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Apr 1, 2020
Story: 10/10
I'm usually not at all a fan of Empire vs. Alliance stories, but this one is a major exception. Having recently read the book it was based off, I honestly think the show actually tells the story better. The book is told (and in some ways written), in a way similar a historical account, with a lot of exposition and some third-person omniscient story telling. To that end, it doesn't dwell heavily on the individual characters and motivations, being more focused on world building and the progression of events. While we do get a clear sense of who, what, when,
and why, it is definitely more focused on the what and the when. This show spends much more time on the characters and the motivations, with entirely new scenes that set up the motivations, and the problems both leads are facing. One scene I'm particularly fond of is when Reinhard and Kircheis sneak into a noble estate and observe a lavish party.
What I find interesting about this series approach, is how it treats battles between fleets in space almost like battles between armies, with concepts of in depth formations, maneuvers, and numbers. It makes for some compelling set pieces, that manage to prevent the otherwise limited animation from slowing the story down.
While it is a fantastic story, there are a few personal nitpicks, though. One is I think the story wraps a bit too cleanly for the setting and story it has otherwise had. I won't go into the deeper details, but I will say there is a definitive winner in the war, and I think they could've spent more time developing the problems that existed after it was done. Also, at times it can be a little talky, and a tad preachy, but it never really bothered me. There is also A LOT going on, and you have to be paying attention, but the story is good enough that I never lost my attention.
Now I can understand the criticism some make that the show is "pro-fascist". While I won't go into spoilers, the conflict does end decisively, and (again) things seem to wrap up a bit too cleanly. I can safely say that the show is not "pro-fascist", as Reinhard (the guy who represents autocracy) is certainly no fascist, and characters won to have fascist views are shown to clearly be in the wrong.
Art: 7/10
The animation department is, sadly, one of the show's weaker points. Now it's not entirely the show's fault (part of the reason it has a "7" and not lower), I heard somewhere that it had some budget problems and internal disagreements during production (don't quote me on that though), and it can show (styles can change noticeably from one cut to the next). For me, this best shows in the character models. While each model looks (mostly) distinct, it can get rather stiff, with it sometimes being still on the otherwise plain of expression of one character. I've heard it doesn't bother other people, but I wasn't personally a fan of it.
Now you would think this would hurt the action and visuals, but surprisingly, it doesn't. The series has a novel approach, focusing chiefly on fleet movements, the machinations of the characters, and the all around strategy. I've seen more than a few reviews complaining about how the battles are slow, but these clearly aren't meant to be fast paced battles. The best way to describe is like watching a high stakes game of chess, and there was never a point I wasn't completely absorbed in what the characters were doing. But if you aren't a fan of these sorts of battles, I'd recommend bailing now, because this probably won't change your opinion.
Sound: 8/10
The series takes "space opera", and runs with it, with a soundtrack favoring a symphonic score trying to stress the scale and grandness of what's going on. I'm not much in a place to discuss the merits or flaws of such a thing, but I will say it suits the setting, and I do give props for not trying to do this bombastic tracks or musical numbers.
Character: 10/10
FINALLY, something that understands what it means to have gray morality. I've seen so many shows, especially anime, that claim they have gray morality by having their leads do some occasionally questionable things against an otherwise completely evil foe (maybe with a couple Token Good Teammates who don't actually affect much in the setting) with which hostility is the only solution. This show takes as much time as it can to set up the vices and virtues of both sides and characters, and to demonstrate that both sides have their good and bad aspects.
I think this is also a show that encourages viewers to draw their own conclusions about the characters, and who the "good guys" and "bad guys" are. The objective answer I think is that the show has no real "bad guys", but anyone can look at these characters and get their own ideas and interpretations of them. While at times the characters can get a little full of themselves (Reinhard has more than a few self-righteous moments to his name), it never gets to the point that it hinders their development or likability.
