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Days: 73.6
Mean Score:
- Watching10
- Completed308
- On-Hold8
- Dropped10
- Plan to Watch523
- Total Entries859
- Rewatched55
- Episodes4,415
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 30.5
Mean Score:
- Reading18
- Completed44
- On-Hold20
- Dropped10
- Plan to Read238
- Total Entries330
- Reread0
- Chapters4,748
- Volumes439
All Comments (28) Comments
Ooo! Some good ones i've read lately are: Mashikaku Rock (romance anthology), Here and There and Us (BL), The Dressmaker and the Fairy (Magical Realism), Kazemachi no Futari (SOL)
I hope you enjoyyy!!
Not gonna lie, a lot of them have sucked or been just okay. lol Best things I've watched from the wheel in 2025 have been Wind Breaker and My Happy Marriage, I would say. I don't mind it though, it's still fun to watch through stuff people have recommended even if they're not necessarily for me.
Thanks for the recommendation! Here's one I recently read and found cute: Golden Sparkle.
I’m so glad you suggested it—I probably wouldn’t have come across it otherwise. It’s definitely one of those hidden gems I’ll keep coming back to. Thanks again for sharing it with me!
I’ve already added the new recommendation to my list, and it’s very possible that I’ll read it tonight. I’m a big BL fan, so I’m excited! This was also my first MAL Secret Santa event, and I’ve really enjoyed it. Thank you so much for taking the time to find me these gems—I truly appreciate it!
They are so cute uwu
Hello! I apologize for my very late response!
If you are still wondering, I like to get my symbols and text art at these links → Symbols & Text Art
If you want to do a lot of fun editing, I recommend looking around on this page → Shishio's Custom MyAnimeList
I hope these help! Enjoy editing and knocking out those challenges! ᵔᴗᵔ
Shibuya was the penacle of JJK. I think you're spot on about the mainstream/popularity media just can't catch a break. I do think that we're in a period of being overly critical of media (more than just Animanga) that is going to put an end to a lot of promising ideas. I try not to actively complain in fandoms in forums unless amongst friends because I've seen first-hand how people act when something doesn't line up the way they wanted it to. Honestly, MAL is one of the only sites I let myself look at more negative complaints because I feel like most are at least well structured.
I'm no manga expert but thank you for letting me share my thoughts! Analysis is fun even if it's rooted in nothing more than personal perception. Of those "older" manga I listed I don't think I've read any of them, but I do plan on starting Berserk once I get my manga list a little more cleared out. I could never be a Mangaka with their deadlines and things, but I do think that the career is lining up more on the streamlined aspect than it is on the creative side (same with general movies, television, music, etc.). It can be difficult for authors to navigate the need to create a good story to them and a story that is going to draw people in.
Yeah! I used to love checking out people's profiles when I first joined. I still kind of glance around at folks from time to time. I'd recommend looking at YayakoChii's profile, too, if you're more interested in how someone manages to have a lot of info on their profile without it seeming overwhelming. Yaya is a member of AWCc, too. Once you kind of have your own preferences for how things look everything else kind of falls into place c: Shey is great though and I can only envy her creativity and dedication to making all her MAL posts/info look really cute.
No - thank you! I'm truly not trying to be overwhelming or, "Do it like this!" I just prefer to share if possible because sometimes seeing someone else's method for things, even if you don't ultimately do anything similar at all, can be helpful. And if it's not, that is perfectly okay, too.
Oh! That does seem interesting! I can tell Chihayafuru's passion through your passion for the show itself. When you say drama, though, do you mean like Hinata's level of sports drama or more like the characters are just more naturally dramatic as compared to more funny/underdog players? One of my favorite parts of Haikyuu was the sheer goofiness. But! A good drama with sports as a tying element sounds just as wonderful. Hmm, yeah, a lot of the sites I've visited have very hit-or-miss translations. It really depends on how popular the manga is and how desperate someone is to read the chapters lol I can DM you the sites but they're not necessarily rebutiable, so I'd understand the pass. Oh I love stories where the couple can communicate. It is such a refreshing aspect that, honestly, should be more common in media than it is. The "misunderstanding" tag is one I roll my eyes at and will sometimes deter me from starting something (at least for a bit). I'm so happy to hear that they seem to have a lovely story together where they talk like real people <3
HnK is something totally original, I feel like! I've not really found other media to compare it to. I think one of my favorite aspects is that there really isn't a "gender" function. Some characters lean more masculine and others feminine, then there are others that kind of go between the two, and even more that don't fit either binary! And it's not necessarily a key point of the story, which I love all the more. The crux of the story is about humanity and what it means to mean human, which is really powerful. I'd recommend the anime to anyone slightly interested and then to head to the manga if the plot seems interesting! Also, my issue with Idols is that the stories are very flat and the characters are predictable. Plus, Idols aren't really an interest of mine in real life so I guess it just doesn't translate into my interest for anime, either.
