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Dec 9, 2011
The almighty and legendary Cowboy Bebop. Well, here goes my best shot.
Story: 7,5
At first to me it seemed like Cowboy Bebop will be an episodic anime, which ones are usually plain bad and become boring after a few episodes. But Cowboy Bebop is a proof that anime mustn't evolve a single plot straight only to conclusion. Truth be said most of the Cowboy Bebop episodes are fillers, but not to the bad meaning of the fillers that you usually see in Naruto or Bleach or any other anime.
In Cowboy Bebop these episodes are more like expansions off the characters and mini stories with
their own thoughts and meaning. Almost all of the episodes have some points to make and are relevant to the characters. They allow you to get more attached to characters. Sometimes you get small flashbacks in some episodes and they improve your understanding of how human and realistic these characters are.
As for the plot relevant episodes I would really have wanted more of them, because they seemed to answer a lot of questions, but not enough to satisfy my curiosity. I really would want to know more about Spikes past. And the ending even though very cool and memorable for me seemed a bit dissapointing. Also if you think about it the main story is kinda cliche if not for the ending.
Visuals: 9,25
The visuals are more then you should ask for. Cowboy Bebop was made in 1998 and truth be it has put to shame other anime since 1998 to even now as for the visuals. The best I liked about it was how detailed it was, all the characters are easy to distinguish and backgrounds are very beautiful too. Backgrounds change a lot of times as the Bebop crew goes from different planets starting to mostly deserted planets to snowy cold planets.
As for the animation it is very smooth and fluid, the action is very well choreographed and only once I saw repeated movement and I think it was done on purpose to make Ed look silly, not because the animators were lazy.
Sound: 10
Everything about sound is just WOW and awesome to the extreme. The opening is great and I didn't skip it once for all 26 episodes.
As for the background music there is a lot of it and even though it mostly consists of jazz, bebop and bluze it also had one episode with heavy metal and some other music too. The background music usually surprised me of how good it was all out through the series. That background music just made every major moment in this anime just so much more memorable and enjoyable.That's what you get from Yoko Kanno.
I personally only have seen the dub, but from what I heard it is one of the best, if not the best dubs out there . I think that Steve Blumes role as Spike Spiegel is his best.
Characters: 8
It's not like you really get a lot of time spent on building up the characters, but somehow on the way you pick up pieces about Spike, Faye, Jet and Ed. As the series progresses you get some parts of there back-stories, but you don't get all of it. Well at least I thought that there could of been more back-stories for them. But I have to admit that it helped for extra realism that you don't know all about these characters from the start even to the end there are a lot mystery around them.
As for other characters they show up and disappear very soon except Vicous the villain ( his name sounds like a villain already) who I didn't like, because a real villain needs to have a fucking good reason to be a villain, but all I got from him is that he has bad past with Spike, which really doesn't explain a lot, because we don't know much about Spikes past except for few flashbacks.
Enjoyment: 9
I enjoyed this anime a lot. Never did I get bored watching it and most of the time I was stuck to screen sitting on the edge of my seat. But I have to say that once the episode was done I wasn't that reluctant to go watch the next episode, because there wasn't an overarching plot that would connect from one episode to the next.
Overall: 9
The best part about Cowboy Bebop was the music and animation. The production value for this anime was very high even for nowadays standards. I have to say that I didn't like the story that much because I found it cliche a bit and the characters even though cool and pretty much realistic they didn't really relate to me. But also I must admit that this anime has something that you really can't categorize and that is style. And that style just makes all those bad things I said about it almost meaningless.
I would recommend this anime to every anime fan and even to people that haven't seen any anime, because it has a lot of good qualities that could interest non-anime people into watching it. As for those people who care more about the stories morals and what it has to tell you about everything I would not advise you to jump in watching this anime with high expectations, because Cowboy Bebop is more about style over matter.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 31, 2011
Story - 6
After watching the first season I hoped that the plot would finally unfold in to something bigger and better then the first season. Well it didn't!
For the most part it was worse and only close to the end got better. The problem with the story is that it isn't directional and is repetitive. It's because some villain shows up from the religion side (usually) and wants to do something bad. And then Touma comes to the rescue. And this happens like every time through out the season. Seriously the villains seem to change like every 3-5 episodes and only thing that they have
in common is that Touma fights them with his right arm and wins.
Only at the end the story starts to do something about Magic vs. Science thing, but that isn't enough to draw your interest or provoke any real thoughts. Well the thought that this story provoked to me was that religion is crazy.
Visuals - 9
Maybe a bit too much flashy some times, but for like 98% of the time it is just great. Everything is crisp and clear and the characters all drawn well. Fights are all the time animated well also. I really have no more to say, because the art is great and nothing more.