Enjoyment: 10/10
As a huge space opera fan, this show was right up my alley. I loved the story, I loved the setting, I loved the characters, there just wasn't that much I could really say I didn't like. As someone who also greatly enjoys heavy world building, I was very interested to learn more about this setting. But I think it is worth wondering if people who aren't science fiction fans can like it. In my opinion, yes they can. Much how non-fantasy fans can enjoy thing like "Game of Thrones" or "Lord of the Rings", the characters and story are engrossing enough that anyone I think can enjoy this story.
Overall: 10/10
There isn't much I can say against the show. While it can get a tad slow-paced a times, and the characters can also get a little self-righteous, it never went to a point that I lost interest in it. I can't recommend this show enough.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 23, 2019
Something that needs to be said about this series before anything else: this is not a remake, it is another adaptation of the book series by Yoshiki Tanaka. That needs to be said because it is not seeking to be a remake, and referring to it as such, and making the due evaluations, is simply incorrect. It must be considered its own separate work, independent of the old. With that said...
"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" is, of course, considered a classic, and rightfully so, with its expansive, and intriguing cast of characters, its high stakes story, intelligent and sometimes provocative themes and
discussions, and a setting that suits everything. It's left its mark on the science fiction genre, and I'd be surprised if a number of other anime didn't take influence from this one. The new series I hear was in development for a while, and it obviously had quite the shadow to escape? Does it succeed?
(I'll do my best to judge this series on its own merits, but comparisons will be inevitably drawn to the original)
Story: 5/10
Having finally read the book it was based on, I can safely say that this series is a more faithful adaptation of it. The original series added a few additional scenes, as well as expanding on existing ones. This series follows the book quite closely, and mostly expanding on scenes within those parameters (such as showing scenes that the book references, but doesn't dwell on). But that said, does it automatically mean the story is better? No, not by any means.
Sadly, while the story isn't bad necessarily (it still gets the plot down, and the characters motivations are established), the original took the time to very firmly set up the setting, and how its influencing the characters. This series is far more faster paced, and is dedicated primarily to moving from one plot point to the next. Not as much time is spent dwelling on the build up and fall out of what happens. To that end, some of the dilemmas and personal conflicts get nudged aside. It does the story a great disservice.
Art: 9/10
The animation and action in this story is amazing, some of the best I've seen in a science fiction anime. In many respects, this is what I feel the original could've been if it had the technology we have now. The space battles are quick paced, flashy, and appropriate grand in scale. I especially like the design of the spaceships.
Sound: 8/10
While the original favored classical symphonies for their soundtrack (which favored the setting quite well), this one favors faster music with. But that said, I personally really liked the soundtrack, especially the opening, "Binary Star".
Character: 6/10
As I touched upon in the story section, the series doesn't spend as much time dwelling on the motivations of the characters as the original does. Unfortunately, that means we don't get much beyond their base. This would've been a "5", if not for the series still managing to get the characters motivations and base traits correct, which is probably the most important part. Its enough to keep attention, not enough to really suck one in.
Enjoyment: 7/10
What sells this series for me is its action and animation. As a big fan of the space opera genre, I enjoy anything of this scale and concept. However the story moved too fast for my taste (and I usually prefer fast pace stories), and didn't give the characters the all important time to flesh out fully. But I tried to enjoy it for what it was instead of what I wanted it to be.
Overall: 7/10
If one can get past the original (which I understand is very hard), there is some stuff to enjoy here. But don't come in expecting the original, because that's not what you're going to get. It can be seen on Crunchyroll, so maybe give it a try if you have some spare time and make up your own minds.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 5, 2019
Story: 6/10
This is a very pure romantic comedy, which is perfectly fine. The story is simple, and easy to follow, and while there aren't a lot of twists, there clearly aren't supposed to be. Its supposed to be small story of two people, and how their relationship develops, and grows. And it works in that way.
That said, there are points were the rom-com tropes hold the story back. Occasionally, events can be engineered to throw another wrench into their romance, and it can get somewhat overdone at times. Obviously one of the primary jokes of the series is the strong
discrepancy in height between the two of them, and while that joke can get somewhat overplayed, particularly as the story drags on, its not the only thing about their relationship, which makes it all the more authentic. In addition, the story, intelligently, also describes the personal issues the characters face because of their height, particularly with Koizumi.
