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Amagi Brilliant Park
Plot-wise, only similar in the barest-bones sense. In terms of direction and performances, though, these two shows feel eerily identical. Kakuma Ai, as Sento, channels Saito Chiwa's Senjougahara hard. Uchiyama Kouki as Kanie more draws from the Kyon school of snark but has moments where his delivery is nigh-indistinguishable from Kamiyan's iconic portrayal of Araragi. Both of those performances are well-known and codified these character types, especially in Japan where Bakemonogatati's blu-ray sales are some of the highest of all time. What settles it for me is the direction, especially editing. The only thing missing from Shinbou Akiyuki's unique flair (that defines Monogatari's anime) is the title cards. The sharp contrast between wide and close-up shots, with a focus on mouths and eyes, is all there, albeit with a level of polish expected of KyoAni and rarely found in rushed, typically lower-budget Studio Shaft productions.
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Paniponi Dash!
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Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte
Both anime have insane, joke-a-second pacing. Pani Poni Dash is so dense with gags that you have to watch it a couple times to catch everything, and it can honestly get a little exhausting at times. I feel like Komugi-Chan would be a good warm-up to get used to shows with that kind of spastic pace.