- Last OnlineFeb 26, 2019 1:49 AM
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ranma parring opinions ranma x shampoo its ok but no ranma x ukyo YES no other girl gets him ranma x kodachi NO JUST NO NO does anyone even like it ranma x akane NO NO NO NO ranama x kuno ranma is a guy ranma x ryoga same ranma x kasumi she does not like younger guys ranma x nabeki no kasumi x tofu YES shampoo x mousse YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WHY IS IT NOT CANON RYOGA GETS A GIRL WHY CANT HE ryoga x akane no ryoga x ukyo NO WHY IS THIS PARING SO POPULER akari x ryoga YES IT NEEDS A LOT MORE FANS akane x kuno NO kuno x nabeki i dont understand why its so populer gemma x nodoka YES my top ten best characters ever same as below its all my opinions 1 ariel little mermaid never give up on her dreams shes badass what more can you want 2 sakura kinomoto cardcaptor sakura sweet and badass to 3 princess zelda zelda she loves her kingdom so much and is strong 4 kikyou inuyasha very underrated character shes super strong and nice 5 utau shugo chara has a great voice and is the best tsundere ever 6 shana shakugan no shana shes cute super badass and a tsundere done right 7 rei hino sailor moon a bad ass fire girl 8 kasumi pokemon fights great and i love her bond with satoshi shes funny to and nice 9 dragon one piece badass and a hero 10 kyo fruits basket hes hot funny can be nice and i love how he changes i love life 100 male characters i love yuuji sakai kyo sohma fruits basket syaoran ccs tadase masaya shuu pokeon prince eric inuyasha sonic link tomoya mousse dragon one piece natsume gakuen alice tamaki mario sora kazune spirt soul eater natsu Usui ryuji ichigo adam beauty and the beast simba Ed fma yuuchi kanon yukito air eltrio John smith tomoe kamisama kiss Shouta Mamoru sailor moon akito kodocha Dimitri yugi Fakir hamtaro Chiaki hamel Kenshin allen d grey man Aladdin godai Keiichi Kyoshiro Eugene Yusuke takuto full moon Yousuke kari taichi digimon Fujimoto Masaharu Naveen 100 female characters i love shana kasumi pokemon tohru honda ariel misuzu kamio kikyou rei hino zelda peach sakura kinomoto shampoo blaze sonic orihime Nagisa clannad sarada naruto taiga toradora princess aurora cera land before time boa hancock mitsuki full moon xia dragon quest utau Rozalin ichigo tokyo mew mew yuka gakuen alice lucy fairy tail nala lion king katara avatar Ahiru' princess tutu ayu kanon maka soul eater belle beauty and the beast Anastasia Anastasia Pocahontas Pocahontas Lina slayers angel lilo and stitch nadja ashita no nadja sana kodocha Kaoru. kari kingdom hearts Winry fma lenalee d grey man karin kamichama karin haruhi ouran high school host club Rapunzel Helga belle maron Sawako jasmine Tiana cinderella snow white mulan Misaki tinkerbell himeno Kobato Momoko Momo sora digimon Sumomo Nodame 100 couples i love shana x yuuji tohru x kyo sakura x syaoran satoshi x kasumi ichigo x orihime amu x tadase ichigo x masaya ryuji x taiga tomoya x nagisa yukito x misuzu ayu x yuuchi link x zelda mario x peach ariel x eric sonic x amy natsume x mikan taichi x sora luffy x hancock naruto x hinata natsu x lucy inuyasha x kagome shampoo x mousse sora x kari karin x kazune haruhi x tamaki haruhi x kyon simba x nala sana x akito Usagi x Mamoru Tatsumi x Mine Kimba x Kitty belle x adam Usui x Misaki Kenshin x Kaoru. Kirito x Asuna, mitsuki x takuto Sawako x Shouta Ed x Winry Chi x Hideki Keiichi x Belldandy Aang x Katara Anastasia x Dimitri Pocahontas x john smith Adell x Rozalin etrio x xia luchia x kaito Fakir x Ahiru' yugi x anzu kei x hikari littlefoot x ali allen x lenalee hayate x nagi ichigo x Makoto Holo x Lawrence soul x maka Lina x Gourry Kaoru x Aoi Chiaki x maron Tsukushi x Tsukasa yuki x zero nadja x Keith Bijou x hamtaro Kirari x Hiroto godai x kyoko Momoko x Yousuke Momo x Kairi lady x tramp hayate x himeno Stitch x angel Fujimoto x Kobato Ciel x Elizabeth Keitaro x Naru Masaharu x Sumomo Chiaki x Nodame Tamahome x Miaka Yusuke x Keiko Kyoshiro x Kuu Derek x Odette Helga x Arnold Aladdin x jasmine Rapunzel x Eugene Naveen x Tiana tomoe x nanami Yui x hinata Zack x Aerith Ron x Hermione jack x rose Yukino x Souichirou hamel x flute Ikki x Stella Kyo x Yuya spyro x cynder my top ten most hated characters ever these characters make me crazy i dont understand WHY anyone would like them but its my opinion i dont care if you like them its your opinion s im sorry if i seem rude in them i dont want to maybe you like something about them no i will not take it down or change it 1 serena pokemon x and y shes a waste of space the only thing to her is her crush on a boy and shes useless gives up everything for him i cant stand girls like that yet 2 kirino orimo the devils daughter so much worse then louise 3 louise zero no tsukaima how can you like a girl who uses a whip on a guy if you find that funny go get yourself looked up your a danger im sorry to these who like her 4 erza fairy tail a character i used to love i once did like erza to but then i started to see her everywhere non stop talking about how badass she is awesome etc we need more girls like her shes better then lucy whats so bad about non action girls they are not useless characters looking at you orihime haters there is nothing great about her the only character to her is she is strong she is a mary sue to i did like her then to think she was overrated but still liked her now i hate her i know people are going to bash me on and on shes a waste of space get over it if you want a good action girl to the point that even the main bad guy is scared of her look at kikyou yet most people hate her if erza did not make the list then Fumino from Mayoi Neko Overrun! would be here one word one of the worst characters ever shes never nice always mad im also putting rukia from bleach i hate how her stupid fans bash orihime and call her useless news flash shes not if anything rukia is in need more of help i have the same feeling with her i do with erza used to like but now i dont due to her being overrated and dont get me started on ichihime vs ichiruki i will put reasons as to why ichihime is better and why ichiruki is not a good shipping my god why is it so populer 5 ren sohma fruits basket worst mother or father ever 6 akainu one piece bad guy no good things plus he killed ace need i say more 7 naru love hina mostly in the anime but in the manga shes ok but the anime my god 8 naraku inuyasha one of the most heartless characters ever 9 makoto school days is there one person who even likes him 10 Claude Frollo the disney version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame the most evil disney character i even like scar better as a person but this guy has no good things about him i dont get why people would like him characters who did not make the list dishonorable mentions akane ranma reasons look here https://myanimelist.net/blog/princessakura kish tokyo mew mew why is this guy so populer top ten most hated couples top ten most hot male characters top ten most hated male characters top ten most overrated characters top ten most overrated couples top ten most overrated male characters top ten most overrated female characters top ten most hated female characters top ten female tsunderes top