- Last OnlineSep 18, 2010 3:22 PM
- BirthdayJun 2
- LocationEast coast USA (wish other country)
- JoinedJun 28, 2009
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![]() -|Latest info|- ![]() 18(9)10 Tea today: 'English Black' and cold 'Green tea'. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics -Liebestod by Ketamine|Corruption by C.Queen- I really like creature mpreg, odd no? {Nothing much really, just drowning any sorrow in fiction.} Ja(ne)minna Note: Since I had to exchange laptops, which are all borrowed, I can not upload any more cards that I make. Gomen for any inconviences to any one but I can still make the cards requested and plan to also make the Shizuo Club 1000 edition but all will be even later than I hoped because of this. I'll try to buy my own laptop asap to fix everything so please wait. Once again gomen-nasai and have a good day. -bows- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -{Characters}- -{Cards}- -{Clubs}- -{Pets}- -{Fun}- _--_--_--_--_--_--_--_ Notes- Past info- ~26-9-09 Hai I'm not really here just some manga updating + such maybe? *shrugs* Well I've been in my hole again besides drowned by paperwork. 0.0 "Ahh~" So maaybe not THAT much but more than my lazyness wants. -_- -Later -31-12-09 Still avoiding my work >.> just makin some updates have a good vacay and new year people. *bows* -|=1, 1, 10=|- Yeah I'm still here into the last turning of the new year ...great I'm gonna be older -_- Hope you all had great new year soba and get a nice vacay. ...also if anyone would start a Kuroshitsuji - Finnian f.c. w/me that'd be sweet... |Pandora Hearts - first background of the year| |Ja-ne minna-san| ...1.9.10... ...no matter how many years have past we'll always think of you when snowflakes fall as it did for you that day... ...when our pure white tenshi fell for his deam protecting his most precious person... ...RIP Haku-kun... (17-1-10) Ah just making sure everythings okay... Did up some crappy cards that I'd show people if I could upload... And won't be on again for a while...(put off work too long) -_-" (ja-ne) ..-[20|1|10]-.. Yesterday was Sabaku no Gaara-kun's tanjobi(sp?) *yay* so hope everyone did something related to the kawaii tanuki! :) So get ready for saturday the 23rd which happens to be Shino-kun's b-day as well! Three great characters in one month? How can it get better? *whispers* well maybe a threesome? XD Anyway again arigato ne minna-san for all the great cards!! Demo it makes me wonder what I could do in return...*thinks off into space* Keep warm while watching the Australian open, matta ne! ![]() _.:23:1:10:._ Yatta! Today is Aburame, Shino-kun's b-day! ^^ Lets show some buggy love <3 Now just to get his glasses off~ ![]() _.::._ Also congratz Djokovic, Novak for winning his first 3 matches!! Please support him by watching the up coming match against Kubot, Lukasz. Gomen ne Poland I'm not rooting for my blood >.> ![]() 1[30]10 So the 25th was the 4th Hokage's b-day RIP Hokage-sama. Just reading manga I haven't added...(to lazy)...and work though I did refind a friend so that's good. Now just to get the next jump! Have a good month minna-san. *goes back to j-rock/visual kei jamin'* 3<2>10 _Actually nothing really_ _Just wishing for more shota updates_ _Oh ramen anyone?_ -{11-2-10}- Well of course I'm gone for a week and miss a bunch of crap. -_- Yes well...Question: How did they get FMA:B out dubbed + licenced so fast? [With the same VA's too??] Rugby - Go Ireland!! And now I hate snow even more. -_-" If anyone needs somethin' leave a message + I'll get to it asap. -{Later}- 17(2)10 (c)leaning out my box o(f) the many repeat ma(i)ls reading a(s) much fa(n)fics as (I) can find wis(h)ing for my very own (u)ke ()and no the letters aren't meant to spell anything() ()I thought I had finished ridding my self of the extra mail going through about 300 some pages only to find over 65,000 more pages!! >_<" So if anyone can top that please tell me I'm not alone in my suffering. T-T() 23|2|10 ...just looking and updating... ja|ne |>4|<|3|>|10<| Nothing much Just reading manga online Avoiding work And nothin' much else. Ja-ne minna-san 11 3 10 So I contracted a virus and needed to switch lappies. Had no internet = no manga/anime TT-TT But it's new and working = hooray! ^-^ -Later- My luv: Bleach epi. 259 -Hanatarou + Hisagomaru- <3 ![]() -15 -3- 10- Ah just updating and working nothing much else... Matta-ne Hope you all had a good White day~ Hii-chan's cosplay is so~ kawaii!! X3 ...almost makes me want a sister... ...almost... {Hanamaru Kindergarten} ![]() ~|17+3+10|~ Have a good holiday today make sure to watch the latest Bleach epi and read a good manga/doujin :) Also just found a new character to luv: Narunosuke-kun :) -Which is in the avi above I just made- X3 ![]() 20(3)10 Ah the new cards are great arigato ne minna-san! Still piled up with work but am reading a good BL fanfic 'Broken Beyond Compare' by DarkElixier66 (ff.net) It's not anime but (HP) Ron+Fred incest {which might be pretty dark for some incase you want to read it} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 