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Oct 21, 2024
My biggest gripe is the duration of the film because i understand the body language, imagery narritve that conveys the plot, but i just hate how inconsistently of how the story is paced. It doesn't give you visual time the registered the emotion, even though you understand it, it just doesn't click. What savor it the most to say the least and bring up body language is how the animation vividly portrays their choreography that convincingly make you feel their pain. But like i said tying back to the duration, it doesn't give you the time to registered those moment which is a big setdown.
Other than that, how Tatsuki Fujimoto paint narritve of these character is phenominal of he doesn't rely on exaggerated drama but use depective expressive caricature, that heighten the plot of the story and the character motive. What make fujimoto so clever is that how minimal and linear the narritive is, also not having it to feel too convoluted. At the same time the story get too empty not knowing what they did inbetween those moment even though it doesn't need to be explain but at least write the bare minimum to make the character feel like the dramatic changes is effecting their life more also impacting the beautiful animation more impactful. I know it is done attentional if he write more of these type of themes. I hope he start to evolve more into the writing than over relying on metaphoric symbolism.
The animation and of course tatsuki fujimoto character design is breath taking as fuck. It just a dissapointment that the duration devalue this movie. Its an 8 but a person like me who like art and the animation. an 9 when i was in theater people be crying and i was like damn me too. this film is best tear jerker
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 24, 2023
From a polarizing creator that is well known for his visual abstract philosophical symbolism narrative made a story about of how a pink hair bitch got a pink hair and became a bitch. Im so perplex from a director who made gainax famous also having top tier staff making flcl, having us convince a story driven character of how a thot got pink hair. WOW BAISCALLY RADIADED LCL TURN MY HAIR PINK THANK ALOT SHINJI. FUCK THAT PINK BITCH. ANNO WHY THE FUCK DID YOU WASTE YOUR BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS TO MAKE A BULLSHIT STORY ABOUT PINK GIRL.
The fact is that he
came from the same claw of these dementia, escape room genre like other cult classic like ghost in the shell, lain, perfect blue and angel egg. I guess money is more likely important than art. I get the fact the this is a 28 year old series and all, meaning of course you wouldn't have the same staff in this recent year. But you got to understand this serie created not only a classic but numerous of oppurtunity of studios like khara, trigger, and so on. Meaning you would've expected anno to revitalize the original staff as well. Anno is petty that just it. He doesn't want to create a story driven or structured narrative concluded series. Most likely some self insert bs i have wife and go fuck yourself ending shit and wear a white collar suit. They should've killed shinji and have him be at the after life smiling with mari n shit. It a huge shame of this build up of a last movie just having to end like this
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 7, 2022
The dimension represent a depicted universe that was created by god for the purpose for student to either atone their sin or question their own existence and learning to display the empathy of living. The symbolism is done so well phenomenally with its philosophic metaphoric composition dialogue where in episode 4 he was basically conveying a story about his friend talent in sport and the art of the sport as well, having it turn into a sentimental message toward the main protagonist while having it not be obviously directed toward him.
That method of how these story are display isn't that complicated. It pretty much
match the noun to the character theme instead of expecting the character to explain their life in a linear way but sometimes, it isn't easy to catch these up as there are show that are extremely sophisticated where there are show that display more imagery and minimal dialogue. It pretty much patients and extreme attention to detail overall.
The show lack of motive and a premise for the world build up like how was this world build or created or how did they gain these power and *spoiler* why did the principal motive for sending the whole school faculty to a timeless dimensions. I do find it all of this imagery in this show kind of pretentious of just to be use as an aesthetic but it doesn't come off as a distraction when it comes to the main message to the theme conclusion which was done really good. 8.8, 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 27, 2022
The animation is unbearable to the point where you question your self, if this is a power point or an audio book. Visual is good as usual but it doesn't translate with the animation, regardless its visually translate the aesthetic but with its lack of animation. The presentation to the concluding story or joke comes out anti climatic and also tying with the character. There are nuance of interesting character in season 2 but it comes out so hard to enjoy these new character when they're try to do something funny but it come out as the character are just doing a funny still pose
because of a lack of budget and sometime when they do show animation. They'll only animation certain proportion of the anatomy and have that certain motion move in repeat like a gif. You don't even feel the resonation of the two couple correlation with its boring comedy build up just to see the closing moment of komi say something wholesome in a couple minute from it fix animation. There are some episode with decent amount of animation accept it also suffer with the same problem as the first season as well. They should change the show as KOMI CAN'T EXPRESS FULL MOTION BUT ONLY EMOTE.
All i can see is these marketing hype, forcibly revenue the money out on takagi san season three, the loli ninja and single hair bang girl but yet still a forehead playing shogi. Because after seeing these hiccup like takagi season 3 animation. These seem to be some weird corporate abuse. This isn't right, having these animation studio to be rushed so that they can make it to the deadline just to match up the lineup. That what I see in komi with its summer time rendering hype while branding naming the director.
What there doing is burning these studio out and having them orchestrating their own studio like what trigger and khara studio is to gainax and what clover studio is to a1. Deadline makes sense for seasonal date but for a bundle hype, they better be paying some good shit or give them some good work ethic, timing or better yet freedom. This is concerning for the Japanese business practice. I really do hope japan as a country can survive as a society.