ten male tsunderes top ten action girls top ten non action girls top ten fav girls top ten fav guys top ten most hated tsunderes top ten fav couples 1 xia x eltrio dragon quest 2 sakura x syaoran cardcaptor sakura 3 kyo x tohru x fruits basket 4 amu x tadase shugo chara 5 inuyasha x kagome inuyasha 6 satoshi x kasumi pokemon 7 ichigo x masaya tokyo mew mew 8 link x zelda zelda 9 mousse x shampoo ranma 10 mitsuki x takuto full moon wo sagashite couples i ship also i hate modern tsunderes or ones like louise or kirino i love classic ones happly engaged to the wonderful and sweet Arnglade sweetheart hes funny sweet gentle polite romantic handsome join my anti peta group https://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=75791 captive born orcas taken from there mothers Lara - Kamogawa mother and father moved away in 2011 aged 11 Lovey Kamogawa mother and father moved away in 2011 aged 13 Ikaika - Seaworld taken from Katina aged 4 Kayla - Seaworld Keanu taken away when Kayla was 2 Keet - Seaworld Kalina was moved away when he was 1 and a half Keto Seaworld taken from Kalina aged 3 and a half, Kohana Seaworld taken from her mother Takara aged 3 Shouka Seaworld taken from her mother in France aged 9 Skyla Seaworld taken from her mother Kalina aged 2 and sent to Spain Takara Seaworld taken from Kasatka aged 12 Tekoa Seaworld taken from Taima at a few months old due to aggression, mothered by Kalina sent to texas aged 3 moved to San Antonio aged 4 and Spain aged 5 Trua Seaworld had his mother Takara taken away when he was 3 Tuar Seaworld moved away from his mother Kalina aged 4 Unna Seaworld moved away from Katina aged 6 Halyn Seaworld immediate rejected by Kayla Kalina Seaworld separated aged 4 to do a tour of all the parks returned aged 9 Katerina Seaworld separated from Katina aged 2 to tour all Seaworld parks Sumar Seaworld separated from Taima aged 10 months Taku Seaworld separated from Katina aged 13 Earth taken from lovely age 7 ran 2 taken from stella age 9 spalsh seaworld taken from mother nootka 5 aged 2 in canada 80% of american teens would cry if they would see Jonas brothers trying to jump from a skyscraper. Copy and paste this if you would be the 20% of those who would scream: JUMP FAGS JUMP!!! http://savedolphins.eii.org/campaigns/kwr/ im sorry to all the people i made mad i promise i will not do it again but you can not stop me from telling news everywhere about orca captivity or get me to go to or like these parks you marine park fans make me sick im not sorry i upset you guys if you want to worship your shitty parks that abuse animals please stay way from me the stuff i say about orca captivity are facts if you like these parks then your a loser who will get nowhere in life im only saying this to the marine park fans the ones that give there money that goes to animal abuse things i like anime manga video games blingee old youtube metal music rock music old pop old rap old music japan asia monarchy art history my boyfriend shopping friends family mermaids math books reading girly things old disney cartoons classic tsunderes animals the sea orcas fish cute things glitter purfume dresses fancy things makeup shoujo the romanovs nintendo rpgs don bluth sega adventure romance my little pony things i hate rap music pop music country music boy bands trump peta orca captivity all of it modern tv modern disney nick and cartoon network 4kids tammy newborn fanbrats isis yanderes and modern tsunderes frozen not hate but its way overrated trolls sonic fanbase seaworld anti monarchy trump kesha jonas brothers justen bieber linkin park nicki minaj new disney cartoon network and nick modern music weeaboos serena from pokemon amoursipping the pokemon sun and moon anime game dude irate gamer narutards yaoi fangirls mariotehplumber trolls hackers the kkk soviet russia character bashing shipping wars not the show emos arranged marriages middle east governments russians government north koreas government soviets putin lenin communism mcdonalds KFC animal abuse anti animal rights orca hunters greed losers who only care about money money nero cheaters whores sex outside of love sex before being married sex crazy people people who hate girly guys LOUISE kirino naru chitogi 4kids dub of one piece cardcaptors the dub rape people who think im crazy just because im pro animal rights people who think all anti caps are peta fans new youtube Susan Wojcicki the owners of google stds ted nugent dont hate his music its him as a person i know lots of people are going to say i will beat you up or i will kill you but i dont care im tough to take you all on you will be the ones to regert saying it to me inuyasha fanbase kikyou bashers guys who use girls for sex girls have feelings and we get very hurt when you use us im talking about teen boys and guys until there late 20s Abhi_Dragneel hes a prick who uses woman fuck you my little pony fanbase vegeta8639 tsunderes like louise or kirino to all these people who go to seaworld or anything like it NEWS FLASH THEY ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY ITS NOT FOR THE GOOD OF ANYTHING ITS JUST TO KEEP THERE DUMB SHOWS GOING ITS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT MONEY FROM THE START THE SEAWORLD creator EVEN SAID IT WAS MEANT ABOUT entertainment not education TO ALL THESE WHO THINK I MADE IT UP HERES PROOF https://www.google.com/search?q=SEAWORLD25THANNIVERSARY&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwju1bfzh4jaAhUODKwKHbVyDuAQ_AUICygC&biw=1571&bih=722#imgrc=Awrs8Uw3OAmaxM: YOUR BELOVED PARK ONLY CARES ABOUT MONEY ITS TIME TO WAKE UP THE MORE YOU GO THERE THE MORE THE ORCAS WILL BE IN PAIN AND CAPTURES WILL GO ON UNTIL ORCA CAPTIVITY IS GONE FOR GOOD AND I DONT CARE HOW BIG THE TANKS GET ITS STILL A JAIL https://whalemuseum.org/collections/meet-the-whales orca captivity is slavery my birthday is july 27 im kind gentle funny selfless shy brave friendly headstrong mischievous impish strong willed adventurous confident playful smart curious spirited girly please join my club http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=69923 http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=69922 please tell everyone to join i like all anime but i love shojo anime the most as well as adventure action fantasy if you dont like a anime i love thats ok we all have are own opinions i would still like to be friends favorite Movies: anastasia best movie ever the little mermaid an american tail the land before time sleeping beauty finding nemo the swan princess the lion king beauty and the beast pocahontas cinderella snow white the princess and the frog tangled brave balto The Brave Little Toaster mulan Thumbelina Princess Mononoke Spirited Away Kiki's Delivery Service My Neighbor Totoro Castle in the Sky toy story cars Titanic the notebook 101 Dalmatians The Adventures of Milo and Otis Frozen peter pan a bugs life 5 Centimeters Per Second aladdin Shrek The Prince of Egypt the cat returns Quest for Camelot Madagascar The Secret of NIMH Lilo & Stitch The King and I The Singing Princess free willy ice age Grave of the Fireflies the Tale of The Princess Kaguya Ponyo Tales from Earthsea All Dogs Go to Heaven The Star of Cottonland born free a Dolphins tale blackfishMadagascarThe