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Feb 22, 2020
Before I start this review, I will be heavily criticizing the show but I still really love its somewhat original premise.
Story \8.5\10
The title says it all, two scientists trying to prove their love to each other using science. Its done quite well leading to some unique moments and honestly, its makes me laugh more then I thought, and I think its worth checking out based on that.
Art\sound 7\10
Good overall, nothing special besides I would say the ending being a banger.
Characters 4\10
Now if I was rating the two scientists falling in love himuro and yukimura this would be a 9 out of ten. These characters bounce
off each other perfectly, and make this series amazing. Himuro is also prime waifu material, and beautiful without echii elements.
However the side characters is what really puts this show under for me. Not only are they all pretty cliche or bland, but they tend to come up at the worst times and tend to ruin the moment, not in the sense of interrupting some echii moment, but the actual story or when I am immersed into what our main love birds are doing. Not only them but the bear explaining science to us really takes a toll on the anime and I highly suggest skipping forward about 2 minutes when you see him. the side characters add nothing for the most part and tend to feel like a step back. If this anime focused more on our main couple they could push the show by themselves easily.
enjoyment 6\10
Like stated before with the side characters being annoying\generic the other issue I have with this anime is while it is a science anime, they tend to over explain at times for what it seems to hit the 20 minute mark. This can get old really fast since this is a rom com, not steins gate I really don't need to hear the smallest things explain CONSTANTLY. Not that all the explanations are bad or boring mind you, but its hit or miss.
Overall 7\10, I would recommend it, but this show really had more potential, and if the problems I stated don't bother you, then you are going to enjoy this anime a lot more then I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 3, 2020
Coming from the manga, I am even happier this got adapted, and there is an uncensored version, its like monster musume season two but better.
Story 8\10
our group goes around and reviews brothels, a simple set up but pretty unique and does the job well. Many echii anime don't touch brothels for the sake of the MC needing to have a harem but this anime you straight need cash, which is kinda realistic in a sad way but true and a good twist. Story pacing is nice and honestly good comedy that flows naturally.
Art 8\10
Animation is good, titties got good bounce and the girls are all
animated great, its pretty good and honestly with the uncensored version this is not practically, but actually is just a straight hentai.
Sound 6.5\10
Music is subjective, but the op sounds like YMCA and the ending is fun to watch as well. However the music besides that is just your standard songs besides a select few but we are not too far into the anime yet.
Characters 8.5\10
I mean they still have more personality then the normal MC and are able to be funny, all reviewers and our MC not only have traits distinguishable to them, but also play off each other perfectly. Besides them its nothing much but the girls are all pretty great but again, not there for long.
Enjoyment 10\10
This is the new guilty pleasure anime of the decade so kissxsis better move over lol. I love this anime, made me laugh like konosuba, opening hypes you up and the girls are all great more hot monster girls is great. for an echii anime its a top 5 up there with high school dxd as one of the best and I only see it getting better and better.
Overall 8\10
This is currently an 8 but ill add more halfway through the series and adjustments, but this anime will be a cult classic remembered for a long time, and I think many echii lovers are sleeping on it. I recommend it to anyone who loves echii for sure. Also funimation decided to cancel the dub because of twitter puritans so the anime gotta be worth watching.
Actually, this anime is worth a 10 considering everything new it does
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 28, 2019
Well after 4 long years of waiting, we finally got our season 2. I have watched a lot of anime since then, and it definitely felt like a different ride but here we are.
Story 7\10
The same good danmachi but I tended to like this season more because it set itself up better then the first season did, we got better more fleshed out new character and the arcs were pretty good, especially the war game.
Art\animation 6\10
Now the problem I have is that while the animation is not terrible, when it came out in 2015 it was average at best. In four years there was
little to no improvement, so the animation seems outdated. I do like the usual art style though.
Sound 6\10
Music is subjective, they reused lots of tracks added a few new ones. I am not sure how to feel about the ending yet, but the op is cool.
Characters 7\10
While many remained the same, character development for lilith was done very well, along with the new characters having much more depth even when introduced, and more interesting overall which is a great improvement
Overall 7\10
This series is not some masterpiece but its a good ride. I get lots of enjoyment from watching it and its easy on the eyes. Good news is season 3 is announced and we are waiting less then a year for it which is nice.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 12, 2019
So I don't see many reviews, and none of the last year where the manga has gone through its best arcs so here is my review.
Story 9\10
The story is about akame when she worked in the capital, it goes through her missions with her old squad along with how she got her teigu, how the imperial was before she joined night raid and adding an immense amount to the lore. This answers questions about the lore and akame ga kill's story, by adding to characters that were introduced in the original akame ga kill like esdeath and chelsea along with other characters.
