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Jun 6, 2024
I truly don't get anime fans and their craving for random shit. Dandadan is just random for the sake of being random, and this is what people see as a masterpiece? I can write a story like that as well, bruh.
This manga is the absurdity of Chainsaw Man coupled with the monsters and horniness of GantZ. It has toilet humor and a decent artstyle (not my personal cup of tea but I respect it). There my compliments end. I seriously don't understand what people find good about this manga. Yeah okay, it's funny I guess: haha his peepee is gone. "Gobble your schlong!". But story-wise?
Random this random that oh look, another random quirky thing!
The only reason this is popular is because CSM's mangaka recommended it. But he also recommended MamaYuyu... and that got cancelled not long after; so not the best person to blindly take recommendations from. If you love toilet humor and are easily entertained by dumb shit: this manga is for you. But don't expect storytelling half as good as what your average battle shonen has.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 3, 2024
How the mangaka is able to draw a full chapter a week with this level of art is absolutely beyond me.
The story, however, still needs a hook.
Since there are only 3 chapters out by now, it's normal to not really care for the cast and story. But so far, the main character is just your average horror protagonist and in the first chapter alone did they kill off the most likeable character. But I'm keeping a positive outlook on it. For now, I would recommend it to people for the art alone, if you want to learn about evolution & strange animals, and to answer
the question "What makes us human?".
Dear Anemone feels a lot like the movie Annihalation; as in a bunch of people go to a mysterious place where weird things happen, and they're attacked by beings that shouldn't exist. If that sounds interesting to you, I would definitely give it a read. But beware that this isn't a romance manga nor a battle manga. I first thought this would be like Beauty and the Beast, but it's far from it.
I will continue to check out this manga for now, but so far I've yet to catch the hook. The art is rough but gorgeous, and the double spreads are breathtaking. But it really needs to do something story-wise that makes it stand out.
For now I'm looking forward to the answers to
- Why did this place turn out like this?
- What horrors will they find along the line?
- What are the creatures and why do they look like the missing humans?
- What will become of the anemone(?) that is attached to our protagonist?
- What terrible ways will people die in?
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 28, 2022
Chainsaw Man is praised for the wrong reasons. People say it's this very deep story about deep characters going through the deepest kinds of deeps a person can go, while at its core this is just an edgy comic book about a dumbass that can turn into a fucking badass chainsaw demon.
- Story -
The manga does not start off great in my opinion. Denji's backstory was highly dissapointing for me, wich actually made me go "That's it?"; yet people say this is the saddest backstory since Batman.
In the first volumes, the story goes nowhere and jumps from plot to plot at the pacing of a
bullet train. Sometimes you feel like you've missed something just because it goes that fast. There is a lot of random stuff you're not sure about if it's a joke or an important plot point.
But this gets a lot better from volume 3 and on. And the story takes a massive change of tone after volume 9; wich is when shit really gets down. There is some foreshadowing, but don't expect AoT-levels of it.
I can see why it's so highly regarded by the majority, and it's because of this sudden tone-change at the end. It went from an action-comedy to cosmic-horror-drama in seconds; wich is something that rarely happens and makes people think it's a masterpiece.
- Art -
I was really conflicted with the art of Chainsaw Man. At first, I thought it was really bad. Then there were some panels that went from average to above average. Later on the art became solid. The mangaka is really (like... REALLY) good at backgrounds and page-wide panels, but he really sucks at people. The demons look badass and nightmarish, but humans look just plain bad and boring.
Fight scenes in the early chapters aren't good either. They're just 3 panels of Chainsaw Man standing in different poses, no sense of movement at all. This, again, became much better in the later chapters; to a point where they were just what I wanted them to be.
- Character -
Denji and Power carry this manga, especially Power. This fiend is so incredibly dry and says random words in the worst context that I audibly laughed multiple times. Denji is a naïve doofus who always gets in the worst possible social situations, and he has some 'deep' moments (but again, people praise Denji for being Guts 2.0: he's not. His inner feelings are forced onto you in the final chapters)
The other characters are also great, but in general they all feel a bit dry: their design, how they behave, their humor,... You don't really get attached to the majority of the cast either, wich you also shouldn't.
Makima is also immensily overrated as a character. Idk why people say she carries this manga. She barely does anything apart from the final chapters apart from being a weirdo 'nicegirl'.
- Enjoyment -
Here is where I will explain what I meant with the first sentence I wrote in this review. My YouTube recommendation is filled by people praising this manga like it's the second coming of Christ, with deep character development and God-tier writing. It isn't, at least not that extreme.