Prince of EgyptFlushed AwayBee MovieKung Fu PandaOver the HedgeHow to Train Your Dragon lady and the tramp Memories Legend of Crystania Catnapped! Black BeautyElmer's Adventure: My Father's Dragon My Neighbors the Yamadas Treasure Planet Godzilla Wreck-It Ralph Ghost in Love For Eternal Hearts Pixel Perfect If Only The Sea Prince and the Fire Child Dream Lovers The Warrior and the Wolf Yakshi Faithfully Yours Ghost Mamma The Magic Flute My Girlfriend is a Cyborg Tiramisu Wings of Desire A Matter of Time The Bride with White Hair A Journey Through Fairyland Ringing Bell The Secret World of Arrietty Justin and the Knights of Valour The Nightmare Before Christmas Majocco Shimai no Yoyo to Nene The Garden of Words Children Who Chase Lost Voices The Place Promised in Our Early Days Bayonetta Patema Inverted Neppu Kairiku Bushi Road After School Midnighters Wolf Children Favorite Games: pokemon mario zelda sonic dragon quest final fantasy kingdom hearts kirby golden sun pac man megaman pikmin donkey kong hitman blue dragon Metal Gear Solid Resident Evil Street Fighter. Devil May Cry Monster Hunter Fire Emblem Kid Icarus lufia Silent Hill Castlevania Suikoden Goemon Contra Dance Dance Revolution Tomb Raider Bubble Bobble Cooking Mama Space Invaders Mother Animal Crossing Harvest Moon Princess Debut star fox sakura wars Puyo Puyo Yakuza Phantasy Star Shining mortal kombat F-Zero Wii Sports spyro crash bandicoot viva pinta Nintendogs The Battle of Olympus, Code of Princess Advance Wars Bushido Blade Battle Arena Battle Arena Double Dragon Bayonetta james bond doom duke nukem perfect dark tetris assassin's creed Rolling Thunder The Tower of Druaga Dragon Slayer Galaxian Wonder Momo Märchen Maze Quester Libble Rabble Winning Run Burning Force Golly! Ghost Knuckle Heads Solvalou Xevious Tinkle Pit The Outfoxies King & Balloon Kaitei Takara Sagashi Gee Bee Navarone Mappy Genpei Tōma Den Mirai Ninja Cosmo Gang: The Puzzle World Stadium Bakuretsu Quiz Ma-Q Dai Bōken Numan Athletics QuickSpot Trioncube Great Greed Mr. Driller Romancing SaGa Heroes of Mana King's Knight Treasure Hunter G Vagrant Story Favorite anime cardcaptor sakura sailor moon tokyo mew mew inuyasha pokemon fruits basket air ashita no nadja shugo chara mermaid melody clannad kanon angel beats full moon wo sagashite kamichma karin wedding peach jewel pet ouran high school host club princess tutu gakuen alice kodocha skip beat kare kano ranma Vampire Knight Yumeiro Patissiere Kirarin Revolution Kimi ni Todoke Mamotte! Lollipop Fushigi Yûgi Kero Kero Chime Kodocha The Rose of Versailles Ojamajo Doremi Itazura na Kiss Princess Knight peach girl Special A Descendants of Darkness candy candy Maid Sama! Alpen Rose glass mask Violinist of Hameln sugar sugar rune The Story of Saiunkoku Magic Knight Rayearth Mirmo! Marmalade Boy Chobits Prétear Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Kobato. xxxHolic Clamp School Detectives Angelic LayerX/1999, Sugar SoldierNatsume's Book of FriendsNurse Angel Ririka SOS Romeo Juliet Urusei YatsuraMaison IkkokuWinter Garden Shoukoujo Sara Kaitou Saint Tail Kaikan Phrase Legend of Basara Piano The Story of CinderellaSentimental JourneyStar of the SeineTokimeki TonightMitsu x Mitsu DropsLegend of BasaraHello! SandybellEight Clouds RisingDaa! Daa! Daa!Ace wo Nerae!Akage no AnneBaby LoveAnimal YokochouCarol: A Day In A Girl's LifeHana no Ko LunlunGood Morning CallGokinjo MonogatariLady GeorgieKoko wa Green WoodMahou no ChocolateMahou no Angel Sweet MintShoukoushi CedieAttacker You!Attack No.1Ace wo Nerae! rurouni kenshinNanatsuiro DropsOne Piece Hunter Hunter A Little Snow Fairy Sugar please teacher kimba the white lion Favorite music nana mizuki my fav singer yui horie ritsuko okazaki sakura tangle aya hirino LIA megumi hayashibara maaya sakamoto taylor swift miley cyrus Crystal Kay Sayuri Iwata Rica Matsumoto Mayumi Iizuka Kana Ueda Ayumi Hamasaki Hikaru Utada Yuki Goto pink Namie Amuro Christina Aguilera Cascada Céline Dion Whitney Houston Kelly Clarkson mariah carey Katy Perry Donna Summer Alanis Morissette Tori Amos Demi Lovato Madonna Selena Gomez Miranda Cosgrove Britney Spears Faith Hill Lady Antebellum Michael Jackson Elvis Presley the beeatles Mandy Moore Evanescence Avril Lavigne Metallica AC/DC Rammstein Slipknot Megumi Hinata Saki Nakajima Elisa crush 40 Lena Fujii Maon Kurosaki Rie fu Satomi Takasugi Ayano Tsuji Kishō TaniyamaPhongchiChisato OkaiMayo OkamotoSara TakatsukiIzumi SakaiLuna TakamuraTomohisa YamashitaAyaka NishiwakiMiwako OkudaJunichi OkadaNagi YanagiGacktYou KikkawaYuya MatsushitaAramaryMeisa KurokiMisiaMasaaki EndohTak MatsumotoIrori MaedaNao Watanabe Sister MAYO,Tadayoshi OkuraMayu WatanabeDJ OzmaAya Sugimoto Akiko Yoshida Dohzi-TChocolatYuri ChinenMaiha IshimuraKumi Koda Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Bonnie Pink,Thelma AoyamaAlisa MizukiValsheKeiko FujiOlivia LufkinAina Hashimoto Chara Jasmine Willie Nelson Kyoko Fukada Favorite books harry potter the last unicorn the notebook warriors the hunger games percy jackson A Song of Ice and Fire charlotte's web inkheart The Chronicles of Narnia The Kingkiller Chronicle Xanth The Twelve Kingdoms The Sword of Truth Dragon Prince Dragonlance Spellsinger Artemis Fowl Vampire Academy Forgotten Realms Nightrunner Dune The Land of Elyon Prince of Nothing The Dark Tower Magic Kingdom of Landover Emelanese The Anybodies Time Quartet Tortallan Shannara Temeraire Troubletwisters Tarzan Earthsea Martian The Chronicles of Amber Professor Challenger Deverry Cycle Guardians of Ga'Hoole The Pendragon Adventure Empire The Ancient Future Gossip Girl a walk to remember Song of the Sparrow Zabibah and the King Green Sky The Iron Tower The Firebringer My Father's Dragon Sea Princesses Sabrina, the Teenage Witch Journey to the West Ringing Bell The Borrowers A Certain Magical Index Haruhi Suzumiya DurararaDragonar Academy Momo Kyun Sword Book Girl Heaven's Memo Pad Kokoro Connect Asura Cryin The Legend of the Legendary Heroes The Princess and the Pilot The Pet Girl of Sakurasou The Story of Saiunkoku Outbreak Company The Pilot's Love Song Strawberry Panic Scrapped Princess High School DxD Rune Soldier InukamiLove, Chunibyo & Other Delusions The Wild Geese UtsunoMiko The Weathering Continent Brave Story The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Thirst for Love A Certain Woman Crest of the Stars Forbidden Colors From the New World Moribito Boogiepop Psychic Detective Yakumo Teito Monogatari Snow Country The Crimson Labyrinth The Dagger of Kamui The Twilight Years The Doctor's Wife Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage Kaze no Bushi Season of the Sun Favorite shows my little pony Avatar: The Last Airbender Scooby-Doo Teen Titans winx club Code Lyoko SpongeBob the powerpuff girls dragon tales sofia the first once upon a time Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi Regular Show W.I.T.C.H. courage the cowardly dog dexters lab fairly odd parents danny phantom adventure time sagwa recess gargoyles CatDog ed edd n eddy yogi bear flintstones kim possible American Dragon: Jake Long Ren & Stimp Hey Arnold! The Angry Beavers Aaahh!!! Real Monsters TaleSpin Tom & Jerry Princess Sissi Rugrats Animaniacs ducktales Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Looney