Story is rich
and every arc up until chapter 42 was new and refreshing along with having the same akame ga kill feel but even more refined. I would say the Oarburgh clan arc is one of the best arcs even comparing it to the original akame ga kill in my opinion, its my second or third favorite arc in the entire franchise and this manga is worth it just for that sole arc, not that the others disappoint.
Art 7.5\10
The art is really great, but there is one chapter(13) where the author just puts rough sketches for half a chapter. The manga took a small break after that but I remember reading it and thinking "how did they put this in?" but besides that, the art does its job and is average to great depending on the chapter.
The character designs are great, better then the original akame ga kill even, and I really enjoyed them.
Characters 9\10
There were big shoes to fill in for the new characters, and they did it pretty well. It takes some time to get attached but the character development is spot on in this series, especially with akame. I can't explain without spoiling but its great to see her slowly mold into the person she was in the beginning of akame ga kill. We also learn more about characters portrayed in the original akame ga kill, and see their development as well. The new characters especially villains are done well and are made more interesting then just I am evil or deranged, which akame ga kill had some villains like that.
Enjoyment 10\10
Honestly, this is just biased since I am an akame ga kill fanboy, but to those who already read akame ga kill, this won't disappoint you. Anyone who likes a serious shonen or the original akame ga kill will love this manga.
Overall 9\10
This review was made at chapter 47, and so far the series has drastically improved every arc and couple of chapters so I have high hopes. I may alter the score and update this review as the series goes on.
EDIT After finishing this series I still think its close to a 9, probably an 8.5. The end feels a bit rushed but I really do think this holds up to the original akame ga kill for sure.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 21, 2018
This series is for echii lovers, and people who like fanservice anime with comedy. If you are looking for some plot driven show, this is not for you.
Story 7\10
Our MC is a exorcist, and he gets a room with a ghost girl called Yunna and other supernatural creatures that look human. There is an established goal made in episode one, and its for yunna to ascend peacefully, and so far the show has not forgotten it even if they digress sometimes.
Art 9\10
Drawn amazingly, the anime feels smooth, looks great, key parts look better, high quality all over.
Sound 9\10
Music is subjective, but the whole soundtrack is
great, especially for a laid back anime. I listen to the op and ED(ending being amazing) along with other parts of the ost, if you don't want to watch this series, check out the music at least its the one thing I can say you won't regret.
Characters 8\10
For an echii anime, you have your tsundere, milf, cat girl kudere and a 1000 year old loli standard stuff. The main girl and MC however I am giving this show praise in regards of the characters. MC is not bland, has a personality and it would be fun to hang out with him irl unlike other generic boring MC's in anime in general, and to find one in a fanservice anime as well. I was happily surprised but I could tell from the character design and premise of the story he would not be bland. The main girl Yunna is amazing as well, just cute all over and beatiful to its core, 9\10 for waifu standards.
Enjoyment 9\10
Slice of life echii comedy's are 50/50 for me since I like more serious anime plot driven animes besides for very few, but this show makes me laugh and entertains me to the point I ask myself where did 23 minutes go every time I watch the latest episode.
Overall 8\10
This could change, but I doubt it, For a echii to get a 9\10 or higher and not be dxd would be considering it a masterpiece in its genre.I would recommend giving the three episode rule/
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 23, 2018
First off, I am a light novel reader, and I love how we get a great adaption, but this season could of been better and my closing notes will detail why.
Story 6\10
Before I get crucified, I find volumes 9-10 which this series was covering the most boring while reading. I was also getting used to all the changes because of a new studio so it was hard to be engrossed as well. Since season 3 was not fully cannon and missed a ton of important parts, they had to skip a lot so some things were skipped in order to keep cannon which confused every
anime only watcher I talked to, and it was annoying for me too. Examples also being the rating game Sitri VS Gremory.
Sound 8\10 not including old tracks 4\10
The OST of high school dxd is great, but this season added hardly any new tracks and the weakest op and ed. I give dxd 8\10 overall on sound but judging season 4 tracks alone its bad.
Character 9\10
Not really much to say here but the faithfulness to the light novel helped the characters which we all love but some like xenovia just seemed utterly off but thats just one thing. If you are here at 4 season you know the characters are great.
Art and animation 3\10
Man on man did the art style start a flame war, I saw it divide the fandom. I think the new art style is okay and if it was just the art I had a problem with, I would give this a higher score but we will get to the animation in a second.
They switched up character designs, my waifu akeno looks derpy and the full changes they have done to characters turned me off the most as it did with others but some look fine with the new art style like asia, rosweisse and others and some like Akeno and Rias look worse. The old animation by TNK looks more mature and the fanservice in the last seasons made it look as if all the characters chest looked different and different body types, now the boobs look almost the same.
