All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 132.9
Mean Score:
- Watching18
- Completed451
- On-Hold46
- Dropped171
- Plan to Watch81
- Total Entries767
- Rewatched0
- Episodes7,891
Manga Stats
Days: 13.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries94
- Reread0
- Chapters2,378
- Volumes168
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All Comments (17) Comments
I was only wonder cause it still kind of has an obscure status as an anime, and rather difficult to come across, by chance at least, on MAL.
Though I have heard the manga is excellent, so the adaption should at least be decent. Also, it's an OVA, so it shouldn't hurt.
Starting today, I will never share my opinion ever again~
Auska: How Disgusting
-Credits Roll-
Me: Wait what? *head explodes*
I certainly hope they actually explain stuff this time in the 3rd and 4th movies =/. If only they would come out faster lol
And what didn't you like about the movies? I mean, they upped just about everything. The art was fantastic, the characters were a little less irritating, the story has a great pace, I mean....