Art: 8/10
The show has a very distinct, and very recognizable style, and its a good one too, allowing for a lot of colorful expressions and visual humor. I particularly like the character designs, and the colors they use on different characters that give them clear identities; like the pinkish red for Koizumi, and light brown for Otani.
Character: 8/10
The real strength of this series is with its characters, particularly the leads. Their relationship is very authentic and believable, and one can clearly see its development from the series start. That said, Otani can be a little too dense at times, not wising up to Koizumi's feelings for maybe a little longer than necessary, and the reason given for why he initially turns her down is rather weak (I get what the story is going for, but it could've been more clear). The other cast is fine, but they are mostly fairly one note, mostly existing to offer support, or complicate the leads' relationship some more. But they aren't the focus; the focus is where it should be, on the leads, and to that end, it really does work.
Enjoyment: 7/10
There is a lot to enjoy in this, with it again primarily lying with the characters and their relationships. But that said, there can be a little too much teasing throughout the story at times, particularly in the first half, before they become a real couple. You know from the first five minutes that the two are going to end up together, and to be fair, the show doesn't really try to pretend that they aren't. But there is a degree of patience needed when approaching this anime, and it can be frustrating at times when how much they tease it.
Overall: 7/10
Romantic comedies are not for everyone, and to that end, this series is probably the same. But there is some good writing, good art, and really good characters to enjoy here. Give it a try if one has time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 13, 2018
I found this manga completely by chance, and was intrigued to see a manga based on Ancient Egypt (which I am absolutely fascinated by). I gave it a read, and was immediately hooked, and as I kept reading, it slowly worked its way to my personal top 5.
Story 9/10
The story in this is very good, with a well defined conflict, a well rounded setting, and a clear progression of events. The primary strength of the story lies in the way it incorporates the mythology. I mean, yeah, the characters are still drawn in the typical shounen style, and Japanese culture will inevitably
trickle through and leave its integration on the Egyptian, but one kind of expects that with these kinds of stories.
That all said, its in the third act that the story begins to falter slightly. As it begins to delve further in into the characters' backstories, and the story begins to have its twist, it begins to rush itself slightly. Perhaps the author had a deadline or a set amount of volumes, but a few concepts that are set up are ultimately put aside in favor of other ones. Now these new concepts aren't bad, but its not it doesn't do a story right to get rid of the old altogether. And while I won't go into spoilers in this review, I'm not fond of the ending, but I suppose that's more a matter of taste than anything else.
Art: 8/10
The artwork in this is really good, and allows for a lot of creative designs and action. I really wish there was an anime of this, because I would love to see motion and color in this. I especially like the look of the gods and demons in this; while they might not be immediately recognizable (thankfully the manga always does well to identify which is which), they all have unique looks that suit their personalities and aspects.
Character: 8/10
Anyone familiar with Egyptian history and culture might recognize some of the names, but they aren't the figures at all. While it uses historical names and presents them as the historical figures, they're not by any stretch of the imagination. Not a complaint or criticism, just a statement as something to keep in mind while reading.
However, the strongest part of this manga's characters, is in how well defined they are. Each major character is given a clear, and well established back story, with perfectly defined motivations. Even the villains, who you presume are just there to be the one note villains so common in manga, get a full set of backstories and motivations. The relationships are also very strong and legitimate, particularly between the main characters.
I do wish some characters got more attention though. The gods, for example, are indicated to have various little quirks and traits that make them unique (and some pretty cool looks), but they aren't given much time to themselves for us to learn about them. And its a shame, they could've been quite intriguing. Again, it may come down to limited time to depict all these different characters.
Enjoyment: 9/10
As someone who really enjoys Ancient Egyptian history and mythology, this series is right up my personal alley. However, if you're not interested in either of those things, it might be harder to get into this manga. This series identifies as a shounen, so keep that in mind while reading, but I personally enjoyed it quite a bit, and its definitely in my personal favorites.
