You found a rare Tropi! Congrats!
18 // Finland // she
I enjoy watching anime casually without need to rate everything. Still I have some criteria I give points for:
+ gives the watcher a chance to think: not everything needs to be told straight to the viewer, keeps shows interesting to leave cliffhangers, multiple love interests or insane plottwists
+ character development: characters grow during the series depending on the length
+ enjoyable and realistic characters: being able to relate or find something deeper behind the cover of one
+ storytelling: being able to use rewinds and foresight without it ruining the story
+ staying in context: for example, timelines do not include information from future unless it's for the storyline
In addition, I'm a catmom and find humour difficult. For me romance is the GOAT genre: I can talk about love endlessly. You could call me a hopeless romantic.
Feel free to contact me about anime via discord (tropi9991) or add me as a friend here and send chats!
I have my discord server as well as YouTube linked down. Check them out of you're interested.
Looking forward to meet you, the one reading this! ✨
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries120
- Reread13
- Chapters5,842
- Volumes716
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