Sound - 8
Better openings then the first season. The first OP was the greatest. As for the background music it kinda always fits well with what is happening, but never really increases your watching experience. It kinda is there doing it's job and nothing more so for the most part you will rarely notice it. In a way it is good, but it could bring out the overall experience watching to whole new level if somebody really wanted to.
Characters - 7
I don't know why but for some reason Touma is the one character who I care less then the other secondary character like Misaka or Accelerator. Touma is just a plain normal hero-type. He is such a stereotype to the rescue that I want to punch him for being so cliche and uncool.
Most of the support cast is just some kind of fetish whatever and hareming all over Touma. It's just so stupid.
Off course there are some likeable characters and Touma is in some way too. But do you really care for them? No, not really, except Accelerator and a little bit Misaka and the Misakas last younger clone called Last Order. If it would be my choice then Touma would not be main character, but Accelerator or Misaka would, because they are so much more more interesting and 3 dimensional.
Enjoyment - 8
As for enjoyment I liked the comedy and the fights. As for everything else I can't that I enjoyed it a lot. Only for some moments, maybe. Also I would of really wanted so that this anime would provoke me to think about something.
Overall - 8 (was very close to 7)
Toaru Majutsu No Index season 2 was a great as for the technical aspects like visuals and music, but when it comes to story and characters it lets you down quite a lot. If you have seen the first season then I can say to you that the second one was a bit better, but only by a small margin call.
Season 2 definitely isn't a must watch, but it is better then most of the animes out there. And if you liked first season a lot or you have none must watch series then go ahead and watch it. Just be careful, because the story really goes nowhere.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 30, 2011
Shiki Specials is just a two episode long, but somehow it manages to do something that none other horror, mystery or whatever kind of anime category could do in just 2 episodes.
Story - 9.5
If you haven't seen Shiki then watching this by itself won't work. All of the storyline is in the original series and without watching Shiki you won't understand a thing. So go watch Shiki before this. As to not spoil it for you I'm gonna say that it is thought provoking and scary - pretty much like Shiki, but with a bit more of scary in it.
Visuals - 9
Visuals are
basically the same as Shiki. It means that it's great. And I'm saying it for a reason. Of course the visual art won't send your eyes to heaven with it's rainbow colours and beautiful scenery, but it will show you everything it wants to. Starting from creepy faces with intense character emotions and awesome contrasts that make you almost want to get sparkly eyed. Also the Shiki by itself had great colors and very well made characters designs, but it had a 2 problems.
1. It had some seriously stupid hair designs for few character, but this is basically just nitpicking.
2.Some characters were ugly.
Guess what? Yeah you did guess it, these 2 problems disappear in this Special.
Sound - 10
Awesome. Maybe you won't listen to the opening or the background music by itself without this Special, but I can guarantee you that the music fits perfectly with what is happening in this Special. Just like a glove with a hand.
Characters - 9
This special shows everything from a side characters point of view and it quickly connects to you. Yeah of course there is no major character development and the characters in here won't get in to anime greatest characters list, but what can you want from just 2 episodes.
Enjoyment - 10
I definitely did enjoy it. I just loved how it touched me emotionally and yet provoked my thoughts also.
Overall - 10
Maybe I'm a bit hyping this Special up, but all I can say certain is that if you liked Shiki you will like this just as much or even more. It's not your normal Special that shows everything the series had it he same way. For gods sake just go watch it! It's a must see, just don't forget to see Shiki first.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 31, 2011
Story - 7
The plot is set in Academy city in which studies the effects of scientifically advanced supernatural students with psychic or esper powers. One of those students is Touma who is a lvl 0 psychic or esper, but even though his lvl is zero he has his right arm which has the power to negate all supernatural powers like magic and other esper powers. And then one day he meets a girl named Index who has 103 000 magical books sealed inside her brains and people from magical society wants to gain the important knowledge she has in her memory. Touma being a typical
protagonist does everything to protect her with his right arm. And this was the best part of this anime as for the story. It was interesting and exciting and I didn't have a clue what would happen. But after this beginning arc ends comes few more mini arcs which you could change places with each other, because the story has no continuity after the beginning arc. It's really no surprise that the story took a small, but noticeable nose dive and only got 7 in the end.
Art - 9
Crisp and clear, nice colouring, great character designs and no noticeable animation flaws. Off course it could be a bit better, but you know if somebody would call art in this anime bad I would doubt his vision or his sanity.
Sound - 7
First opening was great, but the second one was annoying. To be honest the second opening wasn't bad, but personally it really annoyed me because it kinda sounded like radio which had static between the channels.
Characters - 7
Touma and Index had cliche personality's and that's a bad thing, because they are the main characters. But thank god support characters make up for this cliche and did a pretty good job. Only problem none of them don't get enough air time, except Accelerator who gets 2 episodes dedicated to him. As for the character development it is only really noticeable in Misaka and Accelerator and all other characters had a small development in the beginning arc.