Overall 9/10
If you're interested in Ancient Egypt, definitely give this one a look. With strong characters, a strong story, a strong setting, and some great artwork.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 6, 2017
(this review may be subject to edits depending on how it goes)
Okay, unpopular opinion time.
From what I've heard, this series was written by an actual historian, which shows. The story is in many respects an alternate history of the Hapsburg Wars (a part of history I imagine few Japanese readers are familiar with). However, whereas the Hapsburg Wars was a conflict driven by the egos of big men and was filled with acts of cruelty and bravery on both sides, this manga is just a run of the mill "Evil Empire vs Good Alliance" story, that seems to think it's a realistic take
on the way war works.
Story 5/10
If you've read (even in passing) any "Evil Empire vs Good Alliance" plot, you've probably got a good idea where this story is heading. The Empire invades the good, peaceful countries burning, pillaging and raping; the story gives some paper thin reasons why the Empire is doing it, but that's about it. The prodigy decides to save the world, by forming an alliance of the free people and destroying the Empire. There's nothing new in that regard, and the morality is completely black and white; the Turks are good and the Imperials are bad (the series sometimes goes out of its way to demonstrate the latter). Anytime it gets a chance to show some moral ambiguity (showing the Empire doing some good or the Turks doing evil), it backs out at the last second. Don't let anyone tell you its gray morality, because it's not, it's as black and white as it come. Gray morality is when both sides are shown having an equal number of vices and virtues, and there are no clear good guys AND no clear bad guys, NOT when there are somewhat flawed good guys and obvious bad guys. There is no doubt who the good guys in this story are, and the story makes it absolutely sure that's clear, but then will try and go around and claim it's a "realistic" take on war and politics.
Where the story really shines though is in its battles. Writing large battles is never easy, especially if you have to do artwork to accompany it. But these are some damn impressive pieces and seem to be what the writer was really interested in. There is a little a lot of strategy and politicking throughout the plot, and while some might find that boring, I think it does the story a great service. I will take this as a moment to note it can get a little talky at times, but I think that's just the nature of the premise.
Sidenote: Though the genre tags classifies this series as "fantasy", there really aren't any fantastical elements in it, aside from the fact that story takes place in a fictional world. Just maybe keep that in mind going in
Art 8/10
I'll freely admit, I am not a fan of the artwork style, the expressions can get a little strange and extreme at times, and I have some difficulty at times gathering a sense of space and distance in the setting. That said, it is still very good artwork, allowing for a lot of emotion, and character designs that always look distinct from each other. It not for me personally, but I'm sure plenty more will like it.
For what is worth though, this story includes some of the least Turkish looking "Turks" I've ever seen (Mahmut in particularly doesn't even looking remotely Turkish). But I think's that it's more attributable to Japanese styles and idea of beauty and handsomeness, and I suppose there's no point in complaining about it.
Character 5/10
If I'm being really honest, the only words off the top of my head I can think about for Mahmut is "prodigy" and "idealist", that's about it. He fills the role of the intelligent youth whose pondering the "why can't we all just get along" questions of the world, while the brutal reality sets in, and he matures. Not much new to him. His inner circle are essentially the inner circle that serves as his supporters, backing him up as need be. Again, nothing new. Now for me, that's not much of a problem, if not for the fact that the story doesn't let the characters grow beyond it, nor does it seem to have any fun with it.
The rest of the characters are essentially meant to be personifications of their respective factions (the militarist faction, the pacifist faction, the ambitious faction, etc.). The Imperials get some of their own multi-faceted characters, with their own dreams and hope for peace (noble ones at that), but they only exist really to be told their wrong, and killed by the heroes. If the series wanted to have some real dynamism to it's conflict, it would show the Imperial characters affecting good in the Empire, but they don't; if anything, they let the atrocities happen, and just complain about them after the fact. It's such a waste of potential, and so crassly simplifies war; yes, I know there have been cases in real life where war was like that, but that wasn't the case in the Hapsburg Wars, which this series seems to model itself after.