26(3)10 Ah the new cards are great arigato ne minna-san! Still piled up with work but am reading a fun BL fanfic 'Paint my skin with your lips' by Crazy4Moony (ff.net) It's not anime but (HP) Ron+Draco {also avi from Boondock Saints my new favorite movie} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 27(3)10 Ah the smell of tea! Yeah I'm having 'English Afternoon' tea. Still piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Cold Fire' by tragicluv (ff.net) It's not anime but (HP) Ron+Draco {I think I might try to create a pic for 1k page views} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 29(3)10 Ah the smell of tea! Yeah I'm having 'English Afternoon' tea. Still piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Sakura Year Five' by firefly171 (ff.net) It's not anime but (HP) Ron+Draco {I think I might try to create a pic for 1k page views} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 30(3)10 Ah the smell of tea! Yeah I'm having 'English Afternoon' tea. Still piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Hecate's Inferno' by Temperance (ff.net) It's not anime but (HP) Ron+Draco {I need to hurry and find a pic, < than 100 till} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 31(3)10 Ah the smell of tea! Yeah I'm having 'Irish Breakfast' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Hecate's Inferno' by Temperance (ff.net) It's not anime but (HP) Ron+Draco {Oh tomorrow's April's fools day, beware minna-san!} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 1(4)10 Ah the smell of tea! Yeah I'm having 'Irish Breakfast' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Hecate's Inferno' by Temperance (ff.net) It's not anime but (HP) Ron+Draco {Hanatarou day! And the Twins!(HP) Happy b-day!} ![]() Ja(ne)minna ![]() 2(4)10 Ah the smell of tea! Yeah I'm having 'Irish Breakfast' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Obvious' by SavvyRavenclaw20 (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {a little twincest with my tea sounds quite nice} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 3(4)10 Ah the smell of tea! Yeah I'm having 'English Breakfast' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Obvious' by SavvyRavenclaw20 (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {Need to go see 'How to Train Your Dragon'} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 6(4)10 Ah the smell of tea! Yeah I'm having cold 'Blue Lemon' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'The Tapestry of the Red Horse' by feltonxmalfoy (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {Jeff the robot skeleton sidekick is flipin' sweet} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 8(4)10 Ah the smell of tea! Yeah I'm having cold 'Lemon' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'An Ideal Death Eater' by Singtoangels1 (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {Hmm 1,111 on Zero-koi day...nice} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 9(4)10 Finally cold enough again! Yeah I'm having 'English Breakfast' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Blood Tithes' by Gwendolyn M. Warlow (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {have to make myself do crap before I'm back} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 11(4)10 Warm again -_- so, Yeah I'm having cold 'Lemon' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Blood Tithes' by Gwendolyn M. Warlow (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {ticked that the site wasn't up yesterday, *reads*} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 16(4)10 Warm again -_- so, Yeah I'm having cold 'Green' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'The Prophecy of Absconditus' by Page of Cups (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {finally back and have work to do here now 0_o} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 19(4)10 Spring weather! @_@ so, hot|cold 'Irish Breakfast|Green' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Everything Changes' by Page of Cups (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {we shiver in cold, sweat in hot; we suffer to find happiness} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 20(4)10 Tea for today, hot 'English Breakfast, Afternoon' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Don't Judge a Book By its Cover' by Mad Maudlin (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {Uh just aquired a new pain in my side, literally} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 26(4)10 Tea for today, hot 'English Breakfast, Afternoon' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'I'm not in Denial' by MamaLaz (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {Tea, jelly eng-muffin toast, my comfy spot = wonderful} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 27(4)10 Tea for today, hot 'English Breakfast, Afternoon' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Resurrection: Still Not in Denial' by MamaLaz (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {Ah poor Envy, rest in peace my koi} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 02(5)10 Tea for today, cold 'Lemon' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics Nothing worth telling (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {Hmm another month gone, latest Bleach op|ed are cool} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 05(5)10 Tea for today, cold 'Lemon' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Folie à Deux' by OtherWeasleyTwins (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {Deidara day yatta!} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 07(5)10 Tea for today, cold 'Green' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Folie à Deux' by OtherWeasleyTwins (ff.net) Still on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick {I might have more cards to make than I thought...} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 08(5)10 Tea for today, hot 'English Afternoon' tea. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics 'Folie à Deux' by OtherWeasleyTwins (ff.net) Reading on a (HP) Ron+Draco kick, and Neville too {I am working at the cards though I also have rl work ne} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 16(5)10 Tea today, hot 'English Afternoon' und cold 'Green'. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics -In between | jumping around stories- Reading on a (HP) kick still demo can't find stright shota. {Almost finished work *yatta* and more piles on again *sigh*} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 02(6)10 Tea today, none what? hai none but I now like 'blueberry/pomagranet'(sp?) juice. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics -In between | jumping around stories- Reading on a (HP) kick still both reg + next gen. {Another year older, another year closer to death. why celebrate that?} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 06(6)10 Tea today: 'English Afternoon' and cold 'blueberry/pomagranet juice'. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics -In between | jumping around stories- Reading on a (HP) kick still both reg + next gen. {Okay so there is my messy attempt at a userlookup, what do you think?} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 11(6)10 Tea today: 'English Afternoon' and cold 'Lemon tea'. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics -In between | jumping around stories- Reading on a (HP) Draco + Remus kick. {Viva FIFA! And now I'm fed up with profile coding -sigh-} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 01(7)10 Tea today: 'English Afternoon' and cold 'Blueberry pom juice'. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics -In between | jumping around stories- Reading on a (HP) Draco + Remus kick. {Saw it was Canada day and went a tad mad -^///^-} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 06(7)10 Tea today: 'English Afternoon' and cold '-~-'. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics -In between | jumping around stories- Reading on a (HP) Draco + Neville kick. {Kuroshitsuji II, I forgot about with the holiday but it was a fantastic welcome back, ah now my love has once again returned. -Smiles-} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 09(7)10 Tea today: 'English Afternoon' and cold 'Lemon tea'. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics -In between | jumping around stories- Reading on a (HP) Draco + Neville kick. {Kuroshitsuji II: Thompson, Timber, Canterbury. Triplets now really how could you go wrong? -Grins-} Ja(ne)minna ![]() 13(8)10 Tea today: 'English Afternoon' and cold 'Lemon tea'. Allways piled up with work but am reading more BL fanfics -In between | jumping around stories- Reading on a (HP) mpreg kick. {...maybe I want too far? -shrugs- Happy Fri. 13th -kuro neko passing-} Ja(ne)minna Dump ur ideas here-
Follow the link onegai... |
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 43.2
Mean Score:
- Watching18
- Completed130
- On-Hold27
- Dropped41
- Plan to Watch52
- Total Entries268
- Rewatched0
- Episodes2,561
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries253
- Reread2
- Chapters1,626
- Volumes192
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (5)
Manga (5)
Character (10)
Kuroshitsuji II
Kuroshitsuji II
Morino, Ryoushi
Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi
Toudou, Heisuke
Nightray, Gilbert
Pandora Hearts
Kuroshitsuji II
Kanou, Soutarou
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Sarashina, Ikuto
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Yukimura, Shouichirou
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
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February 2012 Edition
Hello everyone ~
KHR! FC Staff ~
1. Get your NEW official member cards along with new member ID # HERE! Even if you received previous cards, the numbering system has been restarted and everyone can claim NEW ID #'s and NEW cards.
2. We have surpassed 4000 members!!! Get your 4000+ LE cards HERE! The thread will officially open on 01/12/12 Thursday ~8AM PST. They are available for a limited time, so get them fast!
January 2012 Edition