Tunes Dink, the Little Dinosaur Family Guy South Park Freakazoid! Free Willy Futurama Rocko's Modern Life Supernatural Littlest Pet Shop Dragon's Lair The Magic School Bus The Legend of Prince Valiant Double Dragon Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders DuckTales King of the HillJay Jay the Jet PlaneExtreme Ghostbusters Family Dog Peter Pan & the PiratesThomas The Tank Engine Beavis and Butt-headSonic the HedgehogThe Terrible Thunderlizards Pepper Ann Johnny BravoMythic WarriorArthurAlvin and the ChipmunksDoug Beetlejuice I Am Weasel Adventures from the Book of Virtues The Adventures of Don Coyote and Sancho Panda Godzilla Goof Troop Mummies Alive Histeria Raw Toonage Rupert Sky DancersThe BoondocksThe JetsonsDenver, the Last Dinosaur Dinosaucers Moondreamers The Legend of Zelda Dungeons & Dragons Heathcliff Paw Paw ThunderCats Beverly Hills Teens Totally Spies Sea Princesses Xiaolin Showdown Kappa Mikey Chaotic Pucca Jem and the Holograms, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch Sex and the City Favorite manga cardcaptor sakura kitchen princess inuyasha full moon wo sagashite gakuen alice shugo chara fruits basket sailor moon pixie pop tokyo mew mew ranma skip beat ouran high school host club kamichama karin kare kano Kilala Princess Vampire Knight Tsubasa: Those with Wings Kimi ni Todoke Mamotte! Lollipop beauty pop Fushigi Yûgi Absolute Boyfriend D.N.Angel The Rose of Versailles Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Itazura na Kiss peach girl Special A Maid Sama! Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura Hot Gimmick Alice 19th Alpen Rose candy candy glass mask Crest of the Royal Family hana yori dango Hoshi wa Utau Chobits nana Swan Violinist of Hameln The Story of Saiunkoku Magic Knight Rayearth Time Stranger Kyoko UFO baby Mirmo! Marmalade Boy Kare First Love Clover Kobato. Angelic Layer xxxHolic Miyuki-chan in Wonderland The One I Love Tokyo Babylon Clamp School DetectivesMagic Knight Rayearth Tsubasa: Reservoir ChronicleSuki: A Like Story RG Veda Gate 7 X/1999, Legend of Chun Hyang Romance of Darkness Pearl Pink Please Save My EarthKoi Cupid St. Dragon Girl Tail of the MoonTwo Flowers for the DragonVenus in LoveSugar SoldierSensual PhraseShinobi LifeStepping on RosesThe Star of CottonlandNatsume's Book of FriendsKaguyahimeLudwig KakumeiParfait Tic Hiyokoi Mars Mugen SpiralCharisma DollBarefoot WaltzBackstage PrinceDawn of the ArcanaFamily ComplexCat StreetHoney Bunny Romeo Juliet Our Miracle Urusei YatsuraMaison Ikkoku Rin-nePhantom Dream Lisette and Witch's Forest short-Tempered Melancholic Mistress Fortune Favorite fariy tales the little mermaid snow white sleeping beauty cinderella beauty and the beast rapunzel thumbelina the snow queen The Princess and the Pea The Ugly Duckling The Garden of Paradise The Angel "The Goblin and the Grocer The Story of a Mother "The Frog Prince "Hansel and Gretel The Twelve Brothers Mary's Child The Riddle The Wonderful Musician Cat and Mouse in Partnership Brother and Sister The Valiant Little Tailor The Blue Light The Glass Coffin The Twelve Dancing Princesses Sweet Porridge The Queen Bee The Golden Bird Frederick and Catherine The Tale of Tsar Saltan The Magic Swan Geese The Princess Mayblossom The Story of the Queen of the Flowery Isles Princess Belle-Etoile Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess, Fairy Gifts The Little Green Frog The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter The Dream of Akinosuke The Fountain of Youth Issun-bōshi My Lord Bag of Rice The Husband of the Rat's Daughter Hanasaka Jiisan The Cat's Elopement The Water Mother Ye Xian Beauty and Pock Face The Wolf of Zhongshan The Fox Sister Janghwa Hongryeon jeon The Story of Tấm and Cám Trương Ba's Soul, Butcher's Body The Hundred-knot Bamboo Tree The Snake Prince Diamond Cut Diamond The Silent Princess Madschun The Boy Who Found Fear At Last Jackal or Tiger Rhodopis Prince Hat under the Ground The Bird 'Grip The Glass Mountain The Ill-Fated Princess The Sleeping Prince The Twelve Months Donkeyskin Almondseed and Almondella Anthousa, Xanthousa, Chrisomalousa The Princess Who Never Smiled The Firebird and Princess Vasilisa Tsarevitch Ivan, the Fire Bird and the Gray Wolf The White Duck The Golden Slipper Foolish Emilyan and the Talking Fish Father Frost The Feather of Finist the Falcon Vasilisa the Beautiful The Lute Player The Hairy Man The Tale of Peter and Fevronia The Wizard King Aladdin La Ramée and the Phantom The Imp Prince The Enchanted Canary The Lost Children The White Dove Starlight The Dirty Shepherdess Georgic and Merlin The Flower Queen's Daughter The Boys with the Golden Stars A String of Pearls Twined with Golden Prâslea the Brave and the Golden Apples The Bay-Tree Maiden Little Wildrose The Rose-Tree The Buried Moon Fairy Ointment Jack and the Beanstalk The Three Heads in the Well Sun, Moon, and Talia things i like anime manga video games japan animals fish the sea orcas asia the romanovs adventure royalty girly things history hello kitty disney nintendo monarchy fruits WAY better then meat music harry potter books purfume jewelry makeup pink shopping fancy things pokemon my little pony france russia germany china korea learning things dresses fantasy mermaids unicorns cartoons cats computer glitter fariy tales dragons italy high heels candy cats god math hearts flowers disney nintendo music cute things shoes purple drawing art cartoons movies ballad singing danceing fancy things canada denmark medieval times mythology science reading fashion rpgs dolls reptiles frogs some bugs egypt greece vietnam thailand laos philippines malaysia scotland poland singapore ireland Romania ghosts sweden martial arts roller coasters piano bowling digimon Fairies Care Bears monster high Littlest Pet Shop magic rainbows pertty things butterflies blue some sports red black princesses the mail pandas yugioh Polly Pocket clamp mangas dolphens dinosaurs helping animals and people makeing friends blingee foxs swans tigers lions shiny things rare things old things roses haveing fun family birds dogs wolfs nature don bluth sega vampires shinto things star wars polar bears seahorses parks jamaican mice dalmatians giraffes mountains virginia stars freedom turtles jaguars cheetahs whales belugas jellyfish seahorses horses apes mice alligators caterpillars fall spring lighting crabs horses bears shinto lizards european stuff bamboo pocky nuts iceland classic tsunderes my anime love is kyo sohma from fruits basket i have a huge obsession with orcas they belong in the sea not in a tank if captivity was better for them then why do most orcas die in there teens or 20s in the wild males can live up to 60 70 to 90 years old and females can live up to 80 to 105 years old orcas are incredibly smart social sensitive beings orcas swim over 100 miles a day in the wild all marine parks such as seaworld suck and watch blackfish that proves it icon is a orca called lolita please help free her watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jypGKNw5p04 http://www.orcahome.de/ seaworld orca profiles Sea World San Diego keet Keet is a mature bull orca atSan Diego and he was the first 2nd generation orca to be born in captivity. 