Are you ready to watch a comedy show where things like someone changing sex and others turning into animals are commonplace? If so, you're in the right place!
The remake of Ranma½, the classic Ranma is back, but this time with a more current version of that time. With a renowned studio behind it (MAPPA), This remake, to be honest, for me, was much better than the old version and perhaps equals the manga due to some positive factors that I will mention later. In view of this... My main focus is still to recommend this to you from this review.
Ranma½ is the kind of anime
that doesn't need to be perfect. There's no need to take most of the things seriously, as it's an anime that can still be considered a classic because it has old material, it's amazing how much the anime formula still works today. The "formula" I mean would be comedy. The comedy here works by taking the viewer to the absurd, while many comedy anime tend to take the humor to the "perverted" side or focus on the characters' expressions, ranma½ does it differently. The comedy here arises from the moment something absurd happens and little by little it snowballs and grows until it becomes complete chaos. A situation arises where Ranma has to use his strength for something, be it a competition or a challenge, apart from this competition/challenge other things come up along the way, other people get involved and start to get in the way of what was previously happening. At other times the comedy arises from absurd speeches like Ranma and Akane's parents wanting to make the two get married, or characters wanting to date Ranma or Akane randomly.
At other times, the comedy comes only from the Ranma/Akane relationship, with the two arguing or fighting because they disagree with each other.
In short, the comedy starts from all these principles. I don't want to have to talk about funny situations in the anime, because that would be a spoiler. But comedy here is the main "weapon" of this anime. And what is most remarkable about him. It is from comedy that character development and relationships are established because of moments comical. The comedy is not tiring, as it varies in almost every episode with new characters appearing, and the fights help make the comedy even more... let's say "special". It's all done in a lighter and more continuous way, with crazy dynamics, some healthy, cute and others more chaotic, It's a diversification that makes you stay hooked on the plot and keep watching.
I honestly don't want to say much about the story, as it is very simple and easy to summarize, just read the synopsis and you will understand. All you need to know is that Ranma and Akane are in an engagement set up by their parents. Without the consent of both, they lead a chaotic life due to several disagreements throughout the narrative...
The characters... Well so far this season the characters are pretty easy to get attached to. But what is so special about the characters? The characters themselves are pretty generic, but what makes them a little better than other common animes is the interactions between them. From cute moments between Akane and Ranma where one learns from the other to endure their tantrums, to other characters like Ryouga who serves as comic relief to the couple Ranma and Akane. The fights between Ranma and Ryouga bring a common adversary to the plot in the dispute for Akane, with random scenes of them facing each other and then having to "understand each other" to stay close to Akane. We have Akane and Ranma's parents who together bring absurd situations to the plot. Akane's sisters complement the anime experience with their sweet ways to oppose Akane's chaotic ways. There's Shampoo, a "rival" of Akane who plays a similar role to Ryouga, as Shampoo likes Ranma.
In addition to these, there are others that complement the cast and normally appear to compete with Ranma or Akane.
The characters themselves bring with them absurd situations and most of their interactions arise from one disagreeing with the other, leading to crazy situations. Ranma and Akane, despite hating each other for being in a forced engagement, gradually try to adapt to it, little by little we see, for example, Akane maturing and letting her emotions flow more freely, making the character more peculiar. Overall the characters and the comedy are what make this anime exist and be what it is. Because it is through comedy that we like the characters and through the characters we can like the comedy. One completes the other.
The direction is good. The pace is not rushed and things flow well. At times, the art surpasses itself during the fights, taking the animation to its peak. However, it is seen that in the last episodes, the fights were not as well done as in the first episodes, it is noticeable that in the first episodes the animation during the fights was incredible. After a few episodes, the fights become more simplistic and without much movement execution. However... I'm not saying it's necessarily bad, it's just that the quality has declined a bit, but the anime itself still stayed until the end with a good pace and great direction, only the animation in the fights had a bit of a "the quality has dropped". The overwhelming art when the fights begin in the first episodes is simply phenomenal, After a few episodes this art disappears. Other than that, I have nothing to complain about the production itself. Ranma ½ also has a great soundtrack, engaging opening, a calm and light ending, with great songs that bring back nostalgia for those who watched the old version.
Every anime has flaws, but I believe Ranma½ has more qualities than flaws. The nostalgic struggles, the rustic art style, the new coloring of the anime brings with it a remake that has been adapted perfectly well. The comedy being easy to get involved with and the good characters sustain this anime until the end. Akane and Ranma's cute moments bring comfort to the viewer, and the chaotic fights bring funny and unique moments where everything comes together and nothing is too vague. This remake brought me nostalgia, along with joy and comfort during my weekends (the days I watched the episodes), if you watch this go with an open mind and free just to have fun, the comedy here doesn't require you to think too much. Just feel the sensation of watching an anime with updated animation, from that time, but which has a plot that harks back to ancient times where everything started from a freer continuous comedy and engaging.
Thank you for reading this far.
Dec 21, 2024
Ranma ½ (2024)
Are you ready to watch a comedy show where things like someone changing sex and others turning into animals are commonplace? If so, you're in the right place!
The remake of Ranma½, the classic Ranma is back, but this time with a more current version of that time. With a renowned studio behind it (MAPPA), This remake, to be honest, for me, was much better than the old version and perhaps equals the manga due to some positive factors that I will mention later. In view of this... My main focus is still to recommend this to you from this review. Ranma½ is the kind of anime ... Nov 5, 2024
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