been good enough reason to suspect her.

- She was the first to meet Adlet
- They've been together since the first episode
- They make it seem like she's into him
- She's the only one who says Adlet is innocent
- The only kind, sweet, and innocent looking character of the group
- Subtle suspicious behavior like when Goldof says he heard something she immediately shot it down
- Attempting to make it seem like she's trying to help Adlet by saying Hans was the seventh which makes her look even more innocent
- You can clearly see at times that she has some mental issues
- Has no issues trying to kill Adlet when Mora tells everyone he tried to kill Hans

Here's a few of my reactions per episode:
4. "My bet's on the psycho bunny girl being the fake hero."
5. "The fact that Adlet has been with the bunny girl before meeting the other guardians and how she looks like she into him makes her the most suspicious one right off the bat. She's too safe for the seventh not to be her xD Basically the complete opposite of Fremy who's too obvious to be the seventh."
9. "Of course your glad he's working hard Nashetania since it wouldn't be any fun otherwise would it? ;)"

The fact that people guessed wrong and didn't expect it to be Nashetania =/= bad mystery. It's actually quite the opposite since it did a good job making it seem like it wasn't her if you didn't question why she smashed the tablet during that random fit. By having her be with Adlet since the first episode, learning about her and showing her "kind" personality they succeeded in dropping people's guards and automatically assume that she's innocent.

Basically she was "too safe", the red herrings were everywhere. Fremy is a half fiend, Hans is a skilled assassin, Chamot is a psycho loli and Mora went to any lengths to have her way. Then all we're left is with the MC, Goldof who's in love with the princess so his judgement would be clouded, and little miss perfect Nashetania herself who no one even considers to be the seventh.
Sep 28, 2015 2:32 PM

Jun 2014
What everyone above said. I'm surprised there were people who didn't at all think it was Nashetania, though. They made the little hints that gave her away more obvious in the anime than they were in the light novel.
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Sep 28, 2015 7:05 PM
Aug 2013
I will be honest and say I was pushing towards Mora, which I still dont feel is a bad answer there are many things that she did which shows that she was gunning to have the braves dead as well, she kinda prepped Flemie to kill Adlet on sight, then lying about hans being hurt.

My bet is that Nachetanya prematurely revealed her hand in order to hide Mora's actions.. assuming that there wasnt going to be another brave show up would of given Mora the prefect cover.

But I do feel the show gave enough hints looking back to show Nachetanya as being the traitor, the main thing for me was she flipflops from being a complete idiot for fighting to a fully capable one depending on who was with her... and it was based on convenience.
Sep 28, 2015 7:49 PM

Apr 2014
NowOrNever88 said:
Minor LN thing. In the LN, you go into her point of view. The reason she kept trying to convince Goldof that Adlet was innocent was to trick him into jealously killing Adlet.

She didnt kill Adlet sooner because she thought he was really stupid and would be the ideal person to pin the barrier activation on. In episode 5, when he take a hostage, she was internally shocked that he could escape. Her original plan had him dying there and then.

Her personality has always been a ruse. The LNs go into more detail of her past and why shes such a liar.

Do they have the light novels in English?
Sep 28, 2015 8:26 PM
Oct 2010
LightasGrimm said:
Spoilers if you haven't seen episode 12! Proceed at your own discretion.

After finding out who the fake was out of the 7, I couldn't help but feel betrayed. I'm going to tell you why... and I'm also asking if you feel the same way, and if you thought it was clearly her, could you let me know why?

Ok so first, I completely felt that her own personality did not fit with her final reveal.

Two, Why didn't she kill adlet much sooner?

Three, so here saying "This is what it feels like to be angry!" Was a complete act?

Four, why was she so fixated on trying to convince Goldilocks that Adlet wasn't fake, and she believe it was hans?

Five, I might of missed this but... The guard who supposedly told the fake activation method was working with the seventh (I forgot if this was proven to be true or not). How did she managed to get in touch with him and tell him about a fake process? He also only told adlet that only one brave had made contact with him.

Six(kind of like my first point), I truly did not see any reasons for her to be the culprit. Her personality just didn't fit. Most plot twists, or reveals have hints that lead up to a certain point, but I can't help but think this was made out of thin air, so.. Were you able to see or had a reason to think she was the culprit?

So debunk my doubts so my head can stop thinking. Also tell me your reasons why you thought it was her and if not.... Tell me why you didn't think it was her.

p.s. sorry if this thread was already made. I just finished and didn't feel like searching the forums. >,<

1. I feel like this is an anime issue
2. Because she thought he was stupid and that she could manipulate him (which was true) and that he was likely the weakest out of the bunch (I think she indirectly mentions this)
3. Yep
4. If I remember correctly she stated that hans was probably her most dangerous opponent and she was likely trying to get goldov to kill him because of that fact.
5. No idea, I asked this in the final episode thread as well, I can only assume the men there are under the empire she's a princess of.
6. The only reason I thought it was her (I actually thought it was between her and the MC) was because she was the only one who did something ritual like aside from the MC at the altar when they were trying to take down the fog.
Sep 28, 2015 8:35 PM

Jun 2015
Wait..... so Nashetania is the 7th????? Mindblown!
Sep 29, 2015 12:20 AM

Nov 2009
KageNoAbisu said:
What everyone above said. I'm surprised there were people who didn't at all think it was Nashetania, though. They made the little hints that gave her away more obvious in the anime than they were in the light novel.