18 months after Keet’s birth, his mother got pregnant again and she was moved away from her son. Keet became depressed after her move but he was cared for by another female, Haida II*; he also found great playmates in Kyuquot and Katerina*. When he was 5 years old, he was moved to San Diego and here he met many more orcas and got along well with everyone, including his younger brother, Keto. Keet, Keto and Sumar* were moved to Ohio 5 months later to replace the females, Kayla and Winnie* but their stay here was short, only one season and he was moved back to San Diego whislt the other two males were sent to San Antonio. Keet is known as a very charming whale and most of the females prefer him over the dominant males. He has fathered 2 calves, Kalia and Halyn* and also might have been the sire of Unna’s stillborn and Kayla miscarried calf. Keet’s gentle and docile personality is also well-liked by the trainers; he has never attacked any of his trainers or showed aggression to the other orcas. Keet is not really playful and likes to spend his free time sleeping, but he is really energetic and attentive when it comes to performances and training. Keet is also the welcome whale for new trainers and orcas. here is keet http://www.orcahome.de/keet.htm corky 2 Corky is the one of the oldest orcas in captivity and the only one surviving from the captures of the Northern Resident population; also she has had one of the saddest lives of all orcas in captivity. After being separated from her mother at the age of 3, she lived with other orcas in a small tank at Marineland of the Pacific, the other two orcas who moved with her died 3 years after capture and she spent most of her life with an orca bull named Orky II*. When Corky reached sexual maturity, she became pregnant. Her first calf only survived 18 days and after giving birth to 7 calves, with none surviving longer than 46 days, she stopped ovulating. During her last pregnancy, she and Orky II* were moved to Sea World San Diego after Marineland was sold. She settled in well to her new environment, however she has had issues with some of the icelandic orcas. At Sea World, she was rammed into by another orca, Kandu V, who later died from injuries and Corky swam away with a damaged eye. Corky has a wonderful personality and is the “Welcome orca” at SWC, not only for new trainers but also for new orcas. She cared for many young orcas, that were separated from their mothers. here is corky 2 http://www.orcahome.de/corky2.htm Amaya On December 2nd, 2014, Kalia gave birth to her first calf after almost 2 hours of labor. Kasatka, Nakai, and Makani were present for labor. The calf began to nurse soon after the birth and is developing well. In January 2015, SeaWorld offered the public to vote for a name for thim via Facebook: Nasia, Kissa and Amaya. Amaya was the name chosen with 7,000 votes. here is amaya http://www.orcahome.de/amaya.htm ORKID Orkid is rumoured to be the most intelligent orca in captivity. She knows many signals and is really smart. But despite of her intelligence she can be also rather aggressive. She attacked many of her trainers and now like Kasatka, she is being watched. It’s not sure if she will be re-introduced to waterworks again. In her life she had to deal with many losses; her father died just 3 days after her birth and her mother died after a fight with Corky at the age of 11 months. She grew up under the wonderful care of Corky and Kasatka; she also bonded with an orca male at her age, Splash*. Unfortunately Splash* died in 2005, which affected Orkid very much. she has never got pregnant yet. She was AI’ed several times but it hasn’t taken so far. She has proven to be a good mother, when she cares for Kasatka’s calves. So hopefully she will have her own calves someday. here is orkid http://www.orcahome.de/orkid.htm makani To his fans, Makani is renowned as a young and mischievous orca with a tendency to interact with guests in the underwater viewing area. He is frequently found spending time socializing with his mother Kasatka and siblings Nakai and Kalia, and especially enjoys ‘fish baiting’ with Kalia. Makani is the product of artificial insemination. SeaWorld sent representatives to Mundo Marino in Argentina to direct the collection of semen from Kshamenk in order to increase their orca gene pool. They then successfully impregnated Kasatka at SeaWorld San Diego making Makani a genetic hybrid. Makani will grow up with his tank mates; meanwhile, Kshamenk lives a solitary life swimming up to 500 turns per hour in a small pool in Argentina. her is makani http://www.orcahome.de/makani.htm Ikaika ikaika was born to Katina and Tilikum at SeaWorld Orlando. He is Katina's 5th calf. When Ikaika arrived, Katina was with several of her calves, including Kalina, Taku, and Unna. He and Taku became very close very quickly. Ike, as he was nicknamed, became a favorite at the park for being so interactive with park guests. Eventually Ike began performing with Taku and Katina in shows. In 2006, at the age of 4, Ike was sent to Marineland Ontario. Here he met Nootka 5, Kiska, and Kiska's daughter, Athena. It was said that Ikaika was on what was called a "breeding loan", but being only 4 years old, he was not even close to being sexually mature, as bull orcas do not reach sexual maturity until 15 years old. In 2008, Nootka died, and in 2009, Athena followed. Both orcas died of unknown causes, though it is assumed that pneumonia was the culprit. After the death of both her tank mates, Kiska became very depressed. Because of Ikaika's young age, he was still very playful, and due to this, he became somewhat of a nuisance to Kiska, so they were separated for periods of time until Kiska recovered. Ikaika and Kiska performed in the main pool, only participating in what Marineland called "Splash Sessions". Ikaika thrived and guests loved watching him because he would perform behaviors he had learned at SeaWorld that Kiska did not know. He was also a great splasher. SeaWorld eventually asked for Ikaika to be returned to them, and when Marineland refused, Seaworld took them to court, accusing Marineland of not meeting SeaWorld's veterinary care, husbandry care, or training obligations while Ikaika was in their facility. SeaWorld won the case and Marineland was ordered to by the Ontario Superior Court to return Ikaika and to pay $255,000 in compensation to SeaWorld for legal expenses. Upon returning to SeaWorld, Ikaika was raked and had a rough start, but has made friends in Corky 2, Ulises, and Orkid. He is now doing very well at San Diego and performing in shows daily. here is ikaika http://www.orcahome.de/ikaika.htm ULISES Ulises is the oldest male orca in captivity and is the only bull in captivity where his dorsal fin is partially flopped. He is one of the most athletic orca bulls in captivity and although he is not the biggest orca, he can still jump as high as the more slender female orcas, and can lift his entire body out of the water (unlike other male orcas). In the past, he was one of the few adult male orcas that did waterworks with his trainers and he has never shown any sign of aggression towards his trainers. For 14 years, Ulises spent his time with dolphins and when he arrived at