Chainsaw Man is a story about a horny teen who becomes a chainsaw devil and fucks monsters up. If that doesn't sound insane enough, imagine said devil riding a shark while fighting "The Bomb Devil" in the middle of a city, while a giant baby-devil with intestines as brains is joining the fight as well. The story is rediculous, and it only 1+'s itself every arc.
"Is the manga the goriest thing in existence?" No, not even the goriest manga in existence. I've seen a lot of people saying that CSM is the most brutal manga ever, but these people just haven't read any seinen before. Hell, One Punch Man even has gorier panels than this. It IS gorey, and the blood splats onto the reader's eyes (so to speak), but it is far from being the goriest manga ever.
"miblan, you seem to really hate Chainsaw Man from what I'm reading, why did you still give it such a high score?" Well my friend, the mangaka has an amazing sense of humor. What really kept me interested in CSM was the pure dumb dry humor. Denji and Power are the perfect duo, and whenever there is downtime these two steal the stage. I burst out laughing multiple times reading CSM, wich is something I rarely do. The manga features a lot of infamous weird scenes, wich I wonder how they'll animate [Hint: a certain kiss-scene].
Chainsaw Man also has a ton of creepy content and ideas. The infamous Darkness Devil is the best example of that. But again, the fanbase thinks too highly of this and proclaim it's the scariest thing since The Exorcist.
- Overall -
In conclusion: this manga is overrated... for the wrong reasons that is. If you want to read a hilarious story about a dimwit slaughtering demons with chainsaws in the most rediculous settings: this is the story for you.
But if you want a gorey manga with nightmarish imagery and incredibly deep characters: read Berserk, it's infinitely better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 9, 2022
Trunks pees on Broly, wich makes this so much better than the original Broly movie.
Jokes aside: I prefer this one a lot more over "The Legendary Supar Saiyan". The story isn't a dumpsterfire and stays extremely simple, it's funny, and it's just an enjoyable watch. Apart from that, it's your normal DBZ movie: predictable plot, Goku saves the day, retcons, plot armor, getting saved at the last second, pure fun.
Did I mention that Trunks pees on Broly? He PEES on the guy that absolutely destroyed Gohan, Vegeta, Future Trunks and Goku! HE PISSES ON HIM!!! EMPTIES HIS BLADDER ON HIM!!!! TRINKLES HIS URINE ON THE
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 11, 2022
In my town, every half year there is an amateur play I go to. Not that I'm an active theatergoer, this group of people always nail to entertain me. Why? Because their type of plays are door comedies: a comedy where lies stack upon lies, each one getting more insane making it one big chaotic mess that makes you tear up from laughing.
Rent-a-Girlfriend is that, but in manga form, and pretty much the reason why I enjoy this manga so much.
Don't buy/read this for top-tier storytelling or DEEP characters, this is a dumb chaotic comedy, wich is what manga is supposed to be. People always
want something to be a masterpiece or it's garbage; this is neither of those: it's just pure entertainment.
What does Rent-a-Girlfriend do right:
- Really conveys a feeling of social awkwardness
- Hilarious moments
- The girls are cute and some panels are really well drawn
- Each character has their strong and weak points (both likeable and unlikeable)
What does Rent-a-Girlfriend do wrong:
- It can be really repetitive. Even though I don't mind this so much, pretty much the same thing happens in every volume: 'date' goes awkward, Kazuya tells a lie that will bite him in the butt in the future, Chizuru saves the day.
- It's not for everyone: a lot of weebs on this site will find Kazuya to be too relatable to enjoy it. He's a pathetic loser who only thinks about getting laid, wich the majority of this site hates since it's like looking into a mirror.
- Plot inconsistencies: Kazuya is the horniest guy alive, he would fuck everything in his way. Yet, when a girl pretty much forces herself on him, he refuses. Doesn't make sense at all. This sort of thing happens quite a lot and can be mildly infuriating.
All by all, this is a really enjoyable manga. It's spicy, extremely awkward and hilarious. But it has to be your taste to be enjoyed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 2, 2021
I mean... it's a parody...
Feels good to see the characters that used to make me cry rivers make me happy, even though it's just for 3 minutes a week.
First of all, to the potential new viewers here: if you haven't watched any Key Visual anime adaptation (Clannad, Air, Kanon, Little Busters,...) do not watch this. You won't understand the appeal and the reason why this even exists at all (the first episode also contains huge spoilers for most of the shows -_-). This is a (welcome) fanservice-y parody on these masterpieces.