The animation is bad, if it was good I would give this a 7\10 and say I am just not a fan of the new art style and leave it but its bad. The facial expressions are done horribly, lots of standstill images, choppy at times, action looks like something from ten years ago and fight scenes were choreographed better in the past. Character designs as well as them using a 3d painted background while exploring kyoto in episode 3 or 4 which looked awful. Animation was bad and with getting used to the utterly 180 art style changed that took away from the show. Part of me wants to give this a 2 almost.
Enjoyment 5\10
Honestly, this season did not have me looking forward to the next episode at all unlike the other seasons of dxd, the art style changed took time to get used to and I still do not like it since many people were drawn to the gorgeous art style of TNK and we get this boring plain art style thats not fun to look at all. The facial expressions I noticed right away like others and once you noticed it, you can't ignore it. If you do not know what I am talking about count your blessings because you will notice it next time you see it or rewatch it. Rating game was not as fun as others as well as this was the most boring parts of the LN for me. I will say that dxd is one of my favorite animes of all time, but I really can't care too much for the anime at the moment so I may stick to just reading it. With the flame wars and backlash on this season however I don't think we might get a season 5.
Overall 6\10
I wish this season was better, I really do. I even prefer the non cannon season 3. The art style divided the fandom and I would even go as far to call the fandom more toxic than its ever been. The reason we have a new studio is because TNK was not following the LN properly so the series got handed over to passione, the studio that really should not have it out of all studio's I could think of.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 30, 2018
This is by far the worst thing trigger has ever made and should not be hyped up at all, and I am happy this shows overall rating has been dropping since it does deserve an 8 in the slightest. This review is about halfway through the series, I will edit it once the show ends but I can tell that it will not be much.
Art 4\10
You would think that studio trigger and A-1 would make good animation and they do, but they both have conflicting styles so the art just turns out slobish and mediocre. The anime falls flat for 2018, and the fight scenes
look like they are from 08, took everything from kill la kill that did well in the fight scenes and reversed it.
Story 4\10
We really do not get much world building, the story is kinda thrown out for the most part after episode 1, we will learn more but I am pretty sure most theories out there have it correct and to be honest, its not interesting at all just poorly made sex jokes by this point.
Sound 3\10
I really love how the most memorable track was the first ending, they took it out after six episodes and kept the OP nobody liked. The OST is just generic nothing notable or enjoyable and unlike most of triggers work, nobody I know who is a fan cares about the music in this series unlike other works.
Characters 3\10
Zero 2 is a great character, I like her and I would rate her highly. Now everyone else is just a borderline 1 out of ten so thats why I am putting the score this low. Generic trope characters, the MC is a budget kirito and he makes me wanna vomit. I have never hated a cast this much until the first time I saw school days. The fact they do not know about love hurts me even more watching this, its pure cringey seeing the interactions and to be honest, I hate the whole female cast with a passion and darling in the cuck every episode instead of actual mecha fights or something important.
Enjoyment 2\10
This whole show rides on zero 2, they have less zero 2 thus the series went to shit. This is the worst mecha anime I have ever seen, the mecha parts are disgusting and the worst I have ever seen in my life. I do not consider it a mecha even just a pure insult.The mecha's come on and my eyes bleed, the characters are just awful and honestly I am hoping for improvement.
Overall 3\10
This series is overhype and it got that way because of zero 2, without her this anime would be rated overall a 6 while airing and go progressively worse. Anyone familiar with trigger or a decent anime taste can see this is overhyped and not worth a dime, easily the worst mecha anime I have ever seen because they threw out the mecha part for terribly made sex jokes and I like sex jokes, they are all just cringey and awfully made in darling in the cuck. Too much cuckery as well and I do not mean that as a joke, I mean actual cucking in this series happens quite often, and as someone who is not into any NTR or cucking it disgusts me, I can't enjoy this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 6, 2018
So this anime was chosen to be the scapegoat for this anime list to be hated just for the sake of being hated on by normies\idiots. Now saying you must like eromanga sensei or give it a good score you can do whatever but most idiots\keyboard warriors here give it a 1\10 because they do not know what slice of life is\bandwagon of hate for no reason and other idiotic reason. All I can do is give you a non biased, accurate review
Story 5\10
MC writes light novels for a living and wants to make it out there in the world as an author. He
has a NON BLOOD RELATED sister who is age 12 while he is 15 and the series is a slice of life that goes through while adding extra characters and random fanservice etc. His sister draws lewd art for a living and is a neet. Typical slice of life stuff here but a bit like bakuman which I liked but not much more then that.
Art 8.5\10
Production was superb for this anime, everything was smooth and looked great. Lots of use of vibrant colors with the illustrations. Most 1'10 reviews here do not know how to review at all so do not take in account of anything else besides the show not being what they like but this was one of the best animated shows for the season it came out for.