Enjoyment - 7
Truth be said I expected more from this anime then it gave. I'm a fan of scientific stuff so you could see were the expectations came from. For me this seemed like a magic based anime more than science based anime, because when I heard all the jargon in this anime it seemed that they were doing magic, because the jargon that was used in this anime was never really explained.
Overall - 7
Great art, not so great music, interesting storyline which was screwed up by poor story continuity. As for the characters there really need to be more character development.
So I would say that this anime in somewhere between entertaining and watchable and there is a good chance that you will like it, so give it shot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 23, 2011
The second season of Haruhi Suzumiya. What a total crap it was compared to season 1. I really wonder what were the creators thinking.
Story- 4
Once again SOS brigade goes on random adventures. There wasn't anything about how Suzumiya had such powers or anything else. Really this season was almost a filler if there wouldn't be said that Haruhi maybe isn't a GOD, but maybe she is someone who has been given godlike power by someone else. Also the world wasn't created by Suzumiya. Those 2 things were the only things that moved the story forward from total randomness. And I already had one of
them figured out before the anime understood it itself. Endless 8 arc was the most boring 8th episodes that I have ever seen in any anime and I highly doubt that I will be more bored, because there is no chance I will be seeing something so unimaginative and stupid ever. Just one tip you are watching the endless eight arc then skip after episode 4 and go to episode 8th.
Art- 7
It was beautiful, colorful and the background looked real well most of the time. Somehow Suzumiya seemed to been drawn lot more lazier and and looked weird. Also Asahin seemed to have really big eyes, even so big that it really seemed out of proportion.
Sound - 7
Best thing in this anime. The opening was very good, but for some reason it became a bit more and more boring the more you listen it. Also in the endless eights arc I seriously grew tired that everyone was saying the same lines every episode.
Character - 3
For some reason almost alll of the characters seemed to have gotten a brain disease that made there annoying traits even more annoying. For example Asahina became so much crybaby annoying that I wanted to just delete her. Haruhi wasn't that bad , but I still liked her in the 1st season better. I got a better understanding of how Suzumiyas brains work, but I have to say as a character she started to annoy me, because she did everything so wrong and never did she do anything even close to logic or realism. Itsuki was much more sneaky and his theorys about Haruhi made less sense then ever. Kyon and Nagato were the only ones that didn't seem to become any different, only Kyon in the Endless arc seemed really stupid, because he needed so many times to understand what to do.
Enjoyment - 2
60% of this anime was the most boring thing I have ever seen, 30% was below average and only 10% was good. Basically I watched this anime, because of my will to see it through not because it was good . Also once your through the endless 8 arc it will only get better.
Overall - 5
Don't watch it! Just don't! Even if you have to watch some anime then pick out some random anime, there is 90% chance it will be better then this one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 27, 2011
Story: It starts out like a revenge story, but becomes more off Kyoko's development story about how she becomes from nobody to somebody in the acting biz with some romance mixed in. But be careful the romance part of this show only shows itself after episode 20 or so with some. Most of the time until then it kinda is more like a comedy story about Kyoko and her career.
Art: It was better then I expected for a Shoujo anime. Almost all of the time pretty, shiny man didn't get into the screen to obscure my view. Also characters were drawn very good, but I
noticed about 3 times for few seconds that some character body parts seemed out of proportion. Background art was very good too.
Sound: First OP was very good,but not catchy and I wouldn't want to listen to it normally, but it did fit well with the feel of the Skip Beat. Second OP wasn't bad either but it was nothing special.
Character: This is the strong point of this anime. Kyoko, Fuwa, Ren are all great characters. Specially Kyoko, she was very funny and I liked how she developed her acting and personality through out the series. Only thing I didn't like was that Kyoko all the time even to the end was naive. I kinda expected her to become more tougher and hardened, because she was betrayed by Fuwa.
Enjoyment: I enjoyed Skip beat even though I'm not a shoujo anime fan, but I liked this anime mostly because of the comedy and the characters and how it all was put together.
Overall: Don't be afraid to watch this anime just because it is Shoujo. It is hilarious, entertaining and heartwarming. It may be a little naive and a bit stupid some times, but all people are a bit naive and stupid. Skip Beat isn't a perfect anime that i would recommend to all. But still take a look at this anime if you like comedy or you have nothing else good to watch .
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 26, 2011
Story: It was a good and very promising story until episode 14. Then it just threw you in the bath full of water and you woke up wet all over with a face wondering WTF happened? The story is inconsistent, but interesting.
Story development: Until episode 14 it was developing very good and it was asking for some dramatic change, but it went bazzurk and did something that nobody could expect and failed a bit. Not like after episode 14 the anime becomes bad its just worse then it was.
Art: It had too good art for that time ( It first aired in 1995). Had
great mecha fights and overall the art is great, but I have to say that one scene in this anime was seriously annoying me. It was the one were Asuka and Rei were driving in the lift and there was no movement or talking for like 40 seconds , I think.