= ART =
The art is Shibi... not my favorite style to watch, but because I
owe Key a lot I cut it some slack. It's cute and makes me happy, wich is welcome after seeing these characters in their original heartbreaking stories.
The story is non-existant, it's gag! Altough I don't understand half of the jokes because I haven't watched half of these shows AND aren't really used to Shibi-culture, it's pretty amusing. Not because it's cleverly written or anything (far from it), but it's because you have these characters you know and love of different 'universes' interact with eachother.
Like... come on: who doesn't want to see Mai threaten Sunohara with her katana?
The music gives me PTSD :D
Altough a lot of characters are kinda out of character for comedic purposes, they're still recognizeable. Sunohara is still the annoying bully who gets his ass kicked, Misuzu is still the innocent cute girl and Ayu says "Uguu" more than she breathes.
I don't really get every joke and for a studio that gave me wholesome tearjerkers, Kaginado has a lot of sexualized fanservice, wich kinda bothers me. Don't get me wrong: IDGAF about fanservice in anime, but it just doesn't belong here. I don't wanna see Kotomi with huge breasts in a bathing suit (._. aight maybe I do) while the camera flashes to every 'important' body part. There are nude jokes in almost every episode, wich kinda get repetitive.
This is a parody, so not a big contender to be a masterpiece. It's enjoyable if you're a Key veteran and want to see these characters in a more lighthearted tone. But expect a lot of fanservice wich could ruin your favorite character for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 30, 2021
Welcome to Higurashi Ball Sotsuper!
I'm highly dissapointed by this season. It started out good, altough a little repetitive since it was mostly scenes from Gou from another perspective, but the ending was nonsensical and I couldn't care less.
Art: 7/10
The art is great, but just not scary. A big reason why I like the original 2 2006-seasons of Higurashi so much is because of the creepyness the art & animation gives. While the art in the original series were grim & uncanny, Gou & Sotsu's art is vivid & colorful. It feels more like a seasonal harem-romcom than a horror/mystery show.
But it all looks good. The
animation is nice and everything looks clean, just a shame the creepy vibes are gone.
Sound: 10/10
Great opening (altough I had to get used to it), great music, great ambience and great voice acting. Stabbing sounds feel like a sharp blade is getting forced into juicy meat repeatidly, screams are bone-chilling and Satoko's laugh is still as annoying as we remember. Couldn't be better!
Character: 6/10
This was initially an 8, but the final episode made me drop it by 2 points. Higurashi is a hard show to give personalities a score, since... you know... every loop introduces big impactful personality changes.
The reason I dropped it by two points is by how the season ended. Some things happen relationshipwise that doesn't make any sense knowing the circumstances.
Enjoyment: 6.5/10
I had too much fun with the gore but was too bored with the repetitiveness that I'm juggling between a 6 or a 7 for this. This season is brutal with some kills, and I loved it. But due to the biggest part of the season being scenes and happenings from previous season, it feels a bit like a waste of time.
We've already seen the protest against Teppei twice now, no need to show it a third time. This is not how you do an answers arc. The very first season did this much better (looking at you, Yandere-Shion-arc. It was the same timeline in different arcs but 95% of those arcs were different scenes).
Overall: 5/10
My first review complained about how unnecessary this season is. We already know the answer to previous season's mystery: Satoko is behind everything. We got told about that in the very last episode of Gou. This season just breaks down everything Satoko did in a very non-interesting way. Some big-brain moments give you this "Aha!"-feeling, but it's not mind-blowingly "WTF??!!"-like the original seasons gave.
What really annoyed me these last 2 episodes were the introduction of these out-of-nowhere Dragon Ball Z-fights. What the actual fuck?! This is supposed to be a horror-mystery.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 12, 2021
I was so pleasantly surprised to see the movie online today, I told everyone around me to f*** off and leave me alone for the next 2 and a half hour. And man, am I happy I did that.
This is, without a doubt the best anime movie I've watched so far (fight me). I loved every second of it, tears where in my eyes from excitement in fight scenes (while I don't even like fightscenes in the first place) and the more slow-paced moments were absolutely gorgeous.
Story 9/10:
Evangelion is one of those shows where I try to keep up with the story, but at a
certain point I just give up and go with whatever they throw at me. 'Divine stuff that people can't comprehend and defies logic as we know it', that's what satisfies me for not comprehending the full story. I'm not dumb, I know what's happening in general, but some parts I just accept that I don't understand.
Art 10/10
What a gorgeous movie. The more slow-paced SoL parts are absolutely stunning. I heard a lot of people complain about the CGI in this movie; I myself absolutely can't stand CGI in anime and think it's ugly, but it didn't bother me one bit: it was done well.