I gave it a three because episode 8 has some gay joke. You can say it gender equality
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 22, 2022
these character doesn't question their own action but rather question their own feeling. I do get why the protagonist approach things such surreal disturb way from witnessing a traumatic disgust sight of seeing his friend making out of his crush. Which cause him to have conflicting feeling toward the both of them. Having his feeling being held hostage from both of them. Overall it sound like a really good premise but how do they approach those conflicted feeling.
Because it just comes out as kei being a manipulative, sadistic, selfish heterophobe dude. Who only wants that man cooch. Also she doesn't even bother to question
her own action of why she would would cuck kei if she already knew that youhei has feeling toward kei. Is she actually in love with youhei or is it just for personal gains or is she contradicting her own feeling of her fear of betrayal and abandonment from being lied from a platonic kiss?
How does this ties to trans right? I get it using the "psychological" theme while trying to philosophically explain what love actually mean. It overall not convincing for the character not having any moral basic or the main character resentment is just a plot device for him being an enabler. How does she feel any intimate feeling toward youhei if she only know him as the third wheel by only knowing him from kei. The introduction of the premise could've been articulated by adding some in depth character development arc per 20 chapter. I do hope this manga turns around because i do see potential on it, regardless this isn't going to be an overall good manga but i just want this manga to have a significant notice to be known as.
Good art with good feature, structure, proportion 8 head figure and aesthetic that conveys the story pt well. Lucky if this didn't have the artistry being replace with mainstream industry style. I would've give no chance toward this manga
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 6, 2022
I can't seem to actually hate this show, even though the story obviously isn't amazing at all. What got everyone on the show is definitely the art and not just the art, the whole production as well. Into episode 2, i believe there are rotoscope moment during the photo realistic scene in the breast jiggle scene which can also be seen as ecchi cliché toward cynical pretentious idiot and also that can be judge as hack production but with its animation and how the art direction is done. It doesn't felt underwhelming because of its authenticity of how the team depicted into those scene feels
real and convincing while not having any generic significance effect that would alert the viewer as if its a fanservice moment, but with its originality. It make it harder to predict like episode 11 having everyone go crazy on "that" scene. There are some tropey moment but its easily forgettable. Overall i think the whole production extremely excel the manga expectation, literally making the manga creator cried seriously. The acting is insanely good too.
This doesn't mean the art itself get away from the story.
I guess caricature in appearance wise is somewhat believable in a certain degree, yet that doesn't let the series get off the hook of its generic repetitive pixie girl trope changing the protag life sorta introduction when it comes to character background story. This usually work well like nagatoro, unlike bisque doll. It just seem so ridiculous and unreal. For instance how the hell gojo is that built mane like damn nba height, shoulder length and that clean cut, sheeeit. I'm surprise he didn't get hit on and that it ties into the problem i have. Trauma ties into a lot to anyone life depending on how deep the context behind it but it not as convincing as someone is calling your hobby "girly" and that doesn't mean it should effect you on making friends. Making it so hard to believe that he didn't had friend his whole life beside that one girl and the other during his childhood.
I believe this show is trying enable incel people self inserting themselves as gojo. Believing that their habit or simping has no consequences and no self awareness, thinking as if they think no one wouldn't be taking advantage of their skill. I felt as gojo reason for staying with kitagawa is wanting to learn how to make clothes to feed his obsession on doll while not getting paid but only food and bare skin and it comes out pretty sad. It pretty repetitive of wanting to know if he going to reveal his perspective of "beauty" on kitagawa instead of addictively seeing doll as beauty. The only thing i like about gojo is his correlation with his grandpa which felt like a huge part of the series which i wish there was more into it.
music is good though but overall the show kinda feels like a forced animation bait like kyoto animation would do but at the same time clover respectfully portray the art direction of the series so therefore no hate. Protagonist is my huge problem so far but im pretty aware of its character development are pretty good and story structure is pt balance further into the manga. The protag introduction ruin it for me, giving it huge lack of value to be invested into the series only having it to feel like the reason to watch the show is it technical visual. Good show but not perfect
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 30, 2022
This show is known from its plot twist like for instant. The background character is seeing regular couple but suddenly the couple does the complete opposite or doing something what they wouldn't expect. This is mostly what you get of the show, also the character development is cheesy lazy sentimental plot device, i been held captive by the system to be use as a child soldier and never been love but suddenly met a moe uwu loli girl type.
These sorta theme works well but the theme felt like a plot device for lazy wholesome fanservice pandering for casual anime watcher who
only want to get a reaction so that you can easily get invested into the character and don't have to feel overwhelmed. Its like as if you're doing a homework project in order to invest into a convincing historical period time setting event with its espionage CIA, KGB,CCP and MK ULTRA for people that doesn't know the reference. These event aren't really tied into the plot, but is loosely based on it.