No need to apologize! Work/studies can really take it out of you and writing these comments takes (at least me) longer than expected. What are you studying, if you don't care to share? I studied English/Writing in undergrad and haven't finished either of my Masters programs yet...
Yes! The pacing was all over the place toward the end (and I haven't even made it to the end). I think a lot of people attribute the pacing for the Culling Game and after to the complaints that the Shibuya Arc got for being too fast-paced. On the other hand, though, isn't the Shibuya Arc the most highly acclaimed aspect of the manga? I think modern manga gets backed into a wall when it comes to finishing stories. Things like D.Gray-man, Berserk, Hunter x Hunter, One Piece, etc. have been going on for years and people have gotten frustrated with the constant need to drag out things or take hiatuses because the authors never had a plan for how to get to a natural ending when they started. I think modern Shounen is pushing against this by ending between 150-350 chapters (Boku no Hero Academia, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jigokuraku, Tokyo Revengers, etc.). Some manga are able to end within that chapter range, but I think others are just trying to meet smaller markers just for the sake of it.
I can't use the MAL app =( The UI is a bit strange in my opinion. If I do use my phone I use the web browser version and then hit the "change to desktop settings" options lol There are quite a few good lists out there with great tagging systems. SheyCriox (head mod for AWCc) has a great system on her list.
Here's my new tagging list! I've only been using it for about a month or so but I keep the note up on my laptop so I can look through it easily. Of course please use your own personal rating systems but in case mine can be helpful to you I wanted to share c:
10 - I love it! I will think about this for years to come.
9 - I really like it! I probably would actively encourage others to watch.
8 - It was good. I'd recommend it for sure!
7 - There's definitely something about this that is good.
6 - I can see why others enjoy it/can tell the creators had a passion for the project
5 - Eh. It's okay. I'm not mad or happy with it.
4 - I didn't like it but there is some sort of plot/saving grace.
3 - It truly just isn't good to me on a personal level.
2 - Inherently what was the point of its creation?
1 - I am truly offended, grossed out, repulsed, etc.
You totally should make a recommendation! That's one aspect of MAL that I haven't really delved into, but recommendations always seem to come up/help others. I've heard great things about Chihayafuru but just haven't gotten around to it yet. How does it remind of you of Haikyuu? Ahh, the ticket systems... There may or may not be other sites where you wouldn't have to wait, but I do understand the pain of having to wait to unlock more chapters for things. I haven't heard much about Ao no Hako, so I'll have to look into it! I'm a bit of a binge-watcher so I'll have to keep an eye on it as it airs. Has the anime been pretty faithful so far?
Hmm! Let's see... I recently got around to finishing the Houseki no Kuni manga which is a wonderful story. I thought the ending was a little over my head, but I still enjoyed it and the art is so original and stylistic. Anime-wise I started Shine Post this morning and it's been lovely. I don't usually watch the Idol tags but this one came by recommendation and it's been cute <3 I feel like a lot of Idol shows are a bit shallow but I'm also trying to broaden my horizons a bit. I feel like I watch a lot of similar things so it's good to change it up.
Thank you for no spoilers. I have also kind of taken a step back from it since the first or second arc of the Culling Game. It's a great story and I love the characters and connections that JJK is able to create, but the ending has felt... wrong? Idk how to explain. It isn't bad by any means, just not what I had expected/hoped for I suppose. I feel like quite a few modern Shounen/Popular manga have issues ending. Tokyo Revengers is my prime example if you haven't read that.
Of course! Seeing how others use tagging systems is always fun. Ah, I do understand that aspect. I also rate predominately on enjoyment, but I've recently had to make a little note for myself on some key points of what the numbers might mean to me. I've struggled a lot with the 6 versus 7 or say 3 versus 4 scores lately so it has helped to write things out a little. Fully agree about the tropes and things with Dakaretai. It kind of felt like we'd gone back to the early 2000s way of formatting BL for most of it. The movie is a lot less about their explicit romantic relationship and more about understanding each other, I found.
Wonderful! I don't have a lot of IRL folks to talk about anime or manga with, either, so MAL has always been wonderful to meet people and discuss things. Anything you've seen or read recently that you'd like to chat about?
I thought it was something along those lines lol I recognized Gojo's line and Gege's art but I couldn't piece together Fushiguro's rabbits being a part of it haha I'm a bit behind on the JJK manga too, but I do plan on reading it by the end of the year to experience the ending.
I glanced through your anime list and I love the tags you use! I did that on my old (junior high) account but changed to putting my favorite character for the anime instead. I saw you rated Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu. pretty poorly and couldn't help but laugh a little. I really disliked it, too, when I watched it, but I rated it before I started really using the 1-4 scores. I don't go back to change ratings but it's nice to see someone who didn't really enjoy that story as I've seen a lot of people really love it (which is great for them, of course) but I've always thought that Dakaretai was a bit much. The movie was admittedly much better than the 1-cour.
I hope you don't mind the aimless comment chats lmao
I hope you have a great time around and remember to not hesitate and ask for help when needed
Also thanks, I'm glad you see it like that haha (there's others with more impressive ones!)