Altough I did see that they blatantly re-used some scenes from the previous film, nothing really bothering, but it stands out.
Sound 10/10:
"One Last Kiss" was immediately added to my [Anime Music That Hits Me In The Feels]-tab in my MAL-description. My God, the ending theme hits so hard when the movie ends. Some tracks from the original NGE have an appearance as fanservice, wich is really cool!
Music aside, the sound effects are on point. Intercoms give you this cool something-big-is-going-on feeling you only get when done well, fighting scenes wouldn't be as epic without its sounds and the voice acting is perfect.
Character 10/10:
Mari Makinami Illustrous, my favorite newcomer of these rebuilts, has a more screentime than the previous 2 movies combined, wich I absolutely adored. Gendoh gets a surprisingly good character revelation wich I didn't expect at all and of course Shinji goes through an expected change as well; as well as a lot of other characters.
It's so satisfying to see these character we know and loved for so long and their relations at their peak: reunions, forgiveness, love, confessions,... it's so heartwarming.
Enjoyment: 10/10
A lot of people won't like slow-paced part of this movie, since it could be called boring. I'm more of a SoL-guy and they did this so well. There is worldbuilding is this movie wich... tells a bit more of the world: what are normal people doing after 3.5 impacts? How does the world look like now? What effect has this? It's done so well I don't even know if they did this in the past or not.
Fight scenes are bloodpumping, character development is heartwarming and the ending is so satisfying. I even got a major WTF-moment at a certain part where 'references to a past-(maybe-future?) are made".
As I said before: this is the best anime move I've seen so far. And I'm so happy my hype was satisfied. I keep rewatching the last 2 minutes of the movie, it's so well done and really conveys: Evangelion is over.
I really enjoyed my stay. NGE is what got me into anime earlier this year, and now I'm right on time to finish the whole series. Thanks to the rebuilds I respect the mecha-genre and fight-scenes more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 1, 2021
I can't give any bad points about this OVA, it's just perfect in my book.
It has everything: touching personality exposure, your daily dose of fanservice, wholesome SoL stuff that would be called filler in a normal episode and just a great watch after you finished the main show.
This OVA
- Explains how Lucy was imprisoned & makes her character deeper
- Strengthens the bond between Nyu/Lucy and Nana
- Has a bath-scene
- Has comedy
- Has tearjerking moments
- Gives you some more scenes from what happens in Kota's now-harem-house
- Features Diclonius-boobies... what a surprise!
Again, the definition of a perfect OVA in my book. I'm actually impressed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 28, 2021
Review of the "AnoThEr PEdO AnIme".
People have this annoying habit of searching for that one thing in media that makes them angry, offended and is overall less socially acceptable. Stop it. This show is not pro-pedophilia propaganda, it's a lighthearted comedy show. Turn your SJW-brain of for a second and try at least 1 episode before ranting how much of a disgrace it is according to the shows' description.
This is not a story driven show, as with other romcoms. It's pretty much gag. There is some character progression but it's nothing special; wich isn't necessarily a bad thing.
The art is okay. People giving it a
1 because it doesn't look like the ideal adaptation of Berserk's manga are just dumb. You give a 1 to a show that looks like it's made by a toddler, this is not bad at all. It's not the Mona Lisa, but it's not trash either.
Weird sentences aside: the art is okay and acceptable, no complaints, no praise. Just very average.
I did not like the voice acting in the first episode. It felt like there were actually people saying words into a mic, not characters talking to each other. But this got better in the later episodes (might be because I'm used to it). Again, it's not drop-worthy, but it's not amazing.
The characters are great tbh. There aren't overreacting Tsundere girls or dense main characters. Just realistic normal people (skipping the 'pedo guy'). Of course you have the co-workers who are head-over-heels for the main guy like he's handsome squidward, but that's needed to convince us that he's a hot dude.
I liked the characters from the start, wich is a good point.
Humor is the strong point for this show, that's why I give this a 7 objectively, and a personal 8. I laugh out loud with the humor, and it doesn't feel forced at all! That's what I respect comedy's like this for. Very enjoyable, and for some reason it feels like episodes take very long, in a good way. No time feels wasted!
Overall, this is a nice comedy. It's not pedo-propaganda, it's not an ecchfest. It's a forgettable but fun gag show with some really wholesome moments to watch in your freetime. I recommend you give this a shot! And don't be a crybaby and rant about it after only reading the description. You're a clown.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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