The main premise is the only reason what got me interested in. Wanting to know how the story unfold of if he succeed the mission and develop himself to be the better man from realizing the concept of a healthy life such as feeling a person love and care from a sadistic hoe and a loli. I don't know why they didn't label the organization as terrorist instead of extremist since extremist are the one who would do like Boston bombing level, not a fucking war. I know they're going to reveal the main character past and trauma but it just going to be some forced overly projected edgy shock value reveal the main character, side character and opponent doing ahegao face with snot and drool or some corny ass scary face.
The art is shit underwhelming over exaggerated out of place lazy town art.
This show is only good if you want to feel good and be a cheer leader so you don't have to strain on the visual constructive narrative or exposition dialogue and some abstract artistic bullshit that would level headed watcher would say. But yeh anya is a cute loli that explain things by introducing her names first like a pokemon in order for her to explain things in a UWU way. yeh this show is like a 6 to a light 7ish and i unironically gave akebi-chan an 8. The problem is the story could've been character driven and historically driven while being funny like baccano.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 11, 2022
hardcore evangelion fan and gainax serie lover. It not the film you would expected to be, since there are numerous of animator that retired and the age has got to them while into the making of the last film but there are alot of fresh talent people on this project which save this film like clockwork production and more.
Getting into the film, you see shinji reunited with his classmate during his mental instability state to the point of not able to function like a human being. But the love show how his classmate treat him more then just a friend but a family to
shinji even though shinji never able to see through the thoughtfulness, blinded from his unwillingness to forgive himself from, seeing his hand cover in blood cover from the innocent he committed it. Although that doesn't stop his classmate to forgive his sin from witnessing his capability and his willingness against entity while risking his life in the frontline with a mentally disfigure mind. Even it would cost an extinction to humanity. During tougher moment where they can't even budge shinji to shift to out of depression so asuka took initiative action while ignoring his nihilistic escapism see his pity by force feeding him which it was artistically visceral also i can tell it was animated by clover. But it just felt as if anno tried way too hard on reflecting the existentialism theme as if the fan would see this as an artistic trademark expression which felt less impactful with lack of context to the conflict which leave alot of plot holes to feel that moment. In rei representation. She play a role of a newborn discovering something inspiring or finding the purpose to enjoy life which insinuate anno rebirth.
Mari relationship may not be as convincing as asuka but that isn't even the main premise. It more about shinji able to decide for his own. Not feeling like his hand was held to get trick into fighting against angel or using him as a tool for themselves to cope. Asuka may been abusive and sure that can be forgive but it isn't forgetful when she either physically or verbally in the whole series. So with that being said it wouldn't felt right as a character progressive.
I think emotionally this film is a emotional ride when the original character grow and saying their goodbye to each other as if they're goodbyes to the viewer. But they're moment where it felt abrupt or repetitive either drag too long or felt too where gendo representation was lazy and too much of a self insert of anno behalf or shinji snapping back to reality. The worst thing about the film would be how bloated, visually jarring and copy paste from old film during hour into the film. If you're coming out expecting this as an arthouse film with heavy theme. You're not getting in this film. But it doe tells a rich existentialism story and decent fanservice in the film and a decent ending.
Let appreciate what the man did for industry and a cultural impact to the world and being a inspiration. Creating a show by evangelion and gainax that inspired and creating opportunity and major show that was inspired from evangelion and a show that made me of who i am today. Anno is the George Lucas eva. Creating a cult serie and destroying one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 25, 2021
NAGATORO COULD'VE BEEN ACTUALLY good. If they actually portrayed the manga aesthetic. But they dumb down the articular tone of the anime that left alot out from the manga such as the pannel has more dynamic shot such as angle or wide shot that capture the explicit moment and also cutting out the suductive intimate moment out from manga.
It just seems like the director probally think the manga doesn't have any attention value because he probaly watch too much japanese version of tyler perry films that he find it easily laughable to himself or he assumes that the audiaunce wouldn't find it funny.
However how he actually portray the anime is, he change the part from the manga and heightens it in a ridiculous overexaggerated comedy with overly reliant sound effect, bad voice acting, water down side character and inconsistant animation.
But is doesn't disract the director not actually knowing the show progression at least. Meaning he does knows the show wholesome and cute which did those moment from the manga well. I did say the animation wasn't good but it helds up pretty suprisingly well when the scene which to the last segment into the main conclusion when the two main character talk about their days in a loving way.
Overall the show is almost a huge dissapointment but its only watchable if you like the manga but if you're going into the show cluelessly, then you'll probally going to hated. For the manga reading knowning the season two announcement. I'm hearing about the scepticism, so in my personal opinion the studio isn't bad but what they should do is replace the director.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 23, 2021
Man this anime is such a huge dissapointment where the biggest falter of this anime adaption is the production expetaction. When you get into the anime, it a smooth sail through the 4th episode up until the animation visual start hiccup to the point its get untollerable to invest into the story.
What held me to still keep continuing the show is the character, which had saved me to keep me watching into the show from start to finish, starting into there eccentric personality, apperance and attires. They're digestable and simple to fall in love with these character displaying there wholesome moment. The visual
it self held the show as well as in the editing that capture the beauty of the manga too.
overall when you expect a great director meaning adding the high expitation to popular manga that is on par takagi serie thinking up would expect to have the same treatment. But failed so we'll how season II is done
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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