Kimi no Na wa.

Your Name.

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Alternative Titles

Japanese: 君の名は。
English: Your Name.
German: Your Name.
Spanish: Your Name.
French: Your Name.
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Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Aug 26, 2016
Licensors: Funimation, NYAV Post
Studios: CoMix Wave Films
Source: Original
Genres: Award WinningAward Winning, DramaDrama
Duration: 1 hr. 46 min.
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Score: 8.831 (scored by 19803141,980,314 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #302
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #11
Members: 2,867,236
Favorites: 92,809

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Ranked #30Popularity #11Members 2,867,236
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Episodes: /1


Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl, yearns to live the life of a boy in the bustling city of Tokyo—a dream that stands in stark contrast to her present life in the countryside. Meanwhile in the city, Taki Tachibana lives a busy life as a high school student while juggling his part-time job and hopes for a future in architecture.

One day, Mitsuha awakens in a room that is not her own and suddenly finds herself living the dream life in Tokyo—but in Taki's body! Elsewhere, Taki finds himself living Mitsuha's life in the humble countryside. In pursuit of an answer to this strange phenomenon, they begin to search for one another.

Kimi no Na wa. revolves around Mitsuha and Taki's actions, which begin to have a dramatic impact on each other's lives, weaving them into a fabric held together by fate and circumstance.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]


Kimi no Na wa. won the LAFCA Animation Award in 2016 and the Best Animated Film in 2017 by Mainichi Film Awards. It also won the Grand Prize Award on the 20th Japan Media Arts Festival.

Characters & Voice Actors


Bezerra, Wendel
Kawamura, Genki
Producer, Planning


Opening Theme

Apple Music
Amazon Music
Youtube Music
"Yume Tourou (夢灯籠)" by RADWIMPS

Ending Theme

Episode Videos


Jan 8, 2025
i have this anime's manga for quite a long time but i never read it, yesterday after finished watching silent voice i wanted to watch this since they were being compared a lot and here i am having finished the film and unfortunately, i have very mixed feeling about this anime i want to preface it by saying i liked it but never get the hype i mean it is good and but neither did it hit harder that a silent voice nor it could get any close and i am feeling very sad about that because i had high expectations going into this however, ...
Dec 20, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Honestly, Your Name left a good impression on me the first time I watched it fondly. The fact that the two main characters could swap bodies is a good idea, but I only liked the half of the movie when the characters were messing around in different bodies, interesting right? Well, towards the end of the movie things started to get more boring, the action seemed to start to creak somewhere. I'm not saying it maliciously, on the contrary, the film has a top animation, well-defined characters, but the story doesn't seem to have been to my liking. It didn't have a solid foundation to ...
Feb 26, 2025
Kimi no Na wa is an illogical, pseudoemotional, slogfest of a movie.

The first part of the movie is kind of a time waster, because it primarily serves as a really long and drawn out exposition focusing on a concept that if removed, wouldn’t meaningfully change much of the movie. Nevertheless, the story must begin somewhere, so it gets its foot in the door with as a basic slice of life as lived by two highschoolers of different families. The additional premise to the scenerypornographic slice of life would be the body swap. Well, given the lack of setup and the fact that this film is ...

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Recent Forum Discussion

Poll: Kimi no Na wa. Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )
checkdafool - Jul 3, 2016
1,431 repliesby sunerachatuaml »»
Feb 27, 9:52 AM
I have never felt this impacted by a movie in my life
wcdonalds - Dec 19, 2024
46 repliesby Biisoo »»
Jan 19, 1:55 AM
Plot hole much?
middle_pickup - Oct 22, 2024
30 repliesby Jacques_Monreal »»
Jan 17, 2:21 PM
Why is "Your Name" listed as a "Romantic Subtext” movie when romance is one of its focal points?
no_comparisonBM - Jul 3, 2024
22 repliesby wildhood »»
Nov 14, 2024 4:50 PM
Poll: Every age rating?!?
AmineBee - Oct 15, 2024
19 repliesby chocodivine03 »»
Nov 9, 2024 11:21 PM

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Is Makoto Shinkai's Tenki no Ko "The Next Kimi no Na wa."?

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What the Anime Industry Can Learn from Kimi no Na wa. (Part 2)

Kimi no Na wa.’s brilliant story, setting, and music captivated its young audience, satisfying fans and critics both in Japan and overseas, which led to the overwhelming popularity of the film.

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