SeaWorld, he became one of the more dominant orcas which is unusual as male orcas are usually more submissive, but Ulises has a higher rank in dominance. It was rumoured for many years that he is not capable of siring calves however Ulises become a father, when a young female in France named Wikie was A.I.ed with his semen in 2010 and she successfully gave birth to a son, Moana in March 2011 who is growing up fast. here is Ulises http://www.orcahome.de/ulises.htm KALIA Kalia was born to Kasatka and Keet at SeaWorld San Diego. She is also known as "Great Grandbaby Shamu", as her father is the son of the Original Baby Shamu, Kalina. As the daughter of the matriarch and dominant orca of San Diego, Kalia has been able to get away with pretty much whatever she wants. From a young age, she was known to be very independent and loved interacting with park guests. Being the daughter of the park's matriarch, it's no surprise that Kalia herself is very dominant. She has shown this dominance through aggression toward some of the other whales, but over all, she is a very well-behaved whale. She was one of the few young whales trained for waterworks before they were banned. She has never been involved in trainer aggression. In Summer of 2013, Kalia was artificially inseminated at age 8. On December 2nd, 2014, Kalia gave birth to her first calf after almost 2 hours of labor. Kasatka, Nakai, and Makani were present for labor. Nakai was called out of the show pool just as Kalia gave birth at 12:34pm. She began nursing within hours and has bonded with her calf. here is kalia http://www.orcahome.de/kalia.htm NAKAI Nakai is the first orca who was successfully conceived through AI (artificial insemination). He is a playful young orca who enjoys watching guests at the underwater viewing area at San Diego. He has done that since he was a baby orca and was never afraid to leave Kasatka’s side. He has had great companions with the other young orcas at San Diego. Now he also enjoys to spend time with the maturing and mature bulls. He is one of the stars during the show performances, he has learned many waterwork behaviours and liked to show them off. Currently he is learning more advanced behaviours including the vertical spin, a very difficult behaviour. In 2012, Nakai was involved in a serious accident when, in order to avoid another whale, Nakai scraped his chin against a barrier. This left an area of his chin exposed and through the best medical treatment that SeaWorld could offer (inc. laser surgery), Nakai is making a remarkable recovery. As his ever growing dorsal and curling flukes show, Nakai is well on his way to becoming a mature male. here is nakai http://www.orcahome.de/nakai.htm SHOUKA Shouka was the first successful birth in Europe and the pride of Marineland Antibes. She got along with everyone at the park, despite her extremely dominant personality. She spent most of her time with her father Kim II*. it was decided to transfer the young orca to a park in the USA. Rumour has it that Shouka was owned by Six Flags and due to several purchases and sales of parks, Shouka has ended up in California, the former Marine World of Africa. She is an amazing performer, knows many tricks and puts all her energy in behaviours. Although she was first trained for waterworks, trainers do not enter the water with her, possibly due to her extremely moody and dominant nature. During her time at Marineland she witnessed many orca births and cared for her siblings very well, which makes her the perfect candidate to breed and having calves on her own. But as of now there isn’t any male joining her anytime soon, Shouka has not had a calf yet. Kshamenk was supposed to join her in 2002; due to denied authorization to transfer him. On August 20, 2012 she was transferred to Sea World San Diego and is doing very well in her new environment. here is shouka http://www.orcahome.de/shouka.htm SeaWorld Orlando TRUA Trua is a young male who was born on Thanksgiving in 2005. Like his mother and many members of his family, he is really interactive and loves to watch people through the glass at Orlando's underwater viewing area; sometimes he does that for hours. Malia has become a good friend to him and he has taught her many things he already knew. When he is with Tilikum, he even plays with the huge bull. Trua was often seen performing with his mother, but he did some behaviours on his own. In February 2009, his mother Takara was transferred to San Antonio, leaving him in the care of the other females. Despite his mother moving away, Trua is doing very well and is often seen with Kayla. MALIA In 2007, Taima* gave birth to her first daughter and they were continuously watched by their trainers since birth, because Taima* showed aggression to both of her previous calves. Taima* accepted Malia after the birth, nursed her and was really gentle to her daughter. Malia is a quite independent calf; she used to leave Taima*’s protective side to check out the other parts of the tank. Trua has been a good influence to her, she caught up new behaviours quickly from him and even did some tricks on her own. In June/July 2008, Malia had been separated from her mother, because Taima* was a bit moody and disrupted the shows. Malia and Taima* were eventually put with Kalina*. Since her mother's death, Malia often is seen with Trua and Nalani whom she has become good friends with and often perfoms in shows. Nalani is often seen performing alongside her playmates Trua and Malia. MAKAIO Makaio is a 5 year old male orca who lives at SeaWorld Orlando. He was born on October 9, 2010. His mother is Katina and his father is Tilikum, making him the 4th calf born to the pair and Katina's 7th calf. He is the youngest orca living in Orlando and the most recent to be born at the park. He was born just after Katina's first calf Kalina had passed away on October 4th. Makaio joins the other orcas in shows though he doesn't know how to do many behaviors yet. He is starting to learn more advanced behaviors as he grows. He is most often seen with his mom Katina, though he is becoming more independant. He enjoys being with the other young orcas and his older sisters Nalani and Malia can often be seen helping Katina care for him. He spends a lot of time playing with them as well. KATINA Katina was captured in 1978 along with several other orcas and was sent to Hafnarfjordur where she was trained and waited to be sold on. It is presumed she was purchased by Sea World but for some reason was sent to Marineland Ontario. Here, she met the three resident orcas, Kanduke, Knootka* and Kandu II* and she was named Kandu VI. 6 months later, she was moved to Sea World Ohio and was renamed to Katina; here she met Kandu V* and Kenau*. After the park's season ended, all three orcas were shipped back to Sea World San Diego and it was here she was reunited with orcas she was captured with , Kasatka and Kotar* (it is unknown if she met Shawn* again). For the following 3 years, she was moved every spring to Ohio to perform alongside Kasatka and when she became pregnant by Winston* in the spring of 1984, it was decided to move her to Sea World Orlando; and this is where she has remained ever since. It was also here, at Orlando where Katina