Hints are more obvious when you know the solution.
Also, to a person who isn't a mystery veteran, it is far from obvious that Nashetania is too innocent to not be the 7th. Instead, given the amount of screen time she had, one could assume she will stay in the show for a long while.

DawningFog said:
Do they have the light novels in English?

Yes, there is a fan translation. Ask Zefyris about how accurate it is, but it's interesting and readable.

skudoops said:
5. No idea, I asked this in the final episode thread as well, I can only assume the men there are under the empire she's a princess of.

It's most likely that the men in the fortress are in league with the demons (the same group that Nashetania is part of). Or at least Lauren is. The demons probably attacked the fortress until all the people actually loyal to the king (or at least the ones who outranked Lauren) were dead. It may be that the soldiers in league with the demons fought for the demons in the battle, making the battle a lot easier.
Sep 29, 2015 1:37 AM

Apr 2014
flannan said:
KageNoAbisu said:
What everyone above said. I'm surprised there were people who didn't at all think it was Nashetania, though. They made the little hints that gave her away more obvious in the anime than they were in the light novel.

Hints are more obvious when you know the solution.
Also, to a person who isn't a mystery veteran, it is far from obvious that Nashetania is too innocent to not be the 7th. Instead, given the amount of screen time she had, one could assume she will stay in the show for a long while.

DawningFog said:
Do they have the light novels in English?

Yes, there is a fan translation. Ask Zefyris about how accurate it is, but it's interesting and readable.

skudoops said:
5. No idea, I asked this in the final episode thread as well, I can only assume the men there are under the empire she's a princess of.

It's most likely that the men in the fortress are in league with the demons (the same group that Nashetania is part of). Or at least Lauren is. The demons probably attacked the fortress until all the people actually loyal to the king (or at least the ones who outranked Lauren) were dead. It may be that the soldiers in league with the demons fought for the demons in the battle, making the battle a lot easier.

Thank you! Do you know where I can find them?
Sep 29, 2015 4:56 AM

Nov 2009
DawningFog said:
flannan said:

Yes, there is a fan translation. Ask Zefyris about how accurate it is, but it's interesting and readable.

Thank you! Do you know where I can find them?

Look up "NanoDesu Light Novel Translations". They translate quite a number of LNs, including Rokka no Yuusha.
Sep 29, 2015 6:11 AM

Sep 2013
The thing I disliked about the whole reveal was, that the thing with the stone tables was an complete asspull. Its not really a fun mystery if you have no chance of solving it for sure. Before that watchers (and the Braves as well) could not PROOVE that she was the 7th. Anime watchers (me included) GUESSED it, but there was no way to be sure.
Sep 29, 2015 11:37 AM

Feb 2015
DawningFog said:
I agree completely. It was entertaining, but it fails as a mystery show. With how they unfolded it, there is no way we really could have guessed who the seventh was.

Yes, I agree with you. I became very disappointed by its pace, its bad distribution of information, its bad focus on characters...
I think they speeded/gathered it too much. More episodes were needed.
Sep 29, 2015 11:39 AM

Jul 2014
As a LN reader myself, the ending felt lackluster as fuck.

Well, this is only one volume out of the 6. We readers know how much better it gets.
Sep 29, 2015 11:40 AM

Jun 2014
flannan said:
KageNoAbisu said:
What everyone above said. I'm surprised there were people who didn't at all think it was Nashetania, though. They made the little hints that gave her away more obvious in the anime than they were in the light novel.

Hints are more obvious when you know the solution.

That's true, but I only started reading the light novels after what I believe was episode 8 (it was the episode with Hans and Adlet's fight), so as I read I noticed that the anime made some hints a lot more noticeable than they originally were.
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Sep 29, 2015 5:33 PM

Mar 2014
Lol so you feel betrayed because you fell for her acting? Come on, dude. You don't even need to be an LN reader to have a good idea of why she did the things she did (but the LN readers did give me better insight, though... like the one about her past and why she is such a liar.)

Her not fitting the bill because of her personality is EXACTLY what makes it a good twist -- you don't see it coming. I don't see how that's a bad thing. But as others have mentioned, she was very suspicious (ie. too innocent to ever be suspected, had mental breakdowns, her little clumsy act when activating the barrier, etc.)
Sep 29, 2015 6:27 PM

Sep 2014
jreginald said:
Lol so you feel betrayed because you fell for her acting? Come on, dude. You don't even need to be an LN reader to have a good idea of why she did the things she did (but the LN readers did give me better insight, though... like the one about her past and why she is such a liar.)

Her not fitting the bill because of her personality is EXACTLY what makes it a good twist -- you don't see it coming. I don't see how that's a bad thing. But as others have mentioned, she was very suspicious (ie. too innocent to ever be suspected, had mental breakdowns, her little clumsy act when activating the barrier, etc.)

I see what you mean. I read all of the above posts and pretty much understood it was acting. I was also really fixated on Mora being the culprit that I was blinded by the actions of Nashetania and just put them off.

Although the acting is what completely got me. Probably because there was no Inner monologue from her(or was there?), so I could really never see what she was thinking. It came across like this, say we never got Adlet's inner monologues so we never really knew what was going through his head. Then he pulls a 180 and changes his personality completely. He turns out to be a complete psychopath who wants to kill the braves because his family was affected by fiends, so he wants the world to die at the hands of fiends to have the same emotional pain as him.

I hope that iffy example somewhat gave you an idea of what was going through my mind, and why I was deceived or felt betrayed so to say.

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