Sound 7\10
OP was cute and a great listen, everything else does its job but nothing too memorable.
Characters 6\10
Now most characters were the generic tropes done right that you have seen countless of times for the most part. The main character was while generic had some depth and you see him work on his craft of being an author, having morals of exactly what relationship he wants with his step sister and how he wants to stay as just that while fighting the idea it could be more. Not too bad of an MC but nothing ground breaking what so ever but I give credit where its due. Elf sensei going through character development and learning her decent backstory along with her being fleshed out well but thats where it ends. Most other characters get either no time or just generic but one of the girls pulled through I guess.
Enjoyment 6\10
I enjoyed this series just like other slice of lifes since it was funny at times etc etc. Not digging the fanservice at all since they were 12 but keep in mind they were close to the MC age.
Overall thoughts
I give this show a 7\10 but would like to point out something important. People hated the pedo vibes of this show but keep in mind the fanservice was either for comedy or the MC who was almost their age and was not very excessive compared to others anime of similar nature. a 12 year old and 14\15 year old is fine for them and I can assure you that if this series was the opposite and was milf city and the MC was 15 this show would be praised yet become actual pedophilia. In other series, we have so called 1000 year old women who look like they are in ELEMENTARY school but since they are claimed to be "1000 years old" or some legal aged loli its fine and people fap to that which is disgusting yet the anime community lets that slide and chooses this normal slice of life thats only at best good by some standards nothing profound or a classic of its genre by any means. If you like slice of life comedy, you will like this and if not, do not watch this show simple as that. I actually might give this series an extra point for pity just because the reviews\scores do not do this series justice at all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 13, 2017
So this is an NTR anime which means if you are like me and despising cheating or looking for a good romance go no further and skip this. Before the review, just wanted to say its an anime only ending so if you decided to invest in this series anyway, go the manga route.
Story 3\10
Long story short, a girl cheats on her boyfriend with her best friend which is also a female. So a yuri ntr anime to sum it up. It shows how our main MC Yuma, deals with guilt and being secretive to her boyfriend while cheating and trying to find her
feelings. Sadly even though most of us would not enjoy the plot in the first place, its done terrible as well having the characters do unrealistic and unnatural acts in order to keep the show going and relying on cliffhangers since this is a ten episode series.
Art 5\10
This is a ten minute per episode series, so the art is gonna take a hit along with this series has 21 chapters as of this review an anime should be the LAST thing on the creators mind. The budget was dispersed equally and while not bad at all, it is lower then 2017 standards but this never really bothered me and it most likely will not bother you.
Sound 8\10
Read carefully because this is most likely the only thing I can praise about this anime. While music is subjective to each individual, The Opening was a great listen along with the ending. The OST is also where you may find some great music. I remember the OST from this anime the most besides my anger at this anime but The music will stay in your head and would be an excellent edition to a good anime but sadly it went to this...
Characters 2\10
Point of the show for most is learning to hate every character. You hate the girls cheating, along with how stupid the MC is. The main guy is our dense main protagonist of any harem where he wont get the most obvious hints of her cheating. We also have a misogynist but funny part is, he brings up the best points and does care about his friends at the very least.( note I hate the word misogynist since feminazis and sjw take it out of proportion but there is a quote and his actions that prove this).
Overall 3\10
The manga is a bit better, but I suggest unless your into the NTR genre or like cheating I would strongly advice skipping this anime but maybe listening to the opening on youtube or something.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 26, 2017
So I mostly tend to see people either fanboy and love this anime or people trash it for idiotic reasons. I am just going to give you a straight review
Story 5\10
First off, its a parody of death not and a slice of life\comedy anime so not really looking for much. The story is based off our MC meeting Guri an angel trying to make couples. This is done through the kiss note which is essential the death note but you write two peoples names and they fall in love. This anime follows that story for a bit than focuses on the characters
more or less the second half of the anime.
Characters 7\10
The character are not linear and have backstories that are explained properly or given a good shot at least. The characters besides the MC make the show worth watching. Most of them have some generic tropes along with there own spice or something totally new and the show made me laugh quite a bit. For a while now most "comedy anime" has made me cringe or sigh more than laugh so this anime was a nice pick up for this alone.
Art 8\10
The art in this anime is very nice with some cool art styles in the op and the anime. It was nice to see something new that worked so well. It was a real treat to look at.
Overall 7\10
This anime is a fairly good comedy done right with some problems sure but if your looking for a good parody\comedy this is worth picking up. right now the chances of a second season are basically 0 since the manga is not much further ahead than the anime along with popularity not being high but for what we have alone, its better than most comedys coming out today.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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