Sound: Good stuff. I loved the beethoven music in one episode and the opening sounded very good too.
Character: Yeah characters in this anime are pretty screwed up. It's hard to say if they are good that way or bad that way. Shinji to me seemed like an interesting protagonist who isn't like the normal protagonists who are typically brave, strong willed, and never give up no matter what. Then again Shinji is kinda too much cowardly and weak, has no desires or ambitions for being even similiar to somebody real, which will definetly annoy some people.
Asuka seemed like an interesting person at start, but somehow she became crazy and weird for no apparent reason. Rei is a robot( well she seems so like 95% of the time).
Character development: Was there any? Only for Shinji I think and I would hardly call it a development. Can't say how he developed, but let's just say that for me it was disapointing.
Other characters seem to regress and not to develop.
Enjoyment: I liked watching evangelion, not because it was a masterpiece ( in some ways it is, but in some it isn't a masterpiece), but because it was a great and entertaining watch. I wouldn't put this anime in my favorites anime list, but it would go right next after my 10 favorite animes and I seriously am glad that I watched this anime, because it widened my sight on what anime can really be.
Overall: Watch this anime not because of of it's mecha, or psychological aspect, but because there isn't any other anime quite like this one. It is a rare pearl in the anime world that differs from all other animes and it might not be the best anime out there, but it is well worth your time to watch it to know what Evangelion really is all about.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 20, 2011
Story - 5
The story was bad to say the least. It was badly paced as most of the time your stuck to seeing something between shonen- anime glued together with a lot of dramatism. And that means that action fight's are predictable and almost seem pointless and the Allen or Lenalle or other guys from the Order cry after almost every fight about something. The story had so much plot-holes that there were more holes then the plot. Also on the end all you get is about the same were this anime started. The last episode everyone is still fighting akuma's and more
then 100 episodes passed away already.
Art- 8
It was very good. Nowhere in this anime you can see bad animation and it was 103 episodes long. That's a lot of episodes! Off course it wasn't anything ground braking and akuma's could of been made more creepier.
Sound- 9
It was awesome. All the time I liked the sound in the anime soundtracks. Specially when Allen played piano. Only reason I didn't give it 10 was, because few openings could of been a bit more better. Almost all of the openings were top notch, but none of them were something that I would like to listen.
Character- 7
The good guys were decent characters.The main protagonist Allen was an interesting character, but he lacked the brains or the attitude to be a real protagonist. Allen is basically a good guy and nothing more. The protagonist might as well be Lavi or The Krory( The vampire dude). Well at least the good guys had some good character development, but because of the bad story the character development was really hard to see. The villains were just pointless. There goal was pointless and even 3 year old kids have better goals to accomplish. For example, Earl's goal was to destroy the world. And what will happen to him? Who the hell would want to destroy something his life depends on? Makes no sense.
Enjoyment- 6
I kinda enjoyed this anime with a big minus. I liked to watch some of the fights in D. Gray-man, like Krory against Lavi and Allen. Though most of the time the fights were one-sided like Allen killing lvl 1 akuma's. The comedy in here was like: Should I be laughing or not? So I didn't crack any laugh at all. Well at least I liked to listen to the music. But once I remember how long this anime was I feel like I wasted too much of my time for almost nothing. I will never rewatch this anime.
Overall- 6
The story is rubbish. For 103 episodes it went nowhere and the last episode just ended with a cliffhanger. Character's are decent. The art and music is quality stuff, but nothing ground-braking.
If you really have nothing to do then go watch D. Gray-man. At the start you will like it , then you will get bored of it somewhere in the middle, then close to the end you will start to like it again and you will want to know what will happen next and at the end you will just get a wtf moment that will leave you with a bad taste in your mouth and a lot of wasted time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 8, 2010
Story: 7
World has gone zombified in few hours and some high school students try to survive. Basically the story isn't the most original ,but it is very good. Only thing I really don't like about the story is that there isn't an explained how the zombies became so much in few hours, but maybe it will be explained later. The fan-service theme doesn't kill the story like in most fan-service animes.
Art is awesome. Nothing else is needed to be said.
The songs of the anime are great and background noises are too.
I like most of the characters (Komuro, Hirano, Shizuka, Saeko). Also the character development
is great. Everyone one starts to adapt to the new zombie world and they try to survive as best as they can.
I like this anime a lot and I hope next episodes will be just as great as the first ones or even better. There is just no anime where you can see bullet going through boobs in slow motion or what happens when you use boobes to support and shoot a large sniper rifle. The guns recoil and the boobs rebound almost made me choke from laughter.
I would recommend to watch this anime to everyone. Why? Because it is a great horror anime with a good story and interesting characters. Don't watch this only if you hate any kind of fan-service.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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