Total Recommendations: 5
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Serial Experiments Lain
Both are avante garde in their style and do not do much to explain the story, leaving the viewer to form their own opinions through analysis.
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Death Note
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Both focus primarily on a mystery and cat/mouse chase between a detective and various serial killers.
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Death Note
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Both Death Note and Psycho path ask a fundamental question about society and morality, and are crime thrillers.
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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
Both have a main focus on strategy, governmental structures, sociology, and intellect. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is much slower than Code Geass, however if you liked Code;Geass specifically for the intellect than you will definitely love LotGH
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School Days
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Happy Sugar Life
Both involve Yanderes. Keep in mind, School days is much slower than Happy Sugar life, but the ending is worth the wait.