made history by giving birth to her first offspring, Kalina* in 1985. Katina is the matriarch of the SWF pod even though she isn't the most dominant female and Katina always had a close bond to her calves. Many of her calves, including Kalina, were taken away from her at an early age, except for Taku*; he was her first son and was a mommy's boy. They were really close and always together which her close relationship ended up in a calf, Nalani and Nalani is the first surviving inbreed orca calf in captivity and she is doing very well. Raising 7 calves, indicate Katina's great motherly abilities. But she isn't only a great mother, but also one of SeaWorld's best performers and she does most of the advanced waterworks and complex behaviours. NALANI Nalani is the first surviving inbred orca calf in captivity as she is the result of Mother/Son mating. Currently she is doing pretty well. She is really active and joins her mother in shows doing many bows and other simple tricks. She also interacts with other orcas of the pod. Despite of her activeness she also shows signs of dependence on her mother. For the first months after her birth, she had troubles to stay with trainers during shows. But she made progress and even does some behaviours on her own or with Kayla. Nalani is often seen performing alongside her playmates Trua and Malia. Sea World San Antonio Kyuquot Kyuquot, also known as Ky, was the first calf sucessfully born at Sealand of the Pacific. Several months before his birth, the orcas were involved in an incident, in which a trainer was killed. Soon the park was closed and Ky and his mother Haida II* were transferred to SeaWorld San Antonio. Ky was really close to his mother and often stuck close on her side. After her death in 2001 he became depressed but he did eventually bond with other orcas but often shows his dominance over them. Kyuquot is a really good performer and knows many spectacular types of behaviours. He underwent a growth spurt the past years but despite his weight, he easily lift his 9,000 lb body completely out of the water. Ky has done waterworks with his trainers, but due to an incident in 2004, those were stopped. He can be moody at times; he often refused to do behaviours in the past, that could be the reason why waterworks weren’t reintroduced to him. Sakari Sakari is a 5 year old female orca living at SeaWorld San Antonio where she was born on January 7, 2010. Her mother is Takara and her father is Tilikum. She is the 2nd calf born to the pair. Unlike her sister Kohana, who was conceived through artificial insemination between Takara and Tilikum, Sakari was conceived naturally. She lives with her mom, a half sister and two half brothers and can often be seen performing with Takara and Kamea. She spent a lot of time with her older half sister Unna before she passed away. She is learning more behaviors now that she is getting older and is a very smart and playful whale. Now that she is getting older, she is starting to learn the more complex behaviors. Kamea Kamea is a 2 year old female orca who was born at SeaWorld San Antonio on December 6, 2013 at 12:08 am. Her mother is Takara and her father is Kshamenk via artificial insemination. SeaWorld announced that she had been named Kamea on February 3, 2014. Kamea means "precious one" in Hawaiian. She can often be seen swimming alongside her mother or half sister Sakari, though she can be seen with any member of the pod. takara Takara is one of the most playful orcas in captivity. Since she was a young orca, she came to the glass and checked out the visitors staring at her and in 2002 her life changed when she gave birth to her first calf Kohana. With the help of mother Kasatka, Takara finally learned how to care for a calf. But unlike many other adult orcas, she is still a playful orca and her interactiveness has been passed onto her calves, Trua, Kohana and Sakari; which are also extremely interactive. While she lived at San Diego, she was known as a spoiled orca who liked to annoy the other orcas at the park. Since her birth she was like the princess in California as Takara was the child of the matriarch there, so she could do whatever she wanted. After her move to Florida in 2004, she had to get used to a new social structure, but she fitted in well and got along really well with Katina and the other females. On February 5, 2009, Takara was moved to San Antonio and joined 4 orcas there and in January 2010 gave birth to her third calf, Sakari. She is doing well and has fitted in the social structure at San Antonio very well, and is one of the dominant orcas. tuar Tuar is a 16 year old male orca who lives at SeaWorld San Antonio. His father is Tilikum and his mother is Kalina. He was born at SeaWorld Orlando on June 22, 1999. In November 2000, another male orca was born who was named Tekoa. Tekoa's mother became aggressive towards him and he was soon also being raised by Tuar's mother. The two became very close and spent a lot of time together. After he was transferred to San Antonio, Tuar and Tekoa drifted apart and Tekoa left several years later. Tuar has remained in Texas since. He is quite dominant for a male orca. He is also growing very fast with his recent growth spurt. Tuar used to perform waterworks until they were stopped in 2010 Loro Parque Kohana is a 13 year old female orca who was born at SeaWorld San Diego on May 3, 2002. Her mother is Takara and her father is Tilikum. Kohana was the 2nd orca calf to be born as a result of artificial insemination. While she was born at SeaWorld San Diego, her father lived at SeaWorld Orlando. Kohana and Takara both moved to Orlando in 2004. Kohana found playmates in her half siblings Ikaika and Skyla. Kohana and Skyla moved to Loro Parque in 2006 and have lived there since. Kohana gave birth to her first calf on October 13, 2010 and he was named Adán. He was the first Killer Whale born in Loro Parque and also the first to be born in Spain. Sadly, after birth Kohana showed no interest in her calf and he had to be raised by the trainers. He has now been introduced to Kohana and the other orcas but she plays no maternal role for him. Kohana gave birth to her second calf, a female named Victoria, on August 3, 2012. Skyla was present for the birth to assist Kohana. After a 2 hour labor, the calf was born. Kohana spent a little bit of time with her calf but the trainers had to step in and raise her as they did with Adan. Victoria passed away on June 16, 2013. After Kohana had Adan, she was separated from Keto for the next few months. Keto is very attached to Kohana and didn't take the separation well. Soon after the trainers allowed them to reunite Kohana became pregnant with Victoria. Kohana is the dominant female at Loro Parque but she doesn't know how to run a pod. She never learned how a dominant orca is supposed to take care of her pod or how to take care of a calf and assume the role of a matriarch. Kohana is a very smart orca and knows many behaviors. She used to do waterworks until 2009 when they were stopped, though she has never shown any aggression to her trainers. She is a very interactive orca and will often play with visitors. adan Adán is a 5 year old male orca who was born on October 13, 2010, though Loro