Enjoyment 5/10
I was never a fan of the Alliance vs. Empire story in any concept, with a few exceptions ("Avatar: TLA" or "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" come to mind); the idea of amounting war (especially ones ostensibly based in reality) to the simple matter of Good vs Evil really get's under my skin. If the story didn't try so hard to set up the good guys and the bad guys, maybe I'd enjoy it more, but it simply doesn't do that.
Now, is that the story's fault for me not enjoying it? No, I suppose not. I'm not the only person in the world, and unlike some, I don't demand everyone constantly please ME. I know other's like it, so I suppose it's in a minority.
Overall 5/10
If you don't mind the problems I presented (I'll admit, many of these problems are subjective), you might get more out of this series than I have. Not a personal favorite.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 27, 2017
Let me start off by saying that Magi will present itself as being inspired by the famous Arabian piece of literature 1001 Nights, its really not in all frankness. While it certainly takes some names and a couple of small ideas, its very much its own independent story, which is certainly for the best.
Story 7/10
Most people give the story either a 9 or 10, but I believe that's being too generous. Before people jump at me with sabers, let me explain myself. The story itself is good, and allows for a lot of characterization and dimension given, and combined with a
really interesting setting that takes numerous cues from the real world, it allows for a fleshed out, and interesting world to see and get lost in. You have everything from a China-equivalent, to a Baghdad-equivalent, to an Egypt-equivalent, to a Rome-equivalent.
There is however a proverbial Achilles heel with the story: how its told. The pacing of the story is rather questionable, going from quick action scenes to long extended periods of exposition and debate between the characters about everything from politics to philosophy to basic ethics. As a result, this series can get VERY talky, particularly when it comes to various notes about politics, economics, and even how magic works. During these, the story grinds to a screeching halt, and all the showing is replaced by telling. I suppose the point is to flesh out this world as much as possible, but I'm not sure how many shounen fans read manga to hear a discussion about the economic and political implications of imperialism.
Art 8/10
The art here is very good, though the reason I didn't give it a 9 or 10, is that while its very flashy and creative, some of the expressions and designs can be a tad too weird for my tastes. Also, sometimes it can be hard to gauge things such as size or distance from the angles and shots it uses.
Character 9/10
In my opinion, the strongest part of the series isn't the story, its the characters by far. I often gauge them by how much of the character I remember, and I remember all the characters. They all have their own unique traits, skills, and quirks that make them memorable, and stand out. My favorite character is certainly Alibaba. While he does exhibit some typical shounen tropes, like being rebellious, losing his mother at a young age, and being kind hearted, in a departure from traditional shounen characters, he's not entirely confident with himself. Rather, he often needs real encouragement and push from his friends in order to accomplish his dreams. If I had to choose the best shounen protagonist, I'd definitely say it was Alibaba.
Enjoyment: 8/10
Ultimately this is a really enjoyable and engrossing series, but it takes a certain level of patience. Expect a lot of political and economic talk a lot, and brace yourself for long scenes of exposition. However, that doesn't damage the enjoyment of the series, and there are still the flashy action scenes with magic, flying around, explosions, and all the good stuff.
Overall: 8/10
A combination of a strong setting, a good story, and great characters make for a very strong series that I would definitely recommend. However, with a slightly off paced narrative, and with slightly too much exposition, it prevents it from being prefect.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 30, 2017
(this review may be subject to edits)
In all likelihood, you'll find out if you will or won't like the series pretty early on. While I could pretty aptly describe this story as Naruto's story in Fairy Tail's setting (which will either doom or endorse the series for someone), its probably worth going more into detail.
The story is exactly what I said it was; its Naruto's story, down to the orphan loser who can't do anything right, who has a rivalry with the prodigy everyone respects. That said, the setting is very akin to Fairy Tail, with a rambunctious group (I don't THINK its
a guild) of wizards forming the hero's home/family. This is not necessarily a criticism or a praise, its just a statement. I'm honestly not entirely sure about the conflict, since it lacks a lot of focus, and we're not so much shown the conflict as we're told it. Perhaps looking back I could tell the story, but as things stand, I still only barely understand the story. The reason I gave it a 4 instead of lower though, is because what I do understand, I sort of enjoyed. While I know almost exactly what's going to happen, I sort of feel that way with all shounen, and its the watching it unfold that's really entertaining.
