You're very welcome. ;D
Inorite? That is why I'm happy for the end of the school year to come, and I'm procastinating for the end of the school year to come
Really? Japanese guys? Are they as hawt as dudes in animu? :D And when you get fired, and replaced, and your cry, and cry, and cry, theen you become a hobo.
You pwn everyone? Well why didn't you just say so! I now know my attempts of epicness against you will be futile. :D
Haha, I bet you'll never want to come back to America [[if you do live in America]]. Too bad Japanese boys don't look like the one in the anime. OH YEAH? I'LL COME AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. You will be the best! Until you have to do brain surgery or something D: Then that's just nasty. Yuckk.
No you shall not. Want to know why? I upgraded myself from awesome skills to epic skills, my dear Kindle. :'DD
What are you going to do there? Tcch, being polite won't save you now. I will hide in your suitcase! >:D You're so right. I concurr [[my word atm]]! Then I'll look back and be say, "goodness that was awesome!" Inorite? Everyone will be knocking at your door for the best treatment in the world. TAKE THAT CHINESE DUDE.
Oh, but you shall not due to my awesome skills. :DD
Lol, if you were going to Japan I would freaking hide in your suit case. Manga and Anime beat life, dude. Haha, I wish. Doing nothing special is wasting my precious years until I'm old and grey. You'll be so famous.. You can bring people back from the dead. <33
Oho, you have a lot of charisma. But I shall wait here and prove you wrong :DD
Oh? That sounds interesting ;D I'm not doing anything special either so.. Yeah. Lol. You will! You'll even be better than that guy who did surgery on a seven year old girl by taking out her brain but she still survived! <3
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Inorite? That is why I'm happy for the end of the school year to come, and I'm procastinating for the end of the school year to come
Lawl, you win. How's life?
Really? Japanese guys? Are they as hawt as dudes in animu? :D And when you get fired, and replaced, and your cry, and cry, and cry, theen you become a hobo.
Haha, I bet you'll never want to come back to America [[if you do live in America]]. Too bad Japanese boys don't look like the one in the anime. OH YEAH? I'LL COME AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. You will be the best! Until you have to do brain surgery or something D: Then that's just nasty. Yuckk.
Yeah, true. But this year is flying by. Like, yeah.
What are you going to do there? Tcch, being polite won't save you now. I will hide in your suitcase! >:D You're so right. I concurr [[my word atm]]! Then I'll look back and be say, "goodness that was awesome!" Inorite? Everyone will be knocking at your door for the best treatment in the world. TAKE THAT CHINESE DUDE.
Lol, if you were going to Japan I would freaking hide in your suit case. Manga and Anime beat life, dude. Haha, I wish. Doing nothing special is wasting my precious years until I'm old and grey. You'll be so famous.. You can bring people back from the dead. <33
Oh? That sounds interesting ;D I'm not doing anything special either so.. Yeah. Lol. You will! You'll even be better than that guy who did surgery on a seven year old girl by taking out her brain but she still survived! <3
Lol, good thinking! So any plans for upcoming Valentines Day? Lol QTF. I support you 100% Totally. Hmm. Yup. M'kay <33
Exams do D: Too bad I have to take it again at the end of the year.
This is just a random comment. Ahem.. Lol [;
Just finished exam week. Now I can relax. :3
Ohh, how about you do it and then tell me how it works out :D I amm. You should be a doctor. You know everything about anything. Srsly :D