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Days: 135.1
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- Watching13
- Completed309
- On-Hold9
- Dropped21
- Plan to Watch320
- Total Entries672
- Rewatched6
- Episodes7,832
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Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e 3rd Season
Mar 8, 3:43 PM
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All Comments (6) Comments
How are you doing man :D.
My name is Max A.k.a Maxfighter call me whichever u like :)
Did u look in the requests I gave ya animewise??
I'm mostly a big talker and talk alot on the forums and in my comment section but lost most user because they aren't active anymore so sad :(.
But I'm making some new friends :)
Anime wise I'm currently watching fairy tail episode 132 but it got a bit boring so I putted it on-hold and starting watching Zombie-loan that's a super great anime and just finished My Hero Academia season 4 I'm mostly a airing watching anime guy but on the side I sometimes do old animes Because a friend off mine Is over 6400 episodes started watching because off here always gives me nice requests and stuff and my best mate who has watched over 7000 eps crazy right so I have good in rl friends to get animes from The 7000 guy has more my style but 6400 girl also sometimes has superb animes :D.
I also play alot of darts an hour a day I find my old darts that are between I think 10 or 20 years old years old now I'm 27 but got them from the old mid 10 off holland he learned me how to throw darts bought it them from youtuber there still getting made and they were 17 pounds I was really excited I was searching for them for over a year got a 20% discount aswell from him.
so I'm excited if they get here but with corona don't know how fast that is from England withthe borders and all because I live in The Netherlands.
I'm still throwing with them but they can't hold up much longer there so tattered and damaged and metal is getting old so I think I put them back in my time capsule.
I have from 11 got it from my parents (The time capsule :).
U have seen quite alot aswell when have u started watching anime I'm really interested when u started watching not one also nice to know but when u started watching alot off anime??
myself I watched it on television when I was 9 but picked it back up in 2016 and have seen what I've seen now at first I felt weird because everybody was looking strange at me but I got alot off friends that watch it aswell so really started in 2017 because my friend kept pushing because she knew I would like it.
Now I got a leonhart and tidus figure a tales of the abyss small figure a big ronnaro zorro figure about 25 cm also a 17cm and a gohan were gonna make our own figure aswell from a artist because off our friendship she really likes medabots so were gonna make a kit off a new medabot or a 3d model printed.
I think that's one off my last figures I'm gonna buy I have now about 12 but my shelf above my bed is still not full so u never know xD.
Do you have some figures I'm thinking about buying my first manga solo leveling I have one Naruto 1 till 3 but got it from my sis don't like naruto that much don't tell her xD.
Anyhow how are u holding up with corona and what kind off study or work do u do I work in a eco friendly kitchen :).
enough rambling off me I talk way to much xD
Anyhow later :)