Parque celebrates his birthday on the 12th, which is Spain's national holiday. His mother is Kohana and his father is Keto. He was the first orca to be born in Loro Parque and also the first orca to be born in Spain. Sadly after birth, his mother Kohana rejected him as she didn't know how to take care of a calf. He is also slightly inbred as Kohana's mother Takara, is Keto's half sister. This combination means Adán could be up to 6.25% inbred. Adán has been introduced to all of the orcas living in Loro Parque. The first whale he was introduced to was Keto. He was the first to be introduced to his younger sister, Victoria, and the two could often be seen together. Around September 2012, Adán started appearing in shows along with the older orcas. He can be seen with any pod member, though he is most often seen with Kohana, Skyla and Morgan. keto Keto is a 22 year old male orca who lives at Loro Parque. He was born at SeaWorld Orlando on June 17, 1995 to mother Kalina and father Kotar. Keto is one of the few orcas to have lived at all four SeaWorld's that have been opened. He is rather dominant for a male orca as males are usually more submissive. In 2006, Keto moved to Loro Parque along with three other orcas. Since then, he has sired two calves with Kohana; Adan in 2010 and Victoria in 2012. Keto is Kohana's half Uncle which makes their calves 6.25% inbred. skyla Skyla is an 13 year old female orca who lives at Loro Parque. She was born on February 9, 2004 at SeaWorld Orlando to mother Kalina and father Tilikum. From the early months of Skyla's life, she was a very independant calf like her older siblings. She spent a lot of time with Kalina and soon found friends in Ikaika and Kohana. Skyla and Kohana became very close, and in 2006 they both were moved to Loro Parque with Keto and Tekoa. Skyla grew up doing whatever she wanted due to the lack of a maternal figure. She often shows her dominance towards the other orcas. She has also been involved in incidents with trainers and was stopped from performing waterworks. Despite her nature towards the pod, she is a very smart and reliable performer. She knows many advanced behaviors and is still learning. She can often be seen performing with Kohana and Keto, and occassionally Tekoa. tekoa Tekoa is a 17 year old male orca who lives at Loro Parque. He was born at SeaWorld Orlando on November 8, 2000 to mother Taima and father Tilikum. Kalina was present for the birth and assisted Taima through labor. As with her first calf Sumar, Taima showed aggression towards Tekoa at a very young age. The two were separated after a few months and Tekoa was raised mostly by Kalina with the assistance of Katina. Kalina had given birth to her son Tuar in 1999 and the half brothers became very close. Even after Kalina had another calf named Skyla, she still looked after Tekoa. Soon after however, he was transfer to SeaWorld San Antonio along with Tuar in April 2004. Tekoa moved again to Loro Parque in February 2006, leaving Tuar behind. Tekoa has remained at Loro Parque since. In 2007, he was involved in an incident with a trainer which resulted in him having certain protocals put in place to follow with trainers. He knows many dry work behaviors though, and is a great performer. Tekoa is a submissive orca in the pod and has received many rake marks from the over dominant Kohana and Skyla. He tends to spend a lot of time with Keto, but can be seen with any member of the pod. morgan Morgan is an 11 year old female orca who lives at Loro Parque. She was rescued on June 23, 2010 in The Netherlands after being found by a fisherman. She was rescued by the Dolfinarium Harderwijk where she recovered from extreme starvation and other illnesses. She remained there for a year and a half in a tiny pool that was meant for her recovery. She was in need of a larger tank as she was growing and her tank was much to small to house an orca. She also needed other orcas for companionship. In November 2011, it was decided to send her to Loro Parque in Spain. They had 5 other orcas and had a much larger facility to house her in. She arrived on November 29th. On December 3, 2017, Loro Parque confirmed that Morgan was pregnant with her first calf. The father of her calf is Keto or Tekoa. Morgan gave birth to her calf on September 22, 2018. She immediately took to the calf. Despite Morgan being a good mother, Loro Parque had to step in to nurse her calf because she wasn't producing enough milk. The two were reunited for a few days, but trainers ultimately had to step in to nurse the calf. On January 13, 2019, it was announced the calf was named Ula. The two have been reunited as Ula isn't needing to be nursed as often. ula Ula is a newborn female orca who was born at Loro Parque on September 22, 2018. Her mother is Morgan. The father is either Keto or Tekoa. Morgan immediately took to the calf and the two had been bonding. Despite Morgan being a good mother to her calf, Loro Parque had to step in to nurse Ula because she wasn't producing enough milk. Ula was reunited with Morgan a couple days later, but Morgan continued to not produce enough milk. Trainers ultimately took over nursing ula On January 13, 2019, it was announced she had been named Ula. Morgan and Ula have also been reunited as Ula is not having to nurse as often. non seaworld orcas Marineland Antibes keijo Keijo is a 2 year old male orca who was born at Marineland Antibes on November 20, 2013. His mother is Wikie and his father is Valentin. This makes Keijo up to 12.5% inbred as Wikie and Valentin are half siblings. Valentin though, has never been confirmed as his father by Antibes. Keijo is a very playful calf, often playing with his trainers or the other orcas. He can often be seen copying what the other orcas do during shows. He loves playing with his older half-brother Moana and has already learned a lot from him moana Moana is a 4 year old male orca who was born at Marineland Antibes on March 16, 2011. His mother is Wikie and his father is Ulises. Moana was the 3rd orca calf to be born as a result of artificial insemination. While his mother lived in France, his father lived at SeaWorld San Diego in the US. Initially, Antibes announced Moana was a girl and held a poll to name him. In July 2011, it was announced he was a boy, though Antibes kept the name. Moana is extremely smart. Before he turned one he could already do behaviors other orcas his age couldn't and does many behaviors that take others years to learn. Many of the behaviors he has learned by simply watching the other orcas at the park and doing what they do. Among these, he has learned to do back bows, underwater somersaults, a traveling breach, and much more. Many he wouldn't have even trained for until he was at least a few years old. Moana can be seen performing with the entire group or even doing some parts of the show by himself. He is independant, but is still close to his mom. He also enjoys spending time with Inouk and Keijo. wikie Wikie is the last calf to Sharkan* and Kim II* at Marineland. She is very playful and sometimes comes to the glass to 'watch' the guests. She is also a really good performer and knows many s |
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The desc is funny too.