The art is actually pretty good. Maybe nothing to jump out of your seat for, but still better than average. The strengths lie especially in the designs, and while they're not One Piece levels of creativity, the artist is clearing having lots of fun with these designs.
You've definitely seen this characters before. I only really remember a couple of the characters, and that's it. Those three characters are Asta, Noelle, and Yuno, if only for the tropes they fit into. The rest of the characters are pretty one note, and if you asked me, I couldn't tell you the other characters or what they're like. At the very least I could do that with other mainstream shounen. If nothing else, I like what the characters can do; I'll admit, I haven't seen those kinds of powers before, and I'm interested about what can be done with them.
However, despite all my criticisms, I actually kind of enjoyed of this story, for a relatively simple reason: I enjoy these tropes and cliches. I enjoy the rowdy, dumb protagonist, and the fantasy world they create. Its enough to keep my attention on the series for the foreseeable future...
...but despite all of that, I can't give this series anything higher than a fairly generous 5. Hopefully I'll be able to give it a lower score, but for now, I have to give it that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 22, 2017
I came into the series with what could best be described as "mild enthusiasm". I'm a huge WW2 buff, and this seemed like a unique setting, with an interesting take on the war. And as I was watching the early episodes, the setting, and the concept certainly was holding my attention. Unfortunately, as the series progressed, the weight of this series' tropes began to set in, and it ultimately caused it to buckle. So let's deconstruct it some.
Let's start with one of the good things: the animation. This is top notch animation, particularly in the color department, and during the action scenes, the
animation is really allowed to shine. Speaking of which, the action is thoroughly original, and they take every advantage they can with it. The first scene where we see Izetta go all out is easily one of the best in the series, with her usage of medieval weapons to take down tanks and planes. It actually might be some of the most creative action I've seen in a while in any anime.
Art: 9/10
That all said, the series is still held back back by a story that's thoroughly predictable, and rather one-dimensional leads. Now I'm often the first person to defend cliches in a series, if the series is willing to have fun with the cliches, or makes up for it with an entertaining tone. I honestly can barely remember any of the characters; the only trait I can remember about the Archduchess is that she's the royal idealist, whose idealism is the only spark of light in this cruel world, asking why we can't all just get along (not to mention I can barely even remember her name). The only trait I can really remember from Izetta is that she loves the princess, and the country, and that's it; sometimes she can even straddle the Mary Sue line ever so slightly. The rest of the good guys can be cleanly sorted into the roles, like the young, optimistic maid, the stern, young bodyguard, the grizzled old general, the pragmatic agent guy, the eccentric foreign woman, the evil foreign scientist, and the evil emperor. Really, I remember very little from any of them.
Character: 5/10
At first I really liked the setting, but the story ultimately failed to take advantage of any of this. The good country is the completely good country, and the bad country is the Always Chaotic Evil country, with MAYBE a Token Good Teammate or two, who you can kill and watch be killed without guilt. It seemed like there were attempts, or at least desires, to try and show the complexity of both sides, but whenever they're brought up, they are promptly put to the side for the love plot between the Archduchess and Izetta. While I suppose its not bad, per se, it more or less amounts to Izetta flying our heroine around on her magic gun (a phrase I never thought I'd ever type), and the two sitting in the moonlight together, talking about peace and war. I wouldn't mind, but its time that could've been spent on developing some of the other characters, including the villains, who are often sidelined. I try fault this more to the series' length, but I have seen anime with similar lengths get as much done.
Story: 5/10
In summation, if you don't mind the heavy, and thoroughly predictable tropes, then you might enjoy this series enough. Personally, the story was too predictable, and the characters